HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-03-18, Page 3satissiois BR118811A43, okrAsito come sprin come sawn The more you buy, the more you save, °nal se. Take advantage of our special Spring Farm Lubricant discounts. Call us today, and compare before you order your Spring lubricants. R . Farm Lubricants MARC11 1.80., 1971 MERLE FREEMAN. BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE: 887-6893 NOW OPERATING MON., TUES. and THURS. WM. ADAMSON LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT 2 Miles East Of Brussels Stockyards Limited (Sales Barn 9th Concession Grey Township PHONE. 887-6357 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION NOTICE HOG ASSEMBLY YARD •Hir./3..ITImmitey OILO NyINGHAM BARRISTER HEADS HOSPITAL BOARD 7'T. Goodell, a Winginun barrister, was elected cimirman of the board of directors of the 'Wingham and District Hospital at, its recent inaugural meeting. Robert Ritter, vice-principal at P. E. Madill Secondary school, Nineteen was elected vice-chair- men. Mr. Ritter defeated the vet- eren board member J. V. Fischer, of Bluevale. for the post. Past chairman, Barry Wenger, of Wingham, remains on the, board. Comm ittee cm:urn-Lan were leamed as follows': E. E. Walker, RR 3, Winghem, (managemeet)t 11, B. lousins, of Brussels, (fiettnce); Dewitt Miller, of Wingharn, (pnblitc, relations); J. le Goodall, (joint conference) and executive, donemittees. Mrs. I: E. Morrey is.hospital administra- tor. - New faces on the ],S-member board inoitide Dr. f, C. McKim, of Leeltnow, Dr. McGregor of Wingharn, Mrs. 'K. M. MecLennan of 'Wingbarie- and Melvie Craig, of Bluevale. HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Clinton Dud to the decrease in meat prices we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer efficient, courtesy, same day. service 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Phone Collect 482-9811 License No. 237-C-70 A TRIBUTE TO RED CROSS, THOUSANDS OF VOLUNTEERS There are many charitable or- ganizations these days, with their own symbol and their own special fields. We have health agencies concerned With helping those with particular disabilities or dis- eases and there are welfare agenc- ies which sec to it that the mater- ial necessities are available . for persons in need. And then there is the Canadian Red Cross Society, a volunteer agency with its own symbol and many special services. March is Red Cross month and time to pay tribute to the Red Cross Society's, services and its thousands of volunteee 'workers. Over 90 per cent of Ited Cross work is done by these volunteers who come from all walks of life, are all ages, races and creeds, Volunteers help , with the recruit- leg of volunteer blood donors and the organization and operetion of feed Cross blood donerelinicie Specially trained Red Cross volunteers teach ,children and adults water safety ,practices se that they may enjoy the water activities in safety. They also op- erate many special water safety programs for the physically handi- capped, the mentally retarded, the deaf, and the blind. Many vol- unteer hours are dedicated to helping the sick, the lonely and the elderly — visiting veterans iii hospitals, caring for families when the mother is ill, offering friendship and help to shut-ins and meeting the needs of senior citi- zens by providing "meals on wheels", organizing fitness and recreation programs and Making them feel part of the community. i"or many elderly people who Would net, otherwise venture out- doors, the Red Cross has supplied wheelchair service and teazle- pertatioe to hospital clinics for treatment., or to pftltih. garden: art showings, theatres nr zees for recreation. Many women vol tin teers us e their talents to make layettes, bedding and articles of clothing for the victims of disasters at home and. abroad. They also pre, pare millions of cotton, swabs fur use at blood donor ctltnics, it is by the fiaanclai.