HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-05-20, Page 8ammonia kon, uRussaim, oikri Tiit1/1,8DAN MAX? 20th, 197. mr••••••". NICHOLAS HILL DESIGN S'IUDIO PHONE 887-6624 For HOMES, FARMHOUSES, STORES RESTAURANTS and BUSINESSES DESIGN & DRAUGHTING PAINTING & DECORATING LANDSCAPING FURNITURE DESIGN & LETTERING 14100.0.ftwAlreglimmalommft0001.1•00"•••••146InwriimftioftiOlftwa liss. quipPgaimpPlonowNSIPIP PP•11111.0wiliallowilliiiromin E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL PRESENTS THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY" MAY 19, 20, 21 AT 8:00 P. WANTED Pasture for 15 or more young cattle, 887-G250 NOTICE Wallace Ross, Seaforth, will pay 75c for Swarms of Bees for the months of May, June, and July, FOR SALE IN BRUSSELS — A good two story brick build- ing approximately 4S by 17 feet. Could be made into two apart- ments. Real cheap for quick sale. Apply to: Elmer .Ellacott GET MORE OUT OF LIFE! • . Mere money, more inends. more fun. Call now and learn abont. being an Avon Representative. Mrs. M. Millson. 17 Hawkeshury Ave., London 32, 451-0541 REFRIGERATION SERVICE Electrical Contractors - Appliances - Motor Rewind, 24 hour emergency service. Guaraneed service to all types. Complete Appliance repairs at BLIIKE ELECTRIC i h am — 357-2450 R. J. ANDREWS & SON Ready-To-Lay Pullets. -Vaccinated Debeaked. Dewormen twice, with 98% Livability in our growing pens. The Kimber Leghorn -has early egg size. They hold together, fry, poach and boil to absolute • Perfection. For delivery from May 4 to end of May. Pullets delivered in a modern Poultry Van. Phone 5274106. R.R. 4, Seaforth, Ontario. TENDERS -RE FUEL OlL Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 Noon Thursday, June 3, 1971 for the supplying for the next two years of No. 2 INIAISrfRIAL PUEL OIL FOR THE c01.7,RT HOUSE. (4(I1)ERictl Storage Capacity — 3,000 gals. Quantity being used per annum approx. 20,900 gals. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. John G. Berry, ClerloTreas„ County of Huron, Court flouso, GOderich. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the estate of Lucy Armstrong, late of the town of Clinton, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, Widow. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to Send foil particulars of such claims to the under-signed on or before the 31st day of May, 1971, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. POOLE, BELL & PORTER 444 Waterloo Street, London 14. Ontario Solicitors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of 'ELMER IVAN YOUNG; deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate, of Elmer Ivan Young,: late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron farmer, who died on or about the 19th day of April, 1971, are hereby notified to forward same to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May, 1971, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed with regard only to those claims of which the under- signed shall then have had notice. • DATED at Brussels this first day of May 1971. CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Soliciors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of THOMAS GREY PENNINGTON deCeated ALL PERSONS haVing claiMs against the estate o2. ThOmas Grey Pennington, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Hnron, retired labourer, who died on or about the 24th day of.March, 1971, are hereby notified to 'file parti- culars of the same with the under- signed on or before the 28th day of May, 1911, after which date the assets of the estate will he diS- tributea with regard only to those Crtims of which the undersigned shall then have notice . DATED at Brussels this first clay of May, 1971. CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors ter the Administrator.' SELL REAL gsTATg. BRUSSELS AREA WiLFRED McINTEE. 8, CO, LTD. Real Estate Broker would like a man or a 'woman with a gopd personality to. list and sell real estate in and around Brussels. Must have drive and desir6 to earn Ln eNeetiVe Many people from all walks of Life ,have doubled their income since, joining our sales staff of over 60, We offer training and assist- ance. For more information & a confidential interview, cat'. Dan Marsoin. Sales Manager, at Hanover 364-1522 or write II:allover, Box .1352 or Wilfred McIntee & co. Ltd. BoN, 549, Walkerton, Ont. