HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-07-01, Page 2VILLA AUDITOR 1970 1969 Cash Accounts receivable Taxes receivable. Other current assets Total current assets Capital outlay to be recovered ie future yeare 21,783 21,878 13,397 10,671 13,334 10,290 1,791 1,403 50,305 44,224 12,138 Total assets hiabiiitier lace -Ounce payable and accrued liabilities Total current liabilities Net long term liabilities Reserves and reserve funds Unappropriated balances Total liabilities 4,509 5,758 4,509 5,758 10,091 12,138 7,000 38,796 38,484 60,396 56,380 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS 1969 56,539 :15;430 6,143 197: 57,816 47,986 T7 501 TWO nauseam roe,of 4AVA fI•1111.,•••••••11•44.• 4qFtEY CENTRAL STUDENTS LEARN ABOUT ONTARIO RURAL LIVING 100 YEARS AGO Wkat wa1 life like in a rural "Ontario 'Village 100 years ago? Fortaefour Students of the 'Grade 8 class of Grey Central School found out June 9th when they visited historic Black creek Pioneer Village with their teacher, Mr. Axtmann. Black Creek is a living link 'with our ;pre-Confederation herit- age, where a visitor can exper- ience the same eights, sounds and smells that, made up a typieal cross-roads ccennietitY more than 'a century ago. The Grey °Waal Scboel, a-tridents saw how the theme of the "living" village is maintained at Pioneer Village through cost- ae:lied villagers and artisans who perform typical pioneer living tasks such ea baking cookies and bread, Spinning and weaving, blackeenithing and many others •on a, day to day basis. Nucleus of the Village is the "Stong farm of five log buildings standing on their original sites, just as they were prior to 1832. Among the hniblitigs that can be visited, are included a general store, 'clinrch, school, harness shop, Inn, flour mill, town hall, :printing office, and, fire house. 'There is also an outdoor bake oven and flourishing herb garden. Also a vital part of the Black Creek Pioneer Village atmosphere are the various types of livestock -and poultry which were found In any pioneer settlement. These in- clude rare Brahma and Cochin ehickens - authentic pioneer breeds which are now almost lextinct as well as Pilgrim, Chinese and Canada geese, var- ious species of ducks and 20 'Guinea fowl. Visitors can also see 'oxen, pigs, shee,p, cattle and horses. In addition to the other attract- ions, visitors can tour the Dalziel Barn Museum, a huge, cantilever barn built In 1809, which contains the largest collection of 19th century toys in. Canda, a sugar bush display, flax processing, a woodworking shop and a cooper's shop. Located at Jane St. and Steeles Ave. in northwest Metro Toronto, Mack Creek is being developed by the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority as an educational and tourist facility. Since it opened in 1957 more than 1,850,000 people have seen this remarkable recreation et pre 1867 life. Each year in addition to the regular visitors who tour thie pioneer community, thousands of philtiren come in class groups to obtain an authentic picture of pioneer life as it was lived in Upped Canada during the 19th pentury. Black Creek is open to visitors unit, November 30, BAD NEVER SOLD A THING TN, MY LIFE, YET I'VE BEEN A VERY SUCCESSFUL AVON REPRESENTATIVE , . " That's the experience of many Avon Representatives, etql it tali *ippon t1'j Nil wrttel Mr4, vili-O-s.oilpy 06, lti004 40.041, To: The Members of Council, and R,-atepayers of the Cop- poration of the Village of Bilas§els. 1 entv'e exhinined the 1970 financial statements of the Corporation of the .Village of Wessels. and its local boards, which are listed on the attached Index. My examination in- cluded a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of Accounting. records and other supporting. evidence as I considered necessary in the cireumstances. In my opinion these financial statements present faitile the financial position of the Corporation of the VilliaN of Brussels and its local boards as at December 31st, 1070, acid the results of their operations for the year then elided, in accordance with accounting principles :genera.), accepted for Ontario municipalities oh 're buis consistent with that of the preceding year (Signed) A, M. Harper City Goderich, Ontario Date May 18, 1971 Licence N;tinaber 4065 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for the year ended asceliibbr al, ieZo Revenue Taxation Contributions from other governments Other Expenditure General go'vethineift Ptotoctioh to Per-Scne aii'd property Public Works Sanitation and waste removal Social and family "services Recreation and community services Community planning and development Financial expenses Education County - share of expenditure Other Total expenditure 112,991 Excess of revenue over expenditure for the year 312 Surplus at the beginning of the year 38,484 Surplus ta the end of the year 38,796 ' 38,484 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FUNDS OPERATIONS for the year ended December 31, 1970 1970 1.969 Unfinanted eapital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the beginning of the. CAPITAL OUTLAY. Capital Expenditure Public Works Total capital outlay CAPITAL FINANCING Contributions from tl'ic reivf)Mic? • F BR SS S. REPORT VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET as at Dececrnber 31t. 1970 assets 1. Charges for Net Long Term Liabilities Total charges for the year for net long term liabilities were as follows; Principal payments 2,047,63 Interest 660.42 $2,708.05 Of the' total charges shown above, $1,632.05 paid trent' the general revenues of the munici- pality and is included in expenditure classified Under the appropriate functional headings. An amount of 0,070.00 was recovered from the Utilities Commission - Water Supply System for which the related net iong term liability Wa s incurred. 2. BasJis of Consolidation . The •consolidated balance sheet '•-reflects the . the assets and liabilities of the revenue fend and the Capital fund. The Assets and liabilities Of the local hoards of the municipality have not been included. • - Net Long Term Liabilities Total net leng,term liabilities incurred by the municipality and outstatiditig at the end of the, yeike anneint a • Of the outstanding long term liabilities shown aheve the aesporlsibility for payment of priti- itipal and charges has been assumed by the Huron County Board of Education for a prin- alApal amount of . .„.; • • • Net long term liabilities at the end of the year papithl Outlay to be 'Recovered In Future Veer. 04 the capital outlay to ho reeneered in future Fell!"fi, tin amount, of $2,S0MO l recoverable ellteeeeleafi. A.11 01 • LP06,116 Its to 110 i111(1F011n OfMilqi S:, ii iiit .liar 7,300 9,989 17,035 2,825 13,814 4,188 240 619 28,712 16,972 101,694 7,018 ' 31,466 8,637 8,492 2/,394 3,472 16.093 3,427 318 28,124 16,034 7;000 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Total revenue 113,803 108,71 $16:090.78 90.09,0.76 . 80,000,.00