HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-03-18, Page 1Ave A T"".41AAVWKOW•P4§66*a,fqMW4•aiP'tFPF.W." 4,iiia'"" 44/0 to i4:fititt fittgOn tiolfY vavosEres Fora. VIDitgi;k7., 'XIPAII,Gfi 1804 197:1 PtIST PUBLISHING novow last Wedeesday trent %Wen Ma edit' W. I. March Meeting' ' Mk • O.* !Hit • • ,• , • ,.,rut ti , tiyed out mends iu the 'Brussels- Pultileritiin:, treeswater, , . • - • 41 • r caps and saucers lace . Dawsen iireo4bern or AlatellSe '"""‘ • ' Free eesott• tterteftted the . j..ondoe was,sa guest with., table cloth and eleetrie frYean••ropy td Hod No ikh r . W. T r 1,0.14;4 4;4.; illeagaut &Mill§ el,ute. .410Y1 last: ireek-W pl. Mr. 'and Mrs. enjoyed dict -VellreeHertlein Ited-new baby son aerVed. - in London, ..;113ray,„ iyen..the g. .411...M.. draw 4.141' 4.11•••••,........oporm•••• oug tai's. success. WiLL-ftfiESEN7r ..‘,. •.'"441freindilVIrsi Jerry Achilles and %:,,Delihic,:ut,- Fergus,. ,and. mr,. and MM. .1:01.110. were- eater- dav evening supper guests of Mr null Mrs, .Don Achilles and. familY. the•etettelett of- Datiny's Oth OAK' • • ... Mitte.,deetki§ete •Ituetet ,17 sears iii Canada. .'"?0.fiefl Aiiattdit : rio.'41Eeti,:gf • on spat., tire'' weekend with Rev. 'and Docken. Mr: end Mrs. Gerald Ryan and Mr. 'and" Vest- MiirreY Dennis have hee,n holidaying in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavie arrived home, on Saturday after /Vending several weeks in Are „elititi;AliclY abet eisited With Dr. • und., Mitt: gtewati. Mr. and Airs, Dave Voir, Sea- ,•forth'• and Mr. and Mrs. Allot Searle* lave- -returned • from - -••••30-+r in Florida. 41.. • , far isrewiytioie,ds. • ami4 attiadid the re• e,_pmon in the Walton Community Halt on• Friday_ evening. for Mr, 111:,.. 100, .Latry 13olger,.., recent it WM0; rtiehlit y it.,Atusit .tor dancing was sap. led IA-, Talk Williee and orchestra for .1q. .the happy couple ;,ere _Celled to the . platform when. n Juldrept . Was read by ejorald and graente Craig . pre; with it Purge- of money., 4it behalf of their. kiF14410 and iieighiCours, of the community. .•'..4rs,. -vati..Vliet • . P Neil ,meGn.yln win convene, the March -Meet* of the. W.,' I, ,,on ',Wednesday evening. March 24th w guest will be present from h t• 4uron branehee.*There *pi be. deitiolititration 1.19, Mrs. t• auentee .Dennis of Monerigff. gveryobe Welcotild, Lalety • Service Held A. special taiety Service was held at Duff's 'United Church with the minister, Rev. Docket) in charge of . the Old fashioned ser- vice. 'rho men's choir rendered two.atthems. Lunch Was served it *the haisemment fallowing the .Morning service. with the Walton flit; Berving and the 8th end ldth tifirng )Ht PPM!: Tilneadel evening...after attendink .ine, egares High prize, for ladiesthe,, • , 30 ,4 • A v thlel -• i t. eliffisW"titift° attifaiii lit the' Blylly° *ii.-'• ."." ''se;"' .4 w"3. m '" ' ' " ' us won y firs. _antes . oaes . Pubile $01i001, 2ild Nora Stephenson, Leona ., .._.,, • ,, add - the lout lady was ASism IVfae im ..,.. ;,- .,, I I 1 %Vint a Rath .' 1'0'4' B Item ItitVitie eeent fee ' lilt - ' •- A1 ex , 1 vir 0 , ran ••••*••mteci......• Mww rt,t,"..