HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-04-01, Page 6ioARRY'S RADIO and TV SALES and SERVICE Phone 523'-.9640 YOUR ELECTROHWE FLEETWOOD PANASONIC DEALER NOTICE Beginning March e7 East I-Iuron Produce, Brussels, will be closed all day Saturday anti open Mee, day to Pridny inclusive. 1.1.11a0k You, East ,unreel Produce, Brussels WALTON lenntMlItA from pktge One, Blyth, Ont. rkiit iiii•U ‘SAEILS 13it[iiSitagS, OStUllio PrItuitiipAt Alyktrf. 3.104 .011 • •-•."7, NEW SPRING STOCK ARRIVING DAILY LARGE COLLECTION OF PANT SUITS FROM 12 - 221/2. ,ALSO 1/2 SIZE DRESSES OPEN- SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 10 P.M. 4 eitiromaiiiiimmiliNWPWilowaffisorrotiowsaimovermormiliii/PM/1/1/ OUTFIT YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY AT' THE ATWOOD CAL.RAY SHOPPE wANTE,..1 i•ar for ports with e 283 Phone SS7-6304, • NOTiCE TO CREDITORS to the estate of JOHN LOGAN, deceased • A.I.T. PERSONS having claims egainet the mate O JOHN 1.40e1AN, late of the • 'Tillage of Ilruseels in The County of 'Huron. reared miller, who died on the e5te day a( ,laemiry. 1071. are hereby notified to file Particulars of seine. with the tend.ersigned.on or before the 9th day of '1971. after which date. the. eetete. will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which the undersigned shall have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 13th day of. March, 1971, CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of CECIL CHARLES ECKMIER deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate CECIL CHARLES EOKMIER, late of the Tewnship of Grey in the County- at Huron, retired farmer, who died on the Sth day of januarY, 1971, are hereby notified to Send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of April, 1971, after which date the assests of the estate will be distribeted. with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shaft, then have notice, DATED at Brussels this 13th day of March, 1971. CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of GEORGE ANDREW BAEKER„ deceated AleL PERSONS Barring Claims against the estate ot GEORGE ANDREW. BARKER, late of the Tillage of Brussels in the Count"' of Ifuroe, retired hatcher, WhO died nit the 25th day of Irebreary, 1371, Di-e hereby notified "to file eartieulnre of same with the nedersigned on or before the 9th of April, 1971., after -which date the estate will he distributed with regard, only lo those cleimet of whieh the undersigned shall have received notice. : T)AMED at Titetseele ,this 13th day of March, 1971. CRAWFORD & 'MILL BraSSels, Ontario Saidit,Ora for the etodUtri* FOR SALE 1903 Chevy II. Staiteare, :etiee8 with 1571 licence plates. Phone se7-9e04 FOR SALE.__ in Brussels, 7 Teem frame aephalt covered, hoese equipped with 3 piece bath and cupboards. Apply Box 5+1, 'Bruesele. FOR SALE — acre Crass 'Farm en eonces• sine 7, Morris Township. Approe- ,inititely acres good bush. Drilled Call 523-4223. WHORE IS :'OUR AVON REPRE- SENTATIVE'? Maybe you don't have one, Maybe you should be the one in your neighbourhood to sell to all those customers. Interested? Call or write Mrs. M. Millsop, 17 }Iawltesbury Ave., Londm 32 151.0541 REFRIGEFtATtCTI SERVICE !electrical Coniracturs-Appiiancee - Motor Rewind, 24 hour emergen- cy service, Guaranteed service to all types. Complete Apliance repairs at BURIsa: Cf iECTRIC Wingham - 357-2460 SEED GFIAIN FOR, SALE R. Cennun & Son, at Pinkerton carry a goed stock of No. I Oats, Barley, aiel, mixed geale. Also Registered, and Certified Seed Grass Seeds - Home grown Alfalfa, Red Clover, BiedsfoOt Trefoil, Tineothy, Clipped Brome grass, els° all other grasses. feeder : Seed early and take delivery when you, ward it. 'We sell Stew- art's and Pride Seed Corn, Order early for the variety you went and arrange for us to do your Plant- ing. Seed inoculaut in stock, Custom grain and Seed Cleaning eery day by appointinent. itoy Cramp.), & Son, Pinkerton, Phone Cargill 360,2394. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. CRUSHED GRAVEL Tendeit Will be received by the tindersigned until 12 o'clock noon, April 5, 1971, for supplyieg, t:ruslling end baeling apprOXiin, etly 211,000 eiible yards of %" gravel to Morris Twpi roads. A certified cheque for $1,000.00 must accompany each tender. Conteeet to be completed not later thee luly 1. 1071. 