HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-09-02, Page 8e
GS, and every
ion of Interior
A 8 halty. Send for Price
Lusts. 8 GUS
Lem umthien.
ou applies-
•. tIf* AIOCIB
Naw Fcver.-The • Presbyterians are
gettingg a beautiful iron rod fence erected
SrzaM vs. Hoeaxrowts -The steam emu td the church . ground. There is
greet satisfaction, about 7 rods of it. and will cost SM.threshing has given g
the only drawback being the scarcity of When completed it will add greatly to
water- :vett year we etpect that nearly the appearance of the church.
steam and horseflesh will be more vela- his Commercial Hotel to Robert Milne,
The dolma threshing maritime made jta
flat 1aep�pearance In this locality on Mon-
dayDuring the holidays the school bas
been re -plastered and excellent black-
boards put in. This will add meek to
the internal appearance of the school
and to the comfort of the pupil and
Masher during the coming winter.
About two weeks ago an accident oc-
curred by which Mary Clark.danghter of
John C1ark,has lost the use of one of her
It appears that the children were
g with some sticks and a sharp
sputter from one of them pierced the
eye -ball. Medical assistance was called
ed in, but it is doubtful if the menu be
Corn is in good cooking condition.
Seeding paragons are being rapidly
p p�ed-
Roots of all kinds, potatoes excepted,
will not yield an average crop this year.
Eaei.y So two. -Lass week Mr. Dos -
tow, near the mill, sowed 28 acres of
fall wheat.
The bush fires have been burning fur-
iously during the pad week, and the
Lake shore road was lit up fur miles by.
the weird glare of the flames. Tho
damage done sn fa: hes Leon confined to
fences and cordwood. „
f-1 , 1 , IDribora.
The sawmill will not be running for •
gesskortw During tb.lntervalthegesi•l
I take a trip up the lakes for
PlIgliO eaL. -Mr. Patrick Layton hes
retuned from the gold mines of the far
west, and is as cheerful as ever. The
doctor is great favorite with the boys.
'Rau roe MJLL V ax. -So far we are
•heed of Leeburn with the yield of our
fan *heat. Me. Allan's wheat threshed.
92 bushels to the acre on Tuesday,
the steamer. Two others with the
Ione power made 24 bushels. Twol
Leeburn farmers onlyof the six i who
have threshed got as igh u 20 bushels
an acre.
Amb tsa.
Mrs. Young,r., has gone to Buffalo,
to visit her iotba.
Kr. Richard'sn,w shop is being rapid-
ly pushed forwaid to completion.
Bush fires are raging in many places
and many rods of fence have been burn -
The Band pic-nic on the 8th, is going
to be a grand affair. Scene of the boys
are trying to arrange a boat race as an
additional attraction.
Tax Dim:ca'r.-The dry weather has
node water very scarce in this vicinity.
nearly all the wells in the village are dry,
and the farmers in the neighborhood are
driving their stock a long distance to
the river to drink and some of thein are
drawing water for household pur-
PURCHASED.--Joeeyh Carter has pur-
chased the balance of the McTavish es-
tate on Queen Street, at $15 per foot,
and intends erecting another- block of
stores next summer. This is another
proof of the prosperity of our town.
all the thrashing here wt 1 be done by Soto. -Mr. John Hawkaliaw has odd
;fair of Palmerston, fur the aunt of $4,800
cash down, and furniture to be taken at
valuation: The, o considered a good
price and ::,,,we that property is advanc-
G,uLrte.-The phot, gallery is new tug in price here.
visiting our village and is pretty well AreIDENT.-'.fir. D. Kaercher, pro-
.patrunmxed. priet'or of the Blyth planing mill, net
1Varee SCALL -The w.iter in wells with +serious accident this week. While
and creeks is getting very .:arse, owing
to the continued drought.
Sicaezes.-Mir Minnie Morris. Col-
borne, has been dangerously ill, but we
are glad to hear she is recovering.
Hones Dina. - Mr. McKnight, 1st
con., Ashfield had a valuable horse died'
laid week. He can assign no reason for
ni•assS of Semite
PERt,oast.s.-Rev. `L. 0. Rice hu
returned hale and hearty after a visit of
rent weeks to St. Paul, Minnesots.-
1Kt- Thos. Pentland, son of Mr. John
Pentland, ha* gone t•; the North-West
Territory, with the intention of taking
up property if he likes the country.
