HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-04-08, Page 1$3.09-it'Yetir in Advanee — $4.00 to U.S.A. Singie Col* 100
U.C.W. Executive meeis
On. WednesdaY afternoon 10
ladies of the T.T.C.W execnitive
met in the basement of Duff"s
United Clow& Mrs. Wm. Roe,
president, opened the meeting
with prayer. PULPS were made for
our 9.'hankoffering service which
•will be held on. Sunday evening,
April 25 with the gmieet speaker
being Mrs. Stewart Miner of
Thames Rd. Church, Exeter In-
Vitatiens were read .from filyth
to attend their Thanitofforing ser-
vice and the Presbyterian Church
in Seaforth, Wednesday evening,
April 28h. Announcements were
made of the Westtnineter College
London, and Alma. School, St.
Thomas, this to be taken to the
units for delegates. Also we were
reminded of the Walton. Unit.
Bazaar on April 4 at 8:15 p.m. The
slipper committee are to meet to
revise the supper menus. The
The W, May meeting will be a
Pot Supper with all units
meeting 'together.
MIsellon Band
The Mission •Band met on Sun-
day morning in the basement of
the United Church with 39 memb-
ers present. Brian Smith opened
the• devotions with the Call to:
Worship. A song "Joy in My
Heart" was sung with Mrs. Merton'
Ilackwell at the piano. Dian.ne
Godkin read the scripture follow-
ed by Laura Dennis. leading in
prayer, The secretary's report was .
given by Janice Houston and the
treasurer's report by Dianne
Dennis The offering was receiv-
ed and .dedicated by Brian. Smith.
Laura Dennis and Dianne Godkin
are 'to tile*. 'the 'pitthe fcir' the nest
meeting. They went to their clas-
ses with the following teachers,
Mrs. Merton Rackwell, Mrs, Roes
'Bennett, Mrs.•Wm. Roe, and Mrs.
Mac Sholdice assisted by Debbie
Wey. Hymn 105 closed the meet-
ing followed by the •Benedietioe.
Euchre Party
An. enjoyable evening was 'held
in the Walton community hall on
171 ridny evening when. 1.5 tables
of progressive euchre were in
play. Prize winners were: High
laity. Mrs. .Harold Wilson, low,
Mrs. Jas. N'sSian, High man, I-Tarold.
Bolger, low Mrs . Lawrence Ryan
(playing as a man). The travell-
ing prize Mrs. Jack MeRwing. The
W. I. president announced there
would ho another euchre in two
weeks. •on April 113th. and the
Dessert euchre is planned for
Wednesday, April 21 at S p m„
both women and men are cordrelly
invited. Lunch was served by the
committee, Mrs. Ray Hilether. Mrs.
Dave Watson, Mrs. George Blake
rind Mrs. 'Nelson Marks ..
44-I Meeting Held
"Sewing Savers" Walton I Club
fourth meeting was held on March
31, at Ann Watson"s home. The
president opened the meeting
with the 4-IT pledge. The roll call
How T planned my Separates to
All services are suspended for
•Good Friday, No mail received or
djspatehed, No rural service and
the wickets will be closed, Lobby
open as usual. Mail service op
Saturday and Easter Monday as
John Roderick Dickson, a 'life-
long resident of this community,
passed away i nt his late residence,
le II. 3, Brussels, on Sunday, April
4th, 1971. He was in his 80th year.
Born in Grey Tewnsliip, on
October 5th, 1811:, he was the son
of the late Mr. and, Mrs. Elias
He is :survived- by one sister,
Miss Elizabeth Dickeonsof Brus-
els. Two sisters and one
predeceased. him.
The funeral service was held
at the M. L. Watts Funeral 'Home,
Brussels, et 2 p.m. on. Tuesday,.
April lith, The Rev. E. LeDrew of
Brussels United Church officiated.
Temporary entombment wits
in Brussels Burial Chapel.
'Pallbearers were: Dave McLeod,
Bert Hemingway, John Perrie Sr.,
Charles Fischer, Donald Pertie,
Emmerson Mitchel"
Flowers were carried 'by (Gordon.