-spppert of the Canadian public that the articles used for operetingethese services. are purchased and .main- tained --- sewing machines, the Wheel chairs, the instructional aids for the teaching care in. the home and water safety, the itenia loaned to the public from. the Red Cross sick-room equipment loan , cupboards and the special -ap- paratus necessary for the teach- • lug of the handicapped. FEED ADVISORY PlitOGRAM ASSESSES FEED QUALITY Modern animal husbandry re- quires modern feeding pracices. The Department of Animal Science, University of Guelph, in cooperation with the Ontario be- pertinent, of Agriculture and Food. provides a Feed Advisory Pro- gram to analyze feed and provide the farmer with a recommend ation for his livestock operation, The Feed Advisory Program has been in operation for three years. During that period. the Animal Science Deparment has -analyzed 1,963 feed samples. For 1.971, the the Department has budgeted for 2,500 samples to match the in- creased demand for the service. Mr. Harold Clapp, Livestock Specialist with the Department, said the program was initiated to assist livestock producers to de- velop feeding programs which suits their cropping program. The service, said Mr. Clapp, is based on a fundamental know- ledge 'of nutrition and the daily nutrient requirements of various- livestock species. The program considers maintenance of the. an- imal. and the requirments for growth, as well as production-and reproduction. To assess the 'metal]; crops in a feeding program, it is necessary to know both the amount eaten and the feed quality. There is a tendency to overestimate both factors. to approximately 23% in samples with the moisture removed. Sneh a range accounts for the fact that a farmer may overestimate the value of the feed. A chemical test gives him -an accurate idea of the nutriant value; as well... as the re- commendations necessary to boost the nutrient intake if tests indi- cate it is necessary, Further information on the pro- gram may be obtained from county agricultural representa- tives. GET YOUR OFFICIAL ROAD MAP FREE The Department of Highways official road map for 1971 slimes an area of the ,Province's north- land extending 210 miles farther north than any previous map is- sued by the department. Included within this area is the Polar Bear Provincial Park - - Ontario's larg- est Provincial Park • covering 9,300 square miles, located on the west shore of James Bay and Hudson Bay, on the Southern Ontario side the Regional Municipality of York and the new District of Muskoka are outlined, One of the panel maps shows Burlington, Oakville and Mississauga, the last ,named for the first time: On the North American key Map thee' zone clocks have inserted and the Trans-Canada Highway route is shown, Copies may be obtained, free of charge, from the Ontarialovern- merit Bookstore, 880 Bay Street, Toronto; the Map Office, Doeu- meats Section, Department of 'Highways, Downsview; all De- partments of Highways offices throughout the province; the partment of Tourism and Infor- mation, 185 Bloor Street East, Toronto 5, Ontario; Oetario Tour- ist Reception Centres at border' crossing points, and Service Centres on Highways 400 and 401 (the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway). Our lives -begin with a cell - - the rest of our lives ore spent trying to stay out of one, BERG wales Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cle.aners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling DONALD G. IVES R. R. 2, Blyth Phone Brussels 887-9024 1111b — erelliftemaillieemeeemeseeeemeeeememee,...411111beeeillIllemeem.111ereeeeleglairee been .4 4. • •11110"ftliPONINIP.M.4 ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW AMERICAN. HOTEI BRUSSELS, ONT. DOUG W'AR'D and TAVERN TRIO FRIDAY and SATURDAY IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: Turkey, Spire RINI and Sauer Kraut, Fish and CAlps Once the fanner has an a.ccur ate idea of the teed intake of particular Or species, he should determine the quality of. the feed. A rough method is visual inspection, The more accurate method is cheinical analysis to determitie' protein content and the ratio of protein to the amount. consumed. The testing orogTain at the University includes samples rang- ing from hay to brewers grains. One of the more important. re- sults of the testing program is the wide range in protein content of the various feat,. In hay, this ranged gEoul eljelereeT4enately fiTe DEAD STOCK REMOVAL SERVICES WANTED — DEAD. AND DISABLEfe — CATTLE and HORSES TOP PRICES PAID SMALL ANIMAL PICKUP 1 24 HR. FAST EFFICIENT SERVICES BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Lie: 2/3-c-70-8 FREE OF CHARGE OVER 150 LB. PHONE COLLECT 887„9334 BRUSSELS