HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-09-09, Page 8TflIt HURON SIGNAL; FRIDAY SEPT, 9. it+S1.
MOULDINGS, and every
Deeseiptwn of Iutener Finish.
A Specialty. Send for Price
Saitimates en applice-
HAavnr Hoes.--Anenthusiasticc,r-
r'espondent suggests that a plowing match
to wind up with a grand harvest home
celebration should be held in the town-
ship some day late in September. The
idea is worth considering.
DRo(cHT. - The long -continued dry
weather has ca•:ted a scarcity of water in
this vicinity. Many farmers have to
drive their cattle about a toile aid a
half daily.
Donald, teacher of the Paramount
school, is unable t., attend to his duties,
having had an attack of inflammation
about two weeks ago. We trust soon to
see hint restored to his usual health and
The meanest man in Millburn, strange
to say, is • constant reader of THE Sia -
NAL. But he always borrows it.
Bre DA) -'x WORK. -Messrs. It. Bean,
J. Ma weed gild S. Appelby on Wednes-
day oflastweek, from 7 o'clock a. m.
until i p. m. resting 40 minutes at noon,
with sae team, drew off 14 acres of oats,
stacking nine loads and putting tive
away. All the loads contained 45
shocks but one, which had en 20. Mr.
Maywood helped with only thirteen
Mr. W. D. Wilson was engaged fight-
ing tire all Tuesday night.
Mr. Rowed has gone to " Blyth for a
short time to take Mr. Nation's place in
gCush Bros. store, Mr. Nation, being
absmt on business.
The rain on Monday evening dirtied a
a good tuany clean clothes that had been
washed during the day. There are a
great many fish dead in the river here.
Hundreds of them may be gathered in
a short time.
Boerne.; ACCIDENT. -A gay young
Lothario of this neighborhood took a fair
damsel for a sail a few days ago and met
with a misfortune which resulted in a
alight wetting. He thinks a last is
easier managed than a boat.
Pre Soto. -Messrs. Cameron &
Campbell, have sold their fine mastiff
pup, "Sultan," five months old, by
"Berney", out of "Juno," to Geo. C.
Esq., barrister, of London,
for $40. "Sultan" promises to become
a magnificent dog. Mesars. C. & C. in-
tend exhibiting their mastiffs at the Lon-
don bench show next me nth.
Frac.-On Tuesday n •ming last, the
dwelling house ownea and occupied by
Mr. Wm. Johnston, situated on the
corner of Ross and Clyde streets, was
burned tt, the ground. The fire was
caused by a defective stovepipe, and
owing to the dry weather of the past
few weeks the building was soon ' wrapt
in flames. The furniture was all saved.
There was no insurance on the building
at the time, it having expired eight or
ten daysprev ions.
NARROW Ea. ARE. -Mr. Thos. Burns,
lime burner, had a very narrow escape
from instant death on Thursday last.
He was repairing the side of the kiln,
when the entire structure suddenly gave
way, completely burying hien. ' Had it
not been for the timely arrrival of his
son and a man who was wurking'close
by, who removed the earth; he would
have been suffocated. With the excep-
tion of a ten. bruises Mr. Burns mop-
ed none the worse for the accident. -
The Rol;.. H. Ferguson's farm on the
16th don. was wild under a mortgage on
Tuesday last to Mr. Richard Bennett.
for 11.2.510.
On Wednesday evening last a tele-
gram was received by Mr. Henry Per-
kins announcing the death of his bro-
ther-in-law Mr. Edward Green, who
left this village for the home of his
father in U.derich Township in May
last. His health for some years has
been very poorly and although his death
was somewhat sudden it was not unex-
pected. His body was removed to this
village for interment on Tuesday last,
reaching here about five o clock in the
afternoon. The cortege was met at
Wroxeter by a large number of deceas-
ed's former friends who accompanied
the remains to their last resting place.
\\'e are called upon, this week, to an-
nounce the death of Mr. Jno. Montgom-
ery, one of Howick's oldest settlers. who
died at his home, lot 18 on the IOkh
concession, on Wednesday last, at the
rape age of 72 y ware. Mr. Montgomery
was born in Donegal county, Ireland
and emigrated to Canada in 1847, ee•-
tling in the township of \Velleeley.