-- 4,4#74;• • WO a..; '3•tr.c1 • - . -WALTON - couPE OR • k 7 6ifil al %tit tanie ot tit% 044 1"4.' '4 •54 . - ion, ou . nsse Mrs, JIM Shoxtreed, tray, Obilift ea. 6E404 hil hadiesf- Mr. and Mrs, RAY linether,' The evening i.ita spent in play- riirk froin Teeswater. c;111Inieee Air Pert ter VanConver Where Mr, lind•Mrs. Archie Moses Wen- LB° ,Trop hint 11410liter and geteetwitee ma. wedding anniversary at a PairtY ,Yiee••• X0V-OeXit Uheti"Viti A141-4 they will seene f 9w weeki gueSts of- honor A on their 2etl, • ,; • -••• • Airs, fria0 stid. NAO. given their 'neighbours, i'Orconted rinks front Listowel,... stuck" ire. Joyce Ireland. Betn'hend ' ',with .five. men. .. . . Valiance, Henri,' 81teittijski, Bruee.,.. be on. Sattirdey.- March 20 troth Tfien• it was decided to 'hathv'ee enaaexlit member bring afriendto Jercnyn and Murray Cargill. .?kt, 9 4,6 1/2. -• Adte•nei?..-001cetA . :0 - 0 .him Moore of CSKIsIX was . quiz; .0:00•Tit}w; 'tiii64- ere ilOW''On sale. May meeing hoping they will be- maaterr. It was a dose figit iviih' The'etii:evitifill be at The Brussels aconsiveritnengtasi?mer:. ilinyrisrherotswretolfeehatioidas slim niargin. Brussels coming out- on top bY a SellbOl. 's tion" !Mtge it. • • '' "It'.1fIti-•:decided to feStrict the Raeoos.e ISIthhoelevl,eic.,ommittee to be Mrs. 143 film -created lay` ,Gr 6. ..,k: 80•Iiintittfie:'Ati Clirietmas time the The Misses Wheeler and Cardiff bane - discussion.: of 'eduoitflonal • B.Y.C.Y • yfresented a special seer: danced a Scotch dance. Mrs. N. thanked agnikfted. Athire. A. sniagnhdt P. Ap(reelseaftr feYed topics fOlfovied. Panelists *lard' '.stide:'!iliti:*NS 'enjoyed and a Mr. Donald litcllieffatri,. .Mrs. *tea 01'01e:tad -.3',V those who saw it. read the 'Dews Letter. Mrs Win. Miller vas - • a • ' s called forward and 40h.leit: Valiance, • gra. - VArlerte liolier• ',i4oVe. the'BIL.0.- are presenting a ton. .Mr., Neil Hentingway,- aerfr, -ttiecial 'flood' Friday service. The hIrs.lelritei.in.seit,iuodriainooefra en. (I:renal:al:1ft rot,: the.e. 1 Doreen Raymond. - Mr. Jelin^ -niukt -- *.-eneeting on . ,Wedndgthry. itillepnt • Hanna, Mr. Bruce McCall. and March 17th at, 7:20.- at , the:ATnited - dent. N. Gray of ktwo d' it Airs. Emily Cousins es Moderlifer. Chuteh fAwill be •to plaii"this Set- Lunch was served by the staff lie' vicea•Coirie and give us your ideas. introduced by Mrs. euditinore vas did a dentonstratioa of feather vieitors saw our OUdie•Visual alai l' flowing the Imettiese a. strait- tyme. flowers. Mrs. George 'Wheeler ‘I'X, altoe 1-1 * Meeting - tieing deed, -litre' ;ending front Psalms thanked Mrs. Gray and presented meeting in the hasem toe of pit 's ' . '''-`read'''thil wii.0' folloW0d" hy Rule The Naltott That 'held ;Weir • Sports. her with a gift, Mrs. C. Tieming., nited Chtirett en " 'efeedneaday .• . - - - , • •.- Brussels sent 0E9 teams over . to titailifti.in ifitidU the members of NN‘V.ah.s.usiAtei tkiie. ;it), litti.ltebbeeir ‘avirnmaecell:11: evened Mitreh . 10, Withr49 4rietnIr- GOderielt lot pig annual voiteY.' tee eciiiie ,tinted' :- but different • * the bteettrig. Brio *:(1' M64011101% tAna, -,A1 bit i061i1i ifi. jrittififitkip '11PIP Meg ' •1:1, Ilciflitff41, Mil. % A delicious tulitt sislail pwiniti b's$ .gfIlift 'Oh .1;0 lit utillitiii.,t0fidt •.. ,toctiuti tittiirtgiitittiltir itNIVII§t -11010/1 Os IVit Il by its; vii rgo.. wi t,, -110tit .•A'v :oe mut •• . likl . ,,, „i, I ... • 1. . i • ii I ,. .i ...,... .. • . , , . tt„ s, , . r .. ‘,.. , N4t1iiii0ii cm ollt .1164 , itoWlet.