HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-09-16, Page 5F.i-ir s.71r DOORS, SASHZS, BLIND& MOULDINGS, and every Dasar''i'ption of buenorF.�istt. STAIRS, HANDRAIL,, NEWELS end BALU-Jl"ERS A Specialty. Send fur Price Llate. SHINGLE3, LATH & LUMBER. Estimates on applica- tion. trrAddre.. FRANCIS *MIRTH, 0 oderie h 00111114114. Cutting duver fur seed is the hat ..I 1 farm work. The average number of pupils in one of our schools is 7. Bush and swamp tires are raging at present. So for the lotus ce s p.riuci- pally to fences. . Water is very scare. Creeks are dry iug up, springs giving out and the ricer , has drooped to a mere rivulet. Caor AVenalete.-Fall wheat, purr acre, 25 bush; spring wheat, 25; oats, 60; peas, 64. The drought has caused the leaves to wilt and fall off as in October. Some of the carmen fear that it pun killed their fruit trees. . esres,seesss•rsu. THE H l I RON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, SEPT. 16, 1881. Naw bleobr.-Mr. R. Mellwain, our eutcromung wur'cluut, has received a hue lot ..t t:ew goods. Ft:aswa tisavIce.-The funeral er- men of flit, last Mr'1'hompwn,Culborne, will be preached in the Nile church out Duuday at 10:30 a. in. by the pastor. Sarut,.u. -The seeding is about (:utu- r+l 01ed diu this vicinity. The beautiful ower of the last few days are making u fall ai.e.t sowed presuut a beautiful itppearauce. ALlt•aar A FOOL -A fire broke out in a little building wed as a cuuk house be- behss,tug to Mr. A. Shields, of Cot b., o. , last Sunday night. The tire Kam t ,eeieuuicated to the main buildwg and with strenuous ottani they managed to asse It atter recegviuy moue ala i:ailes. Maier r_ . tij*a Hoauglre n Lt'lz.-The bk•c, Lake Herald, published in Crystal - thus refer' to a former l.tutuuteut [manses" oven of the village of i eutrala in this Comity. It ways: 'Mr. A. J. it-41nm otters his tariu fur eale, In- tetalitof t ..0 into business of some kind. lie asks 14,000 for tilt 320 acres. «'e bear he hes been offered *:1,500. It pays alongside our town, and is a very tiue place. About two years ago Mr. Rolliue made his entry for this pieoe of land for isTM14. the fee of $10. This is the way the boys - wake money out here." We are glad to Sassatits 8cwoot, Picnic. -The annual hear of Mr. Rollins good luck, but it piasio of the sabbath school in connec- would n.,t be wise for any to be carried tial with Trinity Church congregation of away by these fair stories. Such good Hayfield, under the charge of the Rev. fortune does not fall to the lot of every use, and fortune/ are not made in a single day in Manitoba any more than in Ontario, and u a rule money is only made there by hard work and persever- aaoe, and only such as are prepared to endure the one and undertake the other should go even to the favored Rock Lake district. --(Expositor. Mr. McCosh, was held nn Thursday, Sept lat. The place selected was Mid- dleton's point, which is well adapted for such gatherings, and quite does to the village. The morning was cloudy and threatening, but arrangemanls were gone forward with, and by one o'clock everything was in readiness, and a large number of people on the grounds. Atter all lead partaken of the good dinner pro- vided for them, each repaired to their respective pleasures. The elderly people seemed to enjoy the lake breeses,sume en- joyed themselves busting and playing ball, while the children seemed to• prefer swinging to anything else. A g the oompany were a godly number •i min- isters, vis Rev. Messrs. McCush, Liv- ingstone; Bruley, Cooke, Patterson and Parke. About five o'clock the people began to disperse, as drops of rain began to fall. AU, especially the, young, seemed to feel that they had spent a very happy afternoon. SABBATH