After remaining there eight years, he
removed to his present incxtien in
March, 1&otl, where he has remained
ever since, and has a large family settled
around him. About a year aur he had
a stroke of paralysis, which it was ex-
pected at the time would speedily erose
his death, but his sturdy constitution
.overcame it for the time. Since then,
however, he has been very feeble, and
part of the time a great sufferer until
Wednesday last, when he Rank penes -
fully to his eternal red. Mr Montgom-
ery was a truly geed man who, was great-
ly respected and honored by all who. I,
knew him The fonertl was c•,ndueteil
by the Rev. John Heigh, aeai.t.d by
the Orangemen ••f Hawick, .1 which I•
body dere s...l was a member, and was
attended by about 400 persona. who
gatler'i at the cemetery m this village I
to v their last sari tribute t. the 'a rail •
art •rir
Vat lhwa»r .
Tat la civ S1ifeTl.na, -The first set-
t r of West Ward ,ap, ix dill alive in
t e prrsou of Mrs. Wm. Jackman. For-
t -one year. ago Mrs. Jackman aceom-
panied her husba►ul into the a ads of
the township, following the surveyor's
blaze. During the year other settlers
came iu, and land was granted by the
government for roads. The old lady
now resides on the farm near Nile P. t
Her son,Jame. Wawanoell Jackman, eat
the first child born in the township and
is now working the farm as owner. He
is barely forty years of age.
Mr. Henry Dyke has just returned
from a visit to England.
Mr. Kelly, the seetie' neater on the
G. 7'. R , is getting a new house built
by the company. He has been a faith-
ful servant for a good number of yearn.
Accin ea.- On Friday last, as Mr.
Joseph Churchill was about to start
from home with his team, they took
fright and threw him down, hurting his
shoulder. • As they were about jumping
the barnyard gate one .d the horses legs
caught between the wheel and post,
which utterly smashed the limb. The
hone had to be killed.
CoueeIL.-Pursuant to adjournment
the council met on Aug. 27. All the
members present. Minutes of previous
meeting read and signed. After estima-
ting the expenditure for next year, it
was moved by Peter Douglas, sec. by
John McKinley, that the clerk be in-
structed to draft a by-law to raise oti the
rateable property of this township for
the ensuing year, the following sums,
via: -For county purposes, $3,574,54;
for township purposes, 12,610, which
suets will require a rate of 2 mills of
the dollar for county and lk mills on the
dollar for township purposes. Carried.
Moved by Geo. Castle, sec. by J. Tor-
rance, that the Clerk draft a by -Law to
levy off the rateable property in this
township for school purposes, the re-
spective sums asked for by the different
school corporations. Carried. The
said by-laws were duly read and signed.
Moved by J. Torrance, sec. lay George
Castle, that t}ajs meeting now adjourn
to meet again on the first Saturday in
November, at one o'clock p. in. Car-
Thomas Maunders intends going to
Dakota, or the North West, next week,
with the intention of looking out a home
for himself.
Messrs. Baker & Taylor threshed one
day last ' week on the farm ..f Geo.
Avery, 15th con., 540 bushels of fall
wheat in a little over 7 hours, which wa.e
accomplished without any extra effort.
Those threshers having si.eamers had
better raise their steam a little.
ROBBERY. -Last woek the store of %V.
L. Wells, of Henfryn, was entered by
two men who stole five silver watches,
three razors and a quantity of watch
chains and pocket knives. A liberal re-
ward is offered for their rapture.
Thomas English, constable, has the mat-
ter in hand.
FATAL . ACCIDENT. - Last Monday
night as a man named Bradburn was
going home in a wagon with Wm. Duke
from Brussels, and being under the in-
fluence of liquor, they were thrown out
by the wagon coming ,in contact with
some obstacle. Duke escaped with a
few bruises, but Bradburn had his ribs
crushed in so that they penetrated his
lung. Although the best of inedical at-
tention was given him he died on Tues-
day morning. He was buried at Cran-
brook on Wednesday afternoon. -Post,
A. .•IDaNT.-Mr. Neil Campbell, who.
is the employ. of Messrs. Carr & Ensign,
threshers, while attempting to throw off
the large cylinder belt and the iron pul-
ley. The thumb was badly bruised, and
the the flesh torn off the back of the
hand. Though the wounds are' painful,
no bones are broken, and he expects to
he able to resume work again shortly.
Ban Fiara.-The atmosphere in this
locality is exceedingly smoky causing
the eyes to smart and producing an un-
pleasant sensation generally. The
smoke seems to come front the large!
bush fires which are raging in some
parts of Ashfield, and doing much dam-
e. Those who reside in the vicinity
o them, live in constant fear of being
burned out of house and home, and
many are obliged to fight the fiery fiend
day and night. The desire for rain
seenis to be uppermost in everybody's
mind. May it soon come.
FIRE. -Mr. Thos. Smith, (.1 1st con.
