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'SPAY, MAY 20th, 1971
$3,00.A Thai in Advance $4.00 to U.S.A. Single Copy 1.0c 1112 BRUSSELS POST, viuRspAy, MAY 20th, 1.971
}Wright, gay daffodils formed the
potting- for •the Dallodil Tea held
by the Majestic W.I. on Thprsday,
afternoon, May I.3th in the Brits-
Ole public library. The conveners
of the meeting on "Health" were
Mrs. Doug Hemingway and Mrs.
Jack Nelstnan. Mrs. Leona Arm-
Stro0; the new president, after
a tioeln weItiolfied a large
nuinber of m embers and guests,
The secretery-treesitrer, Mrs.
Marie MeCutcheon conducted the
usual business including, an invi-
tation from the, Cranbrook. W.I. to .
attend their meeting on June 1st
at 8:30 p.m. in the Cranbrook
Hall. Rev, and. Mrs. Docken of
Walton will speak on drugs and
show a film. If you wish to go
let your president or secretary
know by May 2G. It was decided to
have a "House Tour and Coffee
Party" in June, date to be an-
nounced Later.
Mrs. Cudmore then caned Mrs.
Alberta Smith to the front and
presented her with the Women's
Institute Cup and Saucer, a slight
token -of our appreciation for her
faithful service as president.
Mit. Smith thanked the members
and hoped the new president
would continue to get our co-
operation and support as she had,
The. June meeting under the
eonvenership of Mrs. Marie Mc-
Taggart and Miss Laura Lucas
Will be on Education. Further
notice later oil.
MaixY `Varl'ed answers ivere
gileh to the roll call "My cure for
the Blues"
Mrs. Armstrong then called oh her
father, Mr. Harvey Johnston who
is pest president of the Huron
County Unit of the Cancer Soc-
iety and Chairman of Publicity
and nominating for the. Huronia
He explained the set up of the
Canadian Cancer Society whose
head office is in Toronto. Each
province is a division, each
division has seven districts. We
Tdll Huron County belong to the
Huron* district . Each district,
is divided into whits and each
unit into branches. Our nearest,
branch is
Mr. Johnston then showed two
Very interesting and informative
films entitled the "Million Club"
The necessity ,of yearly health
ellOOk tins ant14, early diagnosis it
any symptoms 'esc cancer appear
were stressed. A inamphlet "Can-
cer Facts for Women" was given
to those present.
Mr. Johnston was thanked and
preeented With a gift by Mrs.
leong Hemingway.
Mrs, -Marie McCutcheon gave an
interesting report of the Officers'
Conference at. Guelph which she
Those present enjoyed it solo
"When you come to the end of the
day" sung by Mrs. Lain Kerr.
'Floppy filrlitday Waif Onofis for four
Tilt IPPitCiii
Moomiol flint
Seifort Walkerthoneri
Make It To Br. usse
A large ..group of footsore
walkerthonere•Teuched the south-
ern outskirts of Brussels on Sat-
urday afternoon and rested their
weary selves on the ground near
the pond on 'the• property of
Bill Turnbull.
They were members 6 of the
Seaforth "Won-Nibblers", who
Were joined by friends, to do their
bit for ..0.0 March of Dimes, and
incideetly lose .a few :pontiasi. lii
their efforts. They left Se"aforth.
High Schmid at 8 a.m, aCcoMpanied
by Dr. Whitman and ,walked the
sixteen miles with only two hay,
lug to drop out.
Apparently they did not feel
equal to walk the remaining dist-
ance into Brussels to enjoy our
beautiful village. No doubt they
were only interested in return to
Seaforth by car to soak their
tired and aching feet.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith of.
Brussels would like to announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Janis Lynn, to Mr. Larry Kenneth.
Bray, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth. Bray, RM. 1, Ethel.
The wedding will take place
May 29th, 1971, at the United
Church, Brussels.
A weddng of local interest. took
place on May 8th, 1971., in St.
Angela Church in Edmonton,
Alberta, when Charles Oliver
Turnbull, only son of Mr. and
Mrs. Andre* Turnbull of Sea-
forth. Ont., married Margaret
(Peggy) Borden of Edmonton,
-A- small—reception followed at..
the home of the bride"s parents.
