HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-03-18, Page 4'SUPPORT THE GIRL GUIDE AND •BROWNIE SKAT-A-TH,QN SUNDAY, MARCH 21st PROM 1 P.M. TO Anyone may enter in. the Skat-a-thon. Contestants will be. approaching you and any pledge,. however small,.., will be greatly appreciated. Trophies donated by the following are tope presented to various age groups in regard to length of time skated and total pledges: Ray and Betty Bronson Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Morn -in.g Star .Rebekah Lodge TOpeetCh Feeds Ltd. MoQutcheete.Motors Ltd., 41111111temeellaseeimmeemaillareteeeilles. RANBROOK GENERAL STORE FRESH FRUiT 'AND VtGEtABLE. SEWING N!EE,DS -Thread, Zippers, Seanr Bindings, :Etc WALL PAPER CIL PAINT MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS‘ WORK SHOES AND WORK CLOTHES Agent: Listowel Dry Cleaners CRANBROOK PHONE 'BRUSSELS 887.6593 BitvotiNiA Pa', BiTASICIA, ruygspAi, on WANTED — i r x 36 House Trailer. Phone 337-9141 FOR SALE ---- 1963 Chevy II. Standard, 2-tone with 1971 licence- plates. Phone 387-9264 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of JOHN ,L.,QGAN. stpCP0.0 ALL PERSONS having against the estate of :IGEN LOGAN, late of the Village or Brussels in the County of "Hume, retired miller, who •died on the 25t11 day„ • of. „Tannage-. 1971, are hereby notified, to file. particularS Of same -with the undersigned on or before the 9th day of April, 1.971, after which date the estate will he distributed having regard only to those' claims of ..which.the undersigned shall haVe had notice. DATED at Brussels this 13th day or Mardi, 1971. CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the executors CECIL CHARLES ECKMIER In the estate of ' CEO !LC HA RL ESECKMIlER, deceased ' ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of, CECIL CHARLES ECKMIER, late of the Township of Grey in the County of 'Huron, retired farmer. who died: on the 8111 day of Jemmy, 1971, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the undersieted on or before the 9th day of April, 1971, after which date the asserts of the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the tinder- signed shall then have notice, DATED at Brussels this 13th day of March. 1971.. CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the eXecuteit NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of GEORGE ANDREW BAEKER, dedeased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of -CIEORGE ANDREW BAEKER, late of the Village of "Brussels in the County of Huron. retired butcher, who died on the 28th clay of frebruary. 1071. are hereby notified to file particulsrs of same with the undersigned on or before the 9th of April. 1 D71. after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to those claims of which the undersigned shall have received notice. DATED at Peussels this 13th day of 'elarch, 1971. CRAWFORD & MILL Bruseele; Ontario $olleitere for the executrix MAJESTIC W. I. :HOLD DESSERT 'EUCHRE 1. pleasz,nt time :1%1:- enjoyed on ,Monday, March 1.5th, when 11 tables were in ploy at the Dessert ruchre. Held in the•Bressele libr- ary, the affair was sponsored by the Majestic W. I. Prizes Were won ais followe: High: Mrs, Elste Evans and Mrs. Mancii Tennant; Most loan hands: Mega. Elsie Evens; Lucky eup: Mrs. Joee Coopere , • FOUND Car key, apply at Brussels Post; FOR SALE In Brussels, 7 room fratne. asphalt Covered hoase, equipped with 3 piece bath and cupboard?:. Apply Box 50. Dress*, .WHERE l i 1:01'R AVON REPRE- SENTATIVE? Maybe you don't have one. Maybe you should he the one in your neighboarhood to sell to all those customers. Interested? Call or write Mrs, M. Mills* 17 Hawkesbury Atte e London :32 451-0541 REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types,' Complete Apliance repairs at BURKE ELECTRIC Wiagham - 257-2150 Electrical Coatracters- Appliancee Motor Rewind, 21 hour emergen- cy service. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE R. Creme' & Son. at 'Pinkerton Carry a gooli etock.bf No. 1 Oats, Barley, and mixed grain,- Also Registered and Certified. Seed Grain. Grass Seeds - Moine grown Alfalfa, Red Clover, DirdStoot Trefoil, Timothy, Clipped Bi'01)10.- grass, s. . all other grasses, Order Seed and take delivery when you 1,vunt it. 'We sell Steyr- ert's and Pride Seed Corn. Ordeit early for the variety you, want and arrange for us to do your Plant. jag, Seed itiecolant in stock..„ Custom grain and Seed Cleaning (tory day by appointmeet, Roy crarom & Son, Piiikerton, Phone Cargill 366-2394.. TOWNSHIP or MORRIS CRUSHED GRAVEL Tenders Will be received by the undersigned until 12 ()Heck noon, April 5, 1e71, for supplying, crushing and hautiug, apProxim-, ally 20.000 cubic yards or gravel to 'Morris Tete. roads. A certified ebeene for $1,000.00 must accompany each tender. Contract to he completed not later than July 1. !9711. Tender forms must he out 3 ined from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not neees- earuy ac.coted. 'Wm. McArter, Bond SUpt., Morris Twp., ,Iir98$016, R4t. 40%. .•111•••••{,111 GREY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MEETING Grey Township. Council meet- ing was held on Meech 1st. Resolutions passed as followsi That the minutes of the last regular meeting, and special meet- ings of February. Sth and Febr- uary 15th be 'adopted es read, That the tender pf. R. Parrish Construction Ltd. of '1,:istowel, Ontario for crushing and hauling Approximately 20,000 Cubic yards of %” gravel, at .02c' Per cubic yard be accepted and By-Law No. 70 of 1971. he passed e as read a first second and third times. path:- jeer to the approvel ot: the Deport- ment of Eighways. ']'hat the tender di "Ralph Eels, RR 2. DisteweleOntario, for spray- ing cattle. for • warble •fly ,at ell2c per heed, per epray. accepted, The operator to supply the. powder. That th.6 clerk be instructed to advertise for applications,4or the position of Warble Ply inspector ror the Township,.„0..GreY. cations to be in by 12 o'clock :\1•Irele 15th, 1971.- That Seaforth Community Ho fe pital he given "a; grant '.. Of $60:00' fee capital cossts, That Brussels.."Morris' and Grey. Recreational Committee be given e gaunt of $250.00. for 19.71. !'hit aall approved: „accounts. he paid. • . . . That we ao .'nete edjourn'to meet again on April •5th Or' at the . call. or the Reeve.- • 7 . • At-wells paid.. •• • General . .$2,451.3Fi 3: ••e(le Beidgee 5.81 R.07 39.209.16 Charles Thomas --•• Reeve Edythe M. Cardiff ." Clerk Blyth Betters Brussels But .-,-,- :Beware! The - second frame saw the - weeks. coaches get their skating lege•Andi as total'or• nine goals were•:scored Ethel W.' t. Meeting Blyth scored 'fiv'e :-goals • in-this . The March Meeting of the period -With Doug .:McDougall scar- Ethel W. I. was held at the home ing 'his, second. and, third goal of. . of Mrs. W. Hewitt, Roll Call was :the game and, going.to oeswered by "An improyemeht' I Scrimeour, 'R.... Laurie.. and Stew. would like to see in our commute art, Brussels came hack withegoals Mrs. A. Jacklin.and "Mrs. Ed from MeArter. Stream', Peters Gill had "Front Page Challenge" and Prior but, trailed bye 9-5 score which was enjoyed. "The business when the period' ended: ' - - was conducted with a nominating Bruselk goal -tender, Wayne committee put in to bring in the Lowe,' came close to_ Irdenini his ne,tv slate of -Officers for April dr ess qrooni g that 'We aCeepted tin invitation to final , — --1 7`altori on March 24th, also