HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-09-09, Page 3Mores of ltiisaom. I say what I believe today, it it con- tradicts all I said yesterday. ▪ Better make penitents by gentleness than hypocrites by severity. geHe who is ashamed of his poverty will surely be arrogant of hie wealth. We hardly know so true a mark of -it little mind as the servile imitations of Whore. You cannot jump over a mountain, but step by step takes you to the other side. If you inteod to do a mein thing, wait till komorMoi If you are to do a moble thing, do it now. Conceit and confidence are both of them cheats; the first always imposes un itself, the second frequently deceives others, too. A man who cheats in In weight or Iwilasttn differs from the highwayman only in the fact that Le has less courage. It should not be forgotten that the discovery of error is aa necessary aa that of truth, and that we, perhaps, owe as meek to the fault-finders es to the truth - seeker. Asrr or Msixo•Y.—The best way to remember a thing is to thoroughly under- stand it and often recall it to niind. By reading continually with greet attention and never passing a passage without un- derstanding and considering it well, the memory be stored with knowledge; and things will occur at times when we want them, though we can never recollect the passages or from whence. we draw our ideas. In a valiant suffering for other., not in $ slothful making others suffer fur us, does nobleness lie. The chief t.f men is he who sonde in the van of men, front- ing the peril which, if it be nut van- quished will devour the others. Every noble crown is, and on earth will forever be, a crown of thorns. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 9. I1. touseholo }tints. Whenever the .cup boils frog the sides of the pan, you may know the lour or starch ie done. The water used in m bread inlet be id. It it is too h , the loaf will be full of great holes. To boil potatoes suosesdully: hen the skin breaks, pour off the and let them finish cookie( in their o-.teatu. Beeswax and salt will make datiroas u Olean and saweoth as glass. Tie a lump of wax in a sag and keep it for that purpose. When the irons are hut, rub them with the wax net, then .Done with a paper or rigs sprinkled with salt Black cotton gloves will not crack the hands if waded in salt and water before wearing. The salt prevents fading. When almost dry, one should put them on, m order to stretch them and keep them in good shape. House keepers will find that sines may be scoured with great economy of time and strength by using either glycerine or creosote mixed with a little diluted sulphuric acid. Glue frequently cracks bemuse ut the dryness of the air in rooms warmed by Moves. An Austrian paper recommends the addition of a little chloride of cal- cium to glue to prevent this Chapping of the hands, which is one of the most disagreeable inconveniences of cold weather, can be easily prevented by rubbing the hands with powdered starch. You will Dot be troubled with carpet moth,. if you scrub your doors with hot brine before tacking theearpetdown, and once a week scrub your carpets with coarse salt. A certain cure for a felon is to wind a cloth losely about the finger, leaving the end free. Pour in common gunpowder till the aided part is entirely covered. Keep the whole wet with strung spirits of camph.•r. • Fun anb Fsncv. A Juan may be, the architect of his own fortunes; but if he is not able to build, his plan is not worth much to him. A worthy deacon, in a town not far away, gave notice at a prayer -meeting the other night of a church meeting that was to be bold immediately after, and unooieciously added: "There te no ob- jection to the female brethren remain- ing r., A Boston business man recently tried to umpire a game of basetall between two nines made up of his em,oloyeee, and before the'fourth innings he had dis- charged every one of the players from his employ; cut down the wages of the sooners and been thrown over the fence by the excited men .—[Boston Post. "Cap'n, I hsin't got no money, and I went to go to Washington," said a seedy - looking Virginian to the captain of a ferry boat at Alexandria the other day. "You probably belong to one of the first families oI, Virginia,' said the captain, after looking his would-be passenger over. "No, sah," was the prompt re- sponse, "I belong to one of the second families of Virginia." Jurap right aboard," said the, captain "I never carried any of that kind before." A rich old man, who from poverty had risen tothe on of a large property once gave this bit of wisdom to a young- ster "Keep before the wheels, young pian, or they will run over you—always keep before the wheels." 