HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-03-11, Page 1og ;3,00 A Year in Advance — $4.00 to 'U.S.A. Sivale Copy 10c THE; BRUSSELS POST, Tft atS,DAY,. MARCH 11th, 1971 POST PUBLISEING HOUSE CHIALLENGE ACCEPTED The Brussels Minor Hockey Association Coaches and Manag- ers have accepted a challenge from their counterparts in Blytli to a grudge hockey pine, The )7ilYth People feel that they mild vent their frustrations better on the ice and at the same time try to display how hockey be played (hopefully), The gaine is to be played this Sunday in myth at 2:30 hi the afternoon, LarrY Jeffery, formerly of Detroit Red Wings, has been called in to officiate this hockey spectacle. The players on the local squad in- clude; "Nifty" -Nichol, "MESSY MrZZY" Lowe, "MINCE MEAT" Mc A rter, "QUEBEC" Hueth er, "STRETCH" Stretton, "PIICK S'FIY" Lowe, "ROCKET" Rich- mond, "POWERPLAT" Prior, "CROSS CHECK" Watson, "DARE DEVIL" Docken, "DIPSY :DOODLE" Demaray, "PESKY" Peters. "SHORT CHANGE," Laurie. A return match is anticipated but •the time and date bas not yet been decided on. NEWS OF BRUSSELS PUBLIC 'SCHOOL • Educational Activities: On March 3 we were glad to have three public speakers from P. E. S.S. The contestants were John Rutledge speaking about Water Pollution, Moira Rooney, Appathy. and Nancy Adams speak- ing about Youth, Later they did an impromptue speech. Winners form the girl's division were :Nancy Adams and boys' John Rutledge. Bill King and Beth Valiance will be going to Kincardine to re- present. our school for Public. Speaking, On, March 7 to 13 BrUSSels School 'will be having .a.n Edu- cation week when volleyball will he played between parents and. pupils. A. "Reach for the Top' between Grey Central and Brussels T'uhlic will also be played with Jim 'Moore from CRNX as Master of Ceremonies ,Many other activ- ities will he assembled. You arc 'welcome to attend. A lunch will 1w served. We were very pleased on seeing the Or, 1 assembly on. March 5. Tt was an entertainment of singing. Sports: A. Volleyball tonrna- meat on March 13 will be in Cod- oda for most of Abe Huron Schools. We may be starting' basketball teams for the senior girls and boys. 13oth Valiance won second'prNe for public, speaking at Kincardine. sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion, The first prize speaker was a girl from Clinton. Bill King also spoke at Kincardine. Margaret Wesaelink and Laureen -Barbour A calendar goes in one year And out. the Other,, DEER MUST BE HUNGRY A deer was a visitor in this village on Saturday, It crossed the main street cola jog- trent behind, the K.ozy Korner restaurant, went along and link of the mfKlial Dental building. back up along Mill street, kept on along the street past •• the park heading south. It Must have been hungry to venture into such: prox• imity to huinans. We trust no one Avas •inhuniatt enough to take n, -shot at it. WALTON Mr. and Mrs.. Torrance Dmulas and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stevens returned home on -Friday from. Florida where they spent two weeks holidaying at Lakeland; visiting many surrounding places motoring as far west as Naples. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss and Mr. aml Mrs. Stewart McCall spent the weekend in Toronto. Recent visitors with Mr. and \irs, Nelson Reid were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williamson and family Mr., and Mrs, Jim Scott Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott, Mr. Leo Watt and Mr Jim Watt. Miss Pearl Thamer spent a few clays with her sisters in Goderich. Owing to the storm On Sunday, church services, Mission Band and Sunday School were cancelled. Laity Sunday will be held next Sunday, March 14 at ii a.m. IatruCh to be served following the morning service. Wend Day.of -Prayer Service Thei World Day of Prayer service was held in