HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-07-15, Page 1$3.00 A Year in Advance - $4.00 to U.S.A. -- Single Copy 10c THE., BRUSSELS posT, „IDLY 15th,. 1971 POST PUBLISHING ,HOUSE GIBBONS - SMITH. Melville Presbyterian C hurch Bruseele was the setting for the marriage of Frances Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Allan Smith, Brussels, to John Henry Gibbons, son of Air. tied Mrs. Russel • Gibbons of Hepworth; on Saturday afternoon, June Stith, 1971. Rev. C, McCarrell performed .the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Nora Moffatt, organist of thegharehe -played, the wedding music and accompanied Mr. .and. Mrs. Hank Exel, who eau two lovaly duets, The bride, given. In ..marriage by her father, wore fleerdength gown of white satin with ettached. train. Her tiered veil was held in Place with a pearl .headdreee, Her wedding boquet was a cascade of white daisies. The matron of honour, Mrs. Jim. McIsac, and the three bridesmaids; Miss Kathy MoArter, Mrs. John Seddon and Mrs. Harry Smith, sisters of the bride, wore floor- length gowns of blue satin with white lace trim and matching head pieces ' and carried boquets similar to that of the bride. The best man was Mr. Bill Doby of London. Guests were ushered by Rodger Smith, John Seddon and George BroWn. Ring- hearers Were Master Michael and Master Jeffrey. Gibbons. Following the wedding a. dinner was served by the ladies of the church in the church parlour The mother of the bride re- .ceivedethe guests wearing a deep pink dress With white accessories 6.00 and white corsage. The groom's mother assisted wearing a light blue lace coat dress, Her corsage wa s pink and accessories white. A reception was held in Cran- brook Community Centre. Music was provided by the Lamp Lighters. The bride and groom left for a wedding trip in Michigan. On their return they will make their home at Hepworth VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of the. Vil- lage ()pinion was held in the Municipal Office on Ju1y 5th. the Reeve being absent.. The following motions were carried, Moved by 1. G. Campbell, sec- onded by J. A. McTaggart that H. J. TenPas be appointed acting Reeve to chair the July 5th meet- ling;,, in the absence of Reeve J. L. MeOntcheon. Moved by J. A. MeTaggart, sec- onded by I. 0,- Campbell that the minutes of the meeting's of June 7 and June 27 be adopted as read, Moved by R, W. Kennedy, sec- onded by J. A. MeTaggart that Wilfred Fischer be granted a building permit as per application. Moved by R. W. Kennedy, sec- onded by J. A. McTaggart that the County Weed Inspector be author- ized to place appropriate adver- tising regarding noxious weeds in our local newspaper. Moved by I. G. Campbell, sec- onded by R. W. Kennedy that the accounts as approved be paid. Hank Exel, labour 110.13 Greg Huether, garbage 6.00 Lawrence Machan, garbage David Logan, garbage Lawrence Machan, garbage P.IT.C., streetlights, library, office Hall Hank Exel, labour DavidLogan, garbage Greg . Huether, garbage Iawrence Machan, garbage Huron County Board of Education, /2 1971 requisition Lawrence Machan, garbage Greg Huether, garbage- Rickie Elliott, garbage Safety Supply Co., fire fighting equipment 579.16 Mrs. Joan Exel, cleaning Glenn McKercher, crushed gravel Gerald Exel, sidewalk 628.55 Herb Fleming, pointing office Brfan Workman on brush Laois Contracting Co blacktopping roads Jas. Hart, cutting t and brush ,Jas Ryan, labour on river bank J. C. McNeil, gas repairs Canam Oil Services; oiling roads. Scarfe and Co. Ltd. Road paint Co-operative Health Services, insurance Health Insurance Reg. Board, insurance Geo. Cousins” garbage Poet Office, stamps Phil ?NM. iriboor nit toovitly itl r, 10106 WILLIAM STRATH William Strath of Dublin died in Seaforth Community Hospital 'on .Tune 25th, 1971 following a lengthy illness. He was in his 87th year.. Born near Brussels, the son of the late Wm. Strath and Helen Maddigan, he farmed in,that area. Aboet 15 years ago he retired to Dublin. He was not married but is survived by two nieces and a nephew, Funeral .services were held in. St. Patrick"s Roman Catholic church, Dublin, on June 26th, con- ducted by Rev. Father Gordon Dill. Interment followed in St. Ambrose cemetery, Brussels. Pallbearers were Joseph Ryan. William Blake, Tames Joseph Cooper, Clayton Looby and Clarence LeabY, 1f)ttyliklit gttvifigi SHOWER HONORS. BRIDE- ELECT' A mieeellaneous shower was held at the 'mew at' elre, James Arm:Art.)41g rot' Janet Shortreed, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas. Shortrped of Walton. When the bridc,i to be was ushered to her decorated (emir cor- sages were pinned on her <ual her mother, Several eontests were enjoyed and Airs. (Ionia Gibson gave an interesting reading, Mrs, Clarke Matheson; MO the. address of hest wistee and Mary Gibson, Doeethy ElltOte, Jean Elliott and Nency Adents preeented her with the gifts. Janet thanked everyone for the lovely gifts and the people who had arranged the chewer for her. The evening closed with a delicious lunch. PEOPLE WE KNOW Gibson Willis is attending Western University, London. Mrs. Ada. Armstrong was visitor for a few clays 'last week with Mrs. Wearring of Wroxeter. Miss May Skelton has returned home after visiting in Long Branch, Port Credit, Wiarton and Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and family of Edmonton are holiday- ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Armstrong- visited last week-with his sister, Mrs. 