The Brussels Post, 1971-04-22, Page 64, Tillia$DAY, APRIL 2214'1911 Taxi pRusspus POST, 13RITS.SELS,. ONTARIO lo-POINT DIAGNOSIS OF AN AlLING CAR f..,11„win f; 14;i hy n115' 111,1tor;i:-t al the •.,v11.'„el. of, hi., v..... hell's de‘o•et f "1:l I Vit 1141 %.• 10 C•.,:io,:e 1'a1.01 4 111.i:A(' tql; 11.11'':1 1.1:111' 'L.:: 1.:',111.1.11 i t clopping -- ; •,‘.11 hritke one side. rr fine side, •ir! cylinder failure. Excess;ve play .,r., .,-r, -- 11 worn or ilty box; hi 'worn cu frralfy sV,erira • ball joints, tie-rod ends, 102,- rods or idler arm, 4. Car vibrates at 50,65 mph, — a) defective tires: • b) wheel balance is off. Steering column shimmies • at high or low, speeds a) looseness in front end; bi Weak or worn shock absorbers; (9 out-of-round tires' with some flat surfaces. 6. Rear-wheel locking upon light application of brakes -- the alignment — faulty or leaking oil seal. 7, Poor roadability (requiring constant steering to keep it on the road) — a) improper tire inflation; bl amity front or rear su- spension. Excessive noise or whistling in the exhaust system' — the ailment — a faulty ex- haust system which lead to dangerous emissions of carbon monoxide fumes inside the ear, Unusual odours inside the oar — a general alarm that all not well with your car and an immediate cheek is re quired. 10. Directional signal lights inoperative — uibulb burned out; bl defective flasher, TAKE. PRECAUTIONS coNTRoL GRASS FIRES As summer begins, So does Ui grass fire season with its do-, struction of organic agricultitral mItter. There's also a dual master cylinder, warning light and corrosion- resistant brake lines. We made 15 meaningful improvements to the '71 Impala. Most of them, Just for you. But one of them is for every- one's benefit. A new.control system helps cut down fuel evaporation into the atmosphere. And to further fight air pollution, all 1971 Chevrolet engines have been designed to operate.efficiently, and with lower exhaust emissions, on low- lead, no-lead or regular fuels. Inside and outside, Impala has the look of leadership. Gives you a very good feeling when you're behind the wheel. What about the $30,000 Sweepstakes? Look for this Moneymiles Sweepstakes sign at participating Chevy dealers. You could win up to $30,000. The dealer has all the details. Hurry on down! Hurry down to your Chevy dealer for the $30,000 ,Moneymiles Sweepstakes! (And a chance to drive the big new Impala.) Make a move that could make you a winner two ways. For a start, drive the '71 Impala and see how the changes we made give you more of what you want in a car. Always a smooth ride, impala is even better this year. Thanks to its longer 121.5" wheelbase, improved suspension, wider stance and wider wheels. And a car that moves as well as the Impala also needs to be able to stop very surely. So power front disc brakes are standard equipment. Some ofthe equipment illustrated is opti'rinal a' extra cost. • W.S.Rtlir , 4 giili"2.tit,r4040005•X• GM 141.11 I, OF EXCILLENCI Buckling seal and ChoUlde belts is an idea you can live with. You're always a winner with 6n See your Chevrolet dealer today.-..,Impala Mr. K. E. :Kest, Ontario 'Depart. ment of Auk-lilt-are and Food Representative for Halditnand County foresters have several guide1ine,s to help farmers present grass fires. All farmers should Q1] k local township offices to learn the bY-laws for controlling the set- ting of fires, and should notify the local fire dep,,riment before starting ft hurtling oiler- ntion. Fires should be Started when the wind is when there is plenty of manpower available. in rose the fire shOtild get out of hand, and When tools such as brOOPIS I, and WtitOt pails are close for quick use, Tractor and plows should be. kept. in readiness. Thei“) are the best tools for controlling at grass fire on are We land, as they ear, plow around an affected area and prevent the fire, spreading. All firm, should lie brunt small sections, one at a. time, and it is imporant to know where im- mediate help can he obtained of they should spread too quickly. Thatilca or renewing your Post. BRUSSELS 4-H CLUB Second Meeting Our seeond meeting was held At, ilto•rnitod rthturch on 'Aiarch at 2:00 p.m. We opened with the Pled,ge. Each girt answered te Iii.-, Roll ('all -- one point to con- sidor when buying fabric. The next mooting will be held in the rnited Church on March `22 at 3:00 p.m. A pants measurement rliart vt•-.;ks lands. Also dis-ussed was rhoosing a pattern. using the pattern, Using the pattern, pattern alerations end preparation of the pattnit fOr cutting! Mrs, Kufake showed how to Make pattern alter- ations. The meeting closed. With "0 Canada". • Thirld Meeting The third meeting was neldon Aitireh 22 at 3:06 1.10, in the 'Unit- ed Church. We opened the meet- ing with "0 (7anada". Each girl answered 10 the roll call, a pat- tern alteration and how to inalt..• it, The next meeting will he held at the home of Nancy Adans on April ii at 7:30 p.m. Airs, Kufske showed how to cut out a pattern and mark it. They also showed stapstitehing and the reason for it, We Vihned the patt471,'n fin, out' fabrics and began to cut, Out. rI7he meeting closed with "0 Canada". REFRIGERATION SERVICE ElectriCal Contractors -Appliances - Motor Rewind, 24. hour eniergen, cy service. Guaranteed service to all types. Complete Apliance repairs at 1311RKID ELECTRIC WIngtion 357-2450 .00mething to sell or buy? Use lira oiassitiod ads.