Miss Teco, of Guelph, niece of Rev. L.
O. Rice, is on a visit to friends here -
Mr. J. W. Jackman is paying a visit to
Algoma, to prospect the country and
take up property ii he :ides the place.
ripping a board, he slipped, and his
hand came in contact with the saw,
which took off one of his fingers. He
had it dressed by Dr. Sloane. and at last
reports is duing well.
Oars. -Mr. Edward Paces showed us
Monday 38 stalks of vats, all from one
grain of seed.
Hr. William Fowler has sold his farm
at Dungannon. Ind has g. ane to purchase
and in Manitoba.
FALL Stiow.--The far, show of the
Ashfield and Wawanosh Branch Agrical�
tural Society, will be held at Dungannon,
on Friday, the 7th day of Getchar.
NIMxoDs.-Messrs. Martin and Craw-
Iord went shooting early Tuesday morn-
ing, and a couple of hour, afterwards,
we n coming home with a few tine
er see
NEw GROCERY. -Mr. Bo .len llallough,
intends c.pening out a ,tock of groceries
in a few daye. The pretuise>s lately oc-
cupied as the Post office is the stand.
We wish hint every success.
Foe M. Bar' BA. -Mr. Thus. Rennin
and Mr. Win. Fowler. jr., with their
families, left for Manitoba last Friday.
We regret the departure of so ninny
front among us. 'out we hope prosperity
may attend them. nevertheless.
Bose Flees. --Bush fires in Ashtield,.
uear our tillage, are very severe at pre-
sent writing. The whole township ap-
pears to be alive with them. One large
bre is only a few rods from the house of
Mr. John Maiz ; rather too close to be
comfortable this hot weather.
WARM -Monday last was, I think,
one of the hottest days we have had this
season. Our villagers hardly knew how to
keep themselves cool. Some of them, I
observed, ham their hand pumps at work
wrinkling the reeds and 1'",atforms in
front of their establishments, and the re-
sult was quite refreshing, making one
wish our village could afford sixth a lux-
ury as a sprinkling cart
AN Ateem-Gene evening last week •
gentleman, upon going into a room in
the rear of his building, discovered what
he supposed to be a frump lying asleep,
and immediately gave the slam and sent
for our worth constable, who. with a
taw of the rte tbon, mined with bled-
peons, butcher knives, ltc.. p to
give battle. When lo, and babe 1 the
intruder turned out to be nothing ram*
than • stuffed dummy. This is the near-
est approach to an occ t for the lack -
26 of pees in as hoar aid a half. The
steamer cleared out a barn of 600 baskets
in four hours, and thrashed another 140
of fall wheat in five hours. Both did
good work, but the steamer is the favp-
Oofleslols Tomah,*
Miss Annie Giim has Wtea�thejplace
Step n s ehhurs Wodatkdtai gni/ fate be A
success. v
M. Peek,Clliptem'` dmiater of
Kr. John Study is ventill .- Mr.
John Sturdy, a vest' 4. -Also Mrs.
Mutely, widow of the late Baptiste
Whitely -Mrs. John Hunter is visiting
her daughter, Mn Heath, in Dakota.
A very plesasat time was spent at the
picnic last Thursday held in the woods,
at the back of the 'Jane Field ' farm,
After all had spent a jolly time in the
woods, they were very kindly invited to
the house, by Mrs. R. B. Hodge, where
they spent the rest of the evnirg in
games, interspersed with a choice hit of
music, rendered by Mir Linde Acbesrn
and Mir Hodge, from Goderich, and
the Misty Mucks and Whitely of Gude-
rich township.
Pstt.,•,N.uL.-Mrs. J. E. Holdoni, of
Detroit, is visiting among her friends
here. Her eldest -brother Mr, Jou.
McKenzie purposes retur"nittg with her,
with the intention of trying his fortune
across the lines. We heartily wish hini
success. -Mr. J. S. Reid of this place,
has engaged with J. Stove!, of Guelph ii.
the biscuit and confectionery business.
Long live J. S.
Bear. -Farming operations are being
quicklj'pushed forward. Threshing for
the present has been suspended, and al
are busy- preparing the ground for th
fall wheat. A good shower of rain '
earnestly looked for, many being un
willing to sow their seed until it d
come. Pasture is suffering much on ac
count of the drought.
Lose. -Mr. Roderickv Finlayson hat
the misfortune to lose a valuable hors
lait week through infleminatien.
