HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-09-02, Page 5sesemmeassamesetveress we THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY SEPT, 2, 1881. ..96..ry Ewer,. Poetical effusions soder this head will be ineartefi at the rate -t1 Are sent, per h.e—tb ey in all eases to soit m- pa.y the manuscript. . I OM Renee Dummy McKeown. M y es haired darling. my East born It boas all 1s Its et so rmal� Hui Mg soul awake the sage new Innes wi TJXof my h wear a tui - stalL My fiber Ie sweet baby with his 41.ge1 b1u:e ei ne'er clasp his kande, In sweet In - spent glee; BM Os Lord willed It so, He had need of a g nttM bo dace --my He ever strengthen me. M. Alice BAMTWr.—DIL-D At'u. 24T11. 1881. AMID id Yeses, "Asleep Is Jesus." as I d U her peaceful stn easeing face. 1 WV twat alntol thus toeeep, Since she had found a resting place. W wildly tossing with her pain. Her fevered loagisp were tor rest. We sought to Booth her, all In vain; she sleeps at last, on Jesus breast. Her childhood's home she wondered through. Her childhood songs the changes rano, Telling how sweet the daisies grew. How sweet the merry bird had sang lD that bright home beyond the sea: And then anon her voice would rise in clear, sweet notes 1'II happy be In that bright home beyond the skies. AM thee bar brother's name we beard, limy sot speak my last "Good By, She sold. "I vo to see his face And kiss him as my death drew sigh." Poor Altos dost thou sae us now As o'er tby grave we sadly bend. While taemory with its magic powers. Remlads us of thy North, dear Friend. Osn'st thou in that bright world of light. Watch over those on earth so dear. Those pledges of thy heart's pure love, For one who mounts thee sadly here. Oh mat gentle spirit lure To we maims thy tremens here. And la world where love is pure, May all at last is joy appear. W.. Dvuni, Wttsr WAwAMomu, Accu 17 Yams, 1 Moen. $ Divs. Death is working all around us. lie is working at our door. He has takes of our brother. To that other happy shore. He was lately bright and happy. OIWIa down e stream of life; Now be th lies • withered flower. !tided by a blest of death. Yee. our eossrade's taken earn . Coming late mime of life. All reseludiagi ase armed him. That their time le very bid. We have worked sad played together. In the days sow since gone by; And when 1 think on those past days. A tear tans tress my eye. We bad suet an I we lad parted Jost one week before his death ; Little did we dream we For the last time on th earth. Yes, wen very By the But we hope ttobe united, es In the heavenly borne above. Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL CAP/TAG 011,000,Ke• 8UBP Ua . T • µeoe,000. Goderich Branch. C R. D UNSPORD, - • - Manager Allows interest on deposits. Drafts, letter of credit and circular notes fined, payable In sit parts of the world. 1751. CANADA'S "HUT FAIR. Isar—AND--tarn INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE P.4i11 up Q4pifal, - 16,000,000. Pest, - 11,400,000. Pre/thirst', - IIsV i1'M. McMASTER Genera: Manager, - R'. N. ANDERSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - MAXA6.1 I./divest allowed on deposits. Drafts on al the principal Towns and Cities in Canada Great Britain and the United States, bough' and sold. Adraacesto Farmers on Notes. with one or more endorsers without mortgage. 