Huron, had the misfortune to totter
*overly by fire en the night of Tuesday
30th inst, his barn, stables. farming
implements, and entire crop of hay and
grain being totally consumed. The en -
gin ..f the fire is unknown but is suppos-
ed to be the work of an incendiary, as
there was no fire within a distance of
half a mile. The loss is said to be about
82.000. Tt was insured for x!100. •
Jselkesaw, M. Bailie, F. MoEee, A. Kerr
A. Mcfwala. A. McKnlRht, M. Smylie,
11. Smylie, I &tam, J. McWbiney,
C. Young, R Hutcaina From. 2 10 3
clans N. McVittie, 't, (vaguer, R. Ech
line, M. M.dlough, M. Stesart, M. te-
wnrt. Ft. .1.1 3 jr. to 3 sr., E. tiirvin, K.
Stewart, 31. Hogan, M. Mollwain. N.
J:wkatan, M. "81113,wt' Tah4+
number pr• t:mien* trade J. ' •
lbwais ki •
Mr. Thome Cole, sold a bans last"
week, for $145. Tont is doing a lively
business in "hose
Mr. James Torrance, of the 0th con.,
whose wheat crop promised, in the
spring, a yield about 10 bushels per acre,
will now probably exceed 30 bushels per
acre. This is a good yield.
We understand that the Episcopal
ministers of Bayfield, have just ltegan
a series of revival services in Mr. Wat-
son's barn, on the 4th con. The build-
ing is fitted up in a commodious manuer
for the occasion, and being in a central
position, is pretty well tilled at the cud
of the first week of the meeting.
13c:x FIRE... -The fire fiend raged on
Suoday afternoon near the Point Farm,
and farmers near the South West corner
turned oat and watched the treacherous
Hautes all afternoon. No great damage
was done, however.
Wan CAT. -A few days ago James
Hogarth and James McManus, while
proceeding to a spring near the lake for
a drink, came upon a wild cat. The
boys gave chase at once, but as they
had no other weapons but stones the
terror of the Canadian forest escaped.
Great Loom of We and Property..
moi. _._ -
1 • t . era.( Jara'a drew sir area :• of Batas__
. Last agivalr, Mieh., :.•pt. 7.-Alarm-
aintt leleirta of Bros ouutfuue. Several
t'et-,..n4 have been bunt to death fleei
Ifrmu t tire. The village of l)eckervi) i
ria smelly costmed, and Anderson S
thou is aartisily berned. The elevator
at -1leudowu, Port Ho1.e is nearly all
I,urleel, and the Verona Mills are ail de-
stroyed, but the ohun:h and store. Bad-
Axe is all gone but the Court House and
Motel. L ntlersby is totally destroyed.
Richiuondvtlle is totally consumed. The
tire is ragingin the western pert of For-
estville, and the l.poide are all moving to
the lake shore. lu Watertown tew'uship
two, cutin families w ere burned to de wth-
Tnu mail tames. trout Monet tol3ad Axe
IS resorted lust. Between Sandloesh
and CatwOUville George Ayres and wife,
two children mill a grandchild were
bunted to death. Tuner reigns • iu the
whole country. S..ti a people have not
even leen going t.. hell. In the dots
time it is densely dark and s, smoky as
to reeler breathing truubiesoue. Lamps
are kept cnnstautl burning. It is im-
possible to leant the full exteut of the
cala• ppmity, as there is mu mail or tele -
Caro, Mich., Sept. 7. - Terrible reports
reach us frutn all pacts of this county
coliceruing the ravages .f the tire It is
raging with fearful destruction to pro-
perty, and in some instances lives have
be.ii sacritice.I. lis the town of Elling-
ton two teen were horned to death, and
west of here it ywu.g child was suffo-
cata 1 with heat and smoke. Such a
time was never known in this locality.
Caro is surrounded with' fire, but extra
precaution is being used and no danger
is apprehended. The track of the Caro
branch railroad between 1Vatrousvilleand
Vassar, was hurued, so that no trains
could run yesterday afternoon, and the
tt lo; raph wire ie entirely disabled. The
ground is like an ash bed, and unless
rain soon comes there will toe still more
perilous tines for Tuscola county to ex-
Forester, Mich., Sept. 7. -The fire in
the immediate vicinity 'of Forrester is
subsiding to -day. There was great de-
struction of property yesterday. At
Richmondville the greatest amount of
damage was done, and it was utterly int -
possible to save anything. The fire
came on with such rapidity that it swept
everything before it. The loss of life is
eeriuus. Abel Thornton, wife, son and
daughter took refuge in a well and per-
ished. A young man named John Mog-
hnn and a girl named Sharkey were
burned to death. John Lee, wife and
mother, and Min Winters, said to have
been lost, are alive. Some div.'s were
lost at Deckerville. The mail carrier on
the route from Farmers to Sandusky re -
parted having seen four dead bodies on
his route. The mail -carrier froin Bad
Axe to Marlette is lost. Bad Axe is in
ashes, only the court house and one
dwelling remain. Ver..na Mills is all
destroyed except the hetet and church.