IMPRuve\ENT.-The F. P. church,
this place. has been nicely painted. Th
appearance of the building is much ion
A picnic was held in 31r. Thos. Frd'
hush en Thursday last, in aid of th
English Church funds. A .cod time i
reported by. some.H,4inesville ice growing finely. severe
new fnildings are going up this summer.
Among them, is the new B. C. church,
which is just being (plastered. It is go
ing to be a rine building when finished
The raccoons are very plentiful around
hero. Nearly every patch of corn is in
fested with these animals, Mr. %
Cantelon succeeded with the aid of hi
gun and dog in capturing live. The
were baying a feed on his cern in th
orchard. The dog treed them and kep
thein prisoners until morning, when hi
master came to his relief.
AN Ari ingxt. - On Thursday last
while engaged in drawing stones fron
the railroad bridge at Holmesville, Mr.
James Graham's wagon tongue dropped
as he was coming down the hill. he
load taking a road of its own ran off the
side of the embankment and upset. Mr.
Graham, elan was walking, managed to
keep the t. -int clear of the load. No
further damage than the breaking of the
tongue and teach.
Roan Flags. -A fire in the slashing
of Mr. Burke on Friday last at one time
threatened the house, but the wind
averted the flames, and the building
CANC•Lrfsut-Whet retuning home
from the bush near 8htem, Mr.
Hogarth, se. fell over aiMo(ttr and broke
three his ribs. -While Ackland
rep we have had yet ache next I was mounting his horse the other day
Baas BALL. -The mamba, of the 1 the aminal MI, brsalting its hag_ The
Lucknow base hall club aver* here last , Poor brut* had to be .hot.
Friday to contest our boys in • match ;
and we wouid have W, no doubt, a very
pleasant fame, had it not been for the
young repined who sammps'wd the
Lueknow boys to art in the capacity •of
umpire. R. trued out to be an out-
rage to a tries, grate by this way he
created drtur!•aees, rod *mined ill -feel-
ing generally It fact, it was enough to
excite the ire of aay pesodally iodised
Bea TsRAsmo. -Mr, Friar's starers
er thrashed here on Saturday. At tie
start • Med wind was against it, and a
horse power was in operation at 141i{ -
ban close by, which made eompetiti•s
teem, - flash Ars wasting to "shove"
the other. The steasser derimg Ow
tsserail had maay steps (the mere here
ry the les speed), sad sande a record of
100 bushels; the hone newer reported
person, to see with what map fres h. 117 bushels sad a trip b the smithy far
walk roll a partial red in his mouth repairs, T b. aftisrsoes Matti VHS bet -
while fat .'ring his eeihagoea, wh1eh by 'ter The NAMet flw4* A atfins o'clock
wuuid do event glaringly at with 370 bushels tc its elfelit The
every a s op*eetnniey. The horse power thrashed 300 blwhels from
aloe (t W t. `he u IOW resulte4 in half -pest one until ewes. with hales for
tom IJrlghnoe by 2 runs, vie Dim set ane supper On Mvrtday the Mire
and Leek's/1w 27 rolrsaflt lx,wai thr'.shed.S. hnshelrto .Me Mut
AN Imesxrtxo Eve:cr.-One of the
largsetand choioestaesemblages of friends
end relatives ever gathered met
at the residues of the late Charles
Woodhull, of Strathroy, on Wednesday,
the 24th inst., it being the marriage of
his third daughter, Elute, to Mr. R. H.
Auld, proprietor of the Brussels Post,
About 140 sat down to a well-filled table.
Miss Clam Boughart and Mir Josey
Morden filled the position of bridesmaids,
Mr. W. Woodhull and Mr. McKinnon
acting as goomsmen. The Rev. Mr. Van
W ke performed the ceremouy. We
will not attempt too gi. e a full list of those
present. The names of a few of the
most prominent :-Revs. J. Williston,
W. D. Hendon, J. Wood, Drs. Gusten,
Henderson, Routlege, Mr, and Mrs.
Chas. Outten. of Forest ; Mr and Mrs.
Ches. E. Pratt, of London ; Mrs. Auld,
Mr. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Battery, Mr. and Mrs.
