HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-04-22, Page 2SALE SAVE ;ALE 968 FORD GALAXIE 500 4... SEDAN V8 - Auto. PS, PB, and Radio 3968 ACADIAN 4 'DA. SEDAN 6 Cyl., Auto., and Radio :2 1967 FORD. 4 DR. SEDANS V8 Auto.) and Radios (1) with PS. and Brakes 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 •4 D. SEDAN V8 Auto.., PB, PS and Radio SEVERAL 66 and 65 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM USED TRUCKS 1968 CHEV. ljf. "TON V8 Engine, Log Wide Box. 1966 DODGE 500 SERIES TANK 'TRUCK 1965 ,FORT: 350 1 TON V8 Engine, 4 Speed Trans. Dual 'Wheels (Fully Reconditioned) BRIDGE MOTORS YOUR MUSTANG PINTO, TORINO, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER 'BRUSSELS PHONE 887_6249 WINGHAM PHONE 357-3460 sism.iissolmosomewsowims.mpos, or Call 887-6011 TAKE EVERY PRECAUTION Over a third of an the viothns Of boating accidents last year in Ontario were fish ermen and a high percentage of these fatal cidents occurred during the spring Iuo'n tlrs the Water was cold: :and the catia es ? Most of i,he \vere more intent tipOn Gatain fish than thinking About their own safety. Bad weather and high •i\,aves accounted for the greatest number of tragedies. Standing up in a small, light 'boat was the next, most freqnent cause of these spring fatalities. It is like attempting to walk a tightrope. Yet fishermen stand up to east, land a fish, .or just stretch their legs without realizing, apparently that the next Moment they could be in cold water that Is deadly, Th e Ontario SagetY League 'n the early spring fieherhian to take eveit 1-m00,1160i *lieu boating oh ddld Water, Wear ii jacket at all list' iiot up in a. boat oil oak ilia c; keep a close eyee on the weather and keep your boat load light. And above all stay sober! ,If there is an place that a man needs all his faculties unimpaired especially his sense of balance, it is when fish- ing, from a small boat in the cold water of spring. Save that drink until safely ashore when you can relax and enjoy it, g.I.TRSDAY, ,AP1014. 22U& 1 TOP PRICES PAID FOR HORSES ON THE HOOF SMALL ANIMAL PICKUP 24 HR, FAST EFFICIENT SERVICES MUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Lim 34:40.8 FrItt CHAkair LB, et- .r fi 134 MUM to Boll, our kind hest for Labatt's. .Gotigratulatiens to. eur new rest- aurant., Dropped in yesterday morning at six thirty for 111,?! cup. of eoffee,.Ella has everythhIg as spick, and. span kts.'a. hounds tooth, if .she would throw a shovel Cell of ashes Over Mr, Graber and sweep the whole works out the door there wouldn't be a speck. et, dirt in the place. There Is the tiopi!' woman 00 SA t.ISO ttitplit,,re, Watl- ing and. t.pipilt While he sits artmtkii s ppingg coffee and telling qfi 'what. be Intends to do. If be does half of what he says, we will have another Royal York right here in Brussels. It looks as if we may 4.'0 beer strike kind pe(5, Ot,t40f.'C - ing up. Sohn "o'*1,1t haA car Qkerhauied font., *new .\;:chie Willis and Frank :ikleocitt purchased a. new ten ton truck and Norm Pfieffer has tendered on a mail route out of Formosa. Prime Minister Trudeau is, still on his honeymoon somewhere in the Carribean; An old dog for a bard road so they say Bye for now — and until next week good hick to all.: Truthfully YeArs. T.Kx, • (6.0LbE3 V‘itiOb§. HAPPINESS Heed not the worst in a person — seek out and love what is the ' best in. him,, Apply yourself to every task as if it were the only occupation in the world. Prayer is ..the Protein of 'tire Spiritual Lifb It is 'the nourishment without which, actions and Good works wither and 'die, Pollution of the Soul by sin cab be purified by God: just for His `Wt. Divest your mind your inter- ests as yon r .would yea money —in Worthwhile activities that will reap long dividends. 'Nourish hope. Hope is the flame that enkindles our fire which casts out darkness. Each day begin with the thought "Today is the beginning of the rest of my life." SuCcess is measured by endeavour.. The only real, failure IS the man who does not try., Share your happy day With some: one: It will mean more to him and to you, BERG Stet Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • earn Cleaners • Bunk 1Feedire gtablIng rgiNlith V firg Phno bruntrii it4Nft4 PHONE 887-6011 NOTI beginning' March 22 ow Seed Cleaner will be in Operation for the Convenience of all Farmers who Wish to Clean Up Their Own Grain For those who want to buy their Seed we havo A GOOD SUPPLY .16V SEED ,GRAIN and GRASS SEED At Competitive Prices. Come In And See Us At The' Mill SALES and SERVICE Phone 523-9640 Blyth, Ont. YOUR ELECTROHOME FLEETWOOD PANASONIC DEALER 1.:;C:9d tosie needn't be 641.111,11. Our bebutlful Bouquet r;tvirotic,n tine proves this• wish the moo sliquisite tOor:4,!!L typo faces and workmanship law mould_ wish roll:;, *stores Thetnio-Engravirw—rieli *wed leperinar-elegont 04 the tlne4t craftsmanship glut Com oar knylv.e41 'NEWS ITEMS .41.E,NTLEMEN'S CLUB •!Intended fOr last week) 'The Euchre parties between the 'Gentlemen and the Legion are over for another season and once again we Gentlemen want to hank our opponents for their kindness and their hospitality, .Never a harsh word spoken ex- cept in fun and so thanks for six very pleasant evening. You 'acted as true gentlemen at all times which is very difficult, and un- natural for such uncouth charact- ers as Logan, Lament, MeWhirt- 4?e, Willis. Cardiff, Travis& and thers too numerous to mention. I said the very first game we -would win by 59 points, the total that IF, hut I was mistaken, as we won the cup by a lead of 60. The cup, donated by Labatrs, can 'be seen at the Jessie James 'butcher shop. When interviewed by the press here are some of the corn-. meats: Al Logan, quote :`,Neit year it will be differCift. WO will have a different "COach and we will get rill of that stupid Lamont. Ted Elliott, quote "I blame Lamont, if he had done more playing and less talking we would have won bands down". Allan Nichol, quote "'We lost on account of that, blankety; blank; son of a sea cook, Lamont, Thynne out- smarted him and took our best players," When asked about this' Lamont said, "No comment." The first time in 50 years he knew enough to keep his mouth shut, Well thanks again to the most friendly Legion in Ontario, and MAJOR REPAIRS TO TRACTORS A N D ALL FARM MACHINERY BAUER FARM and `GARDEN SERVICE BRUSSELS, ONT, linomsollosomilMomwmosomosiminsossonoomommosommo DEAD STOCK REMOVAL SERVICES WANTED — DEAD AND DISABLED --- CATTLE and HORSES — 10, 171 t 7.; LL FARMERS f$011;1/1 FEEDt r)'+. 'THE BRUSEELE 1P6 it $ MUM