HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-04-15, Page 1THEi BRUSSELS POST, Triuitg)YAly.• W:UM! 15tIn 1971 clii.00 A Year itt Advance -- $4,00 to -- Single Copy .10e POST PUBLIMIN9.' HOUSN,
Mijegtic W, I. Hold Their
The sauneal meeting; oC the
Majestic 'tai"t I, was held in. St.
John's Anglican Church,. Brussels,
on •ThIn'S44Y .,Aternaen, April 8th
when forty-eight members and
friends enjoyed 'a delcious dinner
served by the ladies of the church
at 12;30, Follewing this the bus.
inese of the meeting was conduct-
ed by the president, Mrs. Alberta
The y011 call was answered by
listroduaing your guest and ram.
INS you Setnihilisi Slater of last
t lab annual tetiort give)i by Liie
Ma'"1 yeeretary- r ,;1(.,.
McCutcheon, showed that pogisf.1
was made and the books closed
with a substantial balance. We
have 32 members. A letter from
Mrs. John _Campbell thanking the
Institute for the box she received
when she was ill was also read.
Jit61.1,11ronvie,w ;Birthday Party is
bb held oil the afternoon et
April 21st. Anyone :Wishing •te.
please call Mrs. Leona Armstrong
or Mrs. Alberta Smith. Mrs. Marie
McCutcheon will attend the
Guelph Area Officers Conference
on April 27. 28 and 29th.
Mrs. Wilma Hemingway, Dist-
rict Director gave a report Of the
District Executive meeting. -The
District Annual is to be held in
Cranbrook on May 11.. Branch con-
veners are urged to have their
programs ready before this meet-
ing, Phone Mrs..Leona Armstrong.
wanting to 0. The following
reports were giVert showing that
many Interesting and inforniative
Meetings Were held. Heine Eustis
of ic and Health by Mrs, Wilma
Hentiesskyay: Resolutions, :tits:
hart ducithore; Agrieulture and
CPIS tiiduStries, 1191.s. N'orinan
Latiy; Citizenship- and EduttatiOn,
3:11.S. Marie Mctaggart; Historical
Research and Current Events,
Ali's. Marie Davis; Public .Re-
lations, Mrs. Amy Speir; Sunshine
Fund. Miss Beth HooVe.r.
It was decided to help with the
Sponsor a Child program if the
other branches decided to do so.
Mrs. Smith then introduced the
Mast Huron district president, Mrs.
Charles Mathers of Bluevale, who
Installed the new officers and con-
veners for. 1971-72 and informed
us of new business in the district
and the area such as the new
hand hook in 1972; 75th anniver-
ary in reb. 1972; area. fee, rais-
ed from $4 to $0; area convention
Oct. 20 and 27. She also gave an
interesting talk on Public Re.
lationS. Mrs. 'Mathers was thanked
anti hre,iented with a. kW, by Mrs.
Earl Cedmore, Slate of officers
, and Conveners of Standing Com;
mittees fof 1971.72:
Peat Pres..... Mrs, Alberta Sinith
'Pres. „ Mrs. Leone. Armstrong
-14 Vice Pres. „.. Mris, 1t1, Cl1.Idrner13
l'I(1IrkitOMI K
04fifila ii !j'
: •
gthel. Couple liouored.
$oth Auttivers4ry
mild Mfg: ila0k3in
were :Insnored tl ,...firit 'When
members of their farrtils,
tame(' at a. dinner in. celebrap n e
of their 50th 'wedding .anniver-
The dinner was 'held in the
Ethel hall and Was Catered to by
the ladies of :the W,„1,. •
The .anniversary, cal e, which
was placed on _the head table at
the dinner .was made by Mrs. Jack
(ionic:' and decorated by Mrs. Joe
rollo.wihg the dinner about 150
flileiidS; relative and neighbours
kat:here(' to offer oongratulations
end good
. e?:outilii • Were
recipients • Of
gifts and cards. The eyening tifas
enjoyably spent. dancing to the
music of Lambkins 'Orchestra of
ATis and Mrs; Jacklin were
married in the Brussels Methodist
Church Manse. The former Lily
Mae.Conley, she was the daughter
of the, late Mr. ans1 Mrs. Curnail
Conley of the 4th eonee'ssion et
Grey Township, Mr. Jacklin
son of the late Mr, and,
William Jacklin, ••also of the 4th
concession of Grey, -
They have resided on. their farm
on the 4th of . Grey since their
marriage on April 0, .1921. Both
enjoy good health and. are fond
of gardening as.•well.as watching
Mr. Jacklin recently retired.
from farming, but will continue
to assist when 'needed. ' •
The couple have' three sons.