1783 ALL THE NEWS FOR A CENT. TIMID Torouto Daily or14 THE UA'LY ONE -CENT MORNING PAPER IN CANADA. THREE DOLLARS A YEAR ! TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A MONTH!! ONE CENT A COPY ! ! ! gars Yea Ilalt the tent et any ether lenlMg iaper. FOC CAN MAKE ■w%ET by canvassing for The World. Agents and Canvassers wanted everywhere. Send post -card for terms and SAMPLE COPY FREE. WORLD PRINTING CO., No. 4 King street east. Toronto. AT THE 0 ity of Toronto, ►FOM SEPTEMBER bra TO 17 ra. • (two weeks! $25,000 in Prizes sag onttRRD FOR Live Stock. Poultry. Agricultural. Horticul- tural. Dairy Products lm lemefll$. Man- ufactures end ladies `Mor8c. sc.. ENTRIES CLOSE AS FOLLOWS: Live Stock Ike., Manufactures of ell kinds. Saturday August lath. Poultry and Lady Riders Be.. September 1st. EVER YTHING NEW SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. l'ocNrr or IlesoN. By virtue of a writ of ro w nT : 1 fieri /aria maned out of Her Majesty's County Court of the County of Huron, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of WILLIAM RITCHIE and JOHN RITCHIE, at the suit of JAMES GAM- BLE, 1 have seized and taken 1n Execution all the Right. Title, and Interest,.. and Equity of Redemption, of the above named Defendants, in, and to, the north portion of lot number three, concession eighteen, in the Township of Grey. in the County of Huron, running parallel to oonoessloss 17 and IS In said Township of Grey, oontaintng twenty-two acres of land ; which lands and Tenements I shall offer for Sale, at my once in the Court Howe, in the Town of Goderich. on SATURDAY, the FIF- TEENTH day Of OCTOBER, next, at the hour of 12 of the clock, noon. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sherif's��kbe,I. Oo ericb, Sheriff of !Huron. J HION SCROOL BOOL DEPOT. 3CHOOL Boors i SCHOOL SUPPLIES 1 AT THE LOWEST RATES SHEPPARD'S. ExrrIsTS=VE AUCTION SALE —OF— Z42VrRY STOCK etc I have received instructions from MR STOTTS to well by PUBLIC AUCTION, at his stables on South street, Goderich, On WBDIEIDAY,1lh SEPTEBER, 1881, commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. his entire LIVERY STOCK consisting of the following property $66 a week In your own town. Terms and � tyke Address IL HALLSTTCo. 4t VOTICE TO INTENDING BUILD- \ ER.. TILLER k 10 QUABIRIU ha- on hand a choice lot of Al. PANNELL DOORS, FRAMES and SASH of all sizes Which they will sell cheaper than the cheapert they are also prepared to furnish building material of all d prime to order, or willdefy �petii No o�ppos[attion lin tithe County recognized. 110 not_ ft to call on us: we always guarantee esti st ction. Cor- rect plane. application. specifications and estimates 'tur- nL Ded on MILLER A McQUARRIE Planing Mi11, Newest* St.. OodericblOnt. INSTRUCTIVE AND INTERESTING. THE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS and best accommodation for exhibitors and vidtors ever offered at any exhibition held in the Dominion M Canada! CHEAP EXCURSION S will be run from all points. PRIZE LiSTS AND ENTRY FORMS will be sent anywhere on recent of Pod card. Send for them to J. J. WITHROW, H. J. HILL, II TLeonto. President. 4700-ut. MRS. W'VARNOCK Dep to remindher numerous customers, in and aroued Oederldi that ebe has opened out her new stock on HAMILTON STREET OPPOSITE THE COLBORNE HOTEL awl senate a co.ttne res of their patronage, es die can with oattldesoe recommend her V8 ssddinegia[Oe.r, i sMZROveNparticular. itaben secoads . m as- A CALL as aaarscttof.AT rRYITBD' wiarned ijassWa1ry . maker of appren- s la leers*Sr= 4Ila W. Mit Street, asst deer w 1196. SALLOWS - „1 DOMINION BAKERY. W1tsT bTsa5T, - NEAR ram Pour Omcs. 9 Horses; . 