HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-04-29, Page 1 Ag.01) A lit Xdve.bee ese $4:00 .to. tl,8.A, Single Copy .toe EIRITOSE;AS. POS`le 8.1.`HeIRS1)AY, APRIL 296f; POST PieBILI$10.4G- ROUSH' •••,, 1971 ElELD .CROP' COMPETITION Brussels Agricultural Society are conducting Field Crop Corn- netitime this year in the follow• 0)4 i e, e -- tee 1.i11.2111 COrli • Oil ntiellege Corn (c) Barley (d) 2-way theieu grain (e) 3-way mixed grain. These are' in conjunction with the Brussels Fall Fair, September 23 and 24. To qualify for grants on these, at least ten crops must he judged in each, class, We hope. that many farmers will be inter- ttt fld. in these, projects,. It`: you ,to d a.ka 0.'14)4 et ese biakiA; lit ltn one, of 018 Officers and Directors know by June 1. Edwin Martin Murray Hoover Seey,-Treas. President PEOPLE WE KNOW 1,F4A44 COMES CLOSE Our Bantam hOekee team ewe- plated their hockey schedule with a most exciting series against 1-iietsseell for the chaMpionship tiesehy, The hest of five serlile was tilki tit;ti eklairthel @aefi each team had scuiLd . iitietyen goals apiece going into fifth game. The deciding game was play- ed with Listowel coming pp to win 2-1 after ten minutes of over-. dine Play. They were presented with, the .Brusseln Motors Trophy ;is winners of the Zone 2 eltainp pia Inc'it Wahl fiht4.te.A iii fit'st place for their tenet ifozli schedule. They also were runner's up in two Bantam tournaments played in, Tfarriston and Kea.dy, In appreciation for a good season the boys were „entertainea to a rottet beef diellOP by their coaches. at the 11 Wile of Tiriee and. Dianne Hu eth de: Oirr tiaiitaill Wain Was tie folloWs : Olechowski, Blaine Meiiiitainareel; Ross McCall, Rodger Humphries, Keith Raymond, Paul Mutter, Lloyd Vallance, Bruce 13111 Boneschansker, Lawrence Meehan, Carmen Bernard, Ross Mitchell, Keith White, Randy Sluth:ire, Doug Smith, Brian Work. Coachein ttei .MeArter and Brian Mother, G7UIPE SATE7kTI-1014 RESULTS ANNOUNCED `21st. the Girl dulde Brownie a t 6-a4Ti on Wile h did With ,fo children taking Pledges to the ainourif, of. *500. were received. They would like to thank the following organniations for tro- phyee donated: ifOiltiotelt Feeds, Legion Ladies' Auxiliary=, the Rebekah Lodge, McCutcheore1elot- ors, Bridge Motors, Ray iiiniBegY Bronson, George of Wessels. These trophies were presented last Friday morning at Brussels Public School Assembly by Mrs. Pat Langlois and - Mrs. Barbara 1,\'att5 to the following winners: -Girl Guide other Girl Guide skaters re- ceiving trophies' were: Joan II-nether, ,Gail White. Linda Meehan, Carol Raymond and Judy Adams. Browele skaters receiving tro- }shies were: Jilt McelltehOOD, and Chorill Baiter. Thanks is expressed to the residents of the community for donated pledges for the children, The money will go townrd Guide and TitOwnie Work. Is your eitheelption to the Post 'paid in advanoe th.t., Arline 11;4 yeeee " VILLAGE COUNCIL. AS POR YOUR FULL Ce.$40t RATION it is hoped that flit Municipal Council will have; l!Mil lull co-operation of all owners of property adjaceet to the river. In their efforte to beautify our thoy -will need this i,,0- 0145%;atibli i fii.illtiiitiing up the river banks, removiN,' Pled foes. brush and other debris. Former Brussels Couple Honored On Their Apriiveesary Wife iefid ...efeeeeeilrignie Jewell of Toronto, forms:eV Of. Inlets:Me; were honored guests oe tiid occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, on Sunday, April 18th, at: the home of their daughter, Mrs. Finlay (Edith) Semis of Godericle About 70 members of the faintly, and relatives, were present; ai the hiliffett dinner. The toble, taitt. Witli it dallied( cloth, was Cellle:1M With re theeeellered nivereniY rapt;, with gold candles and goideli, Mr. and Mile Jew veer@ the recipients of many ruessagee'. (Si congratulation and good wishes, including a congratulatory tele- gram frOM PriMe M inister Tredean and framed message of congretulations • from :Premier Bavis. Among the gifts were $100 from the family and diamond ring lw' their mother; purse of Money_ fkoie the grandchildren. Alece,„e,t0ele .pririvereitry cups and 6alieerti, icofd ce..eeni and sugar; fatic.i gold trimmed plotee and gold .11-10aue3. Oven House \vale held from lil, to four in the afternoon -when edatik friend Oiled to extend. their eoneratuiafions. Guests were I'Oi- ent Mitchell, St. Mary's, Shad Bay St Theresa, fatten., Wasaga Beach, Toronto, St. Catharines. Trenton. Walkortoe, Brussels and ceoderiele The couple have trine children., III grandchildren and eight greaf- gi a lidebildrete Sister eicIealla presehted the to the following Morning Star Rebekahs: 30 year Jewell to Sister Verna. Tbornas: 30 year jewels to Sisters Della, Nichol, Lillian King, Marie Me- Taggart: Jean Higgins, Norma McNair, Bernice Thompson Sadie Fiseher,.. Fasie Evans rend :Jessie Little. A social. hour fellowed. FrifetilyeNieht Family- Night, of the Rebel:Ole arid Odthellows was held Friday ffening, April 1.0th. A good crowd enjoyed a deicious pot-luck supper ,after which. Murray Cardiff show, ad pieteree telseu. on a skiing trip. Nth people this: one of life'e oodmit poitig, .06 lhat, , MRS. M. A. FORSYTH• Also nieces LL.MIR IVAN YOUNG ElmEW Yeehg R.R. 4, Brussels died sta(krify at his late residence, on. MomitlY., ,44ehe in his 48th year. A son of the late Mr. and kreia Robert Voting, he was born id Morris Township where he farmed Until Mk death. fTo was a. men) her of the Royal Canadian Legion. Branch 218 Brussels and was Canteen Fund Chairman. He served overseas in World. War IT with the 119th Field Regiment and was wonnded oft 1)-Day. 1{e Was an active member of the Brussels Curling Club. He is, survived by two brothers, Nforinon of Seaforth and Ernest of Toronto, eFunerel service was held front the M. L. Watts Funeral Home at 2 p.m. on Thursdays April 22nd, 1071. Rev. D. ,Docken, Legion Padre. officiated. Interment was in Brandon Cemetery. Belgrave. A Legion Memorial Service was held at the funeral home onWed- neseley, April. 21st at S pin. under the auspices of the Brussels Royal Canadian Legion. Pallbearers were: Rag. Watson. Howard Clark, Robt. Mashy, -and three Legion members. Len Lamont, Win. Adamson and Torn Ga miss, Flower Bearers: Jas 11-1ogg. Ivan Armstrotg, Murray Young. Gary Young. PASS DANCE TEST Slisatii Langlois. Catharine Carol Wheeler passed their 1)11nu and Bronze 2.T edial Tests in Highland Dancing lit eeoderieh on 'Phersdny. April 15th. These girls were highest ih their class with Susan end Catherine. being commended and Carol ghly of:V:1'0111ml e 1)4 rskoolvittg LADJIES' LEGION' AUXILIARY' CELEBRATE: The Brussels IertiOese Auxiliary the Royal Canadian Legions, Br-free:et :218 celebrated their 2r,t11 AnDivereney in the Leglien: Halle on Wednesday evening, Aprilinste Zone- Cornutander Comrade- Evelyn Carroll of Goderich• pre- eented the-following 12 members ‘Xeith e5 year pine. Corierades: Bertha. Elliott.. Kay Diteesan, Margaret Rutledge,. Elsie Shaw'; Isobel Workmate_ Annie Bake,', Annie Gem mem • Vera Hastings, Jean Leach, NAM, leen Rutledge, Mary llutledgee and Verna Tunuey. 'pe C-1 presented the•Brassele• Auxilidese with an engraxed gavel with 25 yeates on it. Win. Adamson` presented eleefe member with e corsage. Each auxiliary Presented n amber ou the program. and' a- pe'airy auction and drawee were also Made during the everting. Oneets • weere present ; from- •O'oderieli., Lackriovse Wing, ilaries. .A delicious and attractfve Tench and birth& y c eke Was served and brought the 4,tiocessful (swelling to a close. BRUSSELS LIONS 14161,15 ANNUAL FARMERS'--MONT The AnnualPee:leers' Night of the Brussels Lione was held in St. Ambrose Hall On MOliday with a good number of Lions and their guests le atteridance, Lion. President :James Arm- steoteg preeided and welcomed the Visitors. Tail Twister Lion Albert TenPas kept. the fine box in 'circulation. The sing song was led by. Lion Tinnier