ScIOOL Plc -Sic. -St. c,An- drews Sabbath School held their annual pronto in Middleton's grove on Thursday Sept 13th. The day was exceedingly pleasant, u the night before a quantity of rain had fallen, and settled the dust. Everything was ready by half put one o'clock, and the children sat down to the first table which fairly groaned beneath its bad of dainties. After all had par- taken of the good things provided, clang repaired to a pleasant spot on the bank of the lake and listened to the singing of the Sunday School children, accompan- ied by the church choir, and to the ad- dresses of several minister. Rev. Mr. Patterson, pastor of the congregation, first addressed the children and people. The a hymn was again sung, when the Rev. Mr. McCosh nave a brief and hu- morous address. After another hymn, Mr. R Gardner gave an address on Sunday School work, which was duly appreciated by the teachers present. Another hymn was sung and then they scattered through the grove, swing- ing, playing ball and chatting gaily to- gether, showing that they enjoyed them- selves. The school is in a hearty con- dition, the attendance being about fifty scholars with a staff of eight teachers, who manifest the deepest interest in the good work they have undertaken. &Mettle* PawTY.-It has not been our pleasure to chronicle a prettier party than that given by Trinity Church con- gregation on the evening of Sept. 6th, to the Rev. Mr. McCosh and Mrs. Mc - Cosh. The party was entirely a stir - prim to the recipients. The event which mused the party was that Sept. 6th was Mr. and Mrs. McCosh's tin - wedding day, they being just ten years married on that day. The company gathered at the residence of Dr. Reeve and from thence proceeded, tinware in hand, to the parsonage, where they were most cordially welcomed, by the sur- prised minister and wife. They then proceeded to display their gifts of useful tinware, and to array Mrs. McCosh u bride of the evening. A splendid supper was provided by the congregation and was heartily partaken of by the whole company. The evening was spent in a very happy manner, and all present seemed to think that the ten years of Mr. and Mrs. McCosh's married life had been an exceedingly happy one, and the wish of all present was that they may spend many, many happy years yet to- gether, and live to spend their golden wedding in like manner. After the com- pany had spent a happy time, each re- tired to their respective homes, saying to themselves: "Truly all went merry as a marriage bell." a t R ac ILOZS110- RsNrsu HIs FAILS. -Owing to ill health, Mr. Wm. Grieve intends retiring from farming. He has rented his farm to a Mr. Haggit't, from Bowni tnville, for of term o1 three years at the annual rent.i S3lp, payable in advance. Mr. Grievi ntends re:uoving to Seaforth shortly. He will have an auction sale early in Oc- ober, when ho wap dispose of his farm st, ick and other personal effects. Goma ro Ls.vs. -Mr. Jas. Grieve, of gxboro, has purchased from Mr. John Lec kie, of Brussels, the faun in Morris or which the Brussels Cheese Factory urmerly stood. The farm continua 50 res and was purchaael for 13,400. It s a good lot and is quite convenient to he village. Mr. Grieve leaves for his new home in about a week. We wish him the greatest possible success. The people of Brussels will find in him a first- class man and a goad farmer. Sailors Actinium -Mr. John Dick - ■)D, of Roxboro, McKillop, met with a most painful accident on Saturday even- ing last His son was driving along the road with a horse anon buggy and Mr. Dickson was walking alangride driving some cattle before him. They stopped on the road and Mr. Dickson turned the cattle into a field. He was just return- ing, with the