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$3,06 A Y‘i in Advance $4,00 — Single Copy 10& THE, BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1971 pWrr PUBLISHING liCIUSE
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Mille spent a
recent weekend with Dre. Jean
and ,Gerd Weeterminan of . Burl-
ingten.where they also' toured the
Ilotanical Gardens.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Puce and
13renda and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
of Yvonne Pryce. in Home Econ-
Martin attended, the graduation
omics at. Centralia College of
Agricultural Technology.
Mr: and Xrs.. Herb Traviss
visited Dr., and iIrS„ Brian Traviss
and son Allison. of Hninilton,
Viiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Coutts, Karen and Connie were
Mr.• and Mrs. James Coutts of
Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. James
Cameron of Sarnia.
Donald Currie of Brampton
spent the weekend at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall.
Visitors with Mrs, T. Hackwell
and 'Elliott were, Mrs. Richard
Porter, Woodstock, "Mr. and Mrs.
Merton Hackwell, Jeffery, Blaine
• and Craig and Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Hackwell, Dean, Pamela
and Patricia.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin,
Brian, Cathy and Jeffery visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Brian Nash of Stoney Creek, also
enjoying a tour of the blossoms
in the Niagara Peninsula, then on
to view the Falls at Niagara.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lawless
and Dianne were recent visitors
with the Turnbull families.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott of Blyth
and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid
spent a recent weekend at the
libtrie of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stn
more of Stratford.
Gordon McGavin visited With
Mrs. -Mcdsviri • at Westminster
Hospital, London. We are glad to
hear she is progressing favour-
Attend Graduation
Mr, and Mrs. Laurie Cousins,
London, Mr. and. Mrs. Jan van.
Vliet Jr. and Mrs. Jan van Vliet
Sr. attended the graduatidu
ceremony on Sunday, May 23rd.
1971, for Mrs. Corrie (van Viiei-)
Hamelin of Perkinsfield, who re•
ceived her P.A. Degree for • See
iology at the Waterloo Lutheran
Spring Convocation in the Kitch•
ener Auditorium. Mrs. 'Hamelin
teaches School in Midland.
Among the students from this
area who took in the bus trip to
Washington D.C. and Gettysburg,
Pa., over the holiday weekend.
sponsored by the Seaforth High
School were: Joyce Blake, Becky
Nolan, Marie Nolan. Faye Blake,
Maryanne Blake Beverley McCall,
Joan Bennett., Judy Thanier,
Melt McDonald, Clayton FraSer
(Vary van Poucki. Deanne Wey.
Speaks on Behalf of Gideons
Mr. Doug Campbell of Blyth
was guest speaker at the Sunday
morning service at Duff's United
Chureh ta.king as his sermon
"Gaining Spiritual Resources",
Mr, Martin Man read the saint,
rttirn lagoon, hOth porno on liottoit
Grey. Qentral Home and School
Association' •held its May meet-'
ing on Thursday, May 20th at
8;00. P,111, President Mrs. Max
Delharay presided over the meet-
ing. Mr, and Mrs. Lothar Weber,
Mr.$. Gordon Clark and Mrs
Heibein attended Ontario Feder-
ation Convention in Toronto the
first part of May. Mrs, Gordon
Clark gave a report of the Con-
A pot luck supper Will be held
June 14th at 6 p.m., games arid
races to follow supper.
New Committees for following,
year are:
Membership Mrs. Gordon Clark
Program Mds. Leslie Knight
Social Mrs. Bruce Speiran
Public Relations and
Publicity Mrs. Ron McLean
Guest . speaker was Mrs.
Marlene Roberton, Huron County
health nurse. She presented films,
followed by interesting discus-
The executive of the Huron-
Perth Presbyterial U.C.NAT, met on
Wednesday evening, May 19th at
Thames Road United Church.
Mrs. Stewart Miner presided.
Mrs. Harris Butson and -Mrs.
Oliver Baker conducted the wor-
shop service assisted in song by
Misses Anne Marie Walkom and
Shirley Skinner,
The "Alert" to be published and
sent to all presidents, :Mrs. Melt
Moorehouse manned for us West-
minster College weekend. the
Retreat at *Menesetung and Alma
Mrs. John Broughton gave its
some new and 'novel ways of
using our study hook which is on
Africa this year.
Mts. Oliver Baker helped its to
See more clearly what Comnitinity
Friendship really means and how
to practice it.