f.Verritt van Veep with Miss GlailMcWhi.rtet' providing guitar eecompalliement. The guest speaker for the even- ing, Stain Paquette, Huron Ag. Rep. showed slides on farming, with commentary, taken on a. trip to the Canadian prairies enjoyed tx j"eodIfi l:te tdh.im and Me and Mrs. BuSiveSs included the decision to donate F,e310 over a three year period. to the Guides and Brown- les, toward their n ecessary Camp Fund: also to purchase some utensils for Cho library kitchen,. will he given to each of the two students, Betel' Gibson and Alton Cardiff, to help defray their expenses of a trip to the Canadian- Wide Science Fair in Edmonton with their award winning exhibit on Air Pollution. ▪ el00 contribution is to be made to the Wingbam and inet- riot Association for the Mentally Retarded, It 'is'e announced that. prepay ritie)ee- are boin't, made Picatittg Zhi as Torn olid Cheryl atid thlOirtere Xreiid hohleie of bAlia4a visited *Jilt Betty .Carnpbell on the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Wilson-and Mrs. Adam . Steiss of Neepawa, Man., and Mrs. Plebe Murray, of Toronto, spent last week with George and Mrs. Evans and Mr, and Mrs. Alex Steiss, Miss Skelton' spent the. past week with Mr. and Mrs, Lyle, nrothefe of 8cetbovongh: Mr. and Mee. 'Aortas Wilkitieon of Marquette, Miele, spent last Weelt—With'" Mre—and Mrs. B. A-. !Rabin Mee. d-ebikb Potlarti, Monlitoti; is iii Listowel Hoepital hailug had Mtge& Apilt Nth, Ali s, Wifi.Mitier. Miss Laura Lucas arid Iirs, lorinan.f‘letearty Cif raj a hen M. :PA b-irdic of Waitoti, attended the Diserict. leorleCtiliural .COneeetion held recently in. Lions Head. 'Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Rann spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston of Mississauga. Mr. and Mrs. R. W, Kennedy were present for the christening of their grandson, Michael James, in Clarkson Presbyterian Church en Sunday, April 18th, when they Were weekend visitors with Mr. and MN. David Kennedy. Andrew E. Nichol and Clayton A. Nichol of Port Huron and Mr. told Mt*. Hattie Spotton of Wind, ti,01, Were Sbilday ViSitOt's oil Apeil 14th. with Robert Nichol and Mrs, Jeanette Nichol, who Is a patient In Winghens and District Hoe- Blair Smith, Listowel was the • Winner of the Gossip Bench in the Rebekah and Oddfellows CPT fiefew held .April 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Logan of feraeripton were eveekend visitor's ▪ with his parents Mr. and Mts. A. Teogati. ' Garry L(Ing, Kitchener, visited :with hie parents, Mr, and Mrs, Clair Leng, Mr. and Mrs. Mertoe 'Rackwell Walton, were Owe IfIffitoim Of the $0,ffle Jew-di #resetited To -Morning Star tidiettahg Tuesday eveni ngs April 13 th Sister Lois aleFalle and membere longest skater and of., the if,xeLeer Reb eke].) with must pledges; Susan.. visited the Bruseele sisters. Latiglols; Brownie longest. skater with most pledges: Carol Whe- eler: Outside skater with most' pledges: Murray Wheeler. •veter;:m Jewels Pa sect 4 wa.y in Het:mildew. Clinton, on 'Friday, April 23rd. 1-971, Margaret. Anne, Jackeon, 25th ANNIVERSARY beloved wife of the late' ..faeries Poreyth, in her 94th year. ,he was born on. August 21st, in Nit:envie '.pownithip, the (laughter of the late' .0telen Jackson and Rebecca Corbeit Mrs. Forsyth is eel:Vinod by two sisters, Mrs. Wesley (Mary; eleith- orison and Mrs. Louis (Hannallr :Williemsore both of • Brussels. Vega Nu; brother, Harry of C,ran-.. stitivIVI'fig. are several and neriikNY:k including Mre. Archie (Rose) aloatee,- Brus- sels, and Kenneth Jackson, fffnfi, She was predeceased by one brother and one sister, The body rested at the. M. L. As, WtlEt.f3 F.4001111 Home, Brussels, until nloart'e April 26th, 1971, where the funeral 46fteice was held at 2:00 p.m. Rev. B, irei-Aierew officiated. Pallbearers were Frank King of Guelph. Bill Moses, John Perrie, Jack Mitchell, Ernest Martin, and Gerald Exel, all of Brussels, • interment 'was in Brussels ham. Clinton, -.and Seaflorth. Aux- cemetery.