intention of getting into. the buggy when something frightened the horse, causing him to make a sudden jump sideways, and striking Mr. Dick- son, threw him down and broke his leg in two places. The boy was thrown out of the buggy but was not injured. The horse ran awly with the vehicle and it was .mashod to pieces. Mr. Dickson was at once conveyed to his home and medical aid procured, when the extent of his injuries was ascertained. He is progressing as well as could be expected under the circumstances, but being a man well advanced in years, Ale frac- tures will not mend so rapidly as in a younger person, and it will, under the most favorable circumstances, be A con- siderable time before he is around again. Wttiesbelt halt Y she Tenets Fad. Goderich sw.t4 the held at lite Toron- to fair, as follows: Solt, 1 barrel, enemy Casadtar, N. u t b American Chemical Co., Goderich, .hp Lana and •St Salt, 1 barrel, fine Canadian, Nth American Chemical Cu. diploma • and i8• Salt, 25 pounds, fire Wale, Canadi;tu, North American Chemist Company, diploma and 16. The Mai( says of the exhibit: -Rice's pure salt is exhibited on the gr•,uud flour 1)1 the main building, and alum in he dairy department. instead of the usual small sample, the exhibit compris- es two and • half tons. It is produced at Goderioh, and chentieally prepared by the North Auteriosn Salt Company. It comes into competition with the lest English salt, and is being used for but- ter and cheese inakiug, and for pork packing fur the Old Country market. The principal market fni the firm's pro- ducts is Chicago. It is very important that our vast salt deposits should be as far developed as possible. and this com- pany deserve praise for their successful efforts in elevating the standard of Cana- dian salt. A(x7DSTr. BY DROWNING. -Ou Friday last a young boy named John Boyd, son of Mr. John Boyd, of Kintail, .gad 16 years, was drowned in the following stunner : The pad, with a number of oth- ers, was helping to load a vessel, and the lake becoming very rough the captain concluded to give them a rest and the lad went to sleep. A short time after he was hurredly awakened, and jumping up grabbed hii hat, and stepped over the edge into the water, immediately disap- pearing Iron sight. Although his friends kept up a diligent search for two days they failed to find his body until it was washed ashore on Sunday. Mr. P. 1). McKinnon, late of Grey, now Principal of Portage la Prairie pub- lic school, has been successful in obtain- ing a first clam certificate at the recent examination of teachers, in Winnipeg. Out of 92 who applied for all grades of certificates, only eight received first. Mederler Markets. ' + GODLIUCH.Septeaaberliti.111BL Wheat 1Fsllr i busk .......... $1 30 l $1 31 Wiest, ISprinngg) iM bush........ 1 26 O 1 30 Flour. ei harem.. ................ 600 (n 6 50 Oats. 8 blab .................... Corn, 0 bush .. .. ........ 0 116 Barley, V bush .................. 009 Potatoes ebush lnewt••••.••••• ON • dos. (unpackedl........ 0 14 Cheese, .... ....... ..... .- ti 11 Shorts, i cwt ................... 0 76 Bran, 0 cwt • 11 Chop, 8 cwt........... 1 .._ " 3 40 Wool.. ... 0 18 " 020 She People's Column. WANTED. -A GENERAL SERV- ast or • family of two. Ka • month to• pe Sp` resin. Apply to Mrs. Oreeme Cameron, (I ENERAL SERVANT GIRL Weer - .11 ed -Apply to Mrs. A. M. POLLEY. North r trete. Goderich. Sept. 15. 'LLOR SALE OR TO RENT. -A k.Asa 1 ouseaons Calwoodshededonian Terand aTsee, cocoat/Maasias eightHruuand , wood stone onUar, The situ etlou is excellent, and there le shout a halt acre of land in the lot. Furled:- hessian apply to D. bWIFT, North Stteet,(ied- erich. Sept. 16.