- . - • , .. hits aitiiiiit iii ilia iipit titialifig, '„iiille )triA Atiiitirii, , jai iia Chtiligi. tinl OaltrOMPTIfil fidli)?1,11)inn Wee elltig. With It./4114 , •ffiltiti144 iA•• Mr, and Mrs. Narl Wntion lett 25th ANNIVERSARY tep, ergaott "IleigraVe. .Seafortit, CV, ;aped rfli0 i* • r'etiflPilif4 'Ilv°1 At il d 13• I e iff 1 eti 8:. • Ojai i fittiiiit Alla low MO kettridth e oh; highwas ex • • • „ areiriner, xfi points, it'd lingo 'Bates anti rink of ite0Siiiiet(ir;• uointAe ',i-•414*. Rola *lobo aeantinic, bisi.401,:„## Vella§ Donelde. PeNfAik....itestit • Mc= Donald, Jackie 'Pettei)1144,..,.oti E. ELLIOTT RE-ELECTED 014 COMMANDER r. 34. points. . :pi, (Tem Elliott of Brussels was •e'421,nd '11-11-a and 'ink Sea- on April 8* at the St. Johtee re-eiecten zone connutoner the. Forth Si Peints.. - Flower sOeirooroirittOW Anglican Church at 12:311 o'elocle gelfeAtuity,, held suudey in the 2rd jean hicDottalel and• rink, where a dinner will be served fol. Bfila§dik Legion tall tritn l'e68‘vat(Wr:P9i-IIOhntRi At Horticultural Meeting Towed by the meeting. Reports of fate secretary treasurer and eop- atiOfitiOcii . • • 4tft if iltigrt Sponge... and rink, oiin an er. pre e Brussels Horticultural Society The March meeting of flu' 6 • .flittot941, . 214. . btiter:olipirg efecte'll inetafied • • 141-6.0 PAV'sf %Mittel' 81.11 $ held Monday the 16th in the by• Al • Nichoisan .:5$9,4kiiji §eaf9ttfi, •Marg anal- Rollie Russel ,0,13,C,I dalt„ .;!.t61(4t# *Itittteld• ce was in chair and opened meeting with were: .D.Z.C. Harold Chambers, •• 1.31P4 Callada. There were 24 h mem - of Goderieh. eamplietents of Oldfielcl Hardware mititties',, teeteetire the receiVed.iideiteA r's -report corms- Sports -Officer, Harold Curl, botb slid 19 guests -present. The and George- Mutter, eondence .followed, ,The secretary puctim roast: beet . outer. mentioned the snelrig -Opt, ow out. IFegonleas .are. mrs. Was served ,by the ladies. of our- Cudmoe's if you would like to tiet club. NEWS OF BRUSSELS PUBLIC' SCHOOL Education week• was ditto edhoot with sevaval untiefial giVtge,, Our volley bah foitiTaii,idiitL which many local groups challenged to compete, had to be postponed from Monday, March R to Monday, March ,1E, due to had Are eit4 qr. On Frieett out' version of "Reach for the Top" pi4 from -Grey Central, Ruth Joanne McLean, Wanda Fetter. Verne Guy and' Steve Pearson, The Psiehotfee ,itfe serving to 4.- • 4, eenilleting against e team of .eitr, Brussels, againt ' enly ti f># ;'get tjS elti their •fiirst game and. were put. tett 61 the IleX1 two Vetett• 111.0 &le teen 'MOW *et 01906 onto and .001tiit itt. Peter presented an origin:1F lausiin4Ss• pat 'ot' the itIeetittg to them started.. thanks to. everyone who helped. Misses Carol • Wheeler and Catherine Cardiff 'favored with a step dance. TheRoll• Cale follow- 'ed: to regard to refills ern, min. ate book it was moved by Mrs !TtttIPI:ob::Z13 .1! .ottob-- or.ftittAY SERVICE . The 'ited•elti. attended the — ; . ytt tan srtdritoontp lzintir Its .‘he hold meeting.. opened -lila' tilt; tteinutes of the last meeting lidee read. decided to go to Wing- :ilia On Thursday, March 4, to *We dle. dittels Ones". 06ivioter itinls Wins t A I ' 1 011I ball tournament. The *boys woR . reactielig tii. dei-titin ." s I tea:flees. stiate Liquid Painting. Collection 'ftei genie of charades trod ti?6'1 fate Q10" rinsed thq s.