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$3.00 A Year in Advance— $4.00 to — Single Copy 10c
THK BRUSSE POS1:, APRIL 22nd, 1971 POST riTowsumo. frovsw
Mr. teed Mee. Douglas Purdy
find Sutmei attended a Christening
e.'eeyine at . the Baptist
SteYileie When „adv. thiowh citm:
uiced AI; ,00 haptistu of Daioet
tolih Victor,', gori of "elts. and 'MT;,
Jahn :pouch., on Saturday, April
17 at 2:30 pen.
Surprise Anniversary Party • •
. A eneprIse 25th anniversary
• party'w aeheld, in the church hall
fpreMr. and ears. Douglas Purdy.
given, by their family. Guests were,
present from T3russels, Mitchell
Base Ilorden, Toronto, Lindsay
and eteekstown,
The Sacrainent of the Lord's
Supper Will be observed in Knox
Presbyterian Church on Sunday,
April 25 at 1:30 p.m.
Evening Group Sponsor Evening
An enjoyable evening was
sponsored by the Evening Croup
of the 7w.ns op. 'Mends evening,
April i.3, In the basement of the
church. The meeting was opened
hyy the president, Mrs. Stewart
Steles who welcomed the visitors
and all attending. Mrs. Gordon
Engel Conducted a "Get Acquaint-
ed" game and a. contest "The.New
Easter Wardrobe". Mrs, Jim
Knight conducted "Know Your
Neighbour" contest and introduc-
ed Mrs; Stuart Stevenson, read-
ing the following. Outward
Beauty, E' very woman wants to
ile as *receive as possible, this is
Piet of her God -glYe'ri.'eniTiiref; No
Wonder, fof a womants beauty'
Makes a strong man's heart
tender and gladdens the life of a
Child. it is part of of what Makes
a *mime, regarless of her age.
. glad to he alive. Terstorunittely,
many worthy women have never
discovered he* to make them-
saves attractive or fee.] they don't
haVe' the time ,money or reason
to even try. And even the best-
groan-led of es would welcome
new ideas along this line. Mrs.
Stevenson gave an interestig talk
On outward beauty, displaying
bate and accessories mid demory
.strating different ways of. Wear-
ing a scarf. Giving the devotional
challenge 'on "Inward Beauty"
Mrs. Leslie Kight said "'But the
inward kind. of beauty, Which
every woman should desire even
more, is the fruit of a life of love
for Christ. The outward: beauty
can help Make life exciting anti
Pull 01 fen, But without an inward
beauty to give it Meaning and
perspective., nt: can mean loneli-
heSs in the midst of 'popularity,
eniptiense in the midst of laughter
suspicion in the midst of addr-
etion, contempt in the midst, o
eempliments, and a frustrated
feeling of being cheated out of
something in life. An amusing
rea.dig was given by Mrs. Stuart
Stevenson and a humorous skit
by Mrs. Jim Knight and Mrs.
Gordon Engel. The president
closed the Meeting with a prayer
and invited all to view the able of
home baking and miscellaneous
items offered for sale. Lunch was
served by the members of the
evening Getittp,
drenbrobk W.I. Meeting
Mrs. Ross Knight was hostess
trie the April meeting of the Olin.
root W.I. With 14 biOniberq meet
tbrms tittoit trig. rtlyn ton
Mrs. Allan Cochrane passed
away on Friday, March 19th, 1971,
it} St. elaryni lioepital, 'Kitchener,
after a lengthy illness. Formerly
hula Shiry, of 167 Lydia Street,
in her Stith year. Daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs, Noah Shiry, she
Wan 0111 near Preston, has been
a resident in the twin cities the
past 58 years. Member 1st United
Church, Waterloo. Predeceased by
her husband, Allan Cochrane in
Reste'd at the fiat'i tuiieraf noble
until' Monday; 2.2, SerVice:
R. B. McCall. Tiitermlea fn W6,04,9
lawn Mausoleum'.
Mrs. Cochrane visited many
times in the J3r—ussels area: Mrs,.
George Brewer, Brussels le a
niece, Garvin Smith, Tire.Mbis a
nephew of her late husband; Allan
The 'Brussels Guides need to
raise $800. They have around
$300 so are faced with raising an
additional $500. Your co-operation
in supporting their efforts to raise
this amount will be appreciated.
carried out by Officers, .at the •was payment of fees, and sing,
say, or pay. The minutes were Wingham Detachment:
read by Mrs. Leslie Knight and Two investigations • with'. two the treasurers report, given by
Mrs. Frank Workman. Mrs. Cold- persons charged under` the Liquor
win Knight gave the Sunshine re- Control Act.
port. It was decided to continue
trig Sunshine sister. Mrs. Mathers, Five charges laid under the
District President, gave an ad- Highway Traffic Act with six
dress on Public: Relaions,and also, warnings, issued.
inducted the following officers:
Twenty-three investigations un-
Heti. Pre. 'Mrs. LT. Ducharme der the Criminal Code.
