HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-05-06, Page 2SALE SAVE SALE 1968 FORD GALAXIE 500 4 DR. SEDAN V8 Auto. PS, PB, and Radio 1968 ACADIAN 4 DR. SEDAN 6 Cyl., Auto., and Radio :2 1967 FORD 4 DR. SEDANS V8 Auto,, and Radios (1) with PS. and Brakes 3,967 FORD GALAXIE 500 4 DR. SEDAN V8 Auto., PB, PS and Radio SEVERAL 66 and 65 MODELS TO CHOOSE.FROM USED TRUCKS 1968 CHEV., 1,42 TON V8 Engine, Long Wide Box 1966 DODGE 500 SERIES TANK TRUCK 1965 FORD 350 1 TON V8 Engine, 4 Speed Trans. Dual Wheels (Fully Reconditioned) BRIDGE .MOTOR YOUR MUSTANG PINTO, and THUNDERBIRD BRUSSELS WINGHAM TORINO, FORD DEALER PHONE 887.6249 PHONE 357-3460 ETHEL The ability to lie differs among people. For instance, a short- armed fisherman isn't as big a liar as a long-armed one. BERG TIM BRUSSELS POST, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 6th, 1971 WAYNE AND and ShUrtter will come month of May whliCh translated means their fans will have two chances to Watch the1 faveUrites on CBC-TV during May. The first program, May 9, will feature the vivacious French-Cana- dian dingo' 6imette keno,. For their show, May Of the hogs will have Mary .6(nt 00160 as their Oteti N5 tote t ,rmAy 150 oligight duo tO NHL, OlbOngt, Wayne in doubles during the merry SHUSTER LisToWEC CHOIR WINS TOP HONORS IN IRELAND The 83-voice miXed choir from Listowel DiStrict Secondary School who went to Ireland to take part in Corlt rakii.atioAal Choral .i.islac'ed first and second 'Friday in two competi- tions. The choir conducted by Gerald ..pagan, shared the top two blades with St. Miehael'a .TOronto.. The Listowel'choir'e itinerary includes, .concerts at G!alway• .and Killarney and a visit to Listowel, Ireland) CANADIAN' POLICE Wttk, MAY 16 INeLUItIVI it, e. niy plAasnFe 'to invitation to the Patine to visit the EaZ:ilitiOS of then 6)ctario ProVineial Police Force during Police Week 1971 from May 9 -- 15 inclusive. Our members will be pleased to welcome visitors in our more'than 190 offices throughout the pro-V- ince to discuss the functions of this Force, our role in today's society and the services we are equipped to provide. can think of no other time that. Would be more important for those we serve to'have an awareness of the procedures for the impartial application•of justice that we en- joy in the ProVince of Ontario. Eric Silk Commissioner (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Patterson of Niagara Falls were weekend visitors,. with Mrs. Edythe Cardiff. Mrs. Bert Godden, who returned from ListoWel Hospital on Satur- day, is visiting at the home of her son Mervin -and Mrs. Godden of Shelbourne Mr. and Mrs. William Young of Blyth were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morrow. William Eckmier of Sault Ste. Marie, who .attended the funeral of his brothed"Williani in Atwood, was a viSitOr with Mr. and Mrs. W. Krauter, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stephen- Son have been visiting in Harnil- ton, Mrs. Hazel SoMere, Kuttzville, was a. weekend guestwith Mr, and Mrs. Corneren Somers, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ward and family of. Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dobson and, Billy of Palm- erston and Mr. and Mrs. Dosbon were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Klein - steuber, Kitchener were weekend visitors With .M.r. and Mrs. How- ard Kleinsteuber. Hugh Armstrong, MiSs Margaret Armstrong of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Campbell, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Campbell or Molesworth and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Inglis and Mr. and Mrs. Russ •Krauter of Atwood were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and visitors on Sunday with: qrs. Wm, Campbell, tneerS fire tht4. POO. of M.Olit.t'J bill MOO Moio FEDERATION, WARNS OF TAXPAYER REVOLT A kafr payea' revolt ilS farther,s. home oWhers, labotil‘ unions • and tenants. That was the warning contained in a brief presented Wednesday,. April 28, to and Minister.Williarn Davis. and hiS cabinet by the' Ontario Federation of A gr iculture.. "The government of •• Ontario must take action - and take action soon - on reforming the present system. of education taxation," OFA President .Gordon Hill told the government ministers. He explained that farmers had given OFA authority to call a second tax withholding campaign if the Ontario government doesn't show a willingness to introduce a new and fair method of financing education. Last year the federation led a tax withholding campaign that. climaxed in a. $15 million -govern- merit grant to .farmers. The federation, is seeking the complete removal of. education. taxes from property. Hill continued: "This year the farmers will not be alone. This. year farmers will have as their allies; ratepayers' groups, labour unions, tenants' organizations and many prominent individuals." The Huron county hog farmer outlined the OFA.'s proposal for education tax reform. This calls for the substitution of the edu- cation tax on property by a special education tax on income. The tax 'would amount to 3.27 per cent on personal taxable income and 1.1.61.- per cent. on corporate taxable income in 'Order to raise $735 million, , the amount now raised for education by property taxes. This special tax would he de- ductible expense for income tax parposes for farmers and bus- Second Ma30 eoiie4rd iii tie. f ederation' brio to the goyern- meat was propert.Y aSsessiderit:, In recent years Many farthers, Rat. Ocular* those located neat urban. areas, have had to contend .with inflated land values This has resulted in inflated property taxes bearing little re- lationship to the productive abil- ity of the farm properties.. Hill urged that the government of Ontario give farm land fair tax treatment by means of reduced assessment, as recommended by the Committee on Farm Asses- sment and Taxation. This committee proposed a slid- ing of farm values for asses- sment purposes. Maximum rate would be, ,$200 an acre for top productive land; 15 an acre for wasteland. Installation Sales Service FREE. ESTIMATES • •Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling DONALD G. IVES R. R. 2, Illyth Phone Bruise's 8$74024 qsaillsromosalissa.menison..02112batimgo HURON COUNTY COUNCILLORS GET INCREASED PAY The Huron County councillors granied themselves a $-3.50 pay increase for committee meetings. Council voted 28-11 in favour of the increase from $25 a day rate to $28.50. Effective. Slily 1, the pay rate 'Wordy n Jack Alexander of Wingham will be increased to $2,000 a year from the present level of 1,200. For the first time the warden will he given an ex- pense account for public relations. Once again. the new model cars have failed to provide • that one oxtrn we've needed for years: An: automatic choke for backseat drivers. SAYFIELD BOY WINS TRANSPORT DRAW BICYCLE Peter Payne, 9, of 13ayfield was presented with a new bicycle last Thursday night by Transport. Minister CharleS McNaughton, after winning a draw sponSored by the Ontario department of transport at the Sportsman Show in Toronto. Peter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Payne. INEXPERIENCED DRIVERS. The warm weather will pat thousands of new vehicles on the roads. Many of the operators will be inexperienced, In fact, many of those on suburban streets will be only $ or 10 years old. Watch out for those bicycles! The Ontarth Rifety Leagae, DEAD STOCK ,REMOVAL SERVICES WANTED DEAD AND DISABLE!, CATTLE and HORSES TOP PRICES PAID FOR HORSES ON THE HOOF SMALL ANIMAL PICKUP 24 HR. FAST EFFICIENT sERyicgs BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Lie: 213-e-7041 FREE OF CHARGE OVER 160 LB. PHONE COLLECT 887-9334 BRUSSELS irm"."4000,01 008bidiawswom; LARRY'S RADIO and TV Phone 523-9640 Blyth, YOUR ELECTROHOME FLEETWOOD. PANASONIC DEALER