-41 CARD OF THANKS. -I BEG TO OE - ter my most sincere thanks to the Hart- ford Insurance Company, of Hartford, through their efficient agent here. Horace Horton, Esq., for the prompt manner with which myy insur- ance of 03000.00 has been paid. The the took place on the 10th Inst.. and the money waspald me on the 13th inst. Such promptitude de- . ervesrecognition. Signed. HENRY WELLS. Sept. 16. 1t TO RENT. -THAT HANDSOME 1 concrete house at the corner of Newgate and Albert streets, occupied for over 10 years with hard and soft wwaaterland totherr congood v eni- en• ces. Apply to Joon Bast 'KICN NI DO L, builder. 1758. ei 065 g 0 70 le 0 70 w 045 a 16 00 w 026 'a 012 sr 0 75 0 60 TENDERS WANTED -THE MUNI- CIPAL COUNGeL of West Wawanosh will receive Tenders for the Deepening and Improvi of Youngs Creek. from a point In Colborne Township, to the Bund Une. welch divides the fifth and sixth concessions of West Wawaneah. The work will be let In Sections atone Concession to each Section. Tenders must state the amount per cubic yard for Dig- ging, which Concession the Tender is for. and give the names of twit good and sufficient sure- ties uerties for the completion of the work. Plass and specifications may be seen at my Office any F {d y or Saturday, up 1111 the tlth day of September, 1881. Tenders must be lodged with me not later than the 24th of September. ROBERT MURRAY, Clerk cf Wes Wawa - nosh, N awanosb Township Clerk's Office, St. Helens, Sep ember 1st., 1881. 3t H URON LIVE STOCK ASSOCI- ATION. The annual Sale under the auspices of the Huron Live Stock AssoolMlOn, wiU be held in the Town of Clintonon WEDNESDAY, ,J(,'rOBER 19 1881, Parties desiring to enter stock for this sale, can do so up to the morning of the sale; but only such stock as is entered with the Secretary on sr before the 15th of September, can appear in the (Sale Catalogue. All entries must be accompanied by the re- quired fee. and owners of stock must send in the Pedigree of their animals fully made out and plainly written. Terms of Entreat?. Fur each thoroughbred Stallion. Mare, Bull. Cow or Heifer, 12; for each pair of sheep or swine. 50 cents; grade stock halt price. A commission of 1 per cent. will be charged on all stock sold. All who intend enteringshould have the pedigree of their stock in the cata- logue. Ail entries must be addressed to the Secretary at Seaforth, and furtherinforntatlen will be furnished by him. M. Y. McLEAN, Seaforth, Secretary. JAS. BiGGINS. Clinton President. 1801-31. ?ravelling Guide. GRAND TRUNK. CAST. Pass. Erj s. Mtz'd. Miz'd. Goderich.Lv 7.00am..1t46po..115pm.. Loam Seaforth.... 7.50 " .. 1.10 " .. 4.45 " ..10.50 " Stratiord.Ar titans .. ttlpm ..6.30pm .. 1.00 " water. Pass. Exp's. Mix'd. Mii d. Stratforl.Lv 1.90am..7.511pm.. 7.00am..taapin Seaforth..... 2.17 " ..8.56 " .. 9.16 " ..&i0 • Goderlch.Ar t lSpm..9.50 m ..11.00am .: 7.15pm GREAT WESTERN. Rep's. Mall. Eip's. Clinton going north ...9.30sm ...1.23pm ..8.23pm going south STAGE L1FNE98.02am..7.24 " Lucknow Stage Oddly) arr. 10.15am .. dap Ipm Kincardine " " " 1.00am .. ' lam BenmWUer " (Wednesday and Satnrdavl arrives 9.00am.. " 9.15 " COUNCIL DOINGS. -At the last meet- ing of the McKillupCouncil after passing a number of gravel and other accounts and giving a few charity grants it was moved by Wm. Evans, seconded by A. Kerr, that a grant of $10 be given to the McKillop, Lorain and.Hibbert Agri- cultural Society, to aid in the diltribu- tion of prizes at the fall show. -Carried. Moved by Alex. Kerr, seconded by Wm. Grieve, that the following sums be levied on the rateable property in this town- ship, viz., 24 milk in the dollar for coun- ty purposes, and 24 milk for towaship purposes; and that the different hums required bythe different Trustees' Cor- porations levied and oollected; also that John Morrison be re -appointed col- lector, the clerk to notify him to have his securities present at next meeting of Council -Carried. A number of deben- tures were issued for contracts com- pleted. The next [nesting of ooun- oil will be held at Leyden's hotel, on the last Tuesday in September. -{Expositor. Fall chews 1. 