Archie of RR 2, Blueyale, Lloyd,
RR 1., Listowel: Glen of Stratford.
Tliere are five daughters. Mrs.
Stanley (Marjorie).: Bray, of Sea-
forth: Mrs. Stirling (Della) Hood,
RR 3. Brussels; Mrs. Robert
(Sharon) Grubb of E1, 1. West.
Montrose; Myrtle, 'at •botne. They
have eighteen grandchildren •end
four graatearatidchildrett.
The Brussels ,Firenienia red
barrel went. over the dain at 3:15
p.m. en Monday. April 5th, oddly
enough two men, Pete Cardiff and
McArter both guessed the
same time.
Mr. and Mr$, Lyle Brothers of
Scarborough spent *Easter with
Miss M. Skelton.
Mrs. G. Chidlow was an Easter
weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
H, Wood of Mitchell.
Mt. and Mrs. Ron White and
Tamil , GeorgetoWn, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Schlueter and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Tray Miller,. and
family, all of Galt. Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd' Cooper and family. Exeter,
and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald -Miller
and family. •Grey were
Easter visitors with Mr, and Mrs,
A lovely spring wedding Wits
hold on, SaturdaY; April' 3rd at
i. 11.111, 111 St. Anne's Attglican
(cl4.1et pu ji ,?,13;:, w hen Brenda Rose
eh beea e the bride e1 Fthrold;
The, taatl deeerated with
pink carnations aPaReilielit.S
The Rev. Joselyn was the Ale-
lilting clergyman for the ceremony
and Miss Linda Wilson of Brus-
sels sang the Wedding Prayer dur-
ing the signing of the register.
The bride was radiant in her
floor length gown of white
organ= lace with shoulder length
veil held in place with matching
headdress. She carried a rose
corsage on her white prayer book
With tiny ivlitte rose buds tied to
the white streamers.
Miss Vicki \Vela' of' Biron. faits
hem' sister's maid of honor and •
Miss Karen Mutter,
„ Miss T3arbaiat:
Martin and Miss Susan Gosney
were bridesnmids. They wore
identically stylen floor length
dresses of mauve, pink, yellow and
blue chiffon. and carried baskets
of -White daisies.
Douglas Davidson was best- man
while 11016ring were Paul Mutter,
Raymond Bronson and 1 Ethel
The bride's mother wore a floor”
length goyn of rose chiffon. The
bridegroom's mother •ebose an
stone 'fortrel knit • dress and coact.
The reception was held at the
Glendale Sport. Centre, London,
For a :honeymoon to New York
City the bride wore a yellow
crimplene pant suit with white
daisy bat, A white orchid corsage
and black patent accessories com-
pleted.ber attire. .•
The couple will reside in. Kitch-.
en er.
Guests attended from Detroit,
Burlington. London.' Kitchener,
Listowel. Elora, Clifford, Atwood'
and BDISSels.
r.. and Mrs. S tew a rt. Ifti ri es
wish to announce the engagement
of their daughter, 'Wends, Mary,
to Stanley W. Strom). son of Mr.
and Mrs. Prank StrOOP. Drassels.
The wedding will take Place May
15th, 1971.. at 7:90 pia. at St.
.Totin's Anglican Chureh. 'Brus,sels.
BLAKE To Mr. and Mrs, Gerald
Blake, iii Listowel Hospital. on
Tuesday. April 0th. 3971, a son
— Barry Edward.
11111.'CITIN SON To Mt and
Mrs, Wm. Hutchinson, in Wing-
ham Hospital, Monday, April
12th, .1071, a son.
KNIGHT •-- To Mr, and Mrs.
'Willis Knight. in 'Wing-hem Ilos
pital,Saturday, April 10th,
1071, et ••• • ;fitlyTala.
The Afternoon :Fait of tho
Brussels IT.C.W. met On. April 6th,
A the home of Mrs, John. White,
The Opening devotions were pre-
sented by Mrs, Hemingway, Mrs,
Miller, and Miss' Lucas, the theme
being "Light",
Miss Skelton conducted the
business sesion. The roll call
showed 16 members and one
visitor pi'eseet, and that 25 calls
had been made.
An invitation was receivetd
from the 'Walton E.C.W. to attend
their Thankoffering Meeting on
April 25th. AnnouncomentS
Made regarding the Good Friday
services, and arrangements for
flowers for the Easter service.
