HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-09-09, Page 6THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. SEPT. 9, IF81e She roet's ILorner. n as..ear. Losses on losses fr.a they come; N1en said •11,^t,'. len him bis name. But the: is frust fro in t..lt .A Llama." 1)edlMUC4tlg, bow.••i wail, ear•snd dread. As if h. :oast. he doused his head, "Tlahk 44.4 1 ',a, .- sty same r be said. les east we. 1 .NA not lose antra. 'caw ane, UMW, of vas, I gave ham No. laid cul leve l.ttu; but to day I .0411 h e MST. DIM not ice. fray v , Intal. Mho%never'et ^:,' ' n- - 1 I notarial.' o lead regret P t Over ILI wtlidpored Nul and why. Rrw.littc .1to notice. did I sigh 1 1K., • . •.t, t•aeso the cause; A wouIsei. I...- ... laug . at I sws. 4it:e ' .c.i in to ku,w the wound I g.i' a : 1 . •Jed. ,. ud he has f •.und 1.01u'r Li, ._...; WAN and peace; and yet A. woman tic vt.r .nut forget Tike than who wive has loved Ler; and Today Loewe to doe him stand. \Vithtvery Khoo: a mute cures!. 31111 pleadl.ag for lb. ',mimed for Y -es. Ilia early love Iurme isdead - Another II e., In that lute's stud; And if he luso .cr well, sa men Should th••i:• • .etre caner, why, tl.er, He must W I.ad. that long ago. Instead of s •. gave him No. Perbapsltut. is the reason why I react the notice with a sigh. TRiscellanet js. 1. aeriealtuuwl Itln.uaWa. From the Rev. Dr- Kevan s •'lieru,00sl How Ti) Rieroa/ Peens wet) Verse. to stud rets and thoughtful Pets,u. -When any faints, instead of n.aki • ••The lit e child has its hath+ plot .•t noise or dashu water spun than, lay ,garden g uo.1. In the extent of but a lay him at full ength en his hack ..n We floor, loosen hi clothing, push the crowd few square yawls, there nay est 0o pr. - away, so aa to ow the air to reach him cosies which in their iovea.i_;auore Eli and let him alone. Tfr philestiphy of a the learned meu of all the learned sacra fainting tit is, the h fails to send a ties in the world might seen! their life - proper supply of b the brant. If the penes es erect that blood has to be base, end)* only stand mail the thew thrown up hill but it lying down it has hold of the truth which the small patch shine upon it, and his sbisin* shall call for all the astronomer's skill to explain; 111"IKM, the winds shall blow upon it and the rain fall, and what can the meteurulo- to be projected horizontally. Which re- of garden may reveal The sun will quires lees power is apparent. C...reaaTloNor TKO WIFE -NO man ever prusperrd in the world without the uo-uperatto,n of his wife. If she unites in mutual endeavors, or rewards his labor with an eudearing wale, with what con- fidence will he resort to his daily toil meet diSculte, and encounter danger. if he knows that he is not spending his strength in vain. but that his labor will be rewarded by the sweets of home ! S.. - SHEPPARD'S BOOKSTORE. Hymn Boors. NER PRESBYTERIAN, NEW METHODIST, NEW ENULI)IH CHU RCM. Revised ems** et NEW TESTAMENT gist, even yet, tell us of these atystirious PERIODICALS, LATEST NEWSPAPERS. forces ? The chetnist and the physiolt.- J OH N PASMORE r gist have wondrees books to Open and )Iaaathetaree of to read int the powers of the soil, and m uTauoll S c8.1hi the lg sof alto and the bl.sou.��jj lieit•_de and di.appointment enter the aura the tiny dower. What does tins history of every man's life, and he is on- child know of all the sciences 1 Their ly half provided for his voyage who finds very tunes it c:auuot ep,eil, and yet but an emaciate 1 . happy hours• while' i for his months of darkness and distress the little e:i.• may leitet the seed, mai l no sympathising partner s prepared. watch the ei.euiue bud, antisatber a fair • Ern.t'rrrz IN Corevgssaytotl.-Do not nuselpty, and Niue it as its .•:luring ,.t manifest impatience, Du nut find [Ault, , adectien t.. a l.viug parent. au, sample- though implethough you may gently criticise. D.o hearted child .•f Gesl, thou tusyst teed ' not talk .,f pat private, 'arsenal and shy pied of life in leers great garden ' family matters. Do net :al,pear til notice • inaccuracies of speech Irl ,.then. Do n.4 T" tuystertes of the saoeuce of tso(l allow yourselves to lost: temper end speak and life. His sleddings with thyself thou excitedly. De mot allude to unf••rtunate prat not fathom; bat thou most bring peculiarities of any one present. Doiiot } thou const grow the flowers of pietyand lading to the weather. Le. not talk very'. g ' Eta.. lace VICTORIA -St. , Conker of Trafalgar. Agent for the Celebrate., SEEG/ILLER CNILLEM PLOUGH and Agrteatterwl tesMsasena. .also, agent for t4.