The whole country from Sand Beach to
Forester is destroyed, except the villages
of White Rock and Forestville.
The remains' of a family of seven,
named Richmond were found dead ie a
well near. Charlestown, they having of
into the will for shelter and there suffo-
cated. The charred remains of Henry
Cole were also found at Charlestown,
and a family named Sunda, of Paris
Township,have been burned to death,
and an old lady was found dead. It is
thought that not less than thirty liven
have been lost, and the number 'may yet
rea:h fifty. The townahiils of Dels-
wara, Minden and Austin, in i4anilac
County, and then) of Bingham, Sherman
and Paris, in Huron County, are burned
over and deserted. The crops in these
townships were all harvested, and nearly
all are now lost.
Poe: HURoe, Mica., Sept, 7. -It is
th'..udht here that the destruction of life
and prop_rty in Sandie: sad Huron cou
t ties by the tires. this week will great)
i ttX ' 1 the! of 1871. Dett:ils thus f
• re-ei v e1 warrant the estimate that
Ilives .tr re 1•et on Monday, when tae hot
isouthwest.wind drove the tires with ir-
resistible fury thr9adh nearly al the
1 won.ise se,. Lin Uf these counties, de
atroving e-trythin2 in its path that
would b•sr a. The smoke was so dense
at no on .nt 31...n1 by'thtt lamps wet
lighten and people went about with pan
terns, and many farmers s_attered thei
ni n-eable :property about the ploughed
fields or in other p!acea ahem there w
nothing to burn, and a little Was this
saved. Cattle, horses, sheep, hogs .hest
even don,4s were roasted in the fields
by the roadside, and in sante cases no-
men ani children were suffocated and
burned on the publlc roads. At placee
■ ion, the line of the Port Huron and
Noriwestern Rulroad ties wete burned
nails twisted out of shape, and communi
cation with the burned districts is sail
cut off except by boat along the shore
At Marlette this morning people had thei
gor!; packed ready t o move, as fire
were burning on the north, and it is fear
of the nnrth wind may have driven the
Haines int. the village. Between Mel-
vin an 1 Marlette, on the Port Huron &
N-,rthwescerci Railroad. the forests were
Acciortr.-Mr. Thotuas Fathering-.
ham, of the stone t own, who is summer-
ing here, while cutting hands at a recent
threshing, indicted a painful gash upon
the back of one of his hands, which will
prevent hint from using.it for a week or
SHOWER BATH. -Butternut Row on'
Saturday afternoon was alive with teams
bringing water front the lake. In his
eagerness to dip up his load a well
known bachelor fell into the water, but
escaped a watery.grave. Another. team
was insecurely blocked on the hind
wheel, and while going up hill started
back, hitting against a tree, and upset-
ting the barrels of w;ater.-rerabachelor.
He was rescued by a good Samaritam
in the foram of a brother bachelor.
Mosemoi PRonneri.-Our old friend
11r. Harry Horton has returned from
his visit to Muskoka, and brings back
eliwing accounts of that district. He
has shown your correspondent samples
of the different grains grown in Mon-
teith county,- and they are undoubtedly
splendid specimens of cereals. The oats
are particularly fine. A pea vine meas-
ured loft. loin. in length. The crops
are very good this year. more especially
vegetables. THe Government roads run
all through the district; and the country
is •'pening up rapidly.
Lr tr t NATCR -3I;. E ]ward Paoey
td the possesor eta living natural curios-
ity, in•the shape of a pig with five legs.
Mr. Edward Caswell left here on Man -
day last for a short visit among his
friends in Hamilton. We trust he may
have a pleasant .tune. - •
A HINT. -Although I don't wish to
say -anything in ,perticular about the
three young gents, who are at present
"keeping bath," I might mildly observe
that quite a number of our young ladies
are envying them their household duties.
Come, old chaps, don't cheat the girls.
Cams. -The choir in connection with
the Lucknuw Methodist Church, gave
an interesting entertainment in the
()Mae hall here on Wednesday evening
of last week. The able manner in which
the pieces were rendered gave evi'lence
of considerable musical ability.