1 Oolt 2 years old, 1 Oolt 1 year old, 1 spring Oolt, 11 Buggies, top and open, 3 Carriages,1 Omnibus,1 Winter Bus, 2 Spring Waggons, 1 Lumber Waggon, 9 Gutters single and double, 1 Bob Sleigh,1 Straw Gut- ter, 1 Plough, Buggy poles and Whifetrees, Wolf and Buffalo Robes, Ladies and Gents Saddles and Bridles, 2 dosen setts of single and double Harness, Sleigh Bells and other articles. '1'EF.MS • NEW GOODS ARRIVIN My earlier fall stook is now arriving, rad 5887 departmeid will be CARZICLL stocked will the All sums of $20 and under cash, over that amount time will be given to the 1st of Feb. 1882, on .unishing approved joint notes. Sale positive and without reserve, as Mr. Stotts is retiring from the livery business. J. C.. CURRIE, AUCTIONEER. =ST SE CTIo s4, I can offer good values in ULSTERS and JACKETS in the very latest and newest taahionable styles. BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF RIBBONS TO MATCH ALL COLORS. I am clearing off the balance of sty summer stock at very low prices. Call and get bargains. W STORY. OUR A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Fiala ens tfates red s.d Se+raaneated Second to none. All kinds of Et ID8 3EC 1380 :71 B Of good quality. CONFECTIONERY OF All KINDS ! Which I guarantee will give Satisfaction. Self praise is no recommendation, but try my PLAIN' AND ,FANCY BREAD, Which I deliver dtdaily 1 parts of the town, and judge ororsey L E. KNIGHT, Joao U. INC 1'191-tf Hear the Post Office FRESII ARBIYALS. PHOTOGRAPHER, li orre2AL . OODURICH Iia uaaT, MC PALM, MST ACaZSSOR- 1128, MST CUWTONIUS 115? P'ICIVAII, son bAT18- FACTION. BEST EVERYTHING. k Airtime. Mama. A CTI CORN BEEF, LUNCH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN. MISS STEWART. READ Imo. That Lass o' Lowrie's i BTORY OF T8ID LancashireCoal Mines This Thrilling Tale NY THAT T�LfNi6D NItTi0. FRANCES $ODGSON BURNETT, POTTf1D TONGUE, BZZF, HAM, CHICKIN. PRIME SALMON AND LOBSTER, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF TNF Christie Brown & Co's BISOCITS AND OA [ZS, TZAR, MIAMI AND Pure Spioss- TRY THEM - WILL APPEAR IN HURON SIGNAL BEGINNING ON Friday, September 23. JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM STSP=R=OR. The first consignment bf the season of those justly celebrated SALMON TROUT —AT -- L. FERGUSON'S Grocer, Hamilton street, Goderich. 5000 BARRELS 5000 GOOD APPLES ! bRE WANTED IMMEDIATELY 6T G. H.OLn'�i SAUNDERS' VARIETY STORE. Stove and Tinware Depot. SPECIAL LINES IN STOVES. IT WILL IiifeEfinTrAiiisAL. DON'T FAIL TO HEAD IT 1 "The Huron Signal" UNTIL NEW TUB'S for 36Cents. M'Gillicuddy Brothers W STORY. g �A f SPECIAL LINES IN FANCY GOODS AND JEWELLERY. SPF. -,'IAL PRICES IN WALL PAPER, 5,000 ROLL . CHEAP. Note the Stand. "The Cheapest House Under the Sun." tZNext door to the fust Office. West Ft. NEW GOODS ARRIVING EYe,RY- DAY. Chas. A. Nairn. MIL31110 AZ, _les up CLEARING SALE CARPETS \Ve offer the balance of our stook of CARPETS RET:A i L AT WHOLESALE PRICES. 0 1i BIG SALE • =reels C' -coags "lei OICEIrtNEW T EEDS.et JO=N 0. DETLOR & 00. Ewes 1 tre��eaa��Mas Msed �wIrd�na ■■1yy S.0 teen ifs Oa1/r• r1 Mwi.e'�I ssnv t►M r A LOT PRINTS AT COST AT Colborne Brothers.