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Happy, birthday, Mother dear We' are so glad that you're still here And now that you have reached a full' four score We hope you will enjoy -fit least ten more. • God giveS, each, child a special gift A. mother dear to treasure When He chose you to care for us He gave us real good Measure. You labored with love and kind devotion. Enought to swell the Atlantic ocean. Harold,. Mildred, Margaret and ' Jean, Were we always as, thankful as we might have been? • [a the' twenties and thirties when we were kid s - And life's burdens weighed heavy on your eye lids You sat up sewing by the old oil light And stitched ,away far into th0 night. Times wore so hard and we were so poor But you always tried to earn a little bit more. "An expert seamstress" I've beard people say "You don't find Many like her toclay" In our old Tarn): liOnse when the winter was cold And the only thing to heat it was a big cook stove You would creep upstairs in the middle of the night To make .sure yeur brood was all tucked in tight. "If your heath ever fails and the hill is hard to climb I hope dear Maher your ilaur will find the To care for you in your weary hours And appreciate the mother' that God made ours:" A loving tribute to a wonder- ful mother, Mrs: May Thornton of Kitchener On her eightieth birthday, from her daughter Mildred Jacklin, The difference between "she's good,looking" and "she's looking ahnut, 2'.0 years and 40 pe11114€4. Adults: $1.25 REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK By Murray daunt, M.P.P. (Huron-Bruce) Energy and Resources Minister George Kerr stated this week that he had received a report from his committee on packaging which he set up one year ago. This committee, made up of Pollution Probe, the soft drink in- dustry, glass manufacturers and the, retail industry a s well as government representatives has been asked to study the matter of the non-returnable bottle .and other forms of packaging, and to recommend ways of combating the increasing litter problem. The Minister indicated, in re- sponse to my questioning, that he was going to discus s the report with the Litter Council in: the next few days, and based on. these -talks, he intended to intro- duce legislation before the end of this session to try and cope with problems ' of bottle and can poi- UILjoetaLderS of the Civil Service Association of Ontario have -threatened, to work to rule or go on strike if Provincial Treasurer Darcy McKeough. sticks with his announced intention of. imposing a 5%. ceiling on all civil service -salary increases this year. The Civil -Service Association repre--- Suits - 50,000 of the province's -61,000 civil servants. The, Port Dover lift bridge. continues to be an embarassmerif to the Government. • The project was advertised for tenders 'on July 31st, .1968, and was awarded to McLean-Foster Construction Company, the low bidder, This was intended to be special type of lift bridge, and was designed by the Department of .Highways engineers. The original cost was $756,080. However, the bridge after con- struction would not operate. The Department engineers immediat- ely set about trying to correct the Problem — that was two years ago. The bridge still isn't work- ing and the cost so far has reach- ed 81,060,000. From time to time I have been approached by many constituents as to the feasibility of receiving a loan to carry on, or to start, a small business. Iu this respect, the government has introduced a program which will assist small Companies to expand, to create employment and to stimulate ec- onomic growth. As a general guide-line, a small business will be defined, as one in which the owner's investment does not ex- ceed $300,000. The loans will be available to small Canadian-owned industries anywhere in the prov- ince. The loans will be available up to a limit of $50,000 and may run fora term of ten years. The types of industries that will be eligible are very broad and will include service industries and sections of the food processing industry and machine shops Another fund is being establish- ed called Venture Capital for Canadian s and it will he available for companies introducing new Products and technology. This fend will be for companies that cannot obtain capital from else- where and the limit per company will be $100,000. I am very hopeful that these Programmes will be made use of in our area and I have already had come enquiries. DEAD STOCK REMOVAL SERVICES WANTED — DEAD AND DISABLED — CATTLE and HORSES — TOP PRICES PAID FOR HORSES ON THE HOOF SMALL ANIMAL PICKUP 24 HR. FAST EFFICIENT SERVICES BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES L:le: 2/3-c-70-13 FREE OF CHARGE -- OVER 150 LB. PROW; COLLECT 8,07.9334 BRLISSEL3 Students: $1.00 Children (under 12): 75c TELL A FRIEND ! ENTERTAINMENT AT THE ' NEW AMERICAN HOTEI BRUSSELS, ONT. DOUG WARD and TAVERN TRIO FRIDAY and SATURDAY IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: Turkey, Spare illbs and Sauerkraut, Fish and ChIps