President. Mrs. Jim Hart
. We are happy to announce that 1st 'Wive Pre s.. Mrs. Jack. Cox this has been an accident-free 2nd. Vice Pres Mrs, l'\7". week in the Wingham Detach,
Strickler anent area.
Secretary Mrs. dare Veitch•
Asst, Sec. Mrs. Leslie Knight Studded Tires
Treasurer .... Mrs. 'Prank Workman MOTORISTS! bare you been
Dist. Director .... Mrs. U. Ducharme driving this Past winter with stud-.
Alt. Dist. Director .... Cox ded tires on your car? If so,
Branch Dtrectos Mrs,. Gorpn here'S' a reminder about: the laws
,Mrs. Clem St,effler; governing the use of .studded tires
Mrs. John Strickler in -Ontario. Studded tires are pet--
Pim:list nese— .Mrs: Leslie Knight mitted on motor vehicles from.
Ptiblie" Ilelettotte ....nee • Mi•s, Wrrl. October 1st to • April 30th. So, if
• 1.3tenitier yeti still -have studded tires on
seu di tors Mrs.. Glenn • Tituether, your car, replace them With, stan-
Mrs. Gordon IDugel dard tires • by this • date. Doirt
Directors to Fair Board Mrs. forget -- it to drive a
Strickle. Mrs. C. Steelier car in Ontario equipped With
Mrs. Cliff Bray. Mrs, Clare. studded tires after April 30th."
Veitch, Mrs. U. Ducharme
Curator Mrs. Russel Knight
Standing Committees
Miss Hilda Lane of St. Thoth.-
as, and Mrs. Golclie Wheeler of
London, were weekend guests of
Mrs. Herb Wheeler.
Me, and Mrs. Lewis Cook and
Mrs. Telford. Cook visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Harold
Slesser Glamis. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Armstrong
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
Robert Campbell and Miss Jane
Shannon of Seaforth.
This issue is late and incom-
plete due to mechanleal difficuls My wife went on a diet of coco-
ttes. Typographical errors could nuts and bananas. She didn't lose
nOt be eoriwtod, Wang any weight, hitt, ,,Oif tlhould scatzl
Win fiii Plib14110(1 tior elrfith tsii f.!os
10-50 Westmount The Annual meeting et!' the
Kitaener, Ontario Grey Central Home and School
Dear Friends: Association was held on Apelf. 153
ft is very difficult to put into w.ith good attendance'
words' the deep gratitude we have The president., Mrs. Lather
for the good wishes trod lovely Weber. presided for the beeiness'••
gifts we received p r io r t o our It was decided to send two delee
moving from Brussels. The past gates to the Annual Convention.
Weeks have made us realize what held at the King Edward Hotel, ,
a deep affection we have for nil Toronto, May 7-8-9. A. discussion.
the good friends we made over wits held concerning' the funds
the 2(1 years we lived in Brussels. !bey burr' On hand. It 'was decided
There ehave been so many good to buy a stove for the school- •
times to look back on and. rem- purchase Ala speueer's stand, buy
ember. The years have been good some film strips for the school
to iii and though our a,deress Will and also to contribute to
be differeir waist wele.otne 45 Chorus fund. for their trip let
extended to anyone coming to Ireland.
Ni<ciolfis tc.'nen.ecisrealei ati
escaped us
Mrs- James. Axtmann, princ ipa't
ing of March 26th, hut we .want
both the ci'eh-
of the school,•• • introduced tho •
everyone connected will the dance.
5,1,aplr.aodg,ertuou presentediivg ro
and all those. contributing' to ft to medley
how . sincerely 1\;17 wereeeffeeted rif
:L;() Gradesn7 with
a i Stewart
by the good wishes and gifts given the music instructor, ar the
to us. piano-
Everyone know its t a t Ray The new slate of Officers for married a ding-a-ling. hut life has 4,
never been dull with Lucy doing .T.1.106yeoartriieng pyizaewneje miln.8s,temllealx,
her thing. The only difference the TV Lucy gets paid for being Oemaray.f Vice-Prey. John 131olt,•
Secretary, Mrs. jack Cos, Treasur- dumb, T just get hisghu, but. what ei', Mrs. Lothar Weber._
better pay than that The president Closed the meet- .•
Part of our hearts will always ine and a 'social half hour follows remain in Brussels:. The Pipe •'-' es . • • ea wttn,..,cottee .and cookies, Band will bold a special place
Ray's heart. seere will miss the
fellowship of all aspects of the
year's past. But now it is neces- E T H. E L carry to make a change. 'We will
naturally try to make the most of Mr:• and Mrs, Win. Hewitt and
it, but no matter where we may Mr, and Mrs. Carl • McIlenaed .
go or what the future holds for us 'visited in Bright on Sunday.