'I remem- ber, ' he wrote to a young friend begin- ning life, "that when I was earning a shilling a day I used to live upon eight - Follow the sound principle of hiring your wants within your meant" These were half a dozen ladies and gentlemen in a atleet-car, when the driver stopped the car and said, "There is somebody in this car tryinz to beat me out of a fare." The passengers lox.ked at each other, and all said they had put in their fare. "If don't make any dif- ference. There are only six fares in the box and seven people in the car." Then .a gentleman got up, and with a sigh put in the missing fare, remarking, "I put in one before; but, as I was once in the legislature, everybody willlsay it can't be anybody else but Inc. So I'll have to stand it." o neenervies neap.. /be wieder. As.ertttoe, approsohss, we receive a towbar of inquiries as to the method of preserving popes for winter use. It is nut generally that there is ea much', in grapes, with re- spect to their keeping, as these is with other fruits No one would ext to keep Early Harvest apples or Bartlett pear for the holidays, and it is so with the most generally cultivated grape, the Concord; it cap not be made to keep in good condition long alter a is fairly ripe. With other varieties it is differ- ent. There ere some localities where that grand old pope, the Catawba, can still be cultivated with access, and, Masoalo block where this is the case, one need hardly to look for a better variety. The lea- . Hig►est pries bells still succeeds in some places, and nnfair esteBetter than either, R. P R O U D F C 1 ote the beet ofr all grapes, the Leta e gives food crops in same places, as does the Diana. Where either of these, the Ica - bells, Catawba, Iona, or Diana, can be To remove grease stains from wood: Spread some starch powder1orer the spots, and then go over it with a of f attn.n till you have Arwn the grease, then scrape with a glass or a proper scraper, and repeat the starch powder and hot iron. Antonia liquor, may be used as a finish, if the starch does not take all the grease out. Tee .Ned er Tbsaglt. W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS or THE Goderich M1115 (LATE PIPER'S.) Seat° return their thanks to the public for the liberal Wigwags received during W past year. and to stats they are pr'epar'e to do cRI TINS on the shortest *oboe, or for the eonveatence of parties livi*g et a dlataaos wUi exoksnge nista at their town More (Late W. M. Hiliiard'a,) rapt St. Ooderloh. paid for wheat.' and Has Jest received • Stook there is not dfflcuit7 in keeping New Dud Well Assorted Stook them until the first of the New Year, or later. The grapes are allowed d, ripen fully; they are picked. and placed in Wallow trays, in whioh they remain in an airy room to "cure." The operation of curing consists merely in a sort of wilting, by which the akin becomes toughened, and will not break when the fruit is packod. The clusters, when properly "cured," are peeked in boxes, usually of three or five pounds each. The bottom of the box is opened, the larger clusters !aid in carefully, and smaller bunches packed in upon them in such a manner that it will require a modentte pressure to bring the Dover (or, properly, the bottom), of the box to its place, where it is nailed down. The pressure used is such that when the top of the box is opened, the grapes next to it are found to be somewhat flattened. The fruit must be premed in such a manner that it cannot shake in travel, and this can onlybe done with grapes the akin of whichas been tough- ened by being properly cared. If clus- ters were placed in the box u they come from the vines; and subjected to the needed pressure, the skin would crack around the stems, liberating the juice, and the whole would soon pep into de- cay. Towards Christmas and New Year's many tons of the varieties we have named come to the New York market in excellent condition. New varieties of grapes, of great excellence, have recently been introduced, but we have yet to learn as to their keeping qualities. With the Concord and