'Joyce and Mr. Joyce and family of ,Port. •Credit. • Mrs. Ivan Campbell is a patient in Listowel Memorial Hospital, a s the result of a fall at Aintree Camp on Sunday.. She had the* misfortune to suffer a dolible fracture of her leg. Maxine Watts, Barbara. Elliott • and Linda glair attended Coma -Klahene last week • '-fof their Pioneer Badge in 0-1i41 Ouiding. Stephanie Watts attended the same camp a s a camp counsellor for her Camper Madge. LETTER. TO THE EDITOR Castor, Alberta July 5th, 71 Mr. R. W. Kennedy, BruSSels, Ont. Dean' Mr. Kennedy: Enclosed money order for renewal, We enjoy receiving The Post each week although only octts- Ionia, are' there .naives I recognize. Never the less we look forWeed to receiving it. I don't think I will, make it East this year, will see about it next year for centenary if I am spared, " Best of everything to you all down there, Yours SincetelY ,T. M. Campbell, Pox 92. Castor, Alta, 55 TJOCIPI SllOve fnlie in the AVet1.6 Oligff it MISS SUSAN McDONAUD.• Susan, daughter of Mr. and leers. Ian McDonald of Brussels,. grad, uated from Guelph General. Hospital School of Nursing at the graduation ceremonies held June 30th at Guelph University ..Memorial Hall. • RALPH, S. SHAW In the early merning of July 9th, 1971, in Wingtam Hospital, Ralph S, Shaw passed to the Great Beyond in his eighty first year, after a lengthy illness He was born on concession 2; Morris township, in the year 1891. He attended Brussels Continnation School and Stratford Teachers' g011ege and taught school in the "West. before enlisting in World War T. He went overseas in 1917. After the war was over,: he taught for fifteen years at Port Carling and Bala and then took up farming on, the and line, Morris and later retired to Brussels in 1961. He was secretary-treasurer of the School Board. of Adminietea- 'Hoe Of Brussels, Blyth and and Belgrave schools and took a keen interest in elementary education at all levels. He was a Member of the BruS- sels Royal Canadian Legion Branch 218 and a memorial ser- vice was conducted by them at the funeral home on Saturday evening, July 10th. He is survived by one brother, Alex Shaw. 'Brussels and many nephews and nieces, One brother. Frank, predeceased hirn in 1960. A memorial service iv con- ducted' ate•the, M. L. Watts Futeral Home on Sunday„Tuly, :11th, at 2 p.m. be his pastor, Rev, C. A. McCarroll, Interment was in Brussels cemetery and be was borne to his last resting place by the ifolloW.- ing pallbearers, three neighbours, Earl. Sellers, Ross Tervey, FraSer Mustard. three inenibors of the Legion. Ross Duncan, Calvin Krauter and Sam Workman; Floral tributes Were carried by John Yuill„Tim McTaggart, John find 'I9ah Priirmr, OFFICERS, COMMITTEES CHOSEN FOR BRUSSELS CENTENNIAL NEXT YEAR Interested, Whiten:tette eitizeee went ahead with plans for the 1972 Brussels Centennial when officers were namee and eomit, tees chosen at the meeting held on Wednesday night of last week with a. good representation of uw community preseet. Hugh Pearson is the Centennial Chairman with Jack Bryans and Max Watts as. Vice Chairmen, Mrs. Jack lOolee was named' eeeretary and George Mutter, treese rer. Other chairMen, and eommittees are as follows, with poWer to add to, 1;nel r 11111111) Or.,e Registration Mrs. Clark Matheson, Mrs. Sarahtaff Stephenson,, School Staff Finance Adver tising t•sipteeinwgIlaIrttitit:ortre45urf3T, Jas Prior - Chairmee, Rees McCall, George Langlois, Max Watts Sports Wayne Lowe - Chairman, Max Watts, Vera Hastings, Murray. Lowe Church Rev, C, A. McCerroll - Chair- man and other ministers Parade Henry Exel - CheirMan, Wm, Elston, Charles Thomas Entertainment D. A. Rana - Chairman, John Thyrme, Bruce McCall, Robert CDtannnncTeetam David McCutcheet, R Chairman, Wm. McWhirter, Ivan . Campbell,. Wm. Adamson, Ralph Pearson. Leech Lions Club Decorating Brussels Firemen and wives The next meeting will be helde on Wednesday night, July let, 1971, MRS. ETHEL L, GRAY Word has been received that Ethel. L, Gray, the former Ethel. Currie, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Currie, had passed away on June 19, 1.971 at the Aberdeen Private HoSpital Victoria. She was born in el Bras-. es, Ont,, was a resident of Blaine Lake, Sask., for Many years', and resided in Victoria and Sooke 11.0., since 1945, She is survived by her husband, William at 1346. Hampebire Victoria, three daughters,. Marjorie of Leask, Sask.; Phyllis of Sooke and ;Toe of. Victoria; four gvatl- ehildren and three. greatl-gland. grandchildren. A little girl visiting friends of her parents. gasod at their well. !mild honlo1 ilvor4 wild etitlatiriotl i wPf firti Aft titit W•ti 6001 6.00 6.00 10.00 238.e2 88.00 6.00 6.00 14,561.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.20 42.00 200.00 labour 41.80 7,801.44 roes 124.00 315.00. 24,18 and 420,0.0 43.26 109,50 33.00 117,52 2,00