HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-04-01, Page 1rttfif; ti( $3.00 Year in Advance BRONSONS HONORED PRIOR TO DEPARTUttE Mr. and Mrs, Rey .Bronson, Who left Brussele on Wedneday to Make their home Ritchener, were guests of honor at 0, gather. lug of Legion members, the Legion Ladies' Apkiliary, the ' Legion Pipe Band, with their wives and husbands together with other friends-, Dancing was enjoyed and dur- ing the course of the evening Ray and Betty Were piped to the stage when an address Was read by Donald Dunbar end the cOnple Were presented With a set of bridge table and chairs. Mr, Brotisen, has been a member tit the Wussels ttaneh of the ltnyai Canadian Legion for the ijast twenty-five Years. He has ehrved as secretary of the Pipe nand eiiihe 1652 and also as sec- r etatt bt the the Legion for a eutliber de years He has been sec- retary-treaeliter of the B. M. G. Telepliotte System and lately of :Maitland Teieservice for the last 14 Yearte Mrs. :Ronson has also been active in conlinunity affairs. She had been seeretaty-treakurer of the Legion 1:40,dies` Auxiliary, is a Past. Noble Grand of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge and had been active in Teen ToWn for three iyetire, Both Betty- and Ray will be mieined. MAIL SERVICE FOR GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 9 All services are suspended for f_leoti Friday. No mail received or dispatched. No rural service and the wickets will he closed. Lobby open as neual. Mail service on Saturdae end Easter Monday ae x•Per,,I Local Boys Win Trip To Edmonton Science Fair t--)eter Gibson, ton of fir, and :111 : (ii raja} is lbhoib tiiiii Allan Cardiff, of Cardiff, recently piaced„ higni„ iii the Huron-Perth Science. Fair in Stratford. The boys took first, in the junior Sociology Class for their anti air pollution devise, Also, as one of. the four most out- standing exhibits, theft' exhibit Won a trip to the Canadian Science Fair at Ildmcmton in May, We wish them success there. COMPLETES COURSE AT CONESTOGA COLLEGE Last week George' ti oiisthg completed, quite sueeegSfulle; 18 month course at Conestoga College, 'Waterloo, receiving deade -diploma aiidaltio Appliance Servicing The- course consisted • of the study of components and r6Pivie."- ing of numerous appliances each as spin washers, wringer washers, electric dryers, stovesand ranges domestic irefhigehhaton, This is one of the neany trades offered at this camteus. CURLING NOTES The Annual Windup of the local curling club was held oil Wednes- day, March 24, With 16 rinks com- neting In the two draws, Two ten- mid games were played, and the ,winnere were es follows: 9 A,M, Draw 1st Doug Rathwell rink 2 wins plus 1.5 2nd, Murray Hoover rink 2 wins plus 0 3rd 11111 'Hewitt rink 1 Win plus 8 CopeoltitiOti Ralph Pearson rink 11.30 A.M. braw Orval Sauer rink 2 wins plug 5 2nd Glen, Rath NV ell rink 2 Wilts pltie 4 3rd Neil Hemingway rink I win phis' 5 Consolation George Mutter rink. The Curling Club's activities for the season will end with the annual meeting and na millet In the Legion T-Tall on April 5. Brussels Ladies . ended the eluting season with a. local boll• spiel, with two 6 end games. Lunch was served between the games hr the social committee. President Bath Dunbar welcomed the ladies, and a short meeting followed. Aileen Mutter presented the officers for the nex year. Fast president, Bach Dunbar: President, Rhea Valiance; 1st Vice presideet.. Leona McDonald; 2nd Vice Prese 'Wilma Rathwell; See. Trens.Norit Slephensoti; Sne. Com,. Tsn.bel .Rathwell, - Helen Bray.; Draw Corn., Donelda Pear- son: Sunshive. Barb 'Dubber. Congratulations to Donelda 'Pearson, skip. Nora Stephenson. vice, Leona McDonald, 2nd and 111 0' wort THOMAS GREY RENNNGT/34 Thomas (-Trey Pennington a .Brussels died suddenly in' Victoria Hospital, London, on Wedeeedue, Marcel 24th, ie his 63rd year. Bore a.t Cranbrook in 1907, he Mali 11. Mb Of the late Mr. and Mrs. Watieie. hele