Mrs. Franklin Zubrigg, presen t-
ed her Christian Citizenship score
card a s a suggestion for a meet-
ing. Another suggestion was
Mental P011etion. Are you Aware
of it? and How do you cope with
Mrs. Stewart Miner closed the
meeting leaving us with a couple
or questions on which to meditate.
Are we in tune with God's voice?
and if so Have we the courage to
carry out God'e instructions to
•IIMMIiii....•••• •
Dus Trip Enjoyed
The Walton Women's Tnstitute
chartered a bus last Tuesday
when members and surrounding
Indies eninyeil a day in London,
where they were shetvn •thtough
McCormick's cnokle and candy
factory and the London Life
oleo 5 couple hourf.i
ttiPtigni104 till hitgide POO
0404,01, JOHN DANDY
twler, 4'04 Danny off H If, 2,
•tix'LIKeeel,' died Suddenly On Sat-
urday, May 22nde at Intl
residence Oil the 16th concession
of Grey Township, Cie was ..in his
02nd year.
He .was t he son Of the late Mr.
and Mrs. John Henry panby.
He is survived by his wife the
former Kathleen Ziegler, one
daughter, Bertha, at home.
The funeral service was held
from the M. L. Watts funeral
home, Brussels, on, Monday, May
24th at 2 p.m. The Rev, E. LeDrew
Burial took .place in Brussels
Pallbearers were Rae tionston,
George Hart, John 1-lart, Tioriald
murk, Mark Cardiff allid kiciftied
Flowers were carried by Nancy"
Craig and Marion Ziegler.
Charles G. McGavin, 'of Mc-
Milo') Township, died in Sea.forth
Manor, on Monday, after an ill-
ness of six months, He was 69,
Born in McKillop Township, he
was married to the former
Florence Oliver of Brussels in
1929. He was a member of Duff's
IJnited- Church, Walton.
He is survived by his wife, one
daughter, Mrs. Everett. (Frances)
Storey of McKillop; one son,
William J. of RR p, Stratford and
four grandchildren.
The funeral was held from
the 'G. A. Whitney funeral hoMe;
Seaforth, at 2 p.m. on Wednes-
day. Rev, J. C .Britton of Seaforth
Burial took place in Bressels
Pallbearers Were Ross Driscoll,
Norman Scbade, Boyd. Driscoll,
,(111th,c11, Hugh Wen, jellies
cati irl alike
Congratulations to Mre
McDo n ald who celebrated his
90th birthday on WennesdAy.
Miss Elizabeth Dickson is
patient in Listowel Hospital.
Miss Margaret Moses and Miss
Esther Kerr, both of T.,ondon,
spent the holiday weekend a the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Archie
Moses, Brussels.
Ayliner McQuartie is a patient
iu Wingbam and District Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McFadden
and family of Miesiesauga were
holiday weekend visitors With his
parents. Mr. end Mrs. C. McFad-
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dennis and
family of Barrie spett the holi-
day weekend With his parehts,
Mr. and MPS. n'tli'Vey Dennis.
Mr. and MrS. Harold Chapman
of Kitchener Were holiday week-
end visitors with Mrs. J. W.
Fiseher And oilier relatives here,
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Durst and
family of Walkerton were holiday
visitors With- her parents Mr, and
OM HMV 0111
Mr. and Mrs. 'Douglas Purdy
spent the long weekend with
friende in Sohcageon and Sikeala
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Willis
Knight, Brussels,
Carman Fieehe'ee Kingston, Was
home for the' Weekend:
Miss Kate McNabb, Teiniek-
arning, spent the frolideg Weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mae.
Miss Joanne Dunn,- London,
visited over the weekend With Mr.
and Mrs. Earl 'Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Huehn,
Conestoga, were Sunday visitors
with Mrs. Calvin Cameron and
Miss Emylene Steiss.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Engel and
&hilly visited Mr. and airs. Frank
Smith, Baden, and the Lion
Country at flockton.
Conrafulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Knight .011 the arrival of
their son in LisfoWei Tfosliital. '
W.M.S. Evening Group
Mrs. Leslie Knight was k kostesg
for the May meeting of the
Evening Group of the W.M.S.
Tuesday evening, May 18th, Mrs.