Tou.uai VP: -Mr. James Whyard'a
new, verandah presents quite an impos-
ing appearance since the application of a
few coats of paint. Mr. Robe. Pent-
lands blacksmith shop has been improv-
ed likewise. Fnr amateurs the opera-
tions were preformed in a very skilful
and professional like manner.
PER.i"SAL.-On Satur•.ay last it•u had
a tiring visit from. Mr. T. McGillicuddy
of THE SINAL -a gentleman we always
greet with pleasure: THE S1.tNAL re-
ceives a hearty welcome from all in this
Tillage, and its increasing popularity
gives evidence of its superior excellence.
In short, in this section its friends are
A very axial ani agreeable ,sante of
base hall was played here on Thursday
of last week. between Kintail and Dun-
gannon clubs, which resulted in favour
of the latter by several runs. Mr Law
ria deserves credit for the satisfactory
way he precided over the contest. A
very friendly feeling prevsdell the game
throughout. and it was a fine specimen of
how a match should be played. It wits
also well calculated to promote sociabili-
ty, and create a friendly interest in the
WAS IT Turenea 1 --One evening last
week one of our citizens was aroused
from his midnight slumbers, by his wife
shaking him by the arm, saying, "There
. a thunder scram coming up. Dint
you hear that distant thunder?" •'yes,
idydear,'' he anewere.f tttrniny over and
PRR4ONAL.--Mr. J. Jackman has re- I g
turned from Algoma. lie describes the l h
a.-untry as being exceedingly rough and i
rooky. He says it is almost imptwsible 1 d
to tind :.'00 acres in one block w'Itl►.ng i 1
either Naffs or deep ravine.. i a
A. ••tns;w•r -Mr. S. Echlin, lot con. I n
A.htield, w -aa riding on hor.el>,ack one l
day last week when the horse stepped
en a round dietr tyariq nu the road which
rolled with hitw and the weight of the
horse and nder canto nn ono of the legs 1
badlypthaithey'werreirrtered Ow. f Ices) to killetl e I Du
,;ing to sleep agailt. ".1ahn ' lobe.'
.w can you sleep when there as mob a
tome brewing 1 go and shut the win
.w, man This time he was thorough
y aroused. and on going to the
ltd Inking out. beheld t• his chagrin.
naafi( more er less than the phn. gal -
cry ninebling beck to town. and evi-
derilt the cause of all the noise. The
phot(+tp►rpihet has .pared with his car
to nor .vlyillaagfee again after a short but
scrsti ce vent at the Ntle. we un ler•
nd he antenrls to spend the *annsea its
Cop" to I
- fort
The Canadian P'acifie railway is now h
eompleted as ler aa the Matta**. 100 i
miles &Mee Pernhrnke
it is reported that ,;old in rery rich
inside has been discnverpd ..n the farm tis
of Wiflism Cutely, in (Carmen. west of w
Centreville Thirty .hilar. w ,rth d an
the precious metal wee street.•, from ' h
1.nllh px,ond• t or•
tor. tTroNAt_ The Inspector, Mr.
I. It. Miller, made an official visit tothe
Nile school on last Friday. He etptsroe-
ed himself well pleased, Moth with the
lep..rtn.• nt and the advancement made
by the pupils eine, his leo visit. Mari
f, IRI. erle Fly
vie.ng from 11 promotions
i srr- t'e m llirt-in {
' *fewer. 1 111.0l•oogh. M Hutchins,
' tai. Free: i ee t . ,lase. F
remarks, sod probably not less that. 100
lives have been I.at in all. Ti -!• ""attar
continues dry. A high wind is prevail-
iud, and the tires* still raging t:rrtbly
teeportaae IIrtvat of akodt.l
Tint we!1 kuuwn atoclp importer, 3Ir.
Sinful' Beatty, :.rived at the Albi• n
Roto', hi this city, yesterday, frou► Erg -
land, end brought with hint tl-e follow-
ing consignments: A 2 year-old Clyde
colt, by Lord Lyon, (aae of the most
promising Iliokiug youngsters of his class
yet brought t , Haan., a g. c r Clyde
swan', Lovely, six year-old, a fau.ous
prize winuer, having as a 3•yar-old
taseli first prise in her class at Paris,
to'ntitce, and brin•t elso awarded a gold
medal as the test ware of all ages on
exhibition. Biu has also brought with
hint :► very tine Clyde mare, 5 and 6
years old, sod . a yearling C1y.le filly.
