The Brussels Post, 1971-07-08, Page 1,141141i., . .1J $8.00 A Year in Advance $4.00 to — Single Copy 19'e 11-121 PECLISSMS POST, 'THURSDAY, JULY Ath, 1971 POST f'OT4LIS:(4.11•11G Housgi FAMILY Oikratittliq0 ii0,0454§. 25th ANNIVERSARY The ,home of . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sweeney, Grey Township was the scene of a happy occasion on Wednesday evening June 30th, when a family gathering honored Mr, and . Mrs, .Sweeney on their W6d4ihit Anhivermafy, Aholit SO 116rsoibi ilfonkfit Weir iiongiatuNfionS and good wisher Laid enjoyed a pleasant social •.--••r • .; • Mts. laylot, sister f Mrs,s • Sweeney, read an address and Presented the couple with gifts for which Mr. and Mrs, Sweeney expressed their thans,,also for • the many cards of greetings from family members and friends,. Lunch was served to bring to close the happy event. se- 4EEP IMPROVEMENT ASSOO.. TO SOONSOS fiElP iihron Canty Beef lin-, Provement Association are beef liar-I379 and i~at Stib'' 210i, at • the Seaforth Memorial Centre._ tickets and and. , dance tickets are available through Beef Improve- hient dir6ctors and the O.D.A, cam; oiflce at 'Clinton. Murray baraiff. and Saeli of 4'16 Brussels area—are the - sP9cialists and dancing *111 be to Tan Wilb . ee's orchestra. Pamiette, -A.sSociate. Agricultural Representative for Huroti County. WALTON Mrs, Lew Warwick of Bluevale is spending this month at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shortreed. , Miss Valorie Nichols, the 1971 Delegate of Oxford Junior Farm- ers of England and Wales spent • : a week recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lee. Miss Nichols was the guest of Christine Lee. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Dale and Mrs. John Taylor of- Seaforth visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall and Beverley. Mr, and Mrs. Horace Rutledge of London visited with Mrs. Roy Bennett •who is a patient in Sea- forth Community Hospital. after n, fall Friday evening breaking her Arm, also with Mrs.: Margaret ifirimphries •of Huronview, Mrs. Jim Shortreed began her duties last Tuesday afternoon as • the new librarian in the Walton branCh of the Huron COuntY Library under the leadership of :Miss Ethel DeWar. librarian for the county. Mrs. Shortreed was ' appointed as supervisor to succeed • Mrs. Torrance Dundas who had contributed her devoted services (Prirtintod plap.10) lid CHILDREN. TAKING S'WINiMIN 'tM580101 ThiS Clij'idtahi of Brii§gelS and community a° al•tichi!'olied in, swimming instruction elasaii0 are the lucky ones to have the heat beat for at least an hour each day. Mothers won't have to struggle with the daily bath routine either. The sWimniing classes, held in the Lions Pool at Seaforth, are Spohsbred agaiii this year hy the Brussels Branch 21S of the fil0,:at Canadian Legion and the triisei Lions Club. These organizations are 6 1!0" 'cirigratuinted .on this worthy nroject on behalf of, ,the youngsters of the area. It is indeed, fine to see • so many childr6a taking advantage of the opport.un, ity. provided ,for them to learn to swim. WHAT'S AT 1-11)RONVIEW .T-'fi.eSunday drive by the Exeter tnited Cfluroli 'ten was coMplet- ed last Sunday for die ftl rest- dellt$, who Were not able to go fast Month. . . The Christian Reforin Church of Clinton held a. servicedf. song, . in the auditorium last Sunday evening led by Mr. Dick Roorda, The Clinton Kinettes program and tea, as well as several other activitias, were held.outdoors last 'Ni7eek ONVtlig: to t11.6 extreme heat Kinettes Mary Ellen Clifford, Roxanne Brown, Marie Jefferson, jean aDewitt, Laurie Corrie, and Mary Jean. Peattie served lunch and led a sing song. The auditorium Wa s filled to: capacity on Friday night when the l3lyth Legion held