Stuart Steiss read a poem
"Homes" and a hymn was sung:
Mrs. Norman Pfeifer gaye a pray-
er and introduced the topic
"Hannah, a. praying mother.
mother of Samuel,". Samuel
means "Asked of the Lord".
Scripture passages from I Sineuel
were read in unison. The presi-
dent conducted the business and ,
nine members answered the roll
call with a. "Mother's Day verse."
It was announcel, that the .Tune
Conference and Rally will be held
at Exeter on:June 2 and also that
the Presbyterial visitor, Miss
.Fespeth Davidson, Stratford, will:
be at the September Meeting.
This will be at the home of Mrs.
Sttiart Stevenson and the After-
noon Greup will be present, Dur-
ing a further study of "Hannah"'
she was said to be pOseessed of
the following qualities, she was
serene, calm, humble. consistent.
and the personification of mother-
hood. Mrs. Stewart Steiss closed
the Meeting with prayer. Mrs,
Goldwin Knight and 'the hosteSs
served lunch.
Last week, May 11, the Guides.
met at the Library at seven
o'clock. We did our opening
exercises and took collection, 'We
played a game for fifteen minutes
and then went to the fire ball and
learned how to prevent fires, how
to put out fires and month to
mouth resuscitation. Tuesday,
May *18th, the Guides met at the
library. They had opening excl.-
ekes and took collection and went
to our seats and had a test on
fire prevention. Some of the older
ones had already had the test so
thily ten OMR knd put
(iitigkli 1440i tttp§,
*Aland W. M.
Annual May Weal*.
Held ln. Melville Church
The Annual. May meeing of
Maitland ;Presbyterial of OW
W.M,S- of the Presbyterian.
Church in Canada, was held on
May 19th, 1971, in Melville, Preee
terian Church, Brussels, An
organ prelude commenced at 1;30
LW., with Mrs. W. C. King, Brna-
sels at the organ. At 2 p.m. Mrs.
Alvin Mundell, President, gave
the Invocation and the opening
prayer. Psalm No. 35.; Set thou•
this trust upon the Lord, was sung
in unison, The afternoon group or
Asnfield Church, conducted the
Devotions. Psalm 37, from verses
34, and Acts Chapter 1, verses 1-
5, were read by Mrs. Richard
West, Th e Meditation on the
Theme "A. Time to Wait" was pre-
sented by Mrs. Ewan McLean.
"Wait on the Lord". There is time
to wait. we hold fast to our
faith, like unto David, we shall be
ready for the time of waiting.
Mi's. Kenneth Rooney led in
prayer. Words of welcome were
expressed by Mrs. Gerald Gibson.
I3rassels. Mrs. W. D. Campbell,
Molesworth, read the minutes of
the 1970 meeting held at Chalm-
ers Church, Whitechureh. Cor-
responding Secretary, Mrs. Robt.
Armstrong, Wing,tam, announced
a Week-end Camp for ladies at
Kintail. June 13, 19, and 20. The
Treasurer's' repoet was presented
by Mrs. Ewan McLean. On behalf
of the Society. Miss lam Carr.
Dungannon, presented an Hon-
ourary Membership to Mrs. J. W.
Reid, a. long-time faithful mem],
er of the Dungannon group. Rev,
John Brush, Molesworth, brought
greetings from Stratford, Huron
and Bruce Preshgtery. let Vice-
president, Mrs. 3, W. English,
Wingham, introduced the guest
speaker, Miss Charlotte Stuart
Toronto. Miss Stuart had three
years service in Kirk activitiee le
her native town, Ayr, Scotland
before going to Nigeria in 1915. to
serve as District Worker with, the
Biafra Mission. In 1968 Miss
Stuart returned to Scotland, and
the following year came to Can-
ada. She is presently engaged in
Inner-City work at Queen ,Street.
East, Presbyterian Church, Tor-
onto. Speaking on The •Theme
"A Time to Wait" Miss Stuart
said "We cannot think of Waiting
and NVitnessing as being inter-
related at all points",
In Isaiah, Chapter -13, verses 10-
19. the Prophet says "'Behold I am
doing a new thing. Do you per-
ceive it? Likewise in the New
Testament, Jesus, in His day
teaching his followers "T have
clone a new thing, Can you not see
it?" Miss Stuart referred to the
work of the Policy and Planning
Committee of Queen Street, East,
Chureh, following the destruction
by tiro of the Allyn bolltlibgt
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