Mr. Beatty brought with hits for the
Hon. Mr. Cochrane, of Compton, Que-
bec, a yearling Clyde colt, a number of
sheer, a very fine short horn bull, sad
tliiee Polled Angus cattle. He &Ise
bn,ueht for Mr. Attrill, of G.lerich,
three short horns which cod an aggre-
gate of $'28,000, one cow being valued at
012,000. lit addition to these, Mr.
Beaty delivered 3; head of differ nt
breeds of cattle; 125 choice chem of the
l►xferd, St,uthduwn:, Shropshire and
Cotswold strain., and 29 pigs t.. the
Government of New Brunswick. Last
on the het are three choice collie dogs
and two noted fox terriers, for 1.1r.
Holderness, all if them from noted
},roc et..cti. Mr. Beatty retorts reason-
ably f..ir weather oft the vo arc out,
and st•s k linded in prime c,ntitiun, the
only lima alstaine d being two or three
sheep. Many' of the above will be .n
view at the Toronto Fair, and We are
satisfied that tin. public verdict will
again sustain Mr. B •atty's high reputa-
tion as one of the b -•.t• buyers th•it ever
stts,d at a sale ring. ---.'Canadian Sports-
Miscellaneous Carse.
Office. ('ebb's block. Ktnaetun at., (.de-
nch. nisei u.d sp aleetivas drawn uurrett•
ly. l' arp, • aler'ia►ytaat e'er s sad Wawa s work'
ule_asun and v net
LIS ItED Ii10.This establishment Ise/lied)
rvoted to job and library work, especially too
boss unique and economical Malicia( and lour -
t occu styles. In all case, the beet of stuck and
workmanship. with •treagm end beauty cum
bided. Bindery toerJohnDuttun's druid sten.
The Senate.
Tho Senate will always be defended by
those who hare seats 6 it, as well as by
those who have the giving of the seats.
That is quite natural. Sir Hector Ltnge-
vin says the Senate must be retained be-
cause it was stipulated for when the mar -
1 rage contract was made between the Pte-
vincs, and Confederation was accomp-
lished. This is the same as arguing that
because a man has a cow when he. mar-
ries he must feed it and fatten it till the
end of all things. The cow may go dry
and be an items of expense, but -because
it was a part of the man's earthly pia -
sessions, with which he endowed his wife
at the time of his marriage, he must not
dream .•f disposing of it and c•.nverting
the proceeds to some more profitable pur-
pose. The Senate is Canada's cow. It
once served a useful purpose. But it
has zone dry.-- and there should be -no
hesitation in taking it t t the butcher. -
RUod.r k,, J. T. narro
w. ry W.
roudl mutt 1711.
!'ruudlvul 1711.
Ood.rloh Ont. Solicitor la Cbaawry1 t.
Fall Shaw. 1■ tact.
Industrial, at Toronto, Sept. 5 to 17.
Quebec Provincial, at Montreal, Sept.
114 to 23.
North Perth, at Stratford, Sept. 13
and 16.
, Mitchell horticultural, at„ Mitchell,
Sept. 22 and 23.
Northern Fair, Ailse Craig, Sept. 10
and 20.
. Mullett Brani:a, at Clinton, Sept. 20
and 21. •
Provincial. at London, Sept, 21 to M.
Turnberry, at Wineham, Sejot. X20
and 23.
Hay Branch,at Zurich; Sept. 20 Jr 30,
South Huron, Exeter, Oct. 3.
Central, at Guelph, Oct. 3 to 5
Cantral, at Hamilton, Oct. 4 t•' 7.
Ent Wawanosh, Belgrave, O.t. 11.
Morris, Blyth, Oct. 12.
West Riding, at Goderieli, on Wed-
ne'sJay;an1 Taws i ►y, October nth and
East Riding, at Brussels, on Thursday
nd Friday, October 6th and 7th.
Tuckeran:ith Branch, at Seaforth, on
Thurday :air i Frilly, September 15th
100 and 16th.
n- a
r Kaser-May-Hy the Rev. .1. ('sawed!. at the i
Parsonage, Dungannon, Sept. 5th Irtit. fir.
William Kaiser. to Mks, Isabella Jane May.
Huth of Ashfield.
TElit, &c., &c., Uodertch and Wrotham.
t7. Sewer. Jr., Uuderlch. J. A. Morton. vitae -
ham, 1751.
. Solleltor. °epee-('er.erof ',Vest Street
and Market Swears, over George Acboson's,
Uoderleh. 1701.
/. LAW, Solicitor i. ('tamers. Convey-
ancer, &c. nftic*ov -r ..:,eppard's bookstore.
Oudrrich. Ont. Any utuount of mono to
loan at lowcet ranee of Interest 1731-y.
vv--Bsrristerr. Solicitors in Chancery, kc.,
Guderlch and Wingham. 31. ('. Caweroa, 14.