Thumppesnon, Mr. and Mrs. James Bang -
hart, Mir. McCrault, Mr, J. Bradshaw, looney 'in both taste • and appearance
Mr. and Mn. Ogden, of Strethtuy ; Mr. Thus has our modern civtliiation risen
above nature and her ways. The French
long ago learned to make cheese without
AN Aorta Bsarti . -A London fan-
ning mill agent beat the world. Recent-
ly one of them was trying to sell a mill
to a Delaware farmer, and there being a
difference between them of three dollars,
which no amount.of talk could diminish,
the faruter offered to wrestle the agent to
settle the•ntatter. If the farmer went
della& under he was to pay the agent's price,
and if the battle went against the agent
the tmZ1 went for three dollars less.
The agent hesitated, but at last assented,
and at it they went. After a terrific
struggle the agent succumbed to superior
weight and muscle, and bit the dust.
However he had made a sale, and the
farmer hadmade three dollars. 8s they
parted, both well satistied.
W. T. Brsy, of Winghatrt, is attetid-
ia meeting of the Pharmeseeetienl As-
a in Kamm City.
x of the family of Mr. T. Kidd' were
poisoned (nut fatally) on Sundae last.
Tomatoes are supposed to have caused
the trouble.
Mr. 11. Gibbose, of Winthrop,a��has
given up the W' hotel, Loons it
to Mr. Cokley, who a brother resid-
ing in Hulled.
A twelve -acre field of wheat belonging
to Mr. F. H. Gifford, two miles east of
Cobourg was set un ire bar sparks from
• G. T. luooeaotive. Th. grain was
cut and in shocks ready to come in.
On Sunda a young than by the muse
of Joseph Beckett. •ppewttics to W.
Rotates, blacksmith. Wingham, was ac
oidentally drowned while bathing in the
The youngest qualified seamd-clan
teacher in the province is Chas. B. Car -
with of Port Hope, aged thirteen yeses
The precociour young chapu also hissed
with splendid bodily heap
Peter McGregor end D. McIntosh,
near Brucefield, have returned from the
old country. They brought out with
them two fine stallions and two breed
Naw Yost, Aug. 25. -Teresa Jano-
doh, eleven years uW, died ou Sunday of
erysipelas of the face and head, follow-
ing the piercing of her ears with a large.
needle fur earrings. Her mother, who is
a recently arrived German, was distract-
ed with grief when she learned what had
probably excited the attack of erysipelas.
Aec1DINz. -Last H.eturday evening, as
Mt'. Robert McElroy, sun of Mr. James
McElroy, of McKilup, was driving house
from Sesforth,his horse becoming fright-
ened ata cow lying on the road, shied
into the ditch, throwing Mr. McElroy
out of his buggy and breaking his leg.
On being taken home the injured limb
was set, and he is doing as well as pos-
sible uuder the circumstances.
"Sweet clover honey, "offered la a New
York store, was trade thus: The comb
had been trade by machinery out of par-
affin wax, and after the cella were filled
with glua)w a hot iron had been passed
over the wax tops, thus closing them.
The glucose had been trade to resemble
and Mrs. George Gusten, of Arkona ;
Mr. and Mrs. Tie, Misses Gesten, Pratt,
Whitney, Morden, Yennor, Wood. Eg-
linfield, Andrew Morden, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Woodhull, Mrs. Williston, Mrs,
Wyke. A very pleasant time was
spent. The preaetits were numerous and
costly. , The newly married couple left
for the \Vest on the evening train to
spend their honeymoon. -[London Free
3 liscellaneous 'tarda.- FINE STATIONERY!
lbmbb s
Sleek, p*ee, Kingston at., °ode-
dok. Mos and specifications mews correct-
ly. Carpeeter'e' plasterer's and masons work
measured and valued.
t7 LINHCD 1 W. This establishment iacbletl7
devoted W job and library work, sppeulaily to
thaw unique and economical half cell and mor -
co styios. 1u all canes th�p beat stock seri
rktnsnshlp. with etrengt,It and uty euro
Bindery overJohn Lot drug store.
The Cotmcil met at. Young's hotel,
pintail, en the 25th of August. All the
members present The minuted of last
meeting were read and signed, Letter
from Mr. Robt. Murray, clerk of West
Wawanosh, with copy of resolution of
Council relative to the Northern gravel
road. Petition of . Wm. McBride and
others for opening certain streets in the
village of Port Albert. Mr. Jos. Brown,
collector, presented his bond. - Moved
by' Mr: Whitley, seconded by Mr. Clare,
that the sum of- twenty-five dollars be Aug. 17th -Wind at 10 p. tn. South -
presented to the Ashfield'and Wawanosh salt, light, partly cloudy. Number of
Agricultural society. Moved by Mr. miles wind trave`ied in 24 hours 212.