• Queen's Fire& Life Ins. Co. This is one of the best (•ontpardas in exiat- ente. bring prompt and reliable. Information turnfahtd cheerfully on application. ream J•101 11‘411102.11.alwa •s commence a conversation by a1- thine oY.rnnge of pryer and praise, loud Do not be absent utindtei rtquir-' sweet service Understanding little, The Fashions. ing the speaker to repeat what Lad been thou mayst yet lore much, and find at said that you may understand. Do notyet that prophecies shell. fail, and ton- s used, and fastened by ornamental rf others : if they give their centidence, flues shall cease, and knowledge shell Insteatd of a button, a strap like a belt try to forte yourself tilt° the confidence claps ut bueklei. A new lace for trimming bonnets is colored guipure, in which a great deal of fine chenille thread is introduced. Tapestry figures of velvet, shaded as if lone by the needle, ore thrown on con- trasting gr•,uncas of uncut velvet or satin... A find fiabric is a ground of satin mer- veilleux brocaded with large plush figures that have the shading frise, that is :,f curled nap, like that ',f uncut- vel -N vet. Two or three large rows of faceted jet beads, tied together in a simple pattern of gold or silver cord, make a binding never betray it. vanish away, but that lose never fadeth, FregarrY. -Never forsake a trialed. that love indeed is - life, the very life of When, enemies gather around -when God, fair God is lova. Ye thee the my - tacitness falls on the heart -when the sacrists •'f kn..ieine shall ell -be resoised world is dark and cheerless -is the time anti made cletr in the holy saccfice .if to try true friendship. They who turn front the scene of tlistr•ess betray their the devout and dgving heart." hypocrisy and prove that interest only - moves then. If you have a friend who. t:n Sete. ser taeplen'hrra loves you-whn has studied your inter- [n must locations the sear.) fur honey est and happiness -be sure to sustain him in adversity. Let him feel that his gathering to any great eetent has now former kindness is appreciated, and passed: Soule sections will afford honey that his love was not thrown away. fr)nr sweet -scented clover (Melilot), and Real fidelity ma- au rare, but :t exists- others frits gulden rod, aster, eupato- in the .heart. They only deny its worth and power who have never loved a rium, and other fall dowers In the for tl.e edge ur these black laze b�nneta friend, or labored to make one happy. August Notes I urged the necessity of Colored Spa.cisli Lees ei brick red, The good and the • kind, the affectionate not endeavoring to secure too much blue, green, brown and dere yellow and the virtuous,seeand feel,the bearen- „shades are seen on the rough English ly principle. surplus, and taus :rave tho blood combs straw bonnets that are, offered for su-with too little honey for the bees to win- ' i Gra ;Lrxu.-lf there is an exasperating . ter »px,n. There will be cases where sound in the world it is that made by Full upper drapery is brocaded, and gig ling: It is natural with school girls, i the h."iey yieild closes very abruptly, the herder is repeated on the basque, anti we tolenete it in them ; but when whenthe coutbswill befullyoccupiedwith which is very short in front and on the met with in a young woman of 11'or 20, brood, and the honey almost entirely hips,in the style formerly known as it is unpardonable. It is frequently a sewed above the boxes. Where this is the polka bisque. characteristic of young men with incipient The broeatled Surah dresses are of ex- moustaches, who think they qualify the case. the bees must be fed. Where ceptiotlal- elegem*. The short round themselves for manhood by affecting con fall tiowera are abundant, and more skits have three deep Bounces of the tempt for what their elders revere. They' stoney may' be stored than is necessary fabric, each flounce being heavily brocad- giggle at anything. If they catch the ' for!winter, empty conte should be sup - 1 l bed, and honeystored f .r spring feed - The leaf patterns of brocaded plush in an old woman rises too noun for a hymn, ,. P smaller designs for jackets and for dress they giggle ; if a baby cries, .they giggle - ing. trimmings