HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-03-25, Page 2TkIN. Sf8t:SS.E.14$ POST, .1>RVSS,t..4.9, OXTARM • ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. CLARE ADLON TRIO FRIDAY and SATURDAY IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: ni eye Spare Ribs ancl Sauer Kraut, Fieh ancl Qnir HABKIRK. TRANSIT TOURS. 3 DAYS NASHVILLLE $69,00 , TM?. to a Room EASTER WEEK-END LEAVE APRIL RETURN APRIL 9 PAYS NEW ORLEANS Easter School Break $149.00 Includes GRAND OLE OPREY NASHVILLE • • • THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SECRETARY WANTED The successful applicant will have excep,',:onal proficiency in short: hand, typing and machine transcription for use in such secretariat duties as confidential correspohdehce and the taking of Minutes at some evening meetings. This position requ'lres a mature person having the ability to accept reponslbility •with a minimum of supervision. Startng salary will be commensurate with qualifications and exper. ience. A full range of .cost,Shared benefits include 0,17LI., 0.H.S.I.P. and: 9.m,g.R.s. Pension Plan, • Applicants 'should submit a resume 31st. to: (preferably typewritten) by March WANTE A eer "err pens with 2S3 • Phone 3374394. engine. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of JOHN LOGAN„ deceased ALL PERSON'S aw=ing claims against the estate of • j0137N LOGAN. late of the Village of Bruesels in the, COUtity of Huron. retired miller, who: died an, the tilt y of January, 1971. are hereby notified to file particulars of Salue with the undersigned on before the 9th day of April, 'lit ]. after which date the estate still he distributed having regard only to those claims of which the undersigned shall have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 13th • of 31arch. 1971. CRAWFORD R. MILL. Brussels, Ontario • eel:eh:ore for the exeeutore. CECIL CHARLES ECKMIER In the estate of CEO! LCHARL ES ECkeill ER, deceased ALL PERSON'S having elaime against the estate of CECIL CHARLES ECKMIER, late of the Township of Grey in the Count'!" fa- Huron, retired farmer, who died on the Sth day of .January, 1971. are hereby notified to send pm-deniers of the same to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of Agri', 1971 after which date the eseeste of the estate will be distrrneted with regard only tc the claims ef' whieh the ender- signed shall then have notice. DATED at Brussels this 12th reify re' Mareh. 1971, cRAWFORD & MILL. Brussels, Ontario Selieitors for the executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of GEORGE ANDREW BAEKER, deceased ALL PERSOYF- having neitinet :he ester r:; GEOPeelE ANDREW BAFKER. lets iI the t-illage of Prueseis in the County ef Huron. re.tieed butcher. who :lied on the 2eth day of February. are hereby notified to file nartictilere tif same with the tindarsigneci an or before the 9th of April, 1971. after which date the estate will be distributed ;filth regard only to those claims of Which the undersigned shall have received notice. DATED at Brussels this 13th day of -March. 1971. CRAW FORT? & MILL Brussels, Ottari0 Solicitors for the executrix FOR SALE — • 1963 Chevy He Standard, 2-tone with 1971 licence plates. Phone SS7-9264 FOR SALE In Brussels, 7 room frame asphalt covered house equipped with 3 piece bath and cupboards. App:y Box ::,ft Brussels. FOR SALE — i, acre Erase ram on concea sino 7. Morris Township. Approx- imately la acres good bush. Drilled etil 523-4223. WHERE IS YOUR AVON REPRE- SENTATINE? Ma.ybe you don't have one. Maybe you should be the one in your neighbourhood to sell to all those customers. interested? Cali or write Mrs. M. ?jilt:son, 17 Hawkesbury • London 32 451-0541 REFRIGEKATICN SERVICE Gnarl stead service TO all types, Lestnelete Apliancee repairs at BleRisai.: ELECTRIC Wingliarn - 357-2450 Electrical Contractors, - Appilaneett Motor Rewind, 21 hour emergefr cy service. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE Ii. ("milieu ee. Son. at Pinkerton carry a good stock of No, 1 Oats, Barley, d mixed grain. Also Registeree and Certified Seed Grain..Graes Seeds - Home grown ekefetee, Red Clover. Birdsfoot Trefoil, ""ninotlee, Clipped Brome gran a. ehee all other grasses. Order Seed .2arly and take delivery when wan; it. We sell Stew- art's !nd Pride Seed Corn. Order eaten ler the variety you want and terentn for ue to do your Plant- leg. Seed inoculant in stock. Custom grain and Seed °canine. :ere day by appointment. Roy Cranim & Son. Pinkerton. l'hone. Cargill 36e-2394. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS CRUSHED GRAVEL Tenders will be received by the undersigned 'until 12 o'clock noon. April 5. 157i.. far supplying, ITUSilirlp- and hauling approxim- .. eteitee eubie yards of ;ravel to Morris Twp. roads. certified cheque for el ettifene must accompany each tender, contract to be completed not. later than July 1. 1971. Tender forms. must be ohtained from the landereigned. LoweSt or any tender net ttetea- sarily ateepted, MeArtefa Road Shpt., Morris Two., Brussels, R.R, 4. 