HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-03-25, Page 84.11•••••••••••.• THURSDAY, MARCH 26ib, 1471 ;40 powr, 131 T.T.spz,s, ()N um Agee% LLOYD MOteilaMERY two l trr.Vii 53 MAPLE FM, V't INGHAM CC:ontnued Iti611\ .(i"*6) the urcheS hi 11,e Seaforth North $ide, NYth United, Moncrieff, brussels' 'United and Winthrop. The guest speaker is to be Mrs. Stewart Miner of Thames. Road., Church. 'Exeter who is the Presi, dent of the TY,C,W. Presbyterial. Invitations were given out from Seaforth to attend their Thank- offering- service on Tuesday, March 2,3 at S p.m. and to Myth United Church on Thursdaiy, April S for .,their VIA Meit'ilidi • .r. the third 'mfteting of the Willi-- 01 TI "§pn Rippers" wa s held, March '?.0th a .t _ the home of Mrs. flan Mebonald." We opened with the 4-Ff pledge and -then the senre- thry'S report was read by June Williamson. The business follow- ed and the next meeting was de- cided to -Tie 'held on Thursday. March 2i' at li.tn. at the same home, The discussion followed with Mrs.. Steffler reading and Mrs. McDonald demonstrated the laying of a pattern on material. Cathy McDonald demonstrated the proper way to stay stitch and -we the went over the hand out out .sheets. The leaders helped some of the girls to lay their patter 1.1,111i material. The meeting closed with the 44-1 motto, "Learn to do by doing". Walton III Sewers" of the Walton TIT 441 Tiomemaking club held their third meeting in the Walton School: March i at 1:30 p.m. The President, Marion McCallum con- tacted the business. Kandis son read the minutes and the, Roll Call Was- ansivered . by all inernb- era. The leaders discused cutting and marking our fabric. We then put our pattern- on our material and cat out our garments. The next meeting will be held at WS. :Harold McCallum's home with Dianne and Margaret McNichol to bring lunch. The meeting closed with the Motto. Sales Service Installation FREE ESTIMATEE • Barn Cleaner% ig Bunk Feedere • Stabling DONALD G. IVES R. FL 2, Blyth 'Phone erusaela 867-11024 Does Your BruSSellil Post lab,I 7'041 MI? INSORAtiti....41EEkoS 'AUTO* ',ARM LIABILITY Dr) C'Iworg CALI/1i. to-4:10 AGENCY BUCHANAN DRY CLEANERS -Tops in the business" tiPAMSIMilf3.11g/13w^l ammas emutimmilillifilli Offerinw tiiirvIVEN ranstrammassomposauserialistitillaille Maxim 0 D Agent 'tti are Yarn PHONgVf74901 Ready-to-wear for Spring * COATS FROCKS PANT SUITS TOPS PANTS * * HANDBAGS, GLOVE.4, SCARVES ETC. EN'S WEAR * * EAUTIFUL BABY WEAR YARDAGE IN FORTR'ELS, ETC. AND YOUR SEWING NEEDS * * Mike's arrn Equipment f3 X 1:MUSSELS PHONE 887.404 ?war , A M E S W A Y Dealer "FIRS' 114 POWER CHORING". FOR SALES AND SERVICE • 12-4 7.3.7allaTSMIDEMVIMEL.E.4111laliiEllMitilliME1111111111V ST P E BAKERY Carlton Club Canned Pop 24 to Case - • ------ --- Aylmer Catsup 18 oz. Frozo French Fries McLarens. Sweet Relish, Green 15 oz. Phone 887-9226 Free Delivery VISEMS111 liflel/gLOMPIM 2111111 ETRISIIIIIIMIN1611.111111 mol a woungirminiumeneminnenimenie THOMPSON and STEPHENSON MEAT MARKET PHONE 887.6294 FREE DELIVERY WEEK.END SPECIALS FROM OUR MEAT COUNTER Swept Pickled Cottage Roll - • - „•••••. 59c lb Wieners --• 59c lb Fresh Side Pork 49c Ib FROM OUR FREEZER 4 lb French Fries 85c pkg. Apple. Pies 8 inch 2 for 79c ALwAirs A FULL LINE t.* GOV'T. INSPECTED BEEF' AND PORK MEAT IS OUR BUSINESS " ligiNsiss BB a INENNIUMMINININI.11111111111111111 Allen's Orange CryOkklit French Fries la lb. bags 4 lbss. Sank 'Flush 34 ok. Ivory Liquid 32 oz. McCUTCHIEON GROCERY Phone 887.9445 1 e Mitifii WEEKLY SALE BRUSSELS STOCKYARDS LTD. EVERY FRIDAY AT 12 NOON Large Enough To Be Effective Small Enough To Be Personal • 1%,IONE 887.6461 BRUSSELS; ONi. a riasSels Ttiranspor SHIP PIGS EVERY MONDAY A.M. CATTLE TRUCKING and SHIPPING SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS SERVICE Phone George Jutzi 887-6122 Brussels IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU ow....oes.Av,,pare...••••..parms..wooirse.airwm.3044...movaistemmagarwa..*ftrawmismasOftruP,."4* 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ENIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIR0111111111 mccUTCHEON MOTORS LTD. Sales & Service Phone: 887-6856 Brussels 1970 MODELS Oldsmobile Delta Custom, 2 Door HT New Epic Deluxe Sedan 1969 MODELS Oldsmobile 98, 4 Door Hardtop, Fully Powered, Includes Air Conditioning Chevelle Elcamino 8 Cyl., A.T., Radio 1968 MODELS Pont. Laurentian, 8 Cyl„ AT, Radio Chev. Biscayne, 6 Cyl., Std. Trans. Chev. Belair Sedan, 8 Cyl., P.S., Radio 1967 MODELS Pont. Laurentian, 2 Door, 8 Cyl., AT, Radio Chev. Belair 4 Door 6 Cyl. AT., Radio 1%6 MODELS Oldsmobile 4 Door Sedan, Fully Equipped. Chev. Belair,. 8 Cyl., AT., Radio, Low Mileage Pontiac Sedan, V8, Power Steering, Radio 1965 MODELS Dodge,8 Cyl., A.T. 4 Door Sedan, Power Steering Oldsmobile 4 Door, 1-I. Top, Fully Equipped 1964 MODELS Studebaker Sedan, 6 Cyl., 'Std. Dodge 4 Door Sedan, 8 Cyll, USED TRUCKS 1966 Ford Econoline Van 1960 G.M.C. 3A Ton Pickup QED CARS THE BRUSSELS POST NOW $3.00 PER YEAR ON'S GROCERY $1.89 ---- 29c 35c 29c 3 69c 49c 89c 436