They will be residing at 6903-
142 Ave., Edmonton.
Mr, arid Mrs. J. Stuart, Lindsay.
eisited with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Visitor's with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Dunn included Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Dunn and Susan. Ricky and
Bonita, Bloomingdale, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Wood, Mitchell, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Meehan. List-
owel, and Mr. and Nes, George
McDonald, Molesworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mitchell
and family, Thorold, are spend-
ing a few days at their house here.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Mel Becker were their
daughters Christine and Jane,
Guelph, their son Douglas and
son Kerry, Kitchener, son-inelaw
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. on
Poth, Kitchener and Steve Irvine,
Grand Valley,
daffodil centred tea table with
Mrs. Alberta. Smith pouring tea.
Mrs. Doug Hemingway , Mrs, Earl
Cudmore, Mrs. Merle and
MrEi, iofillit Armiiimgc riplistqd,
'members of St. Lodge
A.F. and A,M, etiterteified their
wives and friends at their .atiltual
"Ladies' Night." Banquet oil 'Fri;
day eight. The delicious dingier'
Was served by the Ladies' Auxil:
iary to about 175 guests.
Guests. at . the heed table were
District ''Deituity Greed ,Mastet for
North Hewitt; Carmen Thempson,
Teeswater,, and Mrs. Thompson,
Peet District Deputy Grand
Master, i3rndd McCall and Mrs.
McCall, Worshinful Master
Walter Somerville,. 'Welton and
:Mr's. Somerville, Senior W n ande
W. King and Mrs. king. The.
mediate Past Mast& dorlion
Stiles and yrs. Stiles.Mr. Stiles
was -master of ceremonies.
The toast to the lames was
proposed by Robert Grasby and
graciously replied to by Mrs
Gordon Stiles.
The toast to Grand Lodge was
Proposed by P.D.D.G.M, Calvin
Krapter and responded to by Mr.
Thompson who brought greet:
ings from Grand Lodge and
spoke briefly of his interesting
visits with the lodges of the
John .Bryans introduced the
guestspeaker, Bruce McCall who
delighted his audience with his
wit and humour, He drifted into
a more serious vein as he spoke
of the first three questions an
aspiring candidate for Masonry is
asked to answer. These questions
exemplify the sovereignty of Goil
as the fundamental principle of
the lodge.
Robert Cunningham expressed
the appreciation of the lodge to
Me McCall for his fine address
-and- -Conducted a seseime of com-
munity singine, with Mrs, W. •EL.
King as the aceoenoanist.
Dancing to the music Di: KCii
Scott's orchestra eiiiishd the
evening s program.
Put oil your track shoes be-
cause here comes Field Day.
At recess we are having pract-
ice for the coming field day and
we hope we have the children's
support and effort in this event.
Bruce Jermytne team is the
winning team in .basketball.
Girls:" basketball teams. are in
the finals. Beth Vallance's team
is playing the best 3-5 games with
Sendra. Boomer's team.
Barb Elliott's team has been
Brussels Public School is proud
to announce Grade 5's success in
film inaking. Their Min is to be
shown on Friday, May 21 at 5:00
on the CKNN production "East
of the Sun".
Watch it!
Thanks again for supporting
Grildo 7(mnd -Y
There is no postal SOr VW?
provided on May 240f,
All despatoh and receipt pf MAU
are curtailed and there will, he no
Wicket service No rural gerYisie.
The Lobby will be open as usual.
Ng* BusfNEss
Ze. new busitieee opened on the
Main street here on Monday
.inornings It is The Hayward
Discount and Variety Store locat-
ed in the building formerly
occupied by Eders Store whiCili
Moved to a new location SOM
time ago.
The (inners are Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Hayward, formerly of At-
wood, who have taken up resi-
dence in the aliartment above the
store. They will be assisted by
their daughter. Mrs. 'Bruce
Hamilton. They also have three
sons, Steven and Stuart of Kitch-
ener and Robert of Ottawa.
They are "members of the
Anglican chnrele
Mrs. Harvey Dennis, who has
been a patient in Wingham Hos-
pital for the past three months
has returned home,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hiemstra
and family of Ethel moved Satur-
day to the home they purchased
in TirtieSels. ,
M a r. nd Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull
were weekend visitors in Dayton
Ohio, where they attended the
Golden Wedding Annivereary of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Fisher.