wee' effAieteteelit. p el% ter in Road' Conqunctio& retirement in 1961. He is survived by two brothers., :leek of Brussels and William of Kitten rdinee Three- brothers, James, and Harold predeceas- ed him. Mineral service was held from St. John's Anglican Church on S'aturday, March 27th. The Ray. Kellileth Stokes officiated. Pallbearees were: Stuart Steven. kyii; Dick Stephenson, Tick Mc- Meerey Pluether, Maarice Camerbie• neei Notelon Engel finrfai was leigruseele et nietery' COMPETITION` :HELD MARCH 25th "Competition Deem Was. held at the Brussels Arena for members of the Brussels Figtire7 Club. The results were. fella: WS Beginners 3rd Cathy i1 dri.t'ir' 2nd .Atif6 geDlhiliafd Vnletie..fohrtS'teh Juniore 1st Patricia Haveman 2nd Anne K ern i-igh 317d Raren McCutcheen Intermedietes let Annette Boueschansker 2nd Dianne Godkin 3rd Jill McCetelieen Seniort 1st Joan Huether Jena 2nd Carol Wheeler. Cardiff 3rd, Catherine Cardiff Five Mothers assisted Mrs,-Faye MacDonald in eudgineethe skaters, The first three. with the highest points, in each. group received e ribbon and the winners received * silver dollar' as well. Special thanks go to Faye Mac.- Donald, to those wile contributed to the lunch. for the skaters, and spectator's, and to those who help- ed in any Way to Make the event a. tio Cre BLYTH UPSETS BRUSSELS COACHES The Brussels coaches missed many opportunities to score and were only able to get, three goals behhel Blyth goalie lion Henry, This optput was not enough as Myth scored four goals in the first period ou their way to theire 5-3 victory. John Stewart led the .Blyth •on- slaught with three goals while team-mate T)oug McDougall picked by 'Ronnie Laurie. (lord Haggett, Re .2.- Single goals weri, scored and Jim Button: Scoring for the tonal viand - were Thin • Prior. Murray Lowe and Fronk Strettott. TA 01'004) rt.fi, alto rif110 'Z':e fieir t AO, One hundred 4114 go*cy Lions, their ladies, and guests' Were .fen attendance at the Charter' 25th Anniversary Banquet of dee Brussels Liens Club, held in the Royal Canadian Legion Hall here oil Monday night. lieht Coffin of Montreal, 3rd Vice' hiesodent Lions International was tl; (.11V0i'igit/gik ed guest speaker for the The hall Nviis fittingly ifeiCir ieled. in the Lions colors of blue end' gold, with streamers and • Lions emblems. Flowers added to the attractiveness of tine tables and every lady present was presented with a corsage. D. D. G. George Mutter was chairman for the evening's pro- program. Singing of the Lions Grace led by Lion. Selwyn Baker with Mrs. Jack Bryans at the piano„ and a Toast to the Queen prec'eeded the beet-111'a A, hearty sing sung was led by Lion Seheyn 'Baker assisted by Lion Maurice Laymek o.f . Water. down, Who 'ffes the first Lion Tamer of the Arusgeis Club 'When it was chartered att,e; aloe Graeme MacDoeald. .Lion Calvin Kra titer expreSeh'd 'thanks to theheaterors, replied fo by :Mrs. David' Hastings of the &Rion Atikillary: In proPoeing a toast to Lions international, Ltott Roy B. dousing told bteetly of die formation: of the Brussels Club with di: memb- ers. MOW there are only eight 6f those original. Clierter meeriberS left. Lions, he said, are serving the world with Lions Ieternatiorel es the guiding light, Respoese to this toast was made by Lion Maurice Jenkins Z.C. 3 N of Goderich, payittg tribute to the Charter Members of the Brussels Chili and to the accomplishments of their club, Wishing them suc- cess in, the future. Lien Henry FIxel ,proposed the toast to the ladies and Mrs. James Armstrong le her reply 'expressed the thanks of the ladies for being included:in their 25th anniversary. President ,Tames .Arrnstrong extended a. Weltiome te • all and said lie was glad to see former -members and members of Other clubs present, It was an honor, he said, to have on their 25th miniver- sary, thenrge Mutter tit the D.D.O. Reeve Jack McCutcheon wel- eoMed the guests to the village and said all should he proud of the ',ions Club