the basement of Duff's finited Church. Walton, on Friday, March 6, at 2 p.m. with approximately 40 present. Mrs. Martin Baan played a. piano pre- lude prior to the service. Mrs. Walter Bewley gave a. warm wel- eorne to everyone including ladies from all denominations in the community end opened the ser- vice by reading from the. order of service, Those assisting were; Mrs. Joe Ryan, Mrs. Ken William: son. Mrs. James Shortreed and Mrs. Campbell Wey. Mrs, Alvin McDonald introduced the guest speaker, Rev. J. C. Britton of Northside 'United Church, Sea forth, who spoke on the World Theme "A New People for New Age". We were reminded that these are days of opportun- ities, Our purpose is to try to form the prejudices,. discrirninat,ion should be wiped out, where Christ is all, We must be reminded of all differences, the new nature is bound to the old enviroment, but needs to be renewed in the image who have redeemed us, and creat- ed us:, Development is hope and we. haVe to bear some of the bit- ternoSs of the World, leaving us with the thought "If we fail to make it what is it. to he li Christ- ian". Mrs. James Clark thanked (continued pn inside page) 'BRUSSELS WORLD •DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE The World Day Prayer. service was held iii St. PAWS Anglican Church, BruSaelS, on Friday afternoon, March 5th at three o'clock with approximately 50 women in attendance. The theme "A New People for a New Agd" was chosen and de- veloped by a, group of seven women from the Caribbean coantrles, This day Was observed by Christians in 1..50 countries around the world. Representatives from the four local churches, )11'S. Gerald Gibson, -Mrs. Clarke NIatheson, Mrs. Ferg Connelly. Mrs, Lloyd .Kernaghan, Mrs. Wm. Miner and, Mrs. Harold. Thomas took part in the service. A joint choir assisted in the singing of the hymns as well as rendering a suitable selection. Mrs. C. A. McCarroll gave an inspiringg address on the thethe -- A new People for a New Age. The offering of $33.00 was re- ceived by Mrs. Lloyd Workman and Mrs. Mary Pennington and. will be sent to the Inter Church Council of Canada to be distribut- ed to various organizations around the world for the purchase of Christian literature and ecutnen- 14,01 and educational projects', VANDALS STRIKE HERE AGAIN Vandals have again been busy in mu village, It was discovered Saturday morning that someone had kicked in the plate. glass of the door of Th-e. Canadian Imperial Rank of Commerce, The same morning it was found that the wash basin in the men's municipal toilet had been deliberately smashed to bits, taps and pipes broken and the place was flooded with water. It is regrettable' that the vandal- ism of a, few unprincipled persons may have to he the cause of cur- tailing the use or such municipal convi ences for otherS• The OPP investigated both incidents. ENGAGEMENT Airs, 'Donald Martin of Brussela announces the engagement of her' only daughter, Linda. Marilyn, to Mr. Richard Gardner, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Gardner of Wing- ham, Ont. The wedding will take Place in Brussels United. Church, at 7 p.m. on Sattirday, May 1st, 1071. LET'S HOPE IT'S' A SIGN OF SPRINN„ It hasn't felt, or looked, these days, as i spring iS it the tin ediate offing, However, the crows have been with us the past few weeks and we are hopeful it is a sign that our storm blasts are a. thing of the post, MRS. ALFRED 'SENOR. Airs. Annie 1senor of Brussels passed away in Victoria Hospital, London, cm Tuesday, March 2nd, in bier 78th year, A native of Nova Scotia, She was horn at Smith Cove, N.S, on Nov, 12th, i8p2. For the past six years she has made her home: with her daughter, Mrs. .goss . Gimlet of Brussels. She is survived by. - four daughters, Airs, Larry (Doris.). Holton, :Dearborn Mich„ Mrs,. Ross (Ellen). GOttlet of 13rUssels, Mrs. Ethy (1,;tty)- J-Ingh.es and Mrs. Berend (Annie Mao) Knoll, both of Nova Scotia and three sons. Ross, Nova Scotia, George of Kingston and John .01 Toronto. She was predeceased by her husband, Alfred isenor. Resting at the M. L, Watts Funeral l-1 mime until I p.m. Friday, March 5th, when the faneral service was held at St, John's Anglican Church, •Brissels,. The Rev, Keith Stokes officiated. Temporary entombment took place in Brussels Burial Chapel. Pallbearers were S't'ill lard Jamieson, Georg,e Daniels, Ross Goulet, John (senor, Robert Goutel and Larry Holton. gfikIG, BANG, BUMP! f:T H E Ni'. Met Carnochan left week for Florida. Mr. and -Mrs. .Bill McKay and Terry of London. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith 'visited over the week- eud at the hetes of Mrs. ID. Smith. Word Day of Prayer Service World Day of Prayer Was held in the 'United. Church. Ladies front the Anglican. Presbyterian and Mennonite. ciahiireites were in attendance, mr. and Mrs, A. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs, W. Krauter, anti Mrs', W. Campbell left for Florida on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Lynn had, members of their family front Toronto over the weekend WHAT'S DOING AT GUIDES? We started our meeting by Playing a ganno -Girls who were not at the Mother. and Daught er supper received their badges. We then worked on badges or Guide work. We then had, our (losing, The patrol leaders had Count of Honour. Bath salts taste alright. I guess. but dont, think they would have the. same effect as a real bath. VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS: COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of the Village of .Brussels Connell was held in the Municipal Office on March 1st, all members being present. The following motions Vera carried: Moved by. A, McTaggart, sec- onded by R. W. Kennedy that the minutes or the meetings of Fehr- liary 1 and cith 1971 he' adopted 1,1i read. MOved' by R. W. Kennedy sec- onded by tf, .1. Tenitas that donation of $25,00 be given to the Belgrave. Myth, Brussels School Fair Board for the year 1971, Moved by I. G, Campbell sec* onsied by J. A. AloTaggart that a Building Permit be granted to John Pennington as per applica- tion, Moved by I. G. Campbell, sec- onded by .1. A. McTaggart that the accounts as approved be paid: J. G. Stiles, gargage and oil 309,05 f. G. Stites, plowing 890,0n J. C. McNeil, chains and gas 134.40 .1. (1, Stiles, balance snow 35(1.00 • collecti on •,Streetlights, Office, Library Hall J. W. l3ryans, chains • 1(1,00 Mervyn Boner, labour 235,22 David Logan, garbage collection ............. G.041 Lawrence • Machan, garbage collection ........... • 6,0)) ,Greg Huother, garbage collection .. , (Lao Wayne Willis. p. urbage collection .......... 5.0 ) Logan, • garbage collection Greg illuother, garbage collection ....... 6,00 Bridge Motors 1.44, ..gas 128.00 AlcCuicheon Motors,. repairs 0 9 ,30 Maitland Teieservice Ltd. rates and tolls 33,!55 Merle Freeman, - Library fuel ..................... 18.t4.; 'Provincial Treasurer, insulin AleCutcheon (aTocer;,- eleallers Municipal World Ltd subscriptions 59.50. Gordon 'Workman. repairs and snow removal 11 J.i'to 1'o.,2,•plow. tarp 35.50 MacLean Mon Service gas Geo. Mutter, Office fuel 711.0?, (continued on back page) •• Another collision, in the rash Paul Mutter, garbage of .those in the recent inclement collection &Oa weather,. oecurrred when the Greg Huether, garbage 'AlcCutcheou • tow track was hook- collection • 8.00 ed on• to Reg Watson's oar, An Dave Logan, garbage . OPT' car hit :the. rear. of the Writ- collection s.00 son vehlcle and a car driven by Dave Logan, garbage Robert Pipe ran into the rear of collection 5.0o the police cruiser. Fortunately no Lawrence Machan, garbage ono was injured, collection 6.00, • -Greg Huether, Garbage 'Cl; 0,3,1 LC