Mrs, Miller gave ail interesting
account of the Study Book chapter
-- "From Racism toward Full
Communion", showing the dilemma
confronting a Mayor a realtor,
and a renter, when the question of
a coloured fatally wishing to move
into a white distrieL. presents
After the benediction, ',sirs.
COM,IiiiP and Miss Luca. a assisted
Mrs, Whitt) Ist Sosvink bet erosa
1311116 and Oft.
tit Pt
The t4igular etectting of the ,
Village Condeik was held in rho'
Municipal offinea on•April 5, 1971,
all members being present,
Moved by TeriPas, se.conde
ell by .1. A. Mctaggart that the'
aninutes of the rneeting of March
be adopted as read.
The correspondence call ac-
counts werf* presented.
Moved by I. G. Campbell. sets
ofiSied by R. 'SS', Kennedy that the
aeed-ssits• as approved he paid.
'Mervyn f•it1Ster., labour 42,98
David Logan. garbage 6.06,
I so wrsnee Machla .0
garbage, no
Greg Huethets garbage „„,,., (1.01)
P. U. C., Streetlights, .Offiee
Hall, Library 38.1Se
David Logan. garbages ,,,,, , see,
Lawrence Mstchan
• garbage. • , 6.00
't;Seg fruether, garbage•,. ... . 11.01'
alervyri Bauer. labour ,, 38.55
Greg iIuether, garbage ...... 0.00
David :Logan, garbage..ass:a 0,00
Lawrence Meehan
garbage, 0,00
Crag Hnether, garbage. „ 6.00
Lawrence Meehan',
garhmige ........... 0,0(1
David Logan, garbage (so
C. j. Cardiff, truck
liceaoes 5.00
Mervyn 'Bauer, In hour 19,93
David Logan, garbage 6.00'
La wrence Meehan
garbage . , (sea
.dreg Etuether, garbage, sass (3,01?
Howard •Bernard, Fire
Hall fuel 22.73
:Henry Stolz, snow-
plowing - • 28.3.25
Merle Vreeme an, Library
Wei' • ... 1100.78
Cordon Workman,
Meentcheon Grocery,
supplies. IS 04.
Idachian Hardware,
sup pl es 9.1.6
f. M. :McDonald Lumber'
U.. supplies 311.2T
Bridge Motors Lad.„ gas , 27,72 •
:McCain-neon Motors Ltd. s'
repairs 7a37
T,. C'. McNeil. repairs 15.83 •
Post Publishing House,
• printing 87.05'
:Maitland Teleserviees
rates and tolls • 51,1
Mrs. Joan Eel, C10811ing 7.8s
Conn :Mutter. Office fuel
Bauer Parra and (garden •
SCTVICC„ 17(4)2 ii'S . 50
Fronk Cowan Ce. Ltd.
insurance 26,08
Maitland Valley Conservation
1971 levy Sa.'i9
T-1.1.‘a1.111 Insurance
Reg. Bd., illSaralleP
MacLean's Finn Service.
gas Hl.a5
nonstion fund 71,00
Receiver tionerol of Canisit.la
7.11g, . .7:
(111 C' 11t1t!i it
NifitrfitiEsti 1144i*171140,
Srhailele Liens Club are
promot114.1 ti• dientinfisastlson when
the -weather lit come Suitable
probably Saturday; May 1:41 Cue aa'rnthi 4 following mot:tips .s.:nro•
pla (141r, is eto.weiln;:it:17136: 1t}:blither)1,),fon.n:
till ages, both boys and aarla- to
un Wilielt they can obtain spoie
:411.?.ilattit'eg, at whatever sum
they care,' to ntsidge, The proceeds
of the drive will 13s: for the benefit
of the crippled Fund,
The children will be divide'd 100
three age groups. The older group
14 years and up will be assigned
to the Lions Park 'area and River
bank areas. The 1:142 and 13 year
group to the Ball :Park area and
Wading Pool area, The JO and
under group to' the arena, inside
and outside, and the Municipal
parking lOt.
Please' he generous with your
pledgea Whein apnrbadlied by the
S'nlagsters. Everyone 10.11 benefit
by the Nonstop. The citizens
a definer and more attractive
village, the children by having
better and safer recreation areas
and She crippled children with the
funds raised by eyeryoue''s efforts.
There will be prizes for' the twat
in each group returning the Most'
Money' and a bottle of pop each
for aitl sPonsored ehildrea. We
invite eVeryone in Brussels to
suppok tnis Projeet Sthole-
The Lions lie hies':`coin/nit:tee
and volunteers will be in eharge.
committee :thembers: F'ratik
carter, jack Bryans, ,Tan van Vlfet,
John Yuill anti Bob Raymouti