Brussels will always be "home". Mr. and Mrs, .'Oeorge Lynn
Vie can remember so well when Toronto,. were 'visitors with Mr.
we as newly-weds and ands•Mrs. George Lynn and.. fantilY
it. wasn't until Ray joined, the over the weekend,
Legion and became involved with .Mrs,' Bert trodden in confined to • all the things, he valued so much, Listowel Memorial Hospital, that he bad a . true identity, be - Mr. and Mrs, D. Wardlaw harp ca.use for the first Si` months he returned from Brantford -.after was just Ray — _Betty Mitehell's spending the winter months there. husband. After he became inter, winter
and Mrs, Carl :McDonald este.d in Legion work, Joined the were supper guess or Mr. and Mrs. Masonic Lodge and then the •Pipe
Band. ' became Betty Bronson And Albert Cardin' on Friday.
U.C.W., April Meeting then we were. part of. the 'gang".
The Ethel InCSW, held their To morrow is another dare and
April meeting at the home of Mrs. havewe to start over. but please
.Alex. Pearson, Worship Serviceaccept our sincere appreciation
- for the touching' ways you expres- was taken by Mrs. Earl on
,‘,,r your friendship t hat . we "Easter'', Topic 1 halos \gvivd)e(u.;1) 1 :sirs.ex..
alwa Wm. Bewit on
Raymond and .111a.rei join, with plain death to a child", Mrs. :Geo •
us in the appreciation. for all the Pearson, conducted the Intsiness,
It. Was voted to hold . the Aummi. kiednese extended to es.
It is most difficult to say good- Rummage Sale may 1st. Tom.
bye,' so• we Ivon't,:, just farewell mittees were named to look after •
and see you soon. We will trees- the tables;•Mrs. Frank Memstra'
was given it gift, on behalf. of the are our' metnovies here always,
.Thank you one. arid all. ladies. Lunch was. served by Mrs.
Frank Heimstra and • the hostess,
W.. I. Officers .tnetalled.
The Ethel W. T. held their April
meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo.
Penrson. Roll call was answered
rs. Kenneth Ma eDonald is ' AT GUIDES
is home following a stay of
several Weeks in Listewel
Ifinspitali During the past year a great
deal of work has been done to de-
velop a remepsite for the Brownies
Guides, and Rangers of Huron
Division. Camp "Mebane" is
Situated about. 3 miles south of
Goderich oil the Black Point Mete,
To date an eStoilishing number
of goals ha:ye. been ,a(':oillpiisheel,
thanks to hard working yoliniteers.
Plans . must nowwt be, completed ,i3o,
that the camp may be used to full
capacity this summer.' "
As soon . as weather .peemits
Suitable, toilets end septic tanks
will be installed, hydro installed
he the kitchen, and equipment
sorted and repaired.
Plans are underway to raise
funds for a, "Lodge" 25' x 50'
which can be used as a yeer-round
camping and training centre for
Brownies, Guides, Rangers and
During the week April le to 17
the following investigations were
Agriculure and Canadian Indus-
tries: Mrs. U. Ducharme. Mrs.
W. Strickle,
Home Economice and Health: Mrs
Jack Cox, Mrs. John Strickler
Historical Research and Current
Events Mrs. Gordon Engel,
Mrs. Mel Becker
Citizenship and Education: Mrs.
Ross Knight. Mrs. Cliff Bray
Resolutions: Mrs. Gordon Engel
Sunshine: Mrs. Goldwin 'Knight
teen, Betty, Raymond
and Marne.
The wihners of this year's by paying fee; and giviug sag-
trophies are as •foliows• 4 -
gesiious for Motto was
Ladies :nrenarea by- Mrs. john Conley
High Average "Even a. woodpecker owes its sue-
Jane in cess to the fact he uses his head",
High Aggregate
Standin committee reports were
given and n comoittee chosen Marlene Rutledge:
High 'Triple to eeneeno a wedding reception
Dinehe -leuether. • • 73ie on Julie 12tb, Mrs. Geo, Pearson
High Single reporled on a District Ilirec.t.ors
Ruth Lowe, meeting, Mrs. Pd installed
the new offices for 1971-72: Marilyn Higgins 274
Men's: Past Pres. Mrs. Chester Ede':
TTigh Average. President Ms. John Brink
David Hastings 1st Vice Mrs. Lothar Weber
High Aggregate 2nd Vice ..., Mrs. Thos, McFarlane
Gord Matheson 19,040 Sec.-Tree:oz. etre. Archie Ricklin
High Triple The Institute Grace 'was sung
Al Harvey 795 and lunch wee eerVed by Men,
/Mali flItimp Stan Spoiran otti, Qtiorgv
lialt0 13$ ndfrtriitli,