HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-03-18, Page 2NOUIPiff. AT -4 '4 ? a dozen or more young per litter, The common rat reaches sexual maturity in three to four months and has a geStatiOil 1)erlOd of 22 to 24 daYe, Miner favourable inniditionS. a. pair of Pats conic'" produce 350;000,000 ottsfirio thre8 ,y640: Nline re ki eh sekuai hiaturitY„ at . six, weeks, of age, have a gestation period of 16 to. 18 days and bear bear ,five ,to eight young per litter. Although rodents are night lovers; it's not too hard to detect their presence. They can usually be heard Squeaking, gnawing: or scampering about. They leave tracks on chitty etirfaces or in the snow. They also leave dreppings and a Olen of urine, and they leave greasy rub marks along walls and pipes, There may be evidence of burrowe Or holes. Hoinea add hulidingg Pall fie blade rodent-pi:oaf through flit: use of concrete flotirs atiid toatitigh tigeit:fitting doOH. and "Wire ecreeiiiiiik nier: Meat icitidons and venth: Detailed trol of rats, and mice arg gtven in the Canada .Denartnient Agriculture Publication '1370, "Control of Rats and Mice." rt Is free of charge from the the .Infor- mation Division, Canada. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa 3. At the North Pole they say "mush" to their dog teams, At the South. Pole they say "grits". KING VIII IsleCISSitiA 110i ARuktila" OMAN° THURSDAY, M.A,ACTI 18th 1971 RATS A.NO. MICE BUILUPPLIES. DEsTRucTivE pEsTs. DING. S There's absolutely no doubt GORRIE UMW SALE SAVE SALE 1970 FAIRLANE 500 4 ni!,. SEDAN V8, Auto. Trans., PS, PB, and Radio 1969 MERCURY MARQUIE 2 DR. HT. 429 Engine, Auto. Trans., PS, PB, and Radio 1969. BUICK 2 DR. HT. 350 Engine, Auto. PS, 134, and Radio HT. VA, Engine, Auto. 1969 FORD LTD 2 DR. ti-ans., PS, PB, and Radio 1969 FORD GALAXIE tii.10 2 DR. HT. VS Engine, Auto. Trans., PS, PB, and Radio 1969 CHEV. CAPRICE 4 DR. HT. 396 Engine, Auto. Trans., PS, PB, and Ratlio OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSI Pref.* USED TRUCKS. 1967 CHEV. PICKUP 6 Cyi., Lb-fig Wide Box 1968 CHE.V. PICKUP 8 Long Wide Box 1966 DODGE TANK TRUCK • BRIDGP: MOTORS YOUR MUSTANG PINTO, TORINO, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER INCOME TAX TIPS Q. We had our first child last month. How do I go about having my lax deductions changed, or do need to do anything? A, A child will affect your ex emption status and if you would like this reflected in the amount of tax dedueted from each pay- ebecfne, you should notify your personnel office and they will have you fill out a new TD1. form, Or, if you prefer, you can Continue with ,your deductions as they are and enjoy the benefits of additional exemption when you file your income tax return :rot the year. Q. I have an adopted son, aged three. Can T claim him as a depen. GOOci c.c.iste needn't be meiirisfewOiiW becnAlful BO -tq'iIne lrelitne.n.. nee proves this with Oki PiOst exquisite papers. onus workmonshin yoe could wish for! P 'iii: rrIO -E.noroving—ricit raised letteu-ing--etegani ',nes! r:rofts.reeirtsb!le) yair owiting so Colas 6.") VrrilegicP 4161,51}Y*1 P 11 alma it! Rat* and Wipe are the most widespread and destructive pests in the world: Thes', '!c-tilittlininate vast qr!it!tWilas of food and other mat- 'erials, destroy builudings and property and spread numerous diseases They are useless wasteful and filthy animals and should be destroyed at every opportunity. You can learn more about them and their destrtictiVe..l,30,h10. in a new (Ia1ia.riiai3 il teparini,ent of AgnitruliitAWitblibaila which Vakiiis. with the control • Of rodents. It is available without charge from the Department's Information Division. The booklet„ says rats and mice occur just about everywhere, with only one exception mention- ed. There are no rats in the pro- vince of Alberta. It is the only province ,or state in North America f ree of rate. Provincial authorities Wage a relentless War on the rodents, 8.aving re.sidetits ah estintated. $25,000,000 annually. , In a sense roden'tS 61,n be "compared \Vit/ii iCeberis, You. see bitiY a S'thall Part of an Iceberg beCanee its bulk is well hidden beneatht the sea, Rats and mice are the same, If you see one about the house or barn, you can assume scores of rodents ate scuttling about, They' often live undetected in burrows under the floors and in the walls of buildings, coming out only to forage, usually at dusk. They will eat practically any food and will gnaw at alm.ont everything including the insul- ation of some types of electrical wiring, They will raid granaries and feed bins, undermine stables and sheds, kill poultry, eat. eggs and, damage or destroy fruits and 'vegetables. A single rat will eat, spoil or damage about $20 to $.25 worth of goods per year, In Canada, they destroy thousands of tons of grain. feed and supplies worth several million of dollars annually. Rats and mice like garbage dumps manure piles, sewers, pig- pens and other unsanitary places. And then they move on to homes, restaurants, bakeries, marketing places and warehouses, contam- inating everything they touch. Their feet, tar and tail carry millions of disease-producing germs and what they don't eat they pollute with their droppings and urine. They are responsible for the spread of many diseases. 'Bubonic plague, typhus, dysentry, tulare- mia, ratbite fever, leptospirosis. rabies, trichinosis and salmotten losie are a. few. And the often carry such parasites as fleas; lice, mites. and ticks, They have been known to bite sleeping babies and Invalids and to feed on dead animals. And if they are really hungry the will fight and kill each Other and eat their own young. Rodents reproduce at a surpris, frig rate. Rats have as many as 114 if ii6irt3illittAiii ll 5vmp, With IZUSSELS WINGHAral isi•womemb PHONE 887.6249 PHONE 357-3460 dent for ineolne ,tak A; Yes. aerierahY 'Sneaking, you may elalse it"ifY child under the age of .1 'years as a dependent provid- a that he is dependent on you for support, you actually support him, no one else claims him as a de- pendant and lie does not have an income over $950. A child over 21 may also be claimed as a depend, ant if the same conditions exist and he is attending school or uni- versity, or he is physically or mentally handicapped. Aiy ole friend Bob doesn't seem to learn very fast. He was 17 be- fore he found out a :ground bog wasn't a sausage. The Bouquet Invitation Line PHONE 335-3533 SPECIAL 4 x 8 x 1/4 ” STD. MASONITE UNDERLAY ONLY $3.19 PER SHEET BUILDING MAITFOALS 4, tA DELIVERY 335.3533 'Highway 87 at Gorrie Now New Ownership — Formely Gowdy's loomoomammowisommilliesmillmmism A brilliant drama series chronicling the h'istorical saga of Henry VIII of England and his six wives will be presented on CBC- TV In six 90-minute episodes, for telecast Sundays at 9 p.m. On color), starting March 21, The Six Wives of Henry VIII stare Keith Michell as the Tudor Kirsh wi,e, IP the TV ottrieo from $110 ttnitylffitMlqi, civs