have already been described, if the clergyman coughs, they giggle ; if I WH.tT sHALL we Feta 1 and there are Hombre striped plashes for the plate is handed to some onewho puts] If there ate exceptional cases where, similar purposes nothing in, they giggle; if the choir from improper management. we find Plush escalier, or staircase plush, its makes s mistake, they giggle. In face, feeding t:ecessary, what shall we feed ? another novelty for trimming dresses nothing is too small ur insigniheant to } g arrest their notice and produce a giggle. I answer, let it be pure honey. I have It i. made of plush, with the pile cut in The habit seems incurable. ` heretofore advocated the use ..f the best different lengths to form cross stripes from an inch to two inches wide. •InntEtoIATE REMEDY FOE PolsoN.-If a' "A" sugar, but time has changed in our . Deep cardinal wain grounds, nearly b rchance,swallows ineteadpoison, of breskln uest Oats practice. The darker 'grades .of honey covered with black plush figures, are very multitudinous and it}coherent exelama are now so Lev in price that it is no effective, aryl there .are the new 1'istach8 tions, (leapstch some one for a doctor :. longer to our interest til fee.i sane sugar grenade with He eey green leaves, also meanwhilun to the kitchen. get half a and sell our honey. But ourstr.ngese old sliver, bronze. cream and loutre. gpiei of water in anything that is handy. yt g 3 argument against deeding her sweets �gtr'eer1 w designs of brocaded velvets show t intoit t f 1 f salt i ' dis''(a of the heavy meleitkin velvet of slant catch a firm hold of a person's: made by bee -keeper everysv ere to l.re- some rich dahlia or scal;,ieuse shade, with noee,'the mouth will soon by open, then ; serve :the standard ..f purity 4 honey. a gold -threaded figure upon it. down with the mixture, and in a second , For this reason. I urea that no other • Blnck bonnet' have moire ribbon er two up will come the poison. Thin foal than ht•ney I.e ,Iseti for stns heed. *trine' of the du:I ch(,un!',11 c,: c.•pper will answer in a larger number of canes red. • r els . of clutt4aable Surnh'ribhon than any other. If hythis time the thy- , I ant well aware that tune auger may t e that ahows both elite and ted, and the s-icianhas not arrived. make the. patient i used fats wintering in such ainauner that feather tips with these :are algin olive and swallow the white elf an egg, followed by , ail of it will 1,e consumed by the bares. red. a cup of strong cntfee (because these nul- but as we advance. in the business. I fin.i The hew jet laces f•or bonnets and for lift a larger number ..f poisons than any • . .Yeas triuituu:gO tite ei -t.te Seanish lace other accessible articles), as antidotes for la desirable th feed tuore freely. \\ bib desi„ neo with larze roses ••f leaf points, juiis•on remaining in the stomach,- so many articles .,f a sscclwrine nature anti' thaw large figure+ are ertirelyc,.v- [Hall's Journal of Health. are being so freely anti vilely adulterat erect with fine jet ,"solid," as the finer- MEN AS LOVIM. -In the first place it i ed, bee -keepers should avoid even the ed on the edge as a border. eyef an acquaintance, they giggle if New pia r a easpoon u o an as' than hone is that great efforts must be at halls and raven. wi h three-inch m • uch curd mustard stir it in an in- i } ' HAIR DRESSING Mrs_T. Robertson TAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY OF i informing the ladies of Ooderich, and the. country generally. that she Has Removed to East Street, Near Knox Church. Oo.terfeb, where she car- ries on Hair Dressing is all its branches. .;witches, Curls, Puffs, Frizettes Braiding, etc., done up in the Latest Styles. A Call is Respectfully Solicited Ooderich. June 50, 1881. 1791.3n, SEEDS FOR 1881. Thanking the public for past favors. I take pleasure in stating that I have on hand a better stock than ever before of choice Reheat, Barley. Peas, black and White Oats. Tares. Clover. and Timothy: also Pea Vine Clover. Alsike. Lucerne and lawn Grass. LEMON SQUEEZERS. CARD BOARIA BRISTOL BOARD, SCRAP PICTURES, CAMP STOOLS, td CANVASS, AT G. C. ROBERTSON'S. A first class assortment Of FIELD. GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS, selected with great car from the best seed houses in the country. Call and see. We keep the best and most genuine seed we un purchase. COMPTON'S SURPRISE CORN, The best field corn yet introduced. Ground oil cake kept constantly un hand. JAMES McNAIR- 17;9. Iiamilton St. ANCHOR LINE. r UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail every Saturday. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW •CABINS.1fee to See. STEERAGE dew These Steamers do not carry Ott le. sheep orpigs NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABI\3>155 to 1415. Excursion at Reduced Rates. Passenger accommodation are unsurpassed. All Staterooms on Main heck. Passengers booked at lowest rales to or from any RailtoadS=tation in Europe or America. Draftsat lowest rates. pa ablelfreeofcharge.) throughout England. Scotland and Ireland. For books of information. plans. sic.. apply to lir ns.1seoN BROTHERS. 7 HOWLING GREEN, N. Y. Or to MP -S. E. W AIRNO('K, Albion Block, 17.1 Agent at (loderich Record of the LYMAN' Barb chants say. . - - is an imposition on any well-br girl to , appearance of adulteration.-Aniericad e To fill in the open neck of Lae surplice keep lier up • later than 10:3010 cl..ck, 1 Agriculturist for September 1. i }ASST PRIZE:; AW.\ I;IED TILE LY MAN" t Four -Barb Wire Fencing 1 hasque there are kerchiefs of. various 1 when you have the opportunity of see - fabrics, such as black beaded net, black ing her often. If you always leave her elin and the vari. us •white toile: I with the wish in her heart that re had silk esu mull anti lace kerchiefs that were wont 1 stayed longer. you gain so much. Never during the summer run the risk of wearying her with year Pretty little shoulder capes are wade I fres yds :stein useyss h. ones deal n¢s of the dress material to be worn in the! with men. Impress year friends with street. These are not new in shape, as i worthiness and seriousness of your love. they are gathered about the neck in! e o that vulgar ar and senseless bantering Mother Hubbard style, ur else the full- g ness is Laid in pleats from the neck down. will appear to them as such. G eve is religion -the supremest happiness: wear • The lace t'rdinarily used for tria:ming i it manfully and proudl, but holily. Inman Woo a man bravely. f there is arty• thing humiliating to a woman, it is to have a lover whom she wishes to honor, weak and vapla, ever yielding and half lace bonnets is set r,n in gathered rows to form the entire bonnet; and this is very pretty in Bunte imeiels that have three Jacqueminet rod ostrich tips curl- ed outward and forward en the left side, afraid of her. She longs to tell him to with wide China crape strings of the "act like a man r' The num who con - same gay Plod shade. ceals or denies his love for fear of being laughed at is a coward. A Lae that has no element of divinity in it is not love, but passi•'n, which of itself hes nothing ennobling. That was a beautiful in- acripti••n on Au t•n.zageinent ring. "Each , teeth far th.d.n A three -cornered tichu of silk muslin, edged with very full revs o1 Auralac lace, is attached permanently to the neck of some of these dresses. while others have the new ehirred Mother uhtsat tt btpw lace entering the shoulders; the sleeve • have Soft crushed puffs o•f mull and full frill" .of lace The new textural in lace h,.nnets are the fat lace crown of Spanish net. the panache of shaded orange, nr of crevette or mkt imp color, the new oilman tints, or reel feather* en the left side, and the sarin:. „f China crate the c,l•r of the feather*. et else a lace scarf is used to COT. r the fn.nt •'f the Monnet. and then tied iia a great Mow beneath the chin. Free ser 1 barge. All p•ie tis safT.•nng fr n 4'•nillhs,, 1'nlds, Asthma, lirsnchifis,l sr f .-toe, , or any affection of the 11ir it anti 1.1ngs, nee reyuealetl h, t,,11 et yt r .1 -i. Gere end let a Trial It •ttie • f 1h. hona* New Disenvery for t••msn7nptie'Tl. free "t charge. which will ran, inte them •-f its wt rider/Ill menta and site„ a hat a rave tar do I'ar-size Nate will ' ' •+a ,•srly 4Ael • Literary \Mares. The (`.t].tnlAt METHODIST MAOAFANS for September. WM. Tuerie. publisher. Throe- . to. St a year: it for sac monwh.: single num. hers. m cents. The most notable feature in the cur- rent number is Dr. Puneh.m•s last arti- cle, On Wesley and his Literature, and bis last Nene, Moth worthy of that matchless pen, new at rest forever. The illustrated articles are "Picturesque Spain." "The Flowery Kangden•`. China) and the adventures tet t Canadian et Athens. all handsomely illustrated. An excellent portrait and life -sketch 4 George McDougall are also given. The Editor continues his story of old R.