1'.: C. 11.1'. M. U. l sinrrun, Goderuh. W. E.
Macara. Wingbani. 1751.
Ashfield ani Wawanosh Branch, at
Dungannon, on Friday, the 7th of Onto '
sweat. ° I
In rias' Wawanosh. or. the nth last, the softs
of T , ot. Strachan, of a son
N t!lIE,.
Thompson --In Colborne, Aug. 31st, Thomas
o Thompson. welt 61 years.
Sh'otds-- ip Colborne, 2nd Ins'.. Janes infant
son Of Mr. A, Shields, aged 9 months.
Higgins- In (loderl-h on the 3rd inst., mar. I
garet Josepbtae, yo ngest daughter of con-
ductor Hlglns, aged 1 year and 8 months.
all on bre, and the smoke la stifling
The mail carrier b'tween Elmer an•I
Marlette was hurne.l .in the me.l, and it
u feared the atrenq north. wind tu.dey
will ca,,. more densters.
Lexi ares, Mich . Sept. 7 - The wind
' an Monday read the fires in an easter
Ir dire••ti•ei,lurrting houses. bsrns,.toek
and crept Many lives hare been lust in
this county The village of Cato, con
eating of twenty or thirty houses, a saw
mill and a grist mill. store and several
shops. was entirely burned Richmond-
ville and every house two abler north of
it are hurtled. Carson, nn the Port Hu-
ron and North western Railway, eo»-
sisting of about a dotem houses area up-
ward of fifty (wellies. has been burn,.
out slick and clean, and so far nearly
y liras are reported lost in Huron
Olt) come confirmatory reporta of the
tinting of Bad Are. exoept the Court
Room and one hotel, ale.. the deetruc-
don of Verona Malls
Ten Mdses were brought into Sand
nch, ane. other' are hourly reported,
hila the deed bridles of men. women
children, horses. cattle, sheep and
rags are found in some section. to.. num
?Pau ,n the general horror
Cederlela Mnatsets.
GOOxRICH. Septsnobev 9th. 1131.1
There has been a boom in the wheat
market during the week. On Monday
$1.30 was freely offered for and grain
/1 It McDONAGH, 31.D., PHYSIC -
l1<. I.AN. tt'HDEO\, &c., Graduate of Tor-
onto University, l.keistiate ut the Royal Gol-
Ie%s' of Physician., London,) England. ire.. kc.,
M. t'. P. S. Ontario. Ofilce and reeidesee
Opp,alte !Miler's Hotel, Hamilton street. n.od-
ertch. 1711110r
GEON, Coroner. Ate. Mee and ruddiest
on Bruce Street. second dour west of '. letorfa
Street. 1751.
. clan. Surgeon and Accoacher, Graduate
of Toronto University. (MUceoppuite ('amer-
ron& Cameron's Bank. Lucknuw. lf nut is
off. enquire at the Bank. 17111 y.
Physicians. Surgeons, Acooachen, &o,
Office at Dr. Shannons residence, near the
Jail. Uoderlch. G. 2. SHANNON, J. C. HAMIL-
TON. 1731.
JAIKENHEAD, V. S. (SUCCESSOR • to Dr. Duncan. Graduate of Ontario Ve-
terinary College. Office, stables and residence.
on N e wgate. St reet, tour doors east of Colborne
Hotel. N. B. --Horses examined as tu,sonnd-
ness. 1751.
Loans anb insurance.
0500.000 To ► LOAN. APPLY TO
vp CAJi RRON, HOLT & l'Ad1KBON, Godc-
rich. 175t
WW TATE Terms favorable. Apply to B. I..
DOY LE. Oadertcb. 1751
IV on good Farm or first-class Town Property
at 8 per cent. ADM, to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751
amount to sutt borrowers at a to 64 per
Dent. Private funds.. Apply to Sesame' and
MORTON, tloderieh.
law amount of Private Funds for investment
at lowest rates on thavelass Mortgages. Apply
Money to icad a: lowest rates. free of
any costs or chargta. St:At,EP. er 3IO1:TON.
opposite Colborne Hotel.
Goderich. :Ma March 1951.
Landed Credit Company Is prepared to
lend money on good Fars securtty, at six per
cent. Fol! psrttt'aia». ►en upon application
to II COB u.a3t11.1`0 C. L. agent, Oododch.
no Farm and Town Property at lowest in -
tercet. Mortgages purchased. no Commission
charged, Conveyancing Foes reasonable.