1016. Industrial, at Toronto, Sept. 6 to 17. Quebec Provinc`l, at Montreal, Sept. 14 to 23. North Perth, at Stratford, Sept 16 and It Mtlisi' hodiaat<1d. efi /iiishdl, Sept.22 and 23. Norther. Fair, Ailsa Craig, Saps 119 and 90. Hallett Branch, at Meese, Sept. 110 and IL Provincial. - Provincial. at London, Sept 21 to 23. Teraberry, at Wingkaa, Sept i1 and M• Hay Br.neh,at Zurich, Sept 23 & 30. South Huron, Exeter, Oet. 3. Central, at Guelph Oct 3 to 8. Central, at Hamilton, Oct. 4 to 7. Sat Wawanosh, Bagr.ve, Uel 11. Moura, Blyth, Oct. 12. Writ Riding, at Goderidt, cm Wed- nesday.and Thursday, October lith and 6th. East Riding, at Brumek, on Thursday and Friday, October 6th and 7th. Tuckermaith Penh, at Seaforth, ea Thurday and Friday, September 16th and 16th Ashfield and Wawanosh Branch, at e Dnngnno. on Friday. the 7th of ote• J. C. Merles Malls use. Auctioneering. T C. CURRIE,THE PEOPLE'S AUC - Tr • TIONEER, Goderich, Ont. 1751. Tonsorial. UT KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR - r7 • BER and Hair -dresser, begs to return thanks to the public for past patronage, and silicate a continuance of custom. lie can always be found at his Shaving Parlor, near he Post Office Goderich. 1733 Legal. ("ARROW & PRQJIDFOOT, BAR- RISTERS. Attornifeyys, Solicitors, ole.. Goderich. J. T. Garrow, W. Proudfoot. 1751. B. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery, &c., Goderieh. Ont. 1751. Treat Estate. r Strageb Animals. STRAY STEER -CAME INTO THE enclosure of the subscriber, E 1 lot 1d, t cin., West Wawaasah, about the tdJuly last, • red and white, one year old steer. The owner Is reqmsted to prove property. pay oharges and take him away, till01.1411 N AT - 1801461. STRAYED ANIMALS. -SEND 11 to THE S.ONAL 10 ad vertiae ..f mali .tr&y Ing on your premises. and avoid prosecution for illegally detaining animals. Address THC Stumm.. Ooderioh, Oat. Loans anb insurance. 600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO NV CAMERON, HOLT &CAMYItON, (Meteo- ric -h. 17:0. 75,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES- TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Goderich. 1754 1'A1111 FOR SALE AT LEE Bi'RN.- LotsNo. 6. Lako Shore Itoad. 'C, ttnsl.ip of Colbuni.+, four i (Ica from Goderich, contain- ing 105 acres; 90 of which are cleared and un- der a good state ofcult ivation. Itis well tcne- ed and uoderdrained, having ,wu .swelling houses. • Larn, an ,.r. hard, stable . workshop, driving shed. stud other outbuti.1 i ge. For particulars apply on the premises. or to 110R - ACE HORTON. Milburn P. 0. Sip,. 15. -1t SEAGER & MORTON, BARRIS- TERS. &c., &c.. Goderich and Wingham. C. Seager. Jr., Goderich. J. A. Morton,Wing- ham. 1751. SMALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND . Solicitor. OStce-Corner ot West Street and Market Square, over George Acheson's, Goderich. 1761. ECAMPION, ATTORNEY - A T- . LAW Solicitor in Chancery Convey- ancer, &c. Office over Sheppard's bookstore. Goderich, Ont. Any amount of mono to loan at lowest rates of Interest. 1761-y. 400,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND VV on good Farm or first-class Town Property at 8 per cent. Apply to R. R AI)CLIFFE. 