HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-05-20, Page 64111. CRANBROOK GENERAL STORE SUPERTEST GAS AND OILS WE GIVE' GOLD BOND STAMPS BARBECUEING TIME Schneiders Beef Pattiei 2 lb. Barbecue Lighter Charcoal Bricketts„ Charcoal Lumps 10 lb. Coco Cola $1.59 39c 99c 4 for 89c GARDENING PLANT..? FLOWERS and VEGETABLES AT VARIOUS PRICES Agent: Listowel Dry Cleaners RANBROOK PHONE BRUSSELS 887-6593 41.111Psoloill11•60111111.1.1111111.”411111111."111. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Machinery and Feed Lot 27, Con. 12, Hullet Twp. 1 1/4 Miles North of Londesboro and 1/2 Mile West THURSDAY, MAY 27 12:30 124(6'0414.1313g140 POST, 13RVSSI7LI ONTA1.1419. THURSDA.X, MAY 20th, 10.1), QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS ENTERTAINMENT AT SMILEY'S HAVEN FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY THE WALKERTON 'TRIO PLUS 2 SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY CLARE ADLON TRIO Menu.: 13arlPacued Ribs and Kraut, Southern Fried Chicken and Chips 1,t=lkfAcitta-ZkIWZ/VZICIWEl4V6',tEXWKlet etelgtClAteklCIEWOCAe MACHINERY SALE For WILLIAM DOBSON Lot 20, Con, 7, Grey Twp, 1/2 Mile West of Ethel MONDAY, MAY 24 1.:30 P.M, MACHINERY 550 Cockshutt Tractor and Loader, Case Model S Tractor, Oliver Tractor & Spare Parts, M-F Seed Drill, 15 run; Two 3 Furrow Plows, Case 4 Bar Side Rake, New Holland 268 Baler, Cockshutt Cultivator, Geo. White Wage n, Cockshutt Wheel Disc,. Bueler Wagon, (iockshutt Wagon, Cock- shutt Manure Spreader No. 633, :Geo. White 30' Elevator and 1 Horse Motor, New Holland Mower, 5 Section Harrows, Roller, 1956 Ford Track, Brantford Scissor Hoist and Rack, 1967 Internation- al Half Ton, low mileage; John Deere 10" Hammer Mill and 75 PL Belt. Mildmay Separator 24x 42; Allis Chalmers Combine, All Crop, Pickup and Sconr clean; Post Hole Digger, 5 Ton Hydrau- lic jack; Circular Saw, Bag Cart, Dehorners, Feed Cart, Set Scales, T railer. Terms Cash Jackson & Jackson, A uctioneers Cattle 5 Cows 14 head Yearlings and 2 yrs. old Horses 2, Horses; Set Breeching Harness, Set Backhand Harness, Lines and halters. Machinery Full line horse drawn machinery, also Farman Super A Tractor with hydraulic plow. Woods belt driven Oat Roller with dust proof motor, like new. Feed Hay, Baled 'Straw', Mixed Grain Terms Cash Farm Sold Proprietor -- Harold Longman Auctioneer — Harold Jackson Clerk Mel Graham ....Proprietor or Auctioneer not responsible for aScisdents day of sale. SEED FOR SALE — No. 1 Hay Mixture, d lb Alfalfa, 5 lb. timothy, 2 lb. red clover, 3 lb. Brome grass, 2 lb. meadow Fescue. Total 18 lb. costing .snly $7..1'7, Hay mixture No. 2, 8 lb, alfalfa, 4 lb. red clover, 5 lb. timothy, 3 lb. Brome grass. Total 20 lb, costing $8.74 per acre. Per mapent pasture mixture, 6 lb. trefoil. 4 lb. alfalfa, 5 lb timothy, 3 lb. meadow fescue. Total 18 lb, Costing $8,00 per acre. All new crop seed. Mixed free. Pride and Stewarts Seed Corn. Order Early. Planter available. See Roy Cranim and Son, Pinkerton, Phone Cargill 366-2394. AUCTION SALE of Property, Household Effects and Antiques will be held for MRS. IDA DAVIS Across from the United Church in Brussels on SATURDAY, MAY 29th At 12:30 p.m. Chesterfield suite, Piano and bench. Miter, Gramaphone with records, Parlor tables, Foot stools, End tables, Radio, T.V., Rug 9x12, Lamps, Writing desk, Card table, Wicker chair, Rocking chairs, Dining table with chairs. Buffet, book case, Round table with chairs, Washing machine, used 4 times, Propane 4 burner stove (like new), Sewing machine, Fridge, Coal oil stove with oven, Vacuum, cleaner, Eleetric heater, Dress makers form, Antique books, Quilt box, Beds, Dressers, Chest of drawers, Wash stands, Toilet set, Pillows,. Feather tick, Bedding, Linens, Curtains, Mats, Dishes, Ginger- bread clock, Dinner bell, ElecS Heal appliances, Picture frames, jars, cross cut saw, Step ladder, Garden tools, Many interesting items too numerous to mention. Property Property has a frame house with like new gas furnac'e. Will be sold at 3 p.m.. subject to a reserve bid. TERMS CASH Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer' Whitechurch, Phone 357-2349 The difference. between "she's gond looking" and "she's looking good" is about 2a years and 40 pounds. AUCTION SALE For The Estate of ELMER I. YOUNG Lot 10, Con. 6, Morris Twp. 5 Miles West of Brussels, 2 Miles East of No, 4 Hwy. THURSDAY, MAY 27 1,00 p.m. Swine 53 Big Chunks .Feed Approx. 5 Tons Shelled. Cum Approx. 8 Tons Barley Approx, 5 Tons Mixed Grain Approx. 12 Tons Cob Corn Implements I.H.C. Model 340 Utility Tractor', Ford Tractor and Front End Loader, Massey Harris Model 35 Combine, McKee ForagF, Harves- ter and Wagon with Box, New Idea. Mower, 12 Ft. Spring Tooth Cultivator, 3 pt. hitch; IHC Side rake, IBC Cultivator'; 81/2 Ft. steel IH( '15 i)isc seed drill, Tandem DiSO, Land Packer, M. Spreader, 3 Furrow Plow, 4 Section J-farrow, 1 -Grain Auger, 4 inch; 6 inch Grain Auger on wheels and Motor, Remington Super 75A Chain Saw, Skil Saw, 2 Hydro Fencers, Pile New Poplar Lumber,. 1fr'n' tuErxetension Ladder. Fur ni ture • . • Bedroom igurniture, _Antique Stands, Living Room Table, Old Chairs, Bureau, Extension Table, Sewing Machine, Cook Stove, Wood • Box, Rangette. Astral Refrigerator, Flour Bin and Bake Board, 1 Ton. Coal, Tools and Numerous Other Articles. 