rela- ted varieties, the skin is too tender to allow of long keeping, and it does not seem to toughen ill the curing process. Still, with these, the season for home use may be considerably prolonged. The late Mr, Knox found that he could keep the Concord for sometime by plac- ing the thotoughly ripened clusters in baskets or boxes, with the leaves of the vine below and between them. We do not know how long this will' keep these grapes, but we saw some in excellar.t condition several weeks after the harvest was over. Those who set grape-vinoe should be aware that no one variety will meet every requirement, and that the earlier the variety, the lees likely it will be to keep.—[American,Agrioulturiat. Helmholtz showed that • wave of thought would require about a snouts to traverse a mile of nerve, and Hirsch found that a touch on the face was recog- nized by the brain, and responded to by a manual signal, in the seventh of a se- cond. He also found that the speed of sense differed for different organs, the sense of hearing being responded to in a sixth of a second ; while that of sight required only one-fifth of a second to be felt and signalled. In all these cases the distance traversed wu about the same, so the inference is that images travel more slowly than sounds or touch. It still remained, however, to show the por- tion of this interval taken up by the ac- tion of the brain. Professor Donders by very delicate apparatus has demonstrated this to beabout the seventy-five thousand of a second. of the whole interval forty thousandths are occupied in the simple act of recognition, and thirty-five thous- ankths for the act of willing a response. When two irritants were caused to oper- ate -6n the same sense one twenty-tifth of a Second was required for the person to recognize which was the first ; but a slightly longer interval was required te determine the priority in the case of the other senses. These results were ob- tained from a middle-aged mai, but in youths the mental operations aro some- what quicker than in the adult, The average of many experiments proved that a simple thought occupies one -fortieth of a second. Colborne: Cot MC IL MErrllsu.—The Municipal Council of Colborne met on the 26th August, 11181, Reeve in the chair. Members all present, Minutes of hast meeting read and adopted. George Curry was present and claimed $28 damages from the Council, he having upset and broken his thrashing .nachine in a sand hole on the public road. Moved by P. Cared, seconded by Joseph Bees, that he receive the sum of 120.00. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to notify Jameson Reid that the Council holds him responsible for the above amount, and further to notify him him that unless he at once settles the matter that the Connell will be under the aeeesaity of biking step to compel him to pay the amount ittrtwith. Ac- conttt of A. Atken for repairing_ road to be paid 614.00. Account R. H. Collis for lumbar to be paid $1.66. Commeei- cation from the County Clerk requiring the sum of 64619.55 for County purpee- es. It we. moved aid,dmd tat the sum of Q} mine on tae dollar be levied for Cnwty porpoise and the ease d 9 wills on the dollar for local per - t art poem Carried. Communication from the Trustees of the different school sea tins irking for the follewlne sum vise No. 1. 1760.00, No. 4 6760.00. No. a 6660.00, No. 4 $350.00, No. 6. --No 6. 6560.00; No. 7. 6460.00, W. U. $84. - OS, A. U. $12.37. The Clerk wee in- structed to notify Charles Morris, Joke Ihldwstde, Thomas Balms, Joseph Tows - to immediately resew* their fences .4 the public mad. Mr. Fry who lately hes removed' into this Township, was asking for help to seed his ateRliter to the deaf and dumb institute at Belleville. 