1751 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. COUNT"' OF HURON. tt By virtue of • writ ot To w rT : f JYer1lec4aa bossed outof Her Majesty's Couaty (Court of the County et Huron. aid to me directed Inst the and Tenements of WILLIAM RITCHI and JOHN RITCHIE, et the suit of JAMES .AM- BLE 1 have seised and taken in Executlw all the Right, Title. and Interest. and Eq*ity of Redemption, of the above tamed Detendente, in, and to. the north portion of lot number three, ooncessies eighteen. In the Townahlp of Orey, in the County of Huron. manias ppa�rtaallel to concessions 17 and 18 in said Township of Grey, containing twenty-two acres of land ; which Lands and Tenements I shall offer for lisle, at my office in the Court House, In the Town of (uderich. on SATURDAY, the TIF - TRENT day of OCTOBER, next. at a hots. of 12 of titclock, noon. ROBERT GIBBONS Sherif'. OeSheriff tu ce, Goderich. 1 Sherit Duron, July duh, 158E l 171644 BBHGMILLER ` IONEY TO LEND IN ANY Chilled Plow 1 . amount to it borrowers at 6 to et per cent. Private funds. Apply to SEAULH and Monroe, Goderich. MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R G E amount urndr.tPrivate c F.sMofor ggag s. .puri AGRICULTURAL WORKS. at lowed rates on first-class Mortgages. A � W OAKROW & PKOUDFOOT. -AND- FOR SALE, CHEAP. -LOT 34, Lake iiangc Aahflcld, Huron County. lei acres, 1:10 cleared and highly improved. mance bundling timber. Good orchard. hew frame house. barn 40:60 and all necessary stabling, two wells. For particulars address CHAP. MCLCAN, Amberly. 1790:1,!. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Rarrista Solicitor in Chancery. &c., Goderich and win[fhem. M. C. Cameron, 9. C.; P. Holt. M. G. (•.moron. Goderich. W. h. Mtwara. W Ingbam. 1761. OF Parties getting their WAN printed at this office will get • metros is We department rims ef mama Saturday, 1 17 --Sale of goods and chattels, at Matt. Wednesday, Sept. 28 -Credit sale of Samuel Oke a farm Moak and imple- ments, o• Lot 7, Cos 8, Colborne, sear Carlow- Teeeday, Sept 27 -Credit sale of Goa Levy's fans stook sad imp1s eats a Lot 5, Con. 5, Township of Colborne. Salo oomssmees at 1 o'clock. Thursday, Sept. 29--tJmwerved cre- dit sfdit ale of Henry Ps.nebsker's farm stock and implement*, on Let 12, Oon.3, IL D. Colborne. Sale eommeneee at 1 o'clock. Saturday, Oct, 1-Ektetaaive unres- erved ale of Wa. WOaig's.t cliIL E. eta, on hie pre.+..., near Cherdt in Goderich. Sale eommeness at 1 o'.ioek. fistulas , Supt 17-Balane. of Mrs. Wat*se's furniture, eta. at Auction Mart. Malay, Sept. 16 -Fares auk and implements for Mr. R. Armstrong, Clai- borne near Maitksndville. Saterday,Oet. 1 -Sale et house and lot is Clod/wish at Auction Mart Wednesday Oet. 6 -Marra sale d Insert hs Aai*sta et Aselios- Mart Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL CAPirAL, - • • 011.60,0*. SURPLUS. - - • - 0.000.60, 1OAKS FREE OF CHARGE. - J Money to lend at lowest rates. free of any ousts or charges. SSF:AGE:It d• MORTON. oppp��s�te Colborne Hotel. lloderlch. Yard March 1581. 1779. I! PER CEN P. -THE CANADA 1'0R SALE. -LOT 9, LAKE SHORE 1' 7"p. of Colborne, cunts,ning 112 acres, 39 a.orescleared. balaekwe escclleot Uw:Kr. null a good day loam. As this pr.q.eriy a Ijoins the Point Farm it is in eoneegneoce timid eligildy situated. For particulars apply - J. Wnright. Man 1st 1881. 177 having purchased the Goderich Foundry. I am fitting the premises for the manufactures of l'H1l.1.F:D I'I.OWS and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS on • large male. ]fill Work. General Repairing and Jobbing will be con - Landed Credit Cbm lateS fa prepared to con- tinued. All work guaranteed. lend money on good Farm aecurtty, at six per ter D. Rnnciman to the only man authorisedcent. Full ppaarticular jfiven upon apppllcat ion to collect pnymente and give receipts on be - to HUGH IiAMILTUh, C. L agent, (ioderieh, half of the late firm of Rnneiman tf Co.. and 17!15. all porenne Indebted are requested to govern themselves accordingly. 