for the community would he deprived of many things if riot for the Lions. lntrrrduetion of the head table guests was made by Lion President jennies A rinstrotig. Visiting club monibers wort, also introduced and included represen- tatives from the Lions of Sea.forth Atwood, Bayfield, Elora, Goderieln Monkton, Palmerston, Wiughain, WritaNlowb, IAA Ott( f;'rmA tiAmth§ 1160614 tti'6 speaker Lion ma Coffin of Mont. real. and spoke of his many ketivi-. ties within the. Lions a$ ate fi number of outside interests, .kfte'r expressing his thanks the Werth welcome given him and paying tiribete to the Cnarter members Lein Cann epoke what Lioniam heeent to him. It meant being involved with man,- kind, Those who don'( get in:voile, ed are not getting oat or It what filey should. There is net such! thifii.V,, tie said, as an ordinary inembely en! 11 ofuli, or a small chtb.- ach and fever,' one has a contri- bution to inak0, X Lions pin only makes a member. ii thestn be worn,' farther inside. The laregnage of Lionism. must be the langlta.gn of the heart. This mus he !earned. it is a privilege to serve. lie cone teemed. 'Members who think a cluth is lucky to have them are ones elub can do without. They are lucks to be members, to have an, opportunity to serve. "Thinking Internationally is an art" Lions International does of belong to'. any one eonntry, race' or creed, There is some good in everyone and only when we leaen this can We think Internationally. esTit are dedicated men who :work hard trying to serve all people. Liore Coffin said it is a pity that Most: people' profess support of the brotherhood of man but that anim- osity and prejudice still' raise their ugl, head, told the Lions to try to remember never :to he short. ari Couregie Find the courage tit Lace critielein you will meet, ilk leadership: courage of your con- v Lions. Think for your-so:Ives, not of Yourselves, An important essential quality is imagination. Think to imagine, and dream and work out the substance of your dreams. If you are to :fulfil your possibility, do not imitate, be yousself always.' There is some- thing ea:ch and every one can bring to their Lions Club, Lion Selwyn Baker. chairman of the Charter Amtiversary COM- mitte, thanked the' speaker and he was presented 'with a painting of a Brussels scene done by Mrs, D A. Reim. A noti,, of sadness touched the happy occasion When Rev. 117 Hazelwood of Hamilton, e, 'former member of the chub, conducted the Nercrology service in imereory of deceased members. Draw prices were Wan by Mrs. Cecil 'Parker. Lion Bed Cruick- shank, Wingham, Lion Nortn cog.' Jilin, Atwood. Lion Bob Walker of Pahnerston, elonkten Lion. The presentation of awards was o ad p by the I n t ern a Vona] \hoe "'resident 'Friss Coffin. :Prior to the banquet Lioh Coffin and other officers paid a visit to Charter nember Harold :Thomas, who was unable to lilteed, anti preeented lira tl}''lil'ti.5 fileAtThind Single (lope Ok.; i37Ll:UgE111/..,8 POST, THURSDAY, APRIL 1st, 1971 .Pt9.MT PUBLISHING .fir.41TISTif I3RUSSELS LIONS ENTERTAIN NUMEROUS GUESTS- kr THEIR 25th ANNIVERSARY CHARTER. NIGHT' Machan Hardware Sold To Kitchener Couple . Me; tied Mrs, Leonatd 'Madan igri; , the; If ti tesinese !they have . condueted hero since they purchased it from lievia Gregg in 1956. They have sold their Heine TleitelWare Stere to Mr. and Mrs. F4ityl Hoppe of Kitchener' who took peseession April let . . • Hanna. Restaurant -Changes Hands Mr, and Mes. Oath Graber of Brest-ids are the new owners of ?Miner HaiiiiahRestaiiraiit here. MP. and Mrs. John Haden, -Who fiiiclittSed the business froni §tkidoit;'s fit years ago, left oil ghiidai; • to live iii Burlington *here he lieS been einployed ler iiethe tiirie. John was aentember of the, lirueselS• Prior to their departure Brussels roiriit people field a surprise party at, the Ramie' bonic,,They present- ed Mjet..,Hanne, with a cake and giassWare, „.. tdowd yoo !firmioliA 161101 filolftgr tfig honr.itsiiA