HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-06-10, Page 4JUNE 1.0 PUBLIC MEETING Of All Interested Citizens Of Brussels Community WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY At. 8:30 P.M. TO PLAN FOR BRUSSELS CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS Marking The 100th Year As An Incorporated Village J. L. McCUTCHEON, REEVE Village of Brussels weatzooloaxamparIbleablotwoatiotzotaarr, QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS ENTERTAINMENT AT SMILEY'S HAVEN smoKgy DUNN'S HILLBILLY; STAGE SHOW FRIPAY and SATURDAY Menu: Barbecued, Ribs :and, Kraut, Southern Fried Chicken and Chips tetteatelatelateateealalalaMiatate -EZtaliatale-Vgleaseatateltetsecmaeweisaaafae..aesaa EtE astnionis BRUSSitiS, MELVILLE 'LADIES' AID JUNE. MEETING alra. Ade Armstrong WOs hostees for the June meeting of the Ladies' Aid With the President, Mrs. Matheson convening the meeting; opening with a poema The Devotional part was taken by Mrs. Tur vey, who read part of the 5th chapter of Ephesiatis and Mrs. Parish led in prayer, followed by hymn singing. The secretary's report VMS given by Mrs. Armstrong, the financial statement by Mis. Dennis and the Stinshine report, enumerating cards and visits co the sick in hospital and shut-ins 'was given by Mrs, Evane, Twenty four 'ladies were pre- sent. The roll call was answered with a poem or thought inspired by the beauty and loveliness of the month of June. Mrs. Ring read the story of Marion Van. Home, who is "Director of Christian ,Literature" for children and adults in all countries, around the world. 700 million adults didn't know how to read or write.. BY using Dr. Lauhach's simple pip- torial alphabet they are learning to read. Then the question arose: why teach pepple to read unless they have books in their own tongue to read, Marion Van Herne has been given the task of direct- ing writers in all countries to write hooks in their own language for their own people. To meet, this emergency Marian Van Horne organized a Chrisitian Writers' Conference at Green Lake, Wisconsin and 07 young men and women, 'Natives and missionaries of 36 countries came and completed a nine week's course of training in writing books for children and adults in 44 languages. Since then Marion Van Horne has organized work shops all over the world to train native writers to write for their own people. Her aim is half a minima books in the next five years. The Christian church has taught people on three 'continents to read and the communists have been quick to seize this opportnn, ity to pour in their literature. The meeting Closed with a hymn and Mizpah Benediction, Jo the social hour that followed contests, were enjoyed and, lunch was Served, WALTON (continued from page one). and Mrs. Doug Riley, Rim and Gregory, of Winthrop; Mr. and Mrs. Howard If ackwell, Dean, and. Pamela. and Patricia of Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Steph— onset'. Lori-Ann, Lynne and Lis :ann. of Rexdale; and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woods, Debbie and Michelle of Ganaoque. Those from a distance attend- ing the funeral of the late Mrs, Ken Ritchie Were; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ennis, Beth and Cathy of London; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kelly of N'Obleton; Gerald Dressel of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Eimer Moore of Stratford; Roy Planke of Toronto; Miss Grace Wilson of London; Donald Wilson and son of Sarnia; Mr. and, Mrs. Jim Ritchie of London; Mrs. David Preethy of Toronto; Mr. and. Mrs, Ron Ennis of 'Whitby; Miss Ruth Ritchie, R.N., Hamilton and Mrs. Harry Lubnaue of Londen,' Reception Honors Newlyweds A large crowd attended the: reception in Walton 'Community Friday evening ter Mr. and Mrs. Neil McNichol (nee Dianne aleRayi. The evening 'Was spent 'dancing to the music of fan Wilbee and his. orchestra, An address of congratulations was read by Jack McCell and the happy coap..e were presented with a puree of money by Alex Glanville en behalf of their friends and neighbours, Neil made a fitting rely: Celebrate Anniversary A surprise dinner party was held at the Iroquois' Casino in. London on Saturday to honor Mr. and Mrs. Archie Somerville) RR Walton on their 35th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs, 'Seiner- ville were married on June 5, 1930, Somerville Was the forinei' ;:loraa Strong train Tuckersinith, Those ettending the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Seinerville's fem. deughters and their families, Mr. end Mrs. Keh Campbell. Kevin, Ki m and Bradley Of. Dub- lin; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Watkke of Kitehener: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harvey and Cheryl of 'Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Eric: Ross of Lon- don. At the close of the evening the family presented their parents with a stereo set. 41.1th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence Ryan, RR 2, Waltan wore guests et honor at a celebration for their 47t1t Wedding Anniversary. Which was held at the home of their son and daughter Mr, PIM Mrs. Gerald Ityan, The table Watt tsguotiy ocPrPi,q, Pollti'Pa With the anniversary eake with white icing and red roses, Following a buffet. dinner many presents were given to the bride end groom forty years. ago„ Those present for the happy occasion- were: Mr, and Mrs. 13ob Joanne, Timmy and Scott; Mr, and Mrs, Jim Ityan and Gregory; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan,. Steven and Joey; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ryan, Paul, Chris, Mary, Alice and Michael; Wee Teresa Ryan R.N.A., London; Won Ryan; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid; Mrs. Hackwell; Mrs. Ethel Hack- well; Mr. and .Mrs. Joe Bawl; Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Sea- forth; Mrs. Charles MeCutcheon; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs.- Roy Belton, London; Mr. and Mrs, .Jack McKinnon, Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grobbink and Mr. and Mrs. Gary McNichol. STROP — HUMPHRIES St. John's Anglican .Church, Brussels •was the setting for the melange of Wendy May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Humphries of Walton, to Stanely W. Stroup, Listowel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Franc Stroop Rea. 5, Brussels. The Rey, Keith Stokes officiated at the candlelight ceremony. Baskets of pink carnations and white shasta daisies decal a tea 'the chinch. Given in marriage' by het father, the bride looked lovely in a white peau de sole gown and chapel train appliqued with white Belgium lace flowers. A beaded petal headpiece held her veil. She carried a cascade of red roses and stephanotis. Mrs. Maureen White of Baden, Ontario, was the matron of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Elly Stroop ,sister of the groom, R.R. 5, Brussels arid Miss Kim 'Humphries sister of the bride. Walton, Ontario, :They were dres- sed alike in floor-length gowns of tiirqnoiee flowered sheer over white taffeta. and carried boquets of pink and white carnations. Miss Kathy Humphries, niece of the bride Miss Evelyn Stroop, sister of the groom, were the flower girls. They were dressed in floot-lerigth gowns of white crystalette with turquoise trim. They carried nosegays of pink and white carnations. Mr. Murray Baillie, of Stratford, wa s groosma,n and the ushers Were Mr. Robert Humphries, brother of the bride. London, and Mr. Ronald Weppler, Listowel. Mrs. Bev. Elliott was the organ- ist. The reception anis held at the: Brussels Legion Hall. The bride's mother received , the geeets Wearing a. bead tritnited lime green fortrel coat and dress' ensemble with white accessories and corsage of yellow roses and bronze 'mums, The groom's mother assisted dressed in a twelve bubble crepe coat, dress with White accessories and corsage of. YellOw orchid and bronze Mums, Per their wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the bride travelled in a figured hot pants outfit, 'White accessories and cor- sage of white carnations. The couple Will reside at 270 Flake Street H,, Listowel, Ontario. ests were present from WInflOPI $.441`PiraVillP 0114 beihflon, U.C.W. Afternoon Unit Meeting The 'Afternoon Unit of the Brussels U. C. W, met on Tuna 1 ,:t, at the home of Mrs. Carl Herring. way. Being the final meeting for the season, it was a social time, consisting of games, readings, contest s etc. prepared and led by Mrs. W. Turnbull, Mrs. DeVries, and Miss Skelton. A sumptuous lunch wa s serv- ed by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Cousins, 'Kra. Thomas, Mrs. Biller Mrs, Barker, Miss Skelton, and Miss Lucas, The next meeting of this group will be on Sep. 7th at the hone of Mrs. Norman Hoover. NORMAN COGHLIN ELECTED LIONS DISTRICT GOVERNOR. Norman Coghlin, a member of the Atwodd Lions Club, was elected district governor of area A-9 of Ontario and Quebec at the District A convention in Kingston, He succeeds Frank Barnes of Arthur. Mr. ,Coghlin is a past president of the Atwood club, :a pest zone chairman and this past year held the office of deputy district. goverhOP. District A-99 composes 43 clubs intending. Orillai and. 43 clubs including Orillia and Grand Bend and St Mary's in the south. Mr. and Mrs. Coghlin are plan- ning to attend the Liens intet.- national convention in Las Vegas. Nev.., at the end of the month when he will be officially instal- led along with 10 other goVerners elected from Ontario and Quebec. Mr. Coghlin waS sponsored by the Atwood Lions in his campaign: for district governor. He has been a,. Member of the club since it was chartered. in 1957. parents wa nt their children to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth . , . until they have guests in the houSe. LOST On the Coffe and 'House Tour on Wednesday, an oaring, a cluster of three pearls, Valued as keepsake, Finder please call Mrs. Rus Annett, Phone 887_06 ,16 COMING EVENTS: ANNUAL STRAWBERRY SUPPER At Brussels United Church Wednesday, June 16th, from 5 to 8 p.m. Adults $1.75, Public School Children .,50c, •Pre-schoplere • Free. DECORATION SERVICE The Legion and Ladies' 'Auxil- iery, Rebekahs :and Oddfellows will hold their annual Decoration Serviee at the, cemetery on Sun- day, June 20th, 1971 'at 2:00 p.M, DANCE Sponsored by Brussels Agricul- Ural Society, Friday Night. June 18th, 1971, in Crystal Palace, Brussels, Ont. Music by Town and Country Four Orchestra. Everyone welcome, especially Teen-Agers. Admission $1.00 each. Proceeds go towards Brussels Fall Fair. MELVILLE CHURCH GUILD MEETING The fifth mooing of the Melville Women's (lend was held on May 18th. Mary Davidson . opened the Meeting with a poem. Hymn 590 was sung. Donelda Stiles played a. piano solo. Scripture was read. The topic, Planting and Reaping was read by jean Stiles. Prayer was read by Brenda Higgins, gynin 595 was sung and closed with Benedictioe. The meeing Was closed and a of the meeting. Roll call was Something Beautitnl. Plans for an August wedding were 'made, The meeing was closed and a lovely lunch was served by the May . committee, Mary Davidson, Jean Stiles and Brenda Higgins, -0111111111101PmNIMIIMOWIR CRANBROOK GENERAL STA" SUPERTEST GAS AND OILS WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS GARDENING PLANTS FLOWERS and VEGETABLES AT VARIOUS PRICES Agent: Listowel Dry Cleaners CRANBROOK PHONE BRUSSELS 887.6593 figlAiSPONweienftetifigftlegamixeliffitstmiNftpoligooP