9 DAYS FLORIDA $135.00 Write Box 700, Seafeete Phone 527-1222 For Brochure, .MELVILLE W. M • The March meeting of Melville \V M.S. Was held at the manse on Friday efernoou, March 12th, Mrs. Gerald Gibson. who was con- venor of the program. opened the meeting with prayer and hymn 39 was song, The Scripture lesson 1 Pezer 3-S-17 was read in unison and the meditation was given by Mrs. Bowman. Prayer followed by Mrs. Smith. rs. Spell. read a eketeh of the Beatrice Scott. a mission7 ery on the Bhil Field in India. Mrs. Gibson read a letter from Lillian Dickson. missionary on the island of Taiwan, Rene call was answered by a Bible verse _containing the. word 'Life" and the offering was receiv- ed cud dedicated by Mrs. Gibson., M'rs. McCarron gave a 'most interesting addrese on the Study — "INfissions in Oandad'' basing her thoughts on the main theme, which was to get the Gospel through to the 'varied nationalities among the people of Canada. Dr Nesbit was the first missionary to the West in 1867. The work among the Indians and Eskimos in early days required much cour- age and many hardships. Canad- ian missions gradually changed and now we stress mobile Gospel throuh the West, Bible Society circulating Bibles and Christian literature.. In the titles mission centres. Ike Tiede] House, Evangel Hall and Youth Group. Meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah Benediction, Mrs. flair and Mrs. YURI assisted. the ho.-test in serving lundh. SELECTING HYBRIDS FOR 1971 important points on the recom- mended selection of 1971 torn hybrids were recently given to delegates attending the 1971 Southwestern Ontario Farmer's Week at Ride7etown College of Agricultural TeeiremlogY. Mr. Arehie 3IcLaren. Farm Crops Division at the College, said the recommended hybrid list. for 1971 showed 131 hybrids in order of maturity. Twenty-six older hybrids were removed from the list. and 33 new hybrids added, Hybrids containing higher ant, relate of lyaine were tested at Ridgetown and. Harrow over tile past two years, and results indi- cated these hybrids had lower bushel weight, yielded 10 to 30% less, and had later maturity than their normal counterparts. These hybrids were considered ntisult- able for Ontario. During 1970 plants grown front seed using the Texas male. steril- ity factor were more susceptible to southern corn leaf blight than were plants from seed produced by normal hand detasseling. Mr. McLaren :explained that seed from hybrid corn is produced or: plants prevented from shedding pollen. Pollen shedding is halted by hand detasseling or by the the genetic teehnitnte known as Texas male . sterilitee in some fields the crop may he partly hand, detasseled and partly male sterile, The resulant seed is a blend of normal and Texas male-sterile eytoplasm. For 1971 planting all seed will be labeled to indicate the method used in its ,production. Growers concerned about southern eorn leaf blight should ask for seed with normal cytoplasm, A blend of -normal and Texas male-sterile eytoplasm offers a tolerance proportional to the amount of normal cyloplesM contained with- in it. Grain sorghum hybrids heVe, also been tested over the Past two years. Yields have been no higher than for corn grown under similar conditions, Planting was done after soil warmed in late 'lacy. at JO pounds per acre in 2S, row widths. Harvesting was done with a grain: head on a combine at. 1.^ moisture content, and had to he dried for storage. There are at present tin market- facilities for this crop so small farm acreages for feed par- poses are recommended, TRACTOR NOISE LEVELS CAN INJURE OPERATORS Resesrch int o noise pollution shows that It can injjure the farmer operating his engine- driven machinery. To avoid the problem, the farmer should con- sider noise levels . when he pur-. chases farm equipment. The pur- chase of a tractor cab to reduce noise may be one solution. Research leditates, however' that appreciably higher noise levels are recorded in tractor Cabe than on tractors without Cabs, says Professor Peter Sonthwell, School of Engineering, l.lniveraity of GUelph, Cab noise is produced by vibration instead of the ex- haust end, engine noise of an open tractor. 31r. South well says there are three solutions to the noise prob- lems. on tractors: 1. The reduction of engine speed and thus of noise. 2, Better , construction to pre- vent exceseive. vibration. 3. The wearing of total helmets by operators to protect them teem head injury, dust and nob; e. As a temporary measure, elr. SOuthwell suggests operatorS use sound proof ear muffs. Mr, So utb well says that the public equates noise with power and engine-driven %-ehieles, and stiggests a public education pro- gram to dispel this myth, Miss. M. Gordon, In care of The Huron ::County Board of Education, 97 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario Robert M. Elliott, D. J. Cochrane Chairman of the Board. Director of Education. DEAD' STOCK REMOVAL SERVICES WANTED DEAD AND DISABLEb _..— CATTLE and HORSES TOP PRICES PAID SMALL ANIMAL PICKUP 24 HR, FAST EFFICIENT SERVICES BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Lie: 2/3-c-70.8 FREE OF CHARGE — OVER iI50 LB. PHONE COLLECT 887-9334 BRUSSELS