'render forms must be obtained from the undersigned, Lowest or any teridee not neces• SkIrily accepted. McArter, Road Sept., Morris TWp., Cele Banquet The annual Cub Banquet 'wee held in the baSement of the brat' ton -United Church on Monday evening, March 22 w ith t hi r ty. four preseet. Rev. D, Doeken opened the han- (met with (3race. lames Smith, the acting chairman for the evening, asked for a toast to the Queen. Those seated at the head table were Ontario Provincial Const- able Maulton from the U. P.1", Delachmeet at Gederich, James Smith, Chairman: Wm. .1. Lome- tog: Mra. loop Bennett, eeeretary: Airs, Stewart, Ilutapbeies, treasur- er; Rev. D. Docken: and Leyerne Godkiu. Following tbe dinner lante:3 Smith called on Rev. Decker,. who gave a few words of weleuinT to everyone peesent for the father and son banquet. Paul Humphries pee a toast Li the tatheit. Emmerson Mitchell reek- ed to the cubs on behalf of the tattlers. Laverne GOeltin thanked the ladies of the 'Wallop 'Unit for the very tasy supper they-had pre- pared and served to .'which. Mrs. Fred Think of the Supper Comm its tee made a fitting reply. Rev. Docken entertained with the gui- tar ikki accompaniement and every- one joined in singing several songs, William J. 'Leming ietro- dizeed 0.13.P. Constable Maulton who spoke on generef safety' and presented a film perteibieg to sn rety, Following this Constable ,11aulton held a question period on his teens., James Smith pre, feinted the guest sneeker with a small gift in apprecietion for tak, g time ont from his busy sche- dule to come and speek on such an inpettant subject. concerning its all, The banquet, was adjourned with the Crib Promise. Scout ,Committe Hold Crokinole party The Walton Scout. Committee sponeored a, erred -mile aid card- party oh Friday evening with a large attendanee. There were six. tables of erokinole and eight tables of euchre in play. Prizes wont to; Crokinole - high. Ress Mitehell. 'low, Cheryl Fraser, Etehre • high than, Wilfred Short- reed, low, David Dunk, high lady, tries, T)oug leraset, loW, Sharon Riley. The Scout Committee, Mrs. lion Bennett, Airs. Stewart Hum phries. Lac-eerie Godkin. ;Jim Smith anti Bran. Deeming served 'a ter:11(.101es Mitch. teeleillop Unit Meeting reit Of the '('.(7.W, held their March meeting in the basement. of the church, Mrs. John Beret, end Mrs, Marvin Smith were in charge of the de- Votional period, taking as their theme. "We Aeknowledge Our Sins", Mrs. Bete% opened with a petite, A hymn e-as runt; aecene Dibbled be -Thee Nell, Mer,1011114 The piano. Dins, Mervin Smith read the scripture from 5 Psalm. VOI7SetA 1.13 followed with meditation by Mrs, Burele The ottering was taken by the treasurer Mrs. Norman. Sehade and dedicated by Mrs, Smith, The topic on Mexico Ans. given by Mrs. Merton Aimee well. A hymn was Sling. Mrs. Rureh closed this part of the meet- ing 'with. prayer, Mrs. Neil Me- Gavin conducted ill(' business opening with e poem entitled "This is toelaye, Mrs, 11 in. Deem- ing read the 'minutes of the last meeting, Roll call was taken with nine ladies present: Reports were elven and business' was dealt 'with, The Lord's Prayer elosed the meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs, Norman Sehade, Mrs. Charles MeGavin, and Mrs. Stewart McCall. Walton i 4-H Meeting The Walton 4-H berreemeking club held Joint 'meetings in the (dwell basement on Tuesday, March 23, opening et 10 nen. with a noon luncheon. The roll call for the seeond meeting "One point to eonsider when buying for Sep, orates" was answered by the taut' members present, Joan Bennett reed the minutes, it Was decided m leave the name of the club 'till the rest, of the girls were present. .11011 call for the third meting Was "A eattern alteration and how to make it", Each member gave the necessary alteration. ' Patterns were laid on the material and cut out by the girls present. The lead- ers discussed different alterations that wart he made to e pattern. Handout sheets were pftven oat which included "Using the Pat- tern, Figure Types" and ''Material Cost Samples7, The next meeting is to lie held on March 30 at the home of Mrs. Gerald Watson, • HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Clinton Cue to the decrease in meat prices we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer efficient, courtesy, same day, service 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Phone Collect 482-9811 License No. 237.0:70 t(oad the Post Classified Ads liellexerillelemesedellilituneeneffilleee+-44-11/1/aweelfaillereretaleabeedelik abeeig1111 ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. MIKE HODGERT and the TRI-TONES of.Exeter FRIDAY and SATURDAY IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: 'Turkey, Spare Ribs and Sauer kraut, Fish and setilee NOTICE Let us prepare your Income Tax Papers early this yew. Farmers, Businessmen, Individuals We guarantee our work and our reasonable rates are annual, not 3 years in advance. Phone early for appointments and avoid the rush RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY INCOME TAX CONSULTANT Open Tuesdays and Pridays Phone 887-6663 Brtisseh, Ortt*