420,000 PRIVATE FUNDS'TO LEND �eNv on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgages purchased, no Conunihion charged, Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one day if Utle is satisfactory.-DAVIbION & JOHN- STON, Barristers, &c., Goderich. 1'751 RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Lite and Accident Insurance Agent. Representing first -clam Companies. Also agent for the CANADA Llv11 STOCK Ivet'RANCK Co. Money to lend on Mortgage, either In Town or Farm Property, in anyway to suit the borrow- er. Omce- W pup-.nrl l Kay's block, Godeeb, Ont. 1751 INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASP. CO'Y, ToaoNTo-Established 1833. PHOENIX INS. CO'Y, of LONDON (England, - Established 1782. HARTFORD INS. CO'Y, of HARTFORD. Conn. -Established 1810. Risks taken in the above first-class Offices, at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned is also Appraiser for'the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS ToRoNTo. Money to Loan on first-class security, from Cent. 7 to 8 per Charges moderate. HORACE HORTON. Goderich. Se t. 10. 1880. VICTORIA HILL, (IODERICH Saturday, Sept. 17. ONE NIGHT ONLY I Io .van's Boston Opera Butte Company in to J. OLIVETTE HOUSE AND L'J'1' FUR :TALE --A'1' consistgg,,u(qt an acre of land. well fencc•l; a frame hmtusc, a good well and pump are also mi on the premises. 'Che lot has leen well im- proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars can be had from Mr. J. M. liuitiotrs, Menlwnt. Ihingan lion, or 1t• E. BRow,, Nile P. O. 1767-1f. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 3:1 AND 7.g. c..rnerof Victoria and East etre%, in the town of Goderich, for sale cheap. or will Ix• exchanged for farni property. For particulars• ly to JAS. S4An.L, .trohitcct, office Crabb's Black. or. J. C. CCI:RIF., auctioneer. SHEPPARL)TON-FARM FO1; sale Ott acres. 5:1 acres cleared and well fenced. prick Cotta..? ZOO. atone cellar full limewile of house. A Ise ellrek runs through the lot, no waste land un the creek, A very fine or hard surrounds the house. Good barn sndother huiiaings. Terms very easy. Apply to R. T. H.oyvru, put 16 hake Shore Road. (.fl- uorne'I'ownshlp. o: to OARRuw• K Fool*. 17e.5 ° Dungannon, 12 miles from Gealereeb. POPULAR SCALE OF PRICES inp FOR PARTICULARS SEE BILLS. Goderich Branch. - - C B. D UNBFORD, - - - Mswgw Anew, merest es depesits. than•, letter et credit sad eireetar setas lensed. Mesita is an parts N the world- 1(K CANADIAN BANK OF OOMMIECE Paid sur Cipilef, - %6,000,000. Beet, - - 11, ,000. FARM F. IR SALE.-L-'EiNG LI of 9, con. 13, Colborne, about seven miles from Goderich, comprising 59 acres, 511 cleared. A frame house. and a new frame barn 50x33 and a stabio and other outbuildings are on the premises. A young orchard, good pump, etc. on the farm.' The farm ham a rood on two sides of it. Four acres of fall wheat are sown. Distant only 1 mile from a post office. For part '.cularsapply to Wm. SitLe.pe, Sheppa rd - .on P. 0. • Ln. 'SHEPPARDTON.-STORE, WITH Post Office,for sale or to rent with p acre and. Stock all resh and good. N- sell on very any terms. having other buten to she'd as. For further particulars appiv 10 R. T. HATNLa. Also 100 acres of land. West half of Lot 5, on the 3rd con., K. D. Ashfield. Good Or - hard, Frame House, and a stable. Fifty acres -leered and well fenced. Apply to (JARROW 4 fame pro m. 1761. President, • NON. WM. McMARTRR ee.er'el Nf oyer. • W. N. ANDERSON. 