voted would. play shutout hockey WV - to cater to an anniversary On There .wLi.s,,ohlye,three,peneltiee, 3rd. 1-Ff leaders are Mrs.E. in the. entere.pme. with _111-,0„ Krantet, Mrs. Don Fischer, Miss Arter .getting. tripping., peOaltY .Jane :Kreuter. Thet3,-r'itee waS whet, „he accidenally„pet his :stittle sling and lettch was served by it freintect,one ,o.f.the Myth Max: Mrs. Bill Dobson and the hostess: ers. Blyth •'Itti.e so hard pressed in the final part the game, that one of their: penalties ea trt ee fer deja y• I n g the while Young cmight ,his breath. and McDoi4F1'1.- grabbed thp puekeend was sent to the sin bine,' 'Referee Don Cpurtney,, fi.orn ('l' X. handled the game in fine Style and even made the players a little frustrated teheh he intro- duced: O. sponge-rubbeeepeckepayt tray throughethe fireteperiedoeThe Brussels goalie became so fru- strated with the crazy bounces of the puck that when it came with- in easy reaeb he grabbed it and Wend U into the Qtaads, Doe CRANBROOK flew, Chambers, Stratford,. oc- cupied the pulpit in Klee( Church on Sueday, ewel Elospitel. Mr. end "Mrs. 311an "Dunn, Ricky ••• and. Bloomingdale. ed with Mr, and 'Mrs. Earl Duen•• on Sunday. • . . Weekend• visitors with Mr. and, AlreeM, Becker were Doug. Becker and Son "Kerry, Kntehener, Jane. ".• and Christine. Roseville, Steve Eryine, G-rand Valley. and Mr, end, :•• Mrs, Don Path, Kitehener. Mrs. 'Fred Smith is at patient in festowel Hospital. Mr. and MN. M. Beoker have a: uew grandson,•Brian Richard, horn in Ajax Hospital, to Mr. and airs. Richard Poth.. . Congratulations to gr. and Mrs. Charles Bray oil the birth of .a &nigh ter in Listowel Hospital. Sympathy is extended to Airs • Clem Steffler in the loss or her brother recently. HABKIRK TRANSIT TOURS 3 DAYS NASHVILLLE $69.00 Two to a Room EASTER WEEK-END LEAVE APRIL 8 RETURN APRIL,,e11 9 DAYS NEW ORLEANS Easter School Break $149.00 Includes GRAND OLE OPREY NASHVILLE • • cJ DAYS FLORIDA „ $135.00 r'W rite' 'Box 7001 -kSkeforth Phone 527-1222 `For Brochure otroa4samppiropeiarAvirmau,valpirormailivaaa***-Dpukows ENTERTAINMENT' AT SMILEY'S HAVEN. QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS MIKE HODGERT and: the TR1.TONES of Exeter FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT Menu Barbecued Ribs and Kraut, Southern Fried Chicken and Chips. • WIEIele.teeet•V'?',t:et:eteee.!Zte.'e.:eVez-eee:eeeaeueeeeeeteeeeeee'•tee-e.eeea-c-eeee..ee•e.eeetetieel Courtney has agreed to referee the rei urn match to be played in the Brussels arena on Sunday, March 28 at 8:00 p.m. For lots of, fun and entertainment be sure to attend this game and see how 'ATUyt)e Lows can jump around in the goal and still • suffer from "bad case of diarreha, He did it in Illeth And he almost did it succes• sfully, E THEL Mr. John Vine visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bremner over the weekend. Mrs. John Vine re- turned home, with him after visit- ing for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Carl McDonald 'visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John Conley and Doug of .Cranbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Chester : Earl. Tbe 131yth ' Minor ' -Hockey. Ricky and Judy spent Sunday in coaches managed to secure a. 10.7 Winghent with Mr, and Mrs. Gary victory over the. local boys after Ear]. a herd fought, .game. Over two Mr. Norman Beirnes "visited hundred spectators watched as with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gowing of Myth joelf a -4 72 first ,petjod_lead Atwood on Sunday, oe goals by Rewarte ...Button. :yrs. 'Mr. and MrS, van 'Ness" are holt- Dougall„ and Laurie. (laying in 'Holland for a few Clifford i'tray .is home from List.. er1111110.0.1,11.INIEri err imp