•. FAMILY HONORS CC)441"LE WOLK :HEALTH, N'13111W ON 45th ANNIVERSARY SPEAKS AT MEETINal Mg. and. MrS. Maumee Martin rite, health meeting' or the 44iriPten.alfeltsrerSalCIPerrtdba'yt.ettortoha' under tif f; itaneeneeshIp . :Sirs rigti fiett Afid two daughters and 1)1%11116p? pic their families Doug FrWili"WdY and 1\'frs' Ire arrived to celebrities. thew 45th Parrish was held in the Brussels. and mooixi.., veto rohonli.e library on el]; Tria'arst mdtioy,o;aefoteork-Wedding AtIniVerSari. Married Itelgreve March 9, 19'2C bY ReV. Scottie. The bride Wag With a g d attendance memh- of Brue$010 and the filth lino of Afton the usual opening exer- ors At,d visitors. the keener hiargaret it Mooney jorliftit'i. while tile groom was residOtt ert• the ,dtb. line Morris. a •eises eondicted by the 'president.. Pollowiq AA'af ntaillago they Mrs. San Sniith.. the secretary Moved to the fttk /heft of Morris treasurer,- Mrs. Clarence McCut., whereunti ththeayy•rceottnrietAlt yeside clean. gave the frnarteial report three years ago, to gelit:Orth and correspondence. rt 'Vas deci&-• martin ha,v4. yid that we -would have The eon.. Mr. and Mrs. three children, Nacnni, 'Mrs. Iltifrifte of our Tueedsrauir htetofiew tlarold • Pryce, Aldeillop; rred,- icro feta, 'We accepted an, ltichMond Hill and EsIna, Mrs. invitation froYer the Walton W. 1. Floyd .Telikets, cobourg. There are to attend tiiefir sheeting en Wad. A Iraedchildren. a chietiot. • Our annual meeting will be held' March titli at R.15 p.m. Itlye/ prevented them with nesday miblic library -at 8 p.m. Mrs. C. TteraiiigwaY, 1st Vi Trs. F. Think offerell'e eel- rtgyn to meet at- The library at fe:10, .11frt: 'Wm Campbell, Miss L., Lucas, MrS. Think, Mr.. Dunk, Mrs. 'v Moriarty. Mrs. Wm. heeler. the first- two named to he the votlue delegates. it was moved by Mrs. (ten. Wheeler seconded by Mee. -NT, Mctarty we :have a membership anti show committee: carried. E. Ctultuore, Mrs. Jas. Mail-, Mrs. ePrtrtrreirt', Veriere will be given. Mrs. glories Mothers: Bluevale. the East Time. an Distritft president will be There. :Members are requested to let the president. Mrs. Smith. know bY March 29 if they' plan to attend the dinner. The nominating com- mittee consists of Mrs. A: Stets& Mrs. T. Strachan and WI X. ne-• Taggart; Our Institute are catering for :r Milder in the Anglican Church, BrUsselS, on April 14th for the memhers of the BluevGle W. I. We have beea itiviteil to join them at their meeting. Mrs. - Doug Hemingway took charge of the meeting and con- ducted a sing song of Trish songs with Mrs. Walter 'Kerr .at the piano and also gave a reading. -- The roll call was "Name en illness beginning with the Initial of your name. A well prepared thought pro- voking motto on "Self control to the ability to idle your motor whee yeti feel like stripping your gears"' was given by Mrs. Leona Connelly. Mrs, Hemingway then introduc- ed the guest speaker. Mrs. Rober- ton, Huron County Public Health Nuree. Unfortunately owing to some difficulties a film on Drugs could net - be shown. After a short talk on the many kinds of drugs their uses,. abuses and harmful Meets a. question and anew- and discussion Period followed. Many phamphleis were on display and could be taken home and reed.. Neleman read an article -from the consumers news dealing with credit cards and unsolicited goods. feet well cards were signed and sent to Mrs. Ida Davis, Mrs. John C41110611 end Mrs. E. ?Minh Who ere ill Ill 11089111119. Ulla 'CU govtti by stm Witno ti, 1 Migt.