HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-02-25, Page 4.CRANAROOK • PHONE BRUSSELS 887-6593 771.1.7.71OMP17.111.11.179117111.07... -""eeeetetlee' ra3, 2tth, 19'11 BRu$sE4s POST, 13itUi3SEL,S, WALTON CRANBROOK GENERAL STORE STANDING TIMBER WANTED Highest, eash pricee for your trees or logs. Free estimates. Call: Craig's Sawiteill 526.7220, Auburn. LOST Scotch collie dog, female, 'White collar. Answers to the name Lassie. Reward, Bruce MeCall, 13russels Stoc:kyardS INTIERE IS YOUR AVON RHPRE- ST]NTATIVE? Maybe you don't have one, Nlaybe you should be the one in your neighbourhood to sell to all those customers. Interested? Call or write Mrs, M. MillsOn, 17 Hawkesbury Ave,. London 32 451-0541 ANNUAL MEETING WI.NGRAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL, ,ASSociATict,j The Anneal Meeting of they Wingliam and District Hospital Association Will be held on. FRIDAY, MARCH 5th,• 1971 at 8:00 in the Nursing Assistants Train- lug School, Catharine St., Wing: ham. All Matters of hnsineas pertain- ing to''-the Wingbam and District Hospital AssociatiO4 will be transacted including the election of DireetorS and other Officers. In order to cast a ballot in the eleetion of Director's a person Innst be; a Member of the Association: One Year member- ehips may be obtained for the sum of $1.06 from the Wingham and flistrict Hospital office. These memberships crust he purchased: at least ten days prior to the annual meeting. Everyone welcome. l3arry Wenger John Strong President Secretary BERG Sales Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling DONALD G. IVES R, R,'myth Phofio lepkweilt tiaminit TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Tenders clearly marked as to. contents will be received by the undersigned until 12. noon, l'ebruary 27, 1971 for spraying rattle for warble fly control. Tender must state price per head per spray, Townehip to supply the powder. Lowest. or an tender not neces- sarily accepted. Mrs.••Helen D. Martin. Clerk, .• Beigrave, Ontario. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications clearly marked Will he received by the Under- signed until 12. noon,' Febrtiary 1971 for the position of Warble' Fly Inspector for Morris Town- ship to work according to the Warble Ply Control Act, Any application not necessarily accepted. ei: Mrs. Helen D. Martin, Clerk, eBelgrate: Ontario. WARBLE FLY SPRAYING TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders for the spraying of Cattle for 'Warble Fly iti the Town- ship of (trey will be, received, by the undereened until 12 o'clock noon, Merelny, March 1st, 1971. Tb e one.; e ter to supply 'the warble fly paWder. State priee per head par spray. Lowest or any tender eot necessarily accepted. Mrs: E. M. Cardiff, Clerk, Township of Grey - , Ethel, Ontario, GRAVEL TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY (centinned from page' oue) Euchre Party • Tea tables were' in play at the progressive euchre on Friday evening in the Walton Community Hall. It was sponsored Ity the Women's Institute with the fel- lowing cononittee 14 .charge. Mrs. Allen McCall, Mrse Herb Traviss, Mrs. James Clark and Mrs, Pete McDonald.' Prizes were given for: High Lady, Mrs, Russell Marks