HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-06-17, Page 3.4.4444•41.44 44,4•44 CRAWFORD and MILL S. H. CRAWFORD, G.C. fit. Vii, M. MILL, B.A., LLB, tiiiiiistkLi • and' PHONE 887-9491 VI/INGHAM PHONE 357.3630' one another, and Ministers would be able to work in closer co- operation. There is no doubt that- there IS a great deal of dupli- cation of services in many juris- dictions, from the Federal level down through the Provincial level to the municipalities, and there is obviously an. 'urgent need for streamlining of governnient at all levels. On Thursday of this week, we had the traditional Mock Peril- ment„ when the Legislative Pages take . the part of the various Members, Ministers and Leaders of the Political Parties, Young Scott McLean from our area took the part of the Member for Huron-Bruce, and I one of the Pages, These occasions are al- ways quite amusing, and it is interesting to see how much the Pages have observed during their Session here at queen's Park. They are great at heckling one another, of course, and they do a first 010,0 job of making the Pages run messages I should know! GOLDEN WORDS THE LITTLE THINGS The little things Are most worth-while — A quiet word, A look, a smile, A listening ear That's quick to share Another's, thoughts, Another's care . . . Though sometimes they may seem Quite small, These little things Mean most of all. s * letter cOMPA,N,0 , The Bouquet Invitation U. Good taste needn't be wipinsive. Our bowlful Bowlegs Inviastior. line provists this- wish the 'east exquisite paper& type 'aces and workmanship yew could wish for! V 'r•Ottures Thermo-Engraving—rich raked lesterthij—elegate as the finest craftsmanship -- set eosins so rittie! Came W,f,e our unusual seiocilen. flak, wcoehe sitkrsketi ENQUIRE AT THE BRUSSELS POST atiorv4,....,. • • • T10111 BRUSSRLS BILUSSE4S, (NM-RIO THE BRUSSELS POST ROY W, KENNEDY, Publisher Box 50, Brueseis, Ontarle- Published at Esrussets. Ontario, every Thursday Second Glass Mail Registration Number 0562 Member of Canadian Weekly. Newspapers Assoctiatier Ontario vv-'eekiy NewspaPere Association WIN611AM STIOP L . QUALITY CRAFTSNIANSHIG- Open Every Weekday. •_YOut lsuarantee For Over 25 Years or CEMETERY LETTERING Sex 186 WINGHAM. JOHN, MALLICK PHONE; OFFICE 887-6100 Jim Cardiff REAL. ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCs. AGENT FOR HOWICK FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INS. FIRE AUTO LIABiLITY RES. 887.616 WM ADAMSON Pigs Every Mon., Tines., ThUrS. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT Dial 887-63:57 PCV CLASS FS aitti REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK By Murray Gaunt, MR" • (Huron-Bruce) haS joined GO MM and the; U.S,. to launch a united attack on. pollution of the Groat; Lakes., !rho total cost of such a pro9 Fain according to the Inter- , national. Joint Comissioll report of last year would be $1.5 billions but ,George iiierr, Minister of N,nergy and Resources Managemeat, feels it will be considerably more than that,.. Mr. Kerr said an Ontario. Water .Resources Commission study has ,indicated that improving sewage :irdatinent facilities for fnunici- Li ti es arid industries on the Ontario side of the Lower Great - Lakes basin will 'cost closer to $5110. million than. the $210 million 1 estimated by the Joint Commis- sion, Mr, Kerr said Ontario and the Federal Governmenf are close to ail •.sgreement on cost sharing. He hopes Ottawa will foot 24 of the cost of treatment plant improve- Ment on the Great Lakes in ex- change for payment by Ontario for slinilat improvements at plants along fivers flowing into the takes,, such as the Grand. The GoVernment of Ontario is making preparations for the tederal-PrOincial Ccmstitutional Conference which is to take place next week, in Victoria, B. C. This conference will review the dis- tribution of talc powers between the two levels of ,government and also other areas of concern. It has been obvious for a considerable time that there is not sufficient liason between Ottawa and the. Provinces, and I think it would be . a good plan for conferences of this -kind to be held on a contin- uing basis, perhaps twice a year. By this means the Fereral GoVertunent and the Pro!vincial Governments could consult with "HOUSE of MAX FURNISHINGS — INTERIORS M. L. WATTS FUNERAL HOME PHONE: 887.683o or 887-6585 BRUSSELS, ONT. ENTERTAINMENT AT THE AMERICAN ROTE] BRUSSELS, ONT. THE WALKERTON TRIO PLUS 2 FRIDAY and. SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE LRAINBOVV, ROOM WE FEATURE; Turkey, Spare, Rubs and Sauerkraut, Fish. and Chips BAUER FARM and. GARDEN SERVICE BRUSSELS, ONT. MAJOR REPAIRS TO TRACTORS A D ALL FARM MACHINERY A 1 E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMOTRIST dEAFORTH, GOVENLOCH ST, 527-1240 Tuesday, Tnursday, 1-riday, Thursday Evening CLINTON OFFICE, 10 ISSAG STREET Monday, and Wednesday 482-7010 r - Either Office Fa;' Appointment vt.i= THE McK1LLOP MUTUAL. 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