111 was moved and seeou- fled that lie receive the sum of $10.00 towards defraying her expenses, provi- ded he makes this hu last call. Carried. Moved and seconded that the ruin of 620.00 be granted to the West i iding Agricultural Society. harried. The Melee then .d loerncwi or FRESH GROCERIES AND PROVISION Whish he will sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ALSO rine Family Flour "Irl Were rely a Ling One fine, warm summer day, four children were playing together in the garden. "Oh:" said one of them, "If I were only a king, I would live in a beautiful rifle that should reach up to the clouds. `' "And I," said another, "would wear nothing but gold and silver clothes." "If I were one," cried a little boy, "I would do nothing but eat cake and pud- ding all day long." "And I,'' said a little girl, blushing, "would give money to all the poor chil- dren 1 saw, so that they might buy food and clothes." Which of these children do you think would have ritade the best ratite -{The Nursery. • • vertu £else rse od. Mrs Ira Mnllholland, Oakville, writes: "Foi several yyeeaahn I have suffered front oft -recurring baited headaches, dyspep- sia, S mw wing your Doak BloodmBi W s I elm entirely relieved. FEED. AND CURED MEAT$ 1 Always In Stock. Geve!s Defirered to _!(ty Part of the Town. Goderion, June Oh, isat. 171111 GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal 85 Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and SALT PANS manufac- tured on shortest notice. AU kinds of Repairing executed under the personal supervision of the Proprietors who ARI Practical Workmen. P. 0. Box 103. 1787 ALLAN LINE • of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY. GLAS- GOW. hliORTEST SEA ROUTE. Cabin. Intermediate and Steerage Tickets a LOWEST RATIe. Steerage Passengers are booked to London. C'ard:A Bristol, Queenstown, Derry, Belfast, Galway and Glasgow. at same rates as to Liverpool. - SsilLINGS FROM QUEBEC: Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. �3ARR CABINETAND SIKER F, iltoa Street. Gpderich. .may L.A pohd�ia,ess�ortmeat � wood of El Hed-eeoa, Dialog Rees end Parlor rureltuns, M 7Yt Nee CSotas4Note. meg ! passe Cupboards.Red steads Mattresses.W Lounges, asi�etaadsl N. B.—A complete aerortmeet of Codes end Shrouds always on bald. ale) ammo Dar lire at reasonable rates. Picture Framing • specialty.—A o•U solicited. 1751 Red, White and Blue! Acheson GEORGE Acheson Sew le aneeeed 1. Saslmess. JIOP.At'IAS...........:........ ritlt a Don't worry. Don't overwork. Keep a.high vitality. Sleep well, eat well, enjoy life, Stick to .your chosen pursuit, but n,,t to chosen methods. Be content with small beginnings—and be sure to develop them. Be wary of dealing with unsuccessful men. Be cautious ; but, when you make it bargain, make it quietly and boldly. Don't make the field too broad. Have a proper division of work, and neither interfere nor permit interference with your employees Keep down expenses, but don't be pen- urious. Make friends, but don't encourage fav- orites. Don't tak9 fresh risks to retrieve your losses. Cut them off short. Look after your "blotters" and all books of original entry. In litigation they are reliable evidence ; copies are not. It is better for your credit to postpone payment squarely than to pretend to ray by giving a cheque dated ahead, A regular system of sending out bills and statements is more etll'iTltive than spasmodic dunning. Enter your charges when the goods ore sold. Duu't wai:. Make plans for a little way ahead, but don't cast them in iron. Don't tell what you are going to do— till you have done it. PoLTNEWA. 17th " PARISIAN.. . ..... filth " YARDtxlas 1st Oct'br. MORAVIAN , tith SARMATIAN iSth " CIRCASSIAN.... '_ffid " /WTI a Leet tra:r, co :rectin� a' Quebec with t:te Allan Mall Steamer will• leave Toronto every Friday at 742 a. in. paesengare can also leave Tcronoo by the 6:32 p. m.. train on Fri.1ayy, ani connect with the steamer a. Rlrnnteki tpnyir.g the extra tare. IN 15, Quebec to Rimouski.l For t -ke'e and every information apply to ti AR`••:-'1TRO"r. Agent. Mor.treal Telegraph )771,3m. Office Goderich. ,a► Steel knives may be saved from rush- ing by being rubbed with mutton tedIow wrapped in paper, and pat into • baize lined "Meat myit's the nicest thin I ever used for tteeth and breath," sad swerve having tried "TgaumnT," the nest toilet a tyetaA Beat maple. 5'-esidhm vee veva. SEEGMILLER This terrible disease le lea little lets fetal than real Asiatic cholera. and re- lines equally prompt treatment. Dr. Tawlsr's idlest of Wild fitrswb.rry will emu it es well as all other inns* of bowel complaints of infants or adults if aced in proper time. Nature, shot all, is the great phyla - di u She hides .the semefls of health RESTORING GREY NRIR milli. her tweed.gsn.row. bosons, and man weds bet to go e for hie envy need. The intelligently 1 the Conga Remedy, Olay'. Bvar, carMase Spares Oro, Is an apt illastre- ttnn of this. As a est. for Conghe, CtoN., Lam of Voiee and Hoarseness it sands unrivalled, while its low write and twainess of .neem places it within the rends of all. Try it and he eesvieeed. All Amain' keep it in 26 and Meese bottler -- ad LIBERAL OFFERS FOR 1881.. New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery JUST ARRIVED, SELLINGI• CHEAP- }e- BOUND TO GIVE BA RGiIX 4l! 1751 MEDICAL HALL, GODERICH. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist MARKET SQUARE, GODERICH. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs Chemicals, Paints. Oils, Dye Stoll!". Artist Colors Patent Medicines. Horse and Cattle Medicines. Perfumery, Toilet Articles. &c. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully dlspensed.ia Holiday Presents, At BUTLERS' Photo and Autograph Albums in great variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, very suitable for presents for Teachers and Scholars. PE £ETS FOR. EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, very complete, and consists of Ladies' and Gents' Purses, China Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Vases in many patterns, Flower Pots, Cups and Flowers, China and ° Wax Dolls! A Large Assortment. "Smokeri Sundries—Merschaunt Pipes and Cigar Holders and Brier Pipes --100 Different Styles. School Books, Miscellaneous Books Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons, WE»LEY's Hymn Books, Psalm Books, &c., dc.—Subscriptions taken for all the best ENOI:mu, Scarce. IRI se, AMERICA:( and CANADIAN Papers and Magazines at Publishers' lowest rates—now is the time to subscribe. A full stock of School Books, for Teachers and High and Model School Students All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a choice and large selection of Two Years for the Price of One 1 a THE REPRINTS OF TSE MUT' sal gt.ICTEBLY (Erangellcall, SDS% ill ASTKaki fCcnsrrratire), UNA SI MAI Whip). AM/ wEsT141111aT*S (ttberail REVIEW'S, AND L3aakvoo4's Z41nbol;Nh Usess ns, Prexen' the Ars' rorriyn periodicals in a con- ven:ent form and withoet atridgv ent or infirm/ion. Teras etlnbeerlptlen 11arludleg restage.) Blackwood o- any one Review... .00 pecan. I Blackwood and any one Review111 . OD 1 kwood and two Reviews.. .. 10,05 Blackwood and three Reviews... 13.00 " Any two Review,. I Tits tmr Res :ewe- 1204 Blackwoodar.,i the four Reviews IS.0I) The•.- an- al .,:-t he,/ the prices charged by 1 the En*ilsh Publishers. t'treeLn gives( the Contents of the Period - tags lir the year IMO, and many other p•rttc- Wert may be bad on application. Chilled Plow —AND -- 101R.20 n.CII:f Kew ssbaerabere stay have the numbers for ZUs and Iso at the peace of one years sub acriptiaa only. Te any else teeperiodicals'fo Ur»at half old �.l tar - All orders to be sent to the publication Mace. To "scuts *revalue apply promptly. h!�e Loom* Nett lttbilshlai Ce., Al SAStte.AT ST.. MEW TDY CINGALESE HAiR RENEWER Tar erawstr.g fowl rf wren or women Y i brattf'l yin tt, or incl$ ,11.1. osis bs eb 1 peeved Itself to"Ee this 6-r' 211Ciz% m.g111111Tp RSR toffa. a.r, rewden voter • Wealthy tl� sal oat awl silky. etrenethens its roots pr hristmas and New Year's Cards ! THE BEST EVER SHOWN, AND C'HEAPES THAN EVES, At BUTLER'S. Dominion Telegraph tpd Postage Stamp Office. 1762 66 Dominion Carriage Works," Goderich. MOR„TON AND CRESSDtAN manufacturers of F1R.,'T CLANS CAnRRIAG}ES, BUC+C+IES, eto. AGRICULTURAL WORKS. ' ^-ritsf llingeat..a'.�. wiu r.,i.w � ' Nevi{aasgpure ass., ttehre Oodetor �rteeh reveelrrty. t lire i TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. o~f PI I.LEN . onR • s std A 0. Milt week ' Try It PM.e. Aiming any bide 1111mbar. 0014 .1, 1 st if itiears l Repairing and~►sJobbing will be elm- 1 Ail work taraitte A treed. in Tee Sale bl J. W I1.e01t. oreptsk D. Raneiman i. sloe 17 man suthrrtt In payments firm � pt ss ed fee ments ve femme Bait sof to t nitnlnan ! Co.. ead to e e rm ,1 fewest ladebted- r!e tgasatwA govern, sassesta AGENTS w� t� hilt P`'. 1":: 4 Stallegl ll, tee Capital reeurM .n asp I.•0 Ener Mat •seal Q.eiwa. 17st Opposite Colborne Hotel. We solicit an examination of our yehicle - REP.AIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. In Leaving Town ti wise to were ay tuns le ahs p•blb fee their patresye duties the past. eat menus the same 1s, tomm sad le realed them that i have lett a reliable perms le Aerie of the Mosinee*. REPAIRING AND PICTURE FRAMING will be del es 8 ORTliIST V'OTICZ-