3 isceltaneous ttarbs. TAMES SMAiLL, ARCHITECT, &c. v Ocoee, Crabb's Block. Kingston at.. Dade - rich. Plans and speclAcaliens draws oor ect- ly. C•rpenter•s'alplasterer's and meson•s work measured and v ue.d. STRATF)RD BINDERY-NSTAB- l.ISHED 185. This.etablishtseet le chiefly devoted to job end library work. y to Moor unique and economies"' holt and Dior - r0000 styles. In all Dewe the best of stock and workmanship, with John s. basely tem. Rlnd over Jekw IMsseY drag state. GEORGE STONE, Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - Mimeos*. tamest allowed on deposlta Deans en al thoessa=pal Tows. sad Class b tzlit M •ad the vatted sass. ketch and sod. AM/lineage Farmers en Neese, with ate er mese sedeesre. without ae.MaRe. 111111 IfiebtcaL S. SEEOMILLER. Proprietor. DOMINI(`N BAKERY. WEST STREET, - NEAR THE Poco OrFIi'E. A LARGE. ASSORTMENT OF Peale and Raney takes. Wedding lake.. Iced and Ornamented Second to none. All kinds of FTRE 8H B I8CTT,ITB. Of good quality. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS ! Which I guarantee will give Satisfaction. Self praise is no recommendation, but try my PLAIN AND FANCY BREAD, Which I deliver dally to all parts of the town. and judge for yourselves. I. E. KNIGHT June 23. 1881. 1792-tf Near the Post Office SALLOWS THE PHOTOGRAPHER, MONTREAL St..GODERICH BEST LIGHT, BEST PRICES, BEST ACCESSOR- IES, BEST CUSTOMERS BEST PICTURES,. BEST SATIS- FACTION, BEST EVERYTHING. $G to $OO per day 01 home. Samples cDJ DL worth ys free. Addrea C O: 1/E I N G STINSON & Co.. Portland, Maine. Monday;Sept.I9th FRESII ARRIVALS. F�,ntdlay McGregor Sl•OTISH VOCALI-T, AND CANNED ConcertCom pany CORN BEEF, GENERAL ADMISSION 25c, LUNCH T\NE, GU BRAWN. DON'T FAIL TO GO' `,i Al; ITOBA. 1G. W. R. EXCURSIONS September 28 aid October 19 GR McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - . IAN, SUROEON. ac., G,aduste et Ter e�sgt�e Univyerrsiityyr.teI beeatbte d the Royal Cot- am - IL C � P 5., Oat ,... O . aasdLamies.�reeide es Ossoslae lidley's Heed, Ham11Ms1 � DR. MoLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - GOON, Commie.itte. otos sod esDrees street, second doer west of nos. HG. MACKID, bL D. PHYSI- • dna. Surgeon and Aeeaoeber, OrsduMM A T.Nroab 1lniverstty. Ot1eepseite camer- r e a O.morew's Bank. Leeksow. 11 not Is m.., esquire at the Hank. 17S -y. Special freight train in advance of each party, Apply to any (l. W. R. agent, or to THOS. GREENWAY Centralia. 1)R8. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Onie.iten redli n weer tae Jail, 0ee.rleh. G. C. SnailsO.r, J. C. Main- tkwt. Or to WILL. J. WHITE Express Agent, Exeter. 1803. AIKENHEAD, V.S., (SUCCESSORJ . to Dr..nsnesal Graduate of Outwits Vee d on Urinary College. llStreet deem ma +f�Colaoegencei 8w.0 W. R -Rases aseamiteed as to ssRt mai 1701. PHILIP REEVE, Wholesale and retell dealer in S TAT ONERY, and proprietor of sbe GODERICH STREET CAR. Persons driven to •ay pari of the tawnier Ten Cents. PIenie patties. etc.. 'Mould try my rates. lilt. JAMES WILSON MIs agent ter the We* Ca ��, � ea n1Tt POTTED 'PONGU•E, BEFF, HAM„ Pat up In one. two, sad three pound peek ages. sed priers ranged from 00c per weedup. TRY IT. CHICKEN. FRESH SALMON AND LOBSTER, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Christie Brown & Co's BISCUITS AND CAKES, TEAS, A tempest stook of pan's drupe, and sl1 the newest wheat 'medicines. OOesrt BMW genera. 8odertab SUGARS asp Pure Spioes_ TRY THEM. Chas. A. Nairn. $6 a week ter rower* Mw, aTome ant tr 56 carat tree. Address H. HauaTT a Co. Portland Mabe. All THE NEWS FOA A CENT. Torouto Baily Url& TNR ONLE' ONE -CENT 1t10RNIAll PAPRR IN e'ANADA. THREE DOLLARS A YEAR ! TWENTY-FIVE CEhTS A MONTH! ONE CENT A COPY !I ! metres than Eat the .est el any NM. rev..es Paper. . All RAILS rig= by coarssslag Vb. Wert/. Ag, rata and ('snvas.arn everywhere. Mind port -card for urine and SAMPLE f'0PF PRRIC. WORLD PRINTING CO., 1els we. a ging street (am. Teens e,