HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-03-18, Page 6NOTICE Let us prepare your Income 'fox Papers, early this yeai• Farmers, Businessmen, Individuals We guarantee our work and our reasonable rates are annual, not 3 years in advance. Phone early for appointments and avoid the rush RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY INCOME TAX CONSULTANT Open Tuesdays and Fridays Phone 887-6663 Brussels, Ont. TIME FOR A CHANGE IF SO Contact MERLE FREEMAN TEXACO DISTRIBUTOR FOR • FARM GASOLINE OR DIESEL • FARM LUBRICANTS • HEATING OILS RELIABLE EFFICIENT SERVICE Phone — 887 - 6893 .1.10r4m rAin: ulate you on choosing a very fine Canadian girl for your bride. Truthfully Yours, T.K.P. WARN YOUR CHILDREN TO STAY OFF RIVER ICE Parents are reminded that, they .should warn their children to stay off the ice on the river, and other streams and. ponds, With the Wanner weather now here the ice is thinning and „already drownings of young child- ren have 'been reported. Be sure your yoong-SterS under- stand the danger of playing on. the ice these days. Rich people miss one of life's greatest pleasurers - paying the last installment. SAVE MONEY READ THE ADS. IN THE U SrSEL BRUSSELS POST BRUSSELS posT, 33RvssEa413, ON' AB40 a.4404.1. SQUIRT HOUSE LEAG.UE HOCKEY Bruins 7 Canucks 1 Scoring for Bruins: •Greg Cardiff (Bradley Knight, Doug Cousins 1; Doug Cousins : Ken Pennington I jim Clark, Brian Deitneri: Doug Cousins (Ilm Clark) ; Doug Cousins (Bra,dlev Knight): Doug; Cousins (Brad- I PY t. Tim i rtv'); TIM Prior -(Bradley Knight): 'Scoring for Canucks: .Keith cLean Ci3rian. .Arta- . strong, Standings (Squirt) PTS Brui us L E.!ags 11.8 lia n gel's 7 •Canneks 3 1.1. 6 TYKE HOUSE LEAGUE HOCKEY Blues 5 Kings 3 Scoring for Blues: Kenny Cousins; Kenny Cons. ins: Kenny Cousins: Kevin Her- gott (Kevin Pennington): Kenn)' Cousins (Kevin Hergott). Scoring for Kings: Terry McCutcheon (Terry Ken- nedy); Brian TenPas: Terry -Kennedy (Brian TenPas). Penguint 6 Seals 1 Scoring for Pengulins: MiChael Watson (Lyle Came- bell Paul Johnston): Michael Watson (Lyle Campbell); Terry 3anville (Michael Watson): Mich- ael Watson (Gary •McWhirter): Gary McWhit•ter; Gary 1\icWhirt- er (Michael 'Watson. L3-le Cam], Scoring for Seals: Gary MCCutcheon (Brian ington. Standings (Tyke) W L PTS Kings 12 1 24 Mines 7 Penguins 3 8 2 S Seals 2 10 1 5 BLYTH HOUSE LEAGUE TOURNAMENT Squirt Scaring for Btutteig! Brussel 19 Myth 1 Scott Wheeler (Tim Prier, Deng Cousins); Keith McLean (Brad- )ey Knight., Frian Scott); Steven Guest (Kevin Nichol); Steven Guest (Doug Cousins) John Itichrnond; Scott Wheeler (Doug POI101 46 ); Ro/Vrt Pell/P'ArY a (Scott Wheeler);"John Coitsins, Tim Prior); Scott Wheeler (Tim Prior, Doug Cons- ins); Bradley Knight (Keith Mc- Lean); Kevin Nichol (Steven Guest); Kevin Nichol f Steven Guest); Doug Cousins (Tim Prior, John Richmond); Keith Mc- Lean (.l3rian Scott]; Scott Whe- eler; Steven Guest (Scott Whe- eler); Deng Cousins (Nevin Niehel Steven thiest); Scott Wheeler Tim Prior. Doug Cous- ins): Doug Cousins (Robert Gem, aray). Gorrie 6 Brussels 1 Scoring for Brussels: Doug Cousins. PEE WEE Adastral Park 9 Brussels 1 Scoring for Brussels: Bred Clark tGreg Cardiff, Tom Bowes), Blyth 5 Brussels 0 GOLDEN WORDS DELINQUENT . We read in the papers, we hear on the, air or killing and stealing and crime everywhere, We sigh end we any, as we notice this trend. This young !'rnerationt 'Where will it all end?" But ran we he sure that its their fault One? maybe most of it isn't really i.heir own? Too much money to spend, toe mucit idle time, Too many movies of pasSiOn and Crime: Teo many books net fit to be reed 711 1 much evil in what they hear said; Too many children encouraged to roam 4y too many parents who won't stay at hoine, Kids don't, make the movies, they don't write the books That paint a piature Of gangsters and crooks. They don't make the' liquor. they don't: run the bars, They don't