HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-03-25, Page 3THURSDAY, MAUdH 2i;t11, 1971 IIRUSSEIT:S, ONTARIO • THURSDAY; MARCH 25o1 1971 Texato Farm Products Now Available in this Area MERLE FREEMAN PHONE; 877-6893 IONIVAP.,..••••"•,•••.,•• ••••.1100 THE BRUSSELS POST ROY W, KENNEDY, pubiieher Gem NO, Illrueeele, Orderly. it iiatiae46. antArld. every Thursday Second Class Mail Registration Number 050', member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assoolatlon Ontario Weekly Newspapers misoclatler LARRY'S RADIO and TV SALES and SERVICE LARRY BOLGER 1ikt;PRIET9R Phone 523-9640 r!lt Blyth, Out.. Brussel-Acres Apple Orchard DIFFERENT GRADES AND VARIETIES OMANI)) DELICIOUS OPENSIX LAYS A ivtitiC "HOUSE ,of MAX FURNISHINGS — INTERIORS M. L. WATTS FUNERAL HOME PHONE: 887-6336 or 887.6585 BRUSSELS, ONT. CRAWFORD and MILL J. H. CRAWFOkD, Q.C. A. R. M. MILL, B.A., LLB. BRUSSEL.* ems WINGHAM PHONE 881-0491 PHONE 3574680 Wi AM R EMURlAL SHOP QUALITY sEiomt CIAFTSrVIAfVSNIF open Every Weekday Your guarantee For Over 35 Years of CEMETERY LETTERING anx 166 WINGHAM JOHN MALLICh ADAMSON Pigs Every Mon., Tues., Thurs. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT Dial 887-6357 PCV CLASS FS, and F E, LONGSTAFF OPTOMOTRIBT SbEAPORTI-1, GOVENLOCH ST. 527.1219 Tuseney, teursday, eldliY; tkuPoday Everting MAN 0w (011 16iti rmett 1,A6litiov, F1 tj Wetim*Ifinv ni:1101) Or pp4IPIrtiirq HURON COUNTY 4-H' ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING The 4-H movement in Canada. remain as one of the strong youth organizations of the World. 'Memb- ership in Canada is getting close. .o . ftiP P 0.Q00 mark in over 700 different a .61'613 1 kola I clubs.• The chief objectives OF 4Vir To provide experimice for young People• which will assist. with their personal .growth. 2, To motivate young people To prepare themselves for rdspon-.' si hie 1 iv ing. 8. To help young people:. (a) develop an appreciation of figriculture and the major role U. Ptii~y itt community life, deVebi3 gditrconfidence and the .ability.io 'With others. (c) develop a. sense of fospon- sibillly and qualities of leadd0 ship. (d) to acquire habits and atti- tudes necessary for a satisfy- ing home and community life. (e) acquire knowledge and .$kiliS of modern agrieultnie. On MtiFeli 22nd through to • I March 25t11, nio t ci the 4 ,T1 clubs in Huron County will lid deg;ThiZed, 4-11 Clubs are open to girl's if:lid boys who have reached their 12th, birthday by January 1st, 1971 and '• have not reached their 21st birth- day by December 31st. 1971.. Clubs are offered as 'follows: 1-14 Beef or Dairy Calf' Clubs-: Feed and care for one calf during the club year. ;Junior Meier - horn between iz.ititiary 1st and May 1st, 1971. Senior Heifer born. between July 1. and Decernber 31.• 1970. 'Baby beef steers and heifers for Market purposes are also in this Senior.age group, or maybe a group of five 01' more steers. 444 Swine ClIth TO-feed and care for: 1) -one pair of -weatiling SOWS: tb(4 club year of k) One weanlitig SOW to be , kalif for breeding purposes add one pig.. *either SOW • barre\t for :Market ptirpoices, Senior Members'. (10 as of Jail- iinrY 1. 10711 of a gl-V lie Club maY enroll in a Market Hug • Club tviiere they teed and care for a iiiinfintlin of five market hogs, Field Crop Clubs: The members musi seed and care for one acre of either corn or forage or white beans. • Multi-Project Cinhs:Members in Field Crop Clubs may take up to three different projects within the Same 1-1.-1 Tractor and Machinery Clubs: Keep records of the cost of operating and .niaintaining the cam tractor during the eln13 year. Study economical tractor operation and maintenance and learn how to make mitlor aTUUST, mente, elonmirvattortl Malit`, projnotii airs iivil1fftb1411, tli3i19111'v' it, WiTtkt'l it 1i i1 Wirik the planning planning stages. Tf anyoue has .any interest in a project we welcome your ideas along this line. hope Many yoUng boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 20 as possible will take part in the 4-11 program. Such CoUnty events as 4-1:I picnics, bus tours', (told days, and Judging Coinpet- ition, ghoul(' make* this year's 4.-111 prograhi an interesting one. Extension Assistant L. G. MacGregor for Huron County. Sales Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners sio Bunk Feeders • Stabling DONALD G. IVES R. R. 2, Blyth Phone Brussels 887-9024 Jim Cardiff REAL ESTATE artakEti uENERAL ifituRANot AGENT FOR HOWICK FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INS. FIRE AUTO LIAS)LAY PHONE: dOOlot RE& 88-'t.61t. BRUSSELS 887-6365 BAUER FARM AND CARDEN SERVICE. REPAIRS TO ALL TYPES Or FARM MACHINERY AGENT FOR: SNOWMOBILES and. ACCESSORIES. Arso REPAIRS TO SNOWMOBILES Let us help yott meet Springtime3 with a new home Mortgage rates are lower and our capacity to serve you with an ideal, custom, built-for-you loan was never greater. So don't let that "Where-will-l-get-the,- money?" problem get you down. Hand it over to understanding experts who have behind them over eighty years of experience ;in tailoring mortgages to suit individual needs, Solve your problem( today at Victoria and Grey, reektfor COMPArtv etsiri4CIE 1140014 LISTOWEL BRANCH' 291-1450 SEAFORTH 527-0245 riminessogRIIIIIPme RIMIPP°164vrarPo'quillermvaRIBP"reveyomet MCGa.vin'3 Farm Equipment WE SPECIALIZE IN A COMPLETE LINE. OF FARM EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE WALTON, ONTARIO .THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main Street. SEAFORTH Insures Ott.. 01 60,1ii1010 604 ''06,f4ite It"j ttOt"Oit.4. W(eit . (tam , lawn Dwellings I All Classes of Farm PropcfP1 * Summer Cottages * Churches, Sollon15, Halle objects, etc.) is also available tmoks, water darribge 4 ctsvarage ;wind ATI gq-qt nY,Y;11 fill, I t f.r,fortb: 1.411:10 566.40n10`,4•Ei titfitira