Among Brussels residents who
are hOspitnlieed in -Wilighain are
Miss - Hattie Downing, Mr. and
Mrs, Walter Williemson, Mrs. Ida
Davis, Mrs. We Kerr, Ralph
Shaw, Miss Sarah McKinnon, Mrs.
Jean Nichol.
Mr. and Mrs. James Pestell of
Ethel were Sunday visitor's with
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller.
Mr. and Mrs, Elden Wilson,
Mrs. Florence Russell and Mrs.
jack Merner of Bayfield attended
the christening of Kevin Andrew,
infant son of. Mr. and Mrs. T-Tarry
Schmidt (nee 'Gail Wilson) in
Mildma.y on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turnbull,
Seaforth. returned home from
Edmonton, Alta., the end of last
week. They attended the wedding
of their son Charlie Turnbull and
visited other friends in the city.
Ed. Morrow of : Ethel is a
patient in Stratford General T-Tos-
pital where he underwent surgery-
last Week.
Mies Soa.nne Moses, daughter of
Mr. and. Mrs. Archie 'Moses, Brus-
sels. attended a graduation etieeter
of The John R. Teal international
School of Travel at the Holiday
Inn, Toronto, on. May, 14, 1971.
For obtaining first-class honours
in her examinalon, she received
e gift. of °goy, .Teranue boo boon
411tiVflOYAd Oil MA* OK
-Horticultural SotCitnig:
Interesting- Deontt,;
r:11-15hi F The May io anitoeuei
t al
was 1431d Monday, May 17th
i411) andrI ry, T guestsl) pies..erewee14
Mrs, win, Camighell, the pres_
dent, opened the meeting with O.
Canada, Mrs, W. Kerr at the
at the niano, Minutes, treasurer's
report followed, An invitation:
from T3lyth BorticultureI Society-
to attend their Floral Display and
tea Saturday May 32nd from .3 to
P.m. A. letter re Convention in
Windsor was read. Mrs. Wc-rn,
Miller moved we do not send dole.
gates. seconded by Mrs. L. Mc-
Cutcheon, carried. Roll call was
a displayy of spring blooms. I'm
sorry to report there. were only
six exhibits. The results were,
Mrs. Cudmore, Mrs. Wm miller.
Mrs. A. Bremner, Mrs. Win,
Hewitt Mrs. Wm, Campbell, Mrs.
B. Hemingway, •
'Mr, A. Knight read the news
letter. Mrs. Cudmore reported for
the Spring Tea. Committee being
held Saturday, May 29th from 3
to 5 p.m. in the Public Library
She reminded every one to bring
baking for the. sale table and
plants for the plant table.
Mrs. Wm. Hewitt gave a read-
ing. Dale 'Wheeler and Gerald
Jutzi favoured wwith two select-
ions on the guitar and piano.
These were all enjoyed. Miss Mae
. Skelton thanked the boys and a'•
small gift was given each. 14Tre,
Win: Campbell then extended an
invitation to the members to held
the Silly meeting at her home in
Ethel. It will take the form of a.
picnic to be at 2 p.m.
The delegates to Conventioe
at Lions Head reported a good
meeting, The Convention will be
in Reliever in 1972.
Mrs W. Campbell introduced
Mrs, E. Mitchell who gave a dem-
instration in Liquid Embroidery.
Each lady paainted a handker-
chief and kept it :as a souvenir.
Mrs. Cudmore thanked Mrs.
Mitchell and presented her with
a gift. The. Queen closed the
meeting. A delicious lunch was
served by Mrs. Win. Miller.
Mrs. L. Frain, Mrs. F. Shaw and
Mrs. N. McLarty
CRONIN Jim and Karen Crouin
ate happy to announce the
arrival of their daughter, Lori.
Marie, in See forth Continuality
1-Tospital on Thursday, May
lreb, 1971-
M.A.C.HAN --- Glen and Roberta
Ines Corrin) are happy to an-
nounce the arrival of their eon,
Mark. Jeffrey; at. Goderich
General and Marine. Hospital,
May 4th. 1971. First grandchild
fm •Mr. and Mrs. ll,eonard
Meehan. and grandson for 'etre.
Margaret Corri.n of London,
Irgw.1 11. It writ 4 ill
A. n• ,