N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one day
U title is aatisfactcr,,-DAVISON 5: JOHN-
MTON. Barristers. are.. Ooderteh. 1751
Life and Accident Insurance Agent,
Representing first elass('ompanies. Also agent
Money 1u lend on Mortgage, either in Town or
Farm Property. in any way to suit the burrow-
er. Office -.upstairs Say's block. Godertc•h,
Oat. Pal
Tbc anival as:c under the siseplces of the
Huron Llve Mock Association, will be held
is the Tows oC Clinton, on tVEloNEr,DAG,
OCTORER 19 1191, Parties desiring to cater
stotit for this Male, can do Po up to the morning
of the sale: but only such stock as :• entered
with the secretary on er before the 1Sth of
September. can appear in the IISI, ('ataloguc
All entries must he accompanied by the rr"
thutred e Pedigreend of the r animals furs of stock lly must ade out
and plainly written.
Tenses of Entrsaee.
For rarh thoroughbred stallion. Mare. Rill.
Cow or Heifer, i2: for each pair of sheep or
swine. 50 cents: grade stork halt price. A
commission of 1 per cent. will be charged on
all stock sold. All i' -ho intend entering should
hare the pedigree of their stock in the cata-
logue. All entries must he addressed to the
Secretary at Seaforth, and further Information
will be furnished by him.
JAM. BIGGINS, Clinton 'rN. editent. h. st 1101 3r
Under and by torte(' Of Iltted, )'ower Of Sale mil
rained in a sen
February. A.R: lg g da the,,ptMh day of
y made by \t MISM ?thgnn
.Elisa, his CK;. jnintng to bar dons.), to the
Tendons, defash hsvfng been made fA ctaapp
mint thereof, there will be soW ',111:1?'"
I PuliBp
hot only the finest samples will now titin I on, at the Royal Hotel. in the t III o r
that figure. Prices range at from 111.2 Parkhill,
io the 'Conmy of Middlesex, on wed
to $1.30, according to quality. The
• •.ecru beer a a. m., 1071 terns of land, b
greater part rat the purchase has en for 1 int/ lot number sixtren t■ to
' been 1,000 bushels a day. A number of the.sat end of th.ewn t h if off the lnti.rn off
There h a frame barn nn the premiers.
Terme liberal. and will be made known on
der of Sete, RDA !MDR applkalon to the ten.
dor s An1l.itors.
Dated at London, this sin day of August. A.
D. DC.
vendor's Aollcftors.
the Har r Mills. and the average has raw -7817 of the Townshipof s frphe" +aeon d
(want of trphcn• in th e
farmers have probably meld to buyers on
. the street. and afterward& found that the
figures en the market were higher. Er-
e'ry grower of grain should. in the inter-
; est of his class, sell on the market when
the comes to town He can be certain to
i there get the ruling price. We quote :
tweet..Fen 1 111 37 Q Al 35
1 TWat1 t trs![ r 1t .... . d 0 1,
Gam, • blab 031 H e 00
1bush ---------------,45 to Le
is on Id
.4 0So
.d 1. 00
0BRITISH ASS. CO Y. Tnwnvrn Fstltillrtnrd
017 (4 01.
6 t11 a 0 13 PH(RNIX IN .ft (•O'Y. of iininoN IP:nRlandn.-
0 la F.etahllobed 1702.
0 71 A n 7ti
Cern. C bulb1......«1.11.1.,.
e.r ' .i bush ..........
p bush liftiip........ ,.
Hay. tt ton ................
i rse. • dos. fetyi l....:..
c soca..
tlhnrts. 1 cwt ...- r
Bran cwt
Woe. cwt «.............
D. $HOFF, Ertt;►
A uctloneee.
HARTFORD iNA. car. of HARTFORD. ('ora,
F.st*Mlshed 1510
ink* taken In the &Noce firm -Naas (,Stew. at
the Iowc,.t rates by HORACE HORTON.
ConeOr{ M The tm to alien A
CANADA PIC plyrING bathe
-_ _ -1-'-. 111"` it.' ('ANA U. LOAN AND PAvIn tea COY.
`T * RIRfIH'r.tL PR A("rh'AL RAR• _
RER sad tlawereser. to eines i0 7 to rm.& m, nr.t..lsn +tenet
hanks to the riblfe fnrpa&t pafw,nage and Cent. - CN,tryr•, n,ederwte. J. ftnrr,
d Wm . ••rant n uR n.. r pp Mn H. nag
.11 11r heielfn•' w.,i..He\,ifise a ParMr. near HnR ars ti0RT(iT:
1710 l)ebrtehoil.
to law