Ross. and Douglas Mitchell.
Open Houses for Mr. and Mrs.
.Edgar Jewell, Toronto. Iformerly
of .Brussels) in honor of their 50th
wedding anniversary will be held
at: the home of their daughter Mrs.
Finlay (Edith) Semis. 182 Piston:
street, Goderiele on Sunday'
afternoon, April 11th, -.from two
to fete' o'clock. • .
Lester Meehan, Toronto spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Meehan.
Mrs. Wm. H. King is a patient
in Victoria. Hospital, London,
Stanley and Mrs. Wilson: Bruce
,end Larry of Hamilton, spent the
Plaster 'weekend with Mr. and Mrs,
lack Wilson and Mr. and Mrs, Earl
Bowes and Tommy.
Batter' my figure"' was answered
by all the girls. jean Bennett, read
the minutes of' the last meeting.
It was decided the next meeting
would be at Margaret Shertreed's
/home, on Monday evening, April
5 Mrs. G. Watson• demonstrated
putting in darts. joining seams and
and gathers, while Mrs, A. Searle
showed how to press the darts.
ifiandout sheets on True and False
were given out, The meeting &tee
eel with the 4-1-1 Motte. Lunch was
served by the hostess
Mrs. 'Wes Motet:horn is
following o•ver two weeks
tit •T,isto~vel HeSpital.
Mr. and Mrs, M .Becker were
in Hamilton over time Weekend
where they attended the funeral of
Mrs. Becker's father, on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Stuart and
Lindsay, spent the week-
end 'with Mr. and Mrs, Donglas
Purdy and Ssischson.no.ok
John underwent
etirg-ery in Thstowel Hospital last
'Eldon Wick
bistowei Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs, Don Jacklin,.•
Bloomingdale, visited Mr. and
Mr, Earl 'Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Winston
Rachel:in iMlt, visited Mr, and
Mrs. Wes seeplachere on the week-
Cranbrook ra 4-H Club
The third meeting of the (Iran-
brook Permanent Pressers was
held at the Stevenson home on
Tuesday, 11.Tateb 23, at 1:30 p.m.
The meeting was opened with the
4-H pledge and the roll cull was
answered by the girls, The minut-
es of the last meeting -were read
by the secretary, Sharon. Steven-
son. The leaders discussed entting
of the materiul and Sharon dem-
onstrated etayetiching, threading
and running the machine and
some marking of the material.
The girls laid out their material
to cut and mark it. The .nseettee
was closed with the 4-H motto
"Learn to do by doing". •
The fourth meeting was also
held at, the Stevenson's on. April
2, and opened with time pledge,
followed by roll call and minutes.
The leaders dismissed dnrts;
gathers,— and .seam finishes and.
the handouts were filled in. Mrs,
S evenson demonstrated how ',To.
sew and press a dart. The meeting
closed with the 4-II mottes
Melville Ladies' Aid •
The regular April Meeting of
the Melville Ladies' Aid was held
at the home of the president. Aire.
C. Matheson, with a good attend-
once. The Devotional part of the
meeting was taken by Mrs. Sae,
Armstrong reading. the , s.eript-
hre, Mrs, Wm, King the medi-
tation and prayer, Officers
reports were given ;by Mrs. .Tas,
Armstrong and Mrs. M. Parish.
Sunshine report by Mrs. W. VT
A period of discussion took'
place after which a completed
quilt that had been finished re-
cently was displayed. Plans tot'
the May meeting, which will he
held at Mrs. Waiter Kerr's, were
made.. The 'Mizpali Benediction
brought the meeting to a close.
Mrs. aeorge 'Evans, who had
charge of the progrem, gave it
reading Revealing the fear and the
danger of the world today living
on the wrong side of Easter. A
eontest and piano music folloived
by a delicious lunch served by the
committee assisted by the hostess
brought the afternoon. to a close,
Rester flowers peeking through
The eoisened earth to look at yogi
"Christ is Risetl"
They seem to say on. this Blessed
Baster 'Pay.