Clare, seconded by Mr. Griffin, that Mr. Aug. 18th -Wind at 10 i). m. North -
Whitley be instructed to have the bridge west, light, hazy. Number of miles
over' the nine mile river S. L. 3 and 4 wind travelled in 24 hours 228.
con. 4, planked and repaired. Moved Aug. 19th -Wind at 10 p. In. North -
by Mr. Whitley, seconded by Mr. Mc- west, light, hazy. Number of miles
Murchy, that the collector's bond be ac- wind travelled in 24 hours 275.
cepted as satisfactory. Moved by Mr. Aug. 20th -Wind at 10 p. m. North -
Whitley,' seconded by Mr. McMurchy, west, light, cloudy Number of miles
that a rate of two 8-10 mills in the dol- wind travelled in 24 hours 204.
lar be imposed for county purposes and Aug. 21st -Wind at 10 p. zu. North -
one still for township. Moved by Mr. west, fresh. hazy. Number of miles
MIcMurchy, seconded by Mr. Griffin, wind travelled in 24 hours 360.
that the clerk be instructed to take the Aug. 22nd -Wind at 10 p. m. North -
necessary steps fur :penin:; a road east, light, air hazy. Number of miles
through lot 38, Lake Shure Rance, and wind trot elle-i in 24 hours 246. }limey
closing up and selling thatpart iftheroud . dew fa.allowance between lots 37 and 38 ,near ..t 10 p. in. North -
the lake. The following accounts were I east. -light, ;clear Number of miles
ordered to be paid: -S. Hogan, plank- wind travel:ed in 24 hours 143.
Bang bridge on nine mile river, S. L. 6 Aub. 24th -Wind at 10 p. m. East,
and 7, con. 4, 819: do. repairing culvert light, dear. ~'beer •.f miles wind
on S. L. 3 and 4, cope 3, 83. T. Studart, ; travelled it. 24 le urs 157.
cutting hill on' S. L. 3 and 4, con. 1, Aug. 25th -Wind at 10 p. m. North -
$25; V. Misner and J Smith, tilling I east, light, hazy. Number of utiles wind
gravel, 82; J. McCaig, repairing Dun- travelled in 24 hours 198.
gannon hill, 822,60: Waterloo M. In. Aug. 27th-Wiw1 at 10 pp tis. South -
Co , part premium of insurance on Dun- I east light. cl udy. Numb, of miles
wind travelled in 24 hours 210:
Aug. 27th -Wind it:d . at 10 p m. North-
east, little, air cloudy. Number of
miles wind travelled in 24 hours 178.
Slight shower during the night.
Aug. 28th -Wind at 10 p. m. East,
light, hazy. Number of tniles wind
travelled in 24 hours 145.
Aug. 29th -Wind at 10 p m. East,
light, hazy. Number of miles wind
travelled an 24 hours 187.
Aug. 30th -Wind at 10 [p. m. South,
fresh, hazy. Number of miles wind
travelled in 24 hours 298.
G. N. Mai nniswf.D, Observer'
Goderich, Aug. 31st, 1881.
vr !t4 Attorneys, Solicitors. oto..
elodse Tl- T. narrow. W. Prudfoot. MM.
L.P. At i i' Solicitor la WtsaesuT,Uodto.,1731.
TIERS. Ike., {to.. Goderich and %Vieilem•
C. Seeger, Jr.. Ooderich. J. A. ):orton. Wing -
ham. 1731.
Meteorological Report.
State of the weather for the twg week
ending August 230d. 1881.
. solicitor. Oasuc--Corner of West Street
and Market Square. over George -tcheeon's,
Goderich. 1751.
Lt. LAW, dolleltsr in Chancery Convey -
ewer. kc. Otlioe over Sbs eppsrd'Chancery,
tiodertoh. Oat, Any amount of money to
loan at lowest rates of intermit. 1731.7. ,
gannon court house, 82.50; J. Hepples,
grading surface on Huron st., at Port
Albert harbor, 875; T. Hussey, repairing
culvert on lake shore road 80 cents; D.
Smith, clearing on con. 12, near .1. Mc-
Donald's, $3.10; R. Farrish, 456 feet
plank, $2,75; N. tre & Co., printed
forms, $1.59; Wm. Hardy, boarding J.