make the. IawF, and they don't make the Can:, They don't make the drugs that addle the brain, It's all drive by older folks gi,eody for gain. Thus in many cases it Must be confessed The label `!Deliti.OUent" fits older folks h.004 GENTLEMEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS wile4 I first heard our Primo. :11inister bad taken the fatal mar, riage yaws I said to myslf, you stupid ass, You are everything John Diefenbaker ever said about you, After 52 years of escaping the traps and pitfalls that WRY women set for you, you walked into it with your eyes wide open Fiddle Dee Dee. Thep I said, may be, I'm . too hasty, A. man must be smart to•get away without a ball and chain around his neck for that length of time. Fiddlo De. • Duni. Then the papers say you spent two full afternoons on the slopes of Whistler mountain. Well, I'll be darned. If it was ;rune with the slopes covered with green grass and wild flowers, I could understand but maybe the mos-: ouitoes and black flies would have eaten your hack off. I predict 1 short honeyinenm. Pierre. at his mature age, is not going to spend a long honeymoon going through, the foolishness volved. with so much to do at. Ottawa. Elis, troubles are just starting. Some nite when he has to get up and heat the baby's bottle and walk the floor, that's the start. unless he throws the bawling hrat in the garbage can and goes back to bed. He 'will worry of how his family will Ulm out, will they be hippies? Will they loin the F. L, Q.? Maybe one Of them will be a Jessie James. Or a John Dilli»ger, or Paul Rose, and worst of all, one might be a Tory, Mayhe you married for companion ship. Forget it. The Women's Institute. the Rehekahs, the Guild, the curlers, the dessert enehres. You would be a lot better to spend your time when alone, , and alone you will he, reading Eaton's catalogue and the Woman's Home Companion. If you married be- cause Yon like home cooking,, ga right now and get yourself a good can opener. The only pies or cakes you will ever see will be sneaked out to a. church supper some- whe.re. If you married for advice. well, you sure 'will get it and have hit the nail squarely on the hend,. You will be told, not advised, Where to go and when to go, You will learn to say "yes' instead of :illiddledy Dee, You will never make her believe a trip to Spain is a businss deal or a 'visit from a star is style:My a parliamentary procedure, In the gOod old days honey- Moons were quite different, You drove, or rather; someone drove you with a horse to the minister'r and you were married at high noon. You and your bride, if you were fairly :well to do, caught, the afternoon train to Toronto. Yon Spent the bite, .at they Prince George lied breakfast, and then caught the train hoine.. If yott Were not among the high society Ones 'yOit drove to Untie ,Toe"s and: aunt Maria Jane's after the wedding, as you wanted your bride to get acquainted with Mir favourite aunt and uncle. After breakfast the next morning you' droye her home and made her acquainted With six or eight bawling milk cows, and exercised her by having her turn the crank of a cream Sept ,orator for a half hour night and Morning, Wall, Piero you lttlQ rootioh anti She is Scotch and these two gener- ally get along real well. You can get along with an English man or woman if you do everything they want and agree with everything they say, You cannot get, along with the Irish. They have been: :fighting the Battle of the Boyne every 12th of July for almost 400 years. On the other hand, one of Canada's smartest criminal law- ers (and this is true) told me the OSt lenient man on the jury is .a :few or an Irishman. Tie challeng- ed every other one end who do-. you think he figured. the hardest hearted. I regret 'very much bizt he said a Scotsman. Well this is all for this .. Week,. and to yott Pierre, much as t don't, like you in many ways, I wish you U1001 happiness and congrat-