HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-09-09, Page 5Or a?eFtt♦1 rrntwew7rr kA THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. SEPT. 9, 1881. THE SURPLUS. tier Peer 11I1114is» to the test ilaast I rear --•Two row, el 11. It is Dow authoritatively (tate l that the Doss' ion surplus for the dosi,cual year 1 1 is over four minions. Tea u views th is --the Latest 000meuts by public mea -are given below: ma ltitTua LANoarlx 44 ironware. The national policy war, a law of the oountq, and therefore he could speak of it. The people were satisfied with it. k had prvventeJ itup.,rtatiutt from the Uuited States, it had stopped the exo- dus, it had brought bow our artiruu, it had kept money at home, and now we had a surplus of over four millions of dollars. After thea facts u; our pro - gems, Ts should not t =pet. with the constitution. KOH. 1DWAkD DLA;! AT HALIFAX. It, indeed, this large revenue had btwu procured (ruin some other source than the one from which it was -if it had been obtained in some way without trent to the people of this country, or from any other quarter than your pockets and mine, there would be no question nit their claim to the credit from us for the resources they bad phosd at our our dispusaL But, inaatuuch as their pro - mire was that they would take only $18,000,000 out of our pockets, and that they would not increase, the taxation, and inasmuch u their performance has been to take *22,600,000 fmm us and to Weyer the taxation of the people, I fail to perceive what particular claim to public gratitude they have acquired by the traewction. e • • I believe that the people themselves can make batter use of such money as ie nut re• quired fur the year than the treasury can, as the beet use it can put it to is to deposit it in come bank at little or no interest And I think we should all feel better if the tazes„unneosseanly le- vied for the last year, and unnecessarily levied for this year, remained in our potshots instead of being taken out of thea One thing is certain abut this b mosey -it will never go back to the t pockets whence it came. ' Have you any inmate to !care for 1110 Cabinet? Eleesue.-Yes; tell them Fee got a vote at the next elestiuq.-(Orip. Meteorological Ilairesb State uE the weather fur the week end- ing Sept Jove Oth, 1881. Aug. 3 t- Wind at 10 p. a. South- west, light, hazy. Number of miles wind travelled iw24 hours 447. Thun- der at 4 p. to It rained on 5 days dat- ing month, amount of rainfall 15 cubic inches or 1# inches o4 the 1eveL Sept.1st-Wind at 10 p. m. North- west, light, cloudy. Number of miles triad travelltt4 its 24 hours 130. Light shower nt 7 tr. w. -thunder, Sept. 2nd -Wind at 10 p. m. North- west. li;!,t. hazy. Number of Pallet wird tr,,c_.led in 24 hours 169. Sept. 3rJ--Wind at 10 p. m. East, light, clear. Number of miles wind travelled in £4 hours 135. A sprinkling .1 Mill at 4 p. m. -thunder. Sep:. tab -Wind et 10 p. tn. Routh, fr.oli ')t: r. Nutuber of miles wind tr.trt Jr: in 24 hours 307. he• ' : ti - Wind at 10 p. m. South- wcs. ';c.lt, cloudy. Number of miles utiu l travelled in 24 hours 463. A shower of r,.iu and ashes at Jt m. Thunder nod lightning, dense darkness from ;l p. u,. Amount of rainfall 0.4 oubec inches. Sept. Gth-Wind at 10 p. in. South, fresh, hazy. Number miles wind tae, gilled in 24 hours 484. G. N. MACn00taui, Observer. Goderich, Sept. 7th, 1881. ARE YOU Are you a Dyspeptic 1 Have you Indi:;em,nIs your Liver slogihf Dora your food trouble you! tel sleep fail to refresh you 9 Is yourappa tite and ecergy gone 1 Zor A (from Brarip will cure you, toss you up, and invigorate your whole system. It is a gentle purgative, acts u a wonder upon, and gives strength and energy to the Digestive apparatus It Pietroagly anti- ili°ur, carries off all surplus bile, tones he Liver, gives sound Digestion and spertly health to the Dyspeptic and the Bilious. Try a 10 cent sample at least. Ileum Anatol. Hoene again and nighty