Boyle, an indigent, for 18 days in Feb-
ruary last, $5; M. Dalton, repairing hill
between lata 19 and 20, 01. B -law No.
13 imposing rates for county, local and
school purposes, was read and passed.
The Council adjourned to meet again at
8mylie's hotel, Dungannon, on Thurs-
day, the 13th of October. -Jotter Coots,
Sir Charles Gavan Duffy, who has
come to the surface of Irish politics
again, belongs to dead past rather than
to the living present. He was one of
Smith O'Brien's followers, aztd eras en-
gaged in the Cabbage -Garden /mom of
48411 dean& J-Mitehsil sad -some
othen were banished to Aset,W► Sir
Charles took to local politica, and in the
course of time became Premier of the
(obnv and was kn�ighyted. Se is not
the firs rebel wbelms bloomed into
a Wed trod 000swvative subject.
Mk lest nese is AmOeriia, and after
many hopeless efforts to regain it. have
up the struggle and returned to ilingfind.
Al we said before, Sir Charles' forte is
not action bet r *falu se s. Bet Bali
career shows some of the vleisllludes cif
lith J.ipas*-SAivi.i to a WW1 knight
is a lerg /adder to climb.
as starer a cusp of A4Yes.
fa ordering the Dadra* est ye* paper
*hanged, give the old as well as the stew
adddre*..n4 sin your maw M pWn)y es
parible. flue --bsea'vence rel these snag
ratites tH twee ns twee tenable and
ettpbmlms. w1 leak. pimp rempli n.
irk% Ate tIqgest to wake the oh•sp
Hairiest Opened 00
Euvelopes to Iatcb
an the Shapes. now see the
tom/ SMtcltore Lt Caaavery. ke.. 1 t P 1
Voderleh and V• Ingham. M.
C. contemn.
M 4. �' `i �\1. am' Fill1
Sia, aro. Winghem. 1731.
3 tebical.
at it. McDONAGH, M.D. PHYSIC -
ir. N. 4URUEON, 8L41, Geoduau. of Tor-
orone Univ: raity. Licentiate or the koyai C'ol-
leeyse of k' s ins, Loudon, ease:rd. arc.. ac..
Y.. C'. 1'. '4.. Ont*No. ee ar.d ,evidence :
Osprlte Itailvy . Hotel, Ftamilton street,',rod ;Prices Moderate !
erii.h. 17568m
That can be bougLt anywhere.
OEON, C'oru' .r. Re. Office and residence
on Renee Street so end door wast of Victoria
street. 1751.
11 G. MACKits, M. D., PHYSI-
. clan. Surge.,., and AccouobcrGraduate
of Toronto University. Omceopposite Camer-
ron et Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. It not In
odloe. enquire at the Bank. 1762-y.
Physicians: surgeons, Accouchers. etc.
Wilco at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the
Jail, Goderich. G. C. SHANNON. J. C. HAMIL-
TON. 1751. •
tJ . to 1)r. IDuncan, Graduate of Ontario Ve-
terinary College. OMee stables and residence,
on Newgate Street. four doors east olColborne
Hotel. N. B, -Horses examined as to sound-
ness. 1751
- 0--
30,000 ROLLS
;roans ant insurance. -0,_
4500,000 To LOAN. APPLY TO
rtr ich.
;rode- Plated -Forts aid S p o o T a
'�Ifa t 5,000 TO LEND ON RAE A L1011.811
v,P TAT*. Terns frvorsOM, •p►r
DOYLL Oodertch.
on good Farm or first-class Town Property
at 8 per cent. Apple to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751
1v1 amount to suit borrowers ata to 6i per
cent Private funds. Apply W demean and
Moatox, Goderich.
.01 amount of Private Funds fcr investment
I at lowest rates on first-class Mortgages. Apply
L money to lend at lowest rates. free of
any coats or charges, SLAOt,ft d• MORTON.
oppaslte Catbarne Hotel
GGuder:ch, :3rd March 1881. 1779.
ll Landed Credit Company iv Drepamrcl to
lend tnoney ou good Ism security. at six per
cent Full rticulars given upon appl'catton
to HUGH HAMILTON, C. L. agent, Oodetick.
rt7 on Farm and Town Property at Jowett In-
terest. Mortgages pun:based, no Commission
•hargod. Conveyancing Fees ressonatee.