Life isn't measured by months or
by years,
You're as young as your faith
And as old as your feat's
Por time is a hurdert •
And we only grow old. •
when we let, our hearts •
And ow dreeme grow cold,
May Christ's Resurrection •
.0e accomplished by you. •
For love has the power •
To make everything new.
The April meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society was
held in Melville church parlour
oei Friday. April 2nd, at 2:34 imu..
The 'President, Mrs. Gibson,
opened the meeting with a poem
and prayer. A hymn was sang' and
the scripture read in unison from
St, Mate dm. 28 with Mrs Frill
leading in the alternate verse, A
meditetion on the scripture Pre-
pered by Mrs. Tall was read
Mrs. Stoiss. followed by prayer by.
Mrs. Speir.
A brief life sketch or Miss
Mnrg,aret Kennedy, a missionary
of the Presbyterian mission am-
ong the hill tribe of India, was
read by Mrs. Gibson Miss Ken-
nedy wihe born in England, receiv-
ed her education in Canada and is
a. graduate of Ewart College,
Toronto. She has spent over thirty
yeses of service on the Mission
fields of India
A very interesting and thought
provoking Easter message was
given by Mrs, Elizabeth
reminding us that the Lenten
season is a time for self examin-
The Gall was responded to
by an 'Fester Scripture Verse.
Secretary and Treasurer reports
were given, Invitation was react
to attend the thank,offering meets
lag a Knox Church, TilueStale on
April 14th and transportation ar-
rangements were made. The
Presbyterial wars announced to he
held in Melville Church in May,
Mrs. King favoured With a piano
solo. -Vesper Chinies_
Visits oil snot-ins enumerated;
received and (we—
ed. The meeting closed with a
hymn rind Mizpnh Benediction.
On 'March the 21st the 'Brownies
and Guides had their Skate-A-The;(
On March 23rd Guides were not
This week on March 30th. the
girls started oh' with a goete. We
then derided to have a hike and
merle all arrangements. for it.
We closed by singing Taps.
Linda Meehan
The Brussels All-Star Tykes
showed their parents hew the
genie is played as they outscored
the adults The scote was kept
fairly close during; the first two
periods but by the time the third
period came, the big people were
starting to tire arid the Tykes
sent a barrage of pucks at parent
goaltender Mary Tenpas,
Even though they did lose, I'm
sure the parents had a good time
and -1 believe when the blisters
have henied and the aches have
disappeared. they'll be ready te
go at it again, next year,
Scoring for sue Tykes: Kenny
Cousins (Brian TenPas); Kenny
Cousins (Brian TenPas: Brian
T Pill? a s (Kenny Ws) :I)a r-
win MoCutcheon (Brian TenPas);
r win Me Clitch eels Kevin Her-
:u iBrian 9.'enPas, Kenny
Cousins); Kevin Herget (Kenny
Scoring for the Parents: Jack
Kennedy (Ralph, Watson); Toles
Cousins (Harold Hergott, Ralph
Watson): Clarence MCCutchcon
(Jack Higgins); Betty McCet.
Referees for the game were
those two comical clowns, The
Lowe Boys, Wayne and Murray,
With tvistor holiday over the
pupils of Brussels Pulslie School
a looking forward to reediting
their report cards on Thursday
April Sth.
The trade three's assembly on
Thursday, April 8th. Lest Wed.
nesAny night a fair turn-out Fri
parents came to the schoOi tor
game volleybsll. Tuesiisy
night, April nth the parents and
any other adults are agate invit-
ed to play another game of
Many thenkes RIO given to the
People Who generously botight
.candy from the Grade sevi;11
The Motley will help sue,
Port 'Grade seven's bus trip to
By Norma Smith and
Janice risen er
'Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bremner.
Mrs. A. Bremner, end Mr. -and
Mrs. Carl McDoanid attended the
runerel of Mr. :Maurice Flewile
St, Mary's on Saturday.
Mrs. I,. Smith is spending- e few
days at the home of Mr. end Mrs.
feiry Smith, Wallace Township.
Mr. and Mrs. Freak Heirnstra
bare purchased a home in
FLATit - To Mr. end Mrs. thiry
Earl. Whigharte soil. Robert
is p patient in