•man life and gives an account et that remark- able character. Rnger Williams, the founder 4 Rhode island. A charming sketch of Irish travel, "The Lakes of Killarney," is also given, with sstwal. miner articles Oa %M he teeeeleid. In these titre* of quack medicine ed• vertisements everywhere• it is testy gratifying to find ,•ne re -Melly that is worthy of praise, and which really does as rec•.mtuended. Electric Bitter% we • can vouch for as being a true and talia- hle remedy,n.Ica and one that will do ad -I a.•mmended. They invartalda) rani stemich and Liver Complaints. l -rises .1 the Kidneys and Urinary difticultiea \\'e kn•'w whereof we speak. and can resdily nay. give them a trial. Sold at May rents a Mottle, by all druggista.- Adv. As a Family Medtrine Ik. CaRnn's St.'mac•h sad Constipation Rattedtl are rapidly taking the place of pills, they are equally effectual. do not gape. weak- en. or produce manses and are purely t eatable. in isrge N or Mottles at EP cents. enrink �e Rhynes apwtai agent fon Dr. Carson never claim Stomach and Constipation Bitters any �r nags, t•Lot'4 PnwEE .•r HCALtwe, but with the quiet consciousness .1 the me- diainel virtues he prescribes them to ail th.ae who suffer fr,mi ant .lerangemennt .1 the $tentsch, Rowels, titer and Kid- neys. in large 8 .s. bottles at Cap tats rGeorge Rhino' special agent for Clods - ARE YOU 1 Are you a Dyspeptic > Hare indigestion) is your Liver slo�iilt 1 Dees yea feta freebie you 1 �loee deep fail to refresh you 1 is your appe- tite and energy gone ' aorta* frost Brazil will tun you. tone you rep. and int igerats your whole system. it is a gentle purrtive, acts ss IS wonder upon and gives eteength anti energy to the Digestive apparatus. it isatingIy anti- biltnn,. carries off all surplta toile, tones the Liver, gives sound Digestion and speedy health to the Dyspeptic and the lltili,ns Try a 10 rent sample at loss! at MONTREAL, QUE. HAMILTON. ONT. CINCINNATI. OHIO. EXDIRITIONS. SYRACUSE. N. Y. DAVENPORT. IOWA. POR E XCELLENCEand SUPERIORITY .,r,r, fa/ .'„nip. e. F (hPanect Rf Rest Renri W ORI.D_ Adopted and in use nn 19 Railway lines in the U. S. and (.'ands. -lee Ilia. aur trade mark. "LYMAN BARR, t. stem -Mewl on each reel. BUT HO OTHER. Send for prices and circular to R. W. McKrtztr. Ooderirh. DOMINION BARB WIRB FENCE ro. 177340. /Mistreat. $72 1.7.g. Ogtty oet/t ahtNmAdedslMelsy sus* Os.. Augusta, Mates. . _ to �,•a• `SIE• `- Farmers Attez-s.tic - Barbee Fence \\'ire contracted for in any nuantir) td eery Iowe,t price I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. -177! R' ire asst barb gal.-anir•d after being twisted n hien si1101..t s.•at• c it. Use Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW DRIFTS NO WEEDS NO WASTE LANDS. G. H. PARSONS, CHEM' HARDWARE, GUI)}:1t1('H. `'ss,. t MIME FM 1111 31St S 1 1*1t'. Ot 3Rti"T rail UNE OtO Nalialetti 11,4 !_ G *, :L:t:t:t t.4 t:t 4 ET.1:1.1..t OLOU TOBACCO 00„ Drrierirr M,, w . women* a RON'T FORGET THAT E. DOWNINGS. 14 tale piece for FIRST CLASS BOOTS AND SHOES. re -Boots and Shoes repaired and me.de to order. SPECIAL BARGAINS. R=_ ar, sere:inejsenie Cps iat 11.trr-ai::s in Dress Goods, Prints, Shirtings, Denims, Ducks, Table Linens, White and Grey Cottons. PRI 'T'I'8 Fax colors. trim 5c. per yard up. BLACg C &SIIMERE8_ -Special Make, without exception the best make in down. COTTON SFSIRTTNGS_-Extra Value, from 121c. up. TWEEDS_ Firer +elc Enxl:sh. Scotch and Cauadtan. Suits made to order in drat Claes style for 110 112. 41i. $16 (Lad 118. All cloth bought cut out free of charge. • REID & SEYD, Manchester House, roderich. Merchant Tailoring! 9 l -hr Fs.' ahle Tailor, is now in a position to cz • Ai, „rd,•r. !,c n, tt h, tl , r,11 •-v,th, in THE LATEST SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. ON HAND, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, ETC. ['Tall and see oar ugh Dunlop, Fashionable Tailor, West -St., Goderich. SAUNDERS' VARIETY STORE. Stove and Tinware Depot. SPECIAL LINES IN STOVES. SPECIAL LINES IN FANCY GOODS AND JEWELLERY. SPECIAL PRICES IN WALL PAPER, 6,000 ROLLS CHEAP. Note the Stand. "The Cheapest House Under the Sun." trNett door to the Post Office Weat'o NEW GfAI T)a ARRIVINc7 EVERY DAY