N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one day
,t tole is satisfactory.-DAV1St)\ et JOHN-
'iT' )N, Barristers. etc.. Goderich. 1751
Life and Accident Insuracce Agent.
Pe.�preernttng/rstctassCompanica, Alsoagen.
fir the CA taVA Livs &TOCK ISet' *Ne Co.
Money to lend on Mortgage, eitl.er I:. Town or
Fenn Property. In anyway to suit the borrow-
er. Of(sce-cup-,tai:'sr Kay. bock. Goderlch,
Ont. l;sl
1 11T1ihe annual Sale under the aiepic•s of the
Huron Live Stock Association, will be held
in the Town of Clinton, on V. EDNE..DAY.
OCTOBER 19 1881. Parties desiring to enter
stock for this sale. can do so up to the morning
of the sale; but only such stock as 1s entered
with the Secretary on .,r before the 13th of
September. can appear in the sate Catalogue.
All entries must be accompanied by the re-
quired fee, and owners of stock mast send in
the Pedigree of their animals fully made out
and plainly written.
Teres of Mesrattr*.
For each thoroughbred Stallion. Mare. Bull.
Cow or Helfer, fI- for each pair of sheep or
swine. 60 cents; grade stock halt price. A
oommlasion of 1 per cent. will be charged on
all stock old. All who intend entering should
have the pedigree of their stock In the cata-
logue. All entries must be addressed to the
Secretary at Seatorth, and further information
will be furnished by him.
M. Y. McLEAN Se•forth. secretary.
JAS. BIGGINS. Clinton )''resident. 1801.31.
Under and by virtue of tb. Power of Sale con -
tallied in • mortgage dated the ninth day of
February, made D7 William Ottawa
h wife, Joining to bar dowers to the
en ore, default !anvil made In pay.
ret thereof, there err be sold b Pu
MAIM, Auction. at the Royal Hotel In the \village of
8ctren-Blwett-At Ooderlck on the nth
Parkhill. In the County of ltlddlesex•on WWed-
at eleven o'clock •, m., Lacers of land, be -
Aire• by elle Rev. De. Ute. Mfr. peoe�e nay. the fourteenth d• ecce rs of l r next.
Pitt ran, to eM Mary Bissau. all of Oo[e. lot number sixteen In tYe tweet
�co•cewion of the Townpschip of
Stephen. In the
ThereCounty of Harm pflre sores
ioe east s a of
barshag of n taw pears. off
1 rtes applicationk
at ea. tIY toot day of August. A-
rich. toI twenty-second
tetsiseMr leerfises.
The quality of the wheat corrin in is
end �1rtoerxtmtinuv hYrit-
y Hutchison et Ogilvie's twill took in
over 1,000 bushels of whset. There is
money in wheat at the present figueee :
Ooosatcw. t s)esmher 1st••, M K.
Rbsae l �teell�[ g `seskkask . '1 l A'I1
flour, P hsrreL. • M
ti ��
Ow, . bosh 4 •
Paas. �b . ...........
Osrtsy O meal • Ma .
6uts.r. el O. _ • e
47N ltea.t (!'ll
ssos} M i t
cwt . .'''' :: 1• . e11
1 M " 1 ee
saWa Mr>,aioZi s r.141ami
• risme . ea.
5. ilea
••her Porto* leer
Terms liberal, and will be aide nett ea
4 of sad n to the P
Would respecttully Intimate to Itis numerous
customers and the public generally that he
hapset opened out a
Fresh Stock
Of Paper Hangings. comprising every
Novelty in
Dados---Decora'iois- -Borders
suitable for
�Al atp- -
All this Season's Patterns In
Window Shades,
et sbowwnwill be l thiamb
coo keV to
Pncos PeryIAWB31.
1 A call anlisiited. No trouble to
se show patterns whether Jog buggy
Tiedor'e Solicitors.
. SHOF S, 11184osio.e..
Baru ma. oar. TlmewTo-E a.bet.rw
rettnatlftp Tei�t� Pte. Baa. el Loonies ahigney_
NlATFOu. et llaraeo.w. Oars.
ireTMlrrrs.M iMs 41ttCRA gm
C��t tf
CAI l >eLOA1r Atha
SO 7 iscori. teem
to Me. (ra buret iedefelOo�ee1., M
AUti A(:1•Wet'IOK.
Uelersetr.-Ass. to t/im trK
A fall asatteltnent of all the
req�ad fort'
HIBl ai C0II01 Silt,
air t9ek rept