glad to get there. Glad to get to a spot where your I,ed- room is big enough to turn it double headspring in without Lending two thirds out of the window. Glad to find a bed where the foot- . board is a few inches above your knee, making it necessary to deep in an un- comfortable half open, jack-knife at- titude. Glad to get a drink of water that isn't so Worsted with "healing minerals" that it tastes like a rusty lamp post on a frosty morning. Glad you havn't gut to swear such stuff "does you good." Glad to abandon the nonsensical con- ventionalities'of "resort" life, and lift your feet to the mantel piece in the American fashion and feel social and free. Glad to get a square meal into your system garnished with simply the pro- vision dealer's profits. A meal that you feel sure you can afford to eat. Glad to see your wife and fsmily around your own table and hearthstone. They look better and feel more closely related to you than they do promenading the verandahs of a hotel with strangers Glad to "slosh" around iii your own bath tub where there is no deadly fear of an "undertow." Glad somebody can speak to you and answer a civil question without. charging "fifty cents all round." Glad it isn't necessary to lie to strang- ers about your eittensive business and your magnificent establishment. You can't fool people that have known you from a boy up, so you don't have to Glad you had money enough to get home after hotel bill were p id. This is cause for proclamation of a day of thanksgiving and prayer. Glad you now have a chance to growl and find fault in true home like fashion, without being deterred by the presence of a scornful world. Glad that you can roans into every room of the house at your own sweet will, tlthough the overweening curiosity you had while on your vacation deserts you. Glad to meet your friends on the street once more, and surprised that they didn't know you had been away. Glad to see the dog, glad t.. see the catty glad to see the servant girl. Home again. and you inwardly vow that you will let the tendrils of your af- fections so cling around your own vine and fig tree that yon never will desert iti comforts ensign never, never. But in legs than three months guide books and "resort" literature will begin to good your ppoosetoftice box and you'll find your- self ramming just such another lay out for next summer. The nomadic in- stinct* of kungen nature will not "down" after they have owe been grsti6ed.- (New Haran Register. The Desere d T11Mdr. Scene-Depetnsental Bwiidia9, Ottawa. Moder (on bosinew).-Is Sir John Meedoadd in his Mad Diatom --silo, sir; he hasn't returned from Eaglaadeft lel.der.-We, eoeW I we Sir Charles Ts= -No. sir; he is abient from llereer. •--Ie Sir Levered Talky within! 11,41~ - f No, air; he's down M St Andrew's, N. B. jflelor.-Wall, would take nay mrd 111 sir Hence I BeMsws.-Plewww, Sir Heller is away cel a tour up west Egiteee. -Perhaps I world lad lair. J. C. Pope is kis easel Dwayne -No, sir; I ant sorry to my that Mr. Pope is at haw ill. sleraor. -le Hoa Mr. Caron to be asset Seams. -He's down in the Maritime Provinces, ! think. lleef w. -Whisk is Mr. Bowell's asset Bs lona -Mr. Rowell is not is.; he bee just gone to Kaaiteka. slsdee. - Where am I likely to lad Hon. Kr. Aikiast Rations -I thank he's. i TOrialla at present, sir. !feeler. -Haat Well, who's running the n ishiwy of the country jest nowt t . lana -Me and the other hese. • Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPrrAL, - . . •1!,000,000, SCRPI, C'S, - - - - 16,000,000. Goderich Branch. C B. 1)t N EORL, - - - Manager Allows interest on deposits. I►rafts. letter of credit and circular notes issued, payable in all parts of the world. 1751. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid up Capital, - 96,000,000. Rust, - - 81,400,000. Preside'''. - HON: W.V. McMASTER General Manager. 14'. N. ANDERSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - Mannose. Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on al the principal Towns and Cities in Canada Great Britain and the United States, bough and sold... Advancesto Farmers on Notes. witb one or more endorsers. without mortgage. 1753 SHE1tIFF'S SALE OF LANDS, eot-a'ry or HURON, t Hy virtue of a writ of TO tr IT : ,fieri facets, issued out of Her majesty's County Court of the County of Huron. and to me directed against the lands and Tenements of WiLLIAM RITCHIE and JOHN RITCHIE. at the suit of JA MEN GAM - ha' c seized and taken in Execution all the )tight. Title. and interest. and Equity of Redemption, of the above named i►efeodants, in. and to the north portion of lot number three. concession eighteen. in the Township of Grey. in the County of Huron.rutin' ngparallel to cunee,.aiuns 17 and 18 in said Township of Grey cpntaining twenty-two acres of land ; which Lands and Tenements. I shall offer for Sale. at nuc °dice in the Court Honor. In the Tuan of Gudertoh, on SATUItLAY, the FIF- TEENTH day of OCTOBER, next, at the hour of 12 of the clock. noon. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff'. OM, e, Onderich.) Sheriff of Huron. July Lth, 1$61. ' i 1796 -td • VOTICE '1'O Ill -TENDING BUILD - Ells. BILLER it 1 G QUIRBIE has on head a choice lot of A 1. PA KNELL DOORS. FRAMES and SASH of all sizes which they will sell cheaper than the cheapest; ;they are also prepared to huateh build) material of W descriptions to or willtakebeilding oouttaote at ces which defy , competition. No oppositlos in the County recognised. Do not forget to call ova us: we�alwayyeot0a sgaoaetutntt.s ea p. meet pp en i cart and estimates fur- nish MI�LLER & McQUARRIE Planing MW Newgate 8t-, 0oderlcb oat. Dahlia BRUBBELB CSL➢0� GPJES 1881. 1881. $400 IN PRIZES THE BRUSSELS CALEDONIAN OAKEN will be held OS NEW BRANCH T la the bisslness of e/ Ow.s.ms.ik V s.A.Ci3=SOI V r T.AILORYNC -_ 1kn ►s mooed the services of Mr. Fred. Pridhaai as estuary recommended to be •a• of the ted asters la the county. 8(715, 4t and wurkwanehip game teed. A large and well selected stock SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS Just arrived. The stock of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES le also most complete and customers favoring me with their trade in any line of toy business can rely upon getting good value and fair treatment. JOHN ACHESON. DETLOR & CO'S MAMMOTH SALE WILL CONTINUE THIS MO:N T _ BARGINS IN EVERY LINE QOODS AT SLAUC+HTER PRICES. JOHN C. DETLOR E CO. ALL THE NEWS FOR A CENT. TIME Tol'olllo 11311y World, THE ONLY ONE -CENT MORNING PAPER IN CANADA. THREE DOLURS A YEAR ! TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A MONTH!! ONE CENT A COPY ! ! ! Maas than Malt the t:Mt et any ether Morning Paper. YOU CAN NAME NiONST by canvassing for The World. Agents and Canvassers wanted everywhere. Send post -card for terms and SAMPLE COPY FREE. WORLD PRINTING CO., 1800. No. 4 King street east. Toronto. MRS. WARNOCK begs to remind her numerous customers, in and around Goderich that she has opened out her new stock on HAMILTON STREET OPPOSITE THE COLBORNE HOTEL and solicits a continuance of their patronage, as she can with confidence recommend her •code as being Bret claw in every particular. The aid of MISS CAMERON, an accom- plished milliner, has been eecw'ed as as- siatat nt• - A CALL I8 RSai'Ic TuLLY INVIThu. Wanted immediately, a number of appren- tices to -learn mlUinerq. ler Hamilton Street, next door to W. Mit- chell's Grocery. 