1959 G.M.C.' -1A-Tori Truck (No. Certificate). Terms CaSh -• Not Responsible For Accidents Reg- Watson & Victor Youngblut Executors_. Jackson & Jackson, Auctioneers Listowel CENSUS ASKS 400,00 FOR FARM FACTS Ottawa — Canada's farmers will have: two questionaires to fill in for the 1971 Census. In addition to the population and housing questionnaire, by which they and their families will be counted, they will alSo get a 1971 Cen8u8 of Agriculture form. Answers to this questionaire by an estimated 400,000 farmers will provide detailed information on the state. Of Canadian Agriculture, Everyone operating an agricul- tural holding of one acre ar more and having sold $50 or More of agricultural products in 1970 Will be required to fill in a Census of Agriculture form, This year's farm censits. which has some new questions as com- pared with previous censuses, will yield significant inforMation on changes in patterns Of agrictil- Ural produetion. Questionaires in the farin 'is will he dropped off at the farm- houses, along with the Population and housing questionaires, in the last week of May. In both cases, farmers will be asked to complete their own questionaires. The forms will be picked up by census representatives starting June 2. The farm qiiestiOnaire is, at first glance, a formidable,loOking 40gitMent It Rgks 100 qii.9stionK -- but in a way that it is easy for a fanner to skip questions that do not apply to him, and answer only those that apply to his particular operation, The qnestionaire has been carefully designed to make it as easy as possible for the farmer to fill it in• correctly. Two of the new questions in the 1971, farm census one on fertilizer use, the other on spray- ing and dusting — are designed to yield information on techno- logical , changes in agricultural Practices. Another new question asks about the type of farm ownership — whether private, partnership, institutional, or in- corporated., The most important information on changes in agriculture pro- duction patterns will come from answers to the basic ouestions: those on acreages land use, crops, livestock and poultry. Policy planners and. marketing agencies will be looking at the compli- ation8 deriVed from these answers for such infOrmation as: the extent of the shift out of wheat into other grains, and oher field crops the rate of increase in oil- seeds production, and the groWth in the importance of oilseeds as cash crops. — the extent of shifts from crops into livestock and as between kinds of livestock, and — how farms are continning to decrease in number and in- crease in average acreage. While' such treads can be estimated to reasonable degrees of accuracy by sample surveys between censuses, the Census of Agriculture is needed every five years to provide new benchmark information on Which to base Sue- teeding estimates, In addition, the Census is the only source of national cropland data and livestock and poultry inventories for any given small area in Canada. Such information is essential to studies oil Crop and livestock prodaction and markei- ifid, and in the studies on farms classified by size, type and econ- omic class. These studies, in turn, are basic to all policy planning and decis- ion Making in marketing pro- grams. They also provide infor- Mation for the use of farm organ- izations and the provincial exten- toia ill, t 401r prvg,rpo for the development of agricul- lure, as well as for use by farmers' themselves. A basic, trend in Canadian agri- culture, evident. since 1951, will undoubtedly be ,repeated in the 1971 Census results: a continuing decline in the number .of farms, combined with an increase in the average acreage per farm. In 19(16 the number of farms wa s 430,52C down 10.5 per cent from 480,903 in .1961. In the same period, the average farm size increased to 404 acres from 359, a. trend txuerienced by every province except Newfound. land. On a regional basis, the. Prairies had the largest increase, to an average of 635 acres from 617 in 1961; by contrast. the in- crease in the Central Region aver- aged only 10 acres — up to 161 from 151. Of greater importance than the size and number of census fartns is what is being done with them, This has been highlighted by wheat-Marketing problems' in recent years. shifts in world markets for other Canadian, agri- cultural precincts, and the Ways in which. Canadian farmers have adapted their production. to meet these changes. What the census tells on chang, es in land. use and production patterns since the 1966 census is therefore invaluable for planning, as it affects the future of Canad, ions in world markets, "When that naughty bey threw stones at you." the mother scold- ed her son, "why didn't you come and tell are. instead of throwing stones hack at him?" "What good would that do?" asked the boy. "You couldn't hit the side of a barn." HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Clinton Cue to the decrease In meat prices we are unable to pay for any farm, stock. We offer efficient, courtety, sam e day, service 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Phone Collect 482.9$11 Llano* No 2374-7o DEAD STOCK REMOVAL SERVICES WANTED — DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE and HORSES TOP PRICES PAID FOR HORSES ON THE HOOF SMALL ANIMAL PICKUP 24 HR. FAST EFFICIENT SERVICES BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Lie: Vie-70.0 FREE OF CHARGE — ovEn 150 LB, P,KONE COLLECT 887.9334 BRussn S