a birthday party for one of their life Month- 'Ors, Mrs. Mary Taylor of Huron- view, Who was celebrating her 93rd birthday. The Variety pro- grain, with Tim Lawrie. as chair- man. included vocal numbers by lyrrs. Wittick and Tim Lawrie; duet solos, by Dorie Lynn. Tolm- ston, Plorence I-Teasel and Susan McDougall; instrumentals by Angela 'Mittman on accordion: with several numbers by the group which included Sh eil a France, Sharon Wittich, Grace Brown and Jim Lawrie. Follow- ing the program each resident received a piece of birthday cake served by members of the legion. "AT HOME" ' Mr. and Mrs. Martin MacDonald will be "At. Home" to their friends on the occasion of their 55th Wedding Anniversary on Satur- day, July 17th between 3 - p.m. and 7;30 - 9.30 p.m. No gifts please, Wife: "Didn't I tell you to notice when the soup came to boil ?it I-Insbanti; "I cUiI. It W00 1164/ pngt REBEKAH LODGE ENJOY PICNIC Moilitig sta' nob elt tat Lodge how, picnie I1 1.1ic3 'home of Mrs, HarOldPhoiritiS out Moll(lay after- neon 1:,;ood attendanc0; . They were pleatwa have' with them some members who aeo. Iro• able to attend the regular meet- ings held in the lodge rooms. An enjoyable aftertmen, was wilt with :Dnizek awarded to the following` Mrs, C. Tiutibar ineniber Of the fiehekah Lodge , for the longest period of time (46 Yearsi. Mrs, jack Tlitefife, Wedding Anniversary nearest ' todate; and rata "lnckv orm""nrize Mrs. t, 'Ratan for birthday nearest that date. BRUSSELS TAX RATE WILL BE INCREASED IY Vivr, MILLS 7* A special irladti"rig of Council, was held is the Municipni Office for the purpose of setting the ttiilf fate for' 'be year 1971. moired by' TenPas, second ed by .1. k. metaggart that Ey, LaW ',Sin. 5-1971 be introdueed Sad read a firsi and second time ,dtid passed. dafried, This being a 73y-Late adopting the budget for the year 1971 and setting the mill rate at 92 rains for Residential and 192 mills for Commercial for the year, 1971. MoVed by t G. Campbell, sec- onded by R. W. Xerritedy that By- Law No. 5.1971 be read a third time and passed and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and sealed with the Corperate Seal. darned. The meeting adjourned. Hank TenPas, Wm. H. King, Reeve e The mill rate is increased dr b; 5 mills this year as follows; Public and Secondary School Rates L2 mills Comity Rate 2.4 mills Local Rate J Mills. The rise the local mill rate is due to the excessive snow ye, moral required: the past 'wintor and for the paving of streets, TRI-COUNTY SOFTBALL INTERMEDIATE STANDINGS Team L. T Pts. ..... ,„... .... . 9 0 2 18 Belmore 7 0 1 14 Blueyale 0 3 10 Brussels 5 0' 4 10 Jam es town ,.,..,.•..,. 5. 0 5 10 Moncrieff 5 0' 6 10 Ku rtzvil le , ..... 2 1 4 5 Ethel ............. 1 2 7 4 A t woo .... 1. 7 1. Card in art attto supply shop! "If you've got n bath r 4 tt, firiVAr • a kiVa CHARLES R. DAVIDSON CharW; Richard Davidson, !airmen resident ef. Brussels died suddenly at his late residence at St. Pauls, on Wednesday,. Juno 30th. Re was 75 years of age. Born at Trout Creek, Ontario, he was the son of the late Mr. mint MIA Thomas Davidson. Was' a resident of Brussels for a Inunlicr of years, engaged in the trucking .-hnsineSs from which he lied retired. fie was predeceage'd by his wife, the former Myrthi Pawson of Brussels. Ile is survived by three' daughters, Mrs, Lorne (Eloise) McCauley, St Marys; Mrs. Floyd (Audrey) Flewelling, Elora; Mrs. Jim (lieteeil) Wilson, Georgetown and two sons Calvin of Kiehener and Cleveland of 'Waterloo. Also surviving are two, stSferS, Mrs. Cit-,ige (Lillian) Hart of AtIVOtrd and Mrs. tercy (Elsie) Annett of RR 1,, Listowet He was pre- deceased by one broVter and one sister, The funeral service was: field on Saturday. ,July 3rd at 2 p.m. from the M. L. Watts Funeral Rothe, Brussels, Rev. ,C, A. McCarrell officiated, Pallbearers were Walter Murray; Joe Dinsmore, Jim Dunemore, George Davidson, Gordon Workman; John CamPh011. In term eat was in Brussels" cemetery. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr., and Mrs. Lawrence Addy front Arizona were holiday visitors with Miss Bessie Moses. Mrs. Torn Sthachan is a patient in Clinton Hospital where she underwent surgery, Mrs. George Chidlow was a visitor with Hespler friends last week. Mr. and Mrs, David Kennedy and sort Michael were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kennedy. Caen Pushelberg, a grade I:3 student, and nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Brighton is assisting 'them at the ;Dozy Korner restaurant during the summer holidays. Mr. and :Mrs, Earl Benson of Tlrantforcl, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Benson of London and Mr. and .11-rs. Ken I-Till of Bellyille were 'eekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Max Watts. Mr. and Mrs. 'Goi'd Pusbelberg of 'Kitchener and Mr. and Mra, Walter Fink of Wellesley visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brighton, Mrs. Marcel Mauer and daughter from taixemho-urg, are visitors with her brother, Ernie Back, where they will stay for three weeks, and then will visit her sister-iv-law in New Brunswick, The many friends of Harold Thomas are pleased to see him home from hospital. Phone 857.60.l1 and give the. Ymraeo of yovr *14.1ttir§. LOCAL RESIDENTS CARRY ON- FIGHT TO SAVE THE MAITLAND. 'ruse Save the Maitland Assoo- iation, with Jim Valiance preai; dint and Jack Bryans, vice presi-- derfia ,aontinue a vigorous cant- Daign in their efforts to stop the Pollution. of 0r once beautiful' Maitland River Mid •restore it 'to its former state. They are gain- ing support and assistance from concerned people and experts. in, the .0elsi of pollution, 13tya.ns received a letter' from Douglas Lash of the Canad- ian EnViromental Law Research roundatfon; stating he would be pleased id be of any assistance and would make enquirieS from the OWRC, Dr. T. W. Hoffmann, Chairman of the Chemical Engineering departinent of McMaster ITniver- sfty,, Hamilton, a recognized an, thority in his field, and Canadian! Representative on tire Internat- ioual Energy' Board, said in an interview with OKNX, that he is gellerally disatisfied with reports from the OWR Commission, regarding 'the Maitland River. Dr. Hoffman said that he felt that the river does not have sufficient flow to handle the effluentS from Listowel, It would take, in his Opinion, the very best treatment facilities to control the sewage. A brief on behalf of the "Save the Maitland" Association to mid, Western Ont. DeyelgpMent Coon- cal brought to their attention the following facts: 1. That the pollution of the Maitland River has 'reached a stage where it is both intolerable and dangerous. 2. That the pollution arises from tw'e causes: (a) The inadequacy of the sewage lagoon in the List- owel area.. (Ti) The amount of untreated waste dumped directly into the Middle'Maitland by the town of Listowel. and said it is our considered opinion 1. That no consmeration be given by your organization to en- courage or :promote any further development in that area until this disastrous sa- tiation is rectified.. 2. That since the objective of yetr organizatiOn is to pro- Mote development that a let- ter of protest to the proper authorities by you would be Most helpful. This oganization said they would comment on the abocre it ten days to two weeks: The Association recently pre- sented a brief to Energy and Resources Minister George Kerr lit Toronto. where they wore ,given an hour to discuss their grif)V4T1def‘ ttbittittlafix intildt, patm) 4