1781. REMOVED_ RIVER') ,F, S(-'HijOL GODERICH. Boarding and day school. for she tale er education of young ladies. Mrs. Fletch'r elU re -open her school on MONDAY, SEPT. 6TH. The school has removed to West :+•rest, ad- joining Mr. Geo. Parsons residence. Pupils prepared for High School. For full particulars address R. T. FLETCHER, North Street. =_ =rz-ligh.t I►OMIINION BAKERY. Weer STREIT, - NEAR TBg Power 04face. A LARGE ASSORTMENT or !tate eau Caney t"kes. Wedding rnlu•a ked and arnmereesed Second to none. All kinds ut FREBB 33I8017ITt3 Of good quality" CONFECTIONERY OF All KINDS ! Which I,guarantee will ore Satisfaction. Self praise is no recommendation, but try my PLAIN AND FANCY BREAD, Which I deliver daily to all parts of the town, and judge for yourselves. L E. KNIGHT, June U. 1881. I791-tt Near the Post Office Seeds! Seeds! The nbecriber begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his large and varied stock of Fin aid GARDEN SEEDS, consisting of CLOVER, TIMOTHY, HUNGARIAN, MILLET, PEAS, OATS, BARLEY, and choice WHEAT; &leo TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, and all other GARDEN *10 VEGETABLE SEEDS, at fates t oinnot be n. S. BLOAhTE. General Seed Dealer. HeatStes Street. VICE'S *1i$T*ATt1D vs. sou. ideas Oclsre 1 teras i•eP10 ,look of I>~ yagea, One with Deseripttoae of �besstt P iewe •floaw Vegetables. .Fd ptreeueseherfrofwtbw�enOitte N Beats. In esaaciisa or Germane. tf ov attar. words order deduct *Amyl° esati, needs ate this hest fa the werli The Aakte will tell bow to get and grew awn, /ewer •std T! ~•Mea. Pages, s Calmed Flees& rwvlsrs • •seta la rovers; 0.101..1.10..% coda s .rOFFiskiessiey fiery t� Paget. E vs t Pete+ s Mead /7e. ve 0.11. stser;f ter a +shin. Adam,. JAiI*I H. V Mt NEW' GOODS ARRIVING• My earlier fall stock is not a:riving, and every department will be CAREFULLY stocked with tin X3=ST 3=7. -MOTIONS. I can oder good values in ULSTERS and JACKETS in the very latest and newest fashionable styles. BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF RIBBONS TO MATCH ALL COLORS. I am clearing off the balance of nay summer stuck at very low prRes. Call and get bargains. MISS STEWART. CANADA'S GREAT FAIR. IIRON SCHOOL BOOB fiEPOT. INDUSTRIAL , N SCHOOL BOOKS City ofr"Toront o, SCHOOL SI OF E V RY BIND AT THE LOWEST RAT,ES FROW SEPTEMBER bra TO 17Ta, itwo weeks.' $25,000 in Prizes AREOFFERED FOR Live Stock. Poultry. Agricultural. Horticul- tural. and Dairy Products Implements, Men- utactnres and ladies'Work &c. kc., ENTRIES CLOSE AS FOLLOWS: Live Stock kc., Manufactures of all kinds, Saturday August 90th. Poultry and Lady Riders &c., September 1st. EVERYTHING NEW INSTRUC1VE AND INTERESTING. THE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS and best accommodation for exhibitors and visitorever oered at ray exhibition held in the Dominion of Canada ! CHEAP EXCURSIONS will be run from all pointe. PRIZE LISTS AND ENTRY FORMS will be sent anywhere on receipt of Post card. Send for them to J. J. WITHROW, Presiidet. H. J. HILL, Secretary, Toronto. 479P4t. SALLOWS PHOTOGRAPHER, MONTREAL St. GODERICH BESTBEST PRICES, BEST ACCESSOR- BTBEEP PICTURES,BEST bATIS- FACTION. BEST EVERYTHING. $5 tO $20*at home.'des free. Ad STlxeot( tk Co., Poetised. Miln. FaEsa AaRIrALs. CANED CORN BEEF, TONGUE, BRAWN. POTED TONGUE, BEEF, CHICHEN. FRESH SALMON AND LOBSTER.. A FINE A88ORTMENT OT Christie Brown & Co's BISCUITSAND TEAS, SUGAR$ AND Pure Bpioes. TRY THEM. Chas. A. Nairn. 6z= i=• SHEP'ARD'S. JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM 2.lAS�� to .TzmR20R_ The first consignment of the season of those justly celebrated ..SAI MON RO T -AT-- If. PERGVSON'S Grocer, Hamilton street, Goderich. 5000 BARRELjS000 GOOD APPLES ! WANTED IMMEDIATELY C4.3Eac.66rx.,acrS IF YOU WANT PURE D:LUGS AND CHEMICALS, HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES I'ATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, kr., 00 TV THE P= OPLE'S DRUG STORE. IF YOU WANT f; ► •:)':1 ;1Rz..''BACCOS, PiPES, fir., r.o To '`.Hr, i•.•;, DIt(iu ST(HLE. A ,ple.idl•l a eor.:ner t of i'; j11:: TACKLE. just received. and will be sold CERA P. C ' C. R�3YNAS • _ ;Ffaaeemme to GEthtett CATTLE Blake's Rluek, neat the Market. Goderiei„ Prescriptions a Speciality" - - - Night Bell on the Front Door. cies goessea swwfy w I wa Awls.' t~"11h e.Itw ../ war Hexa. rbr.Fon oven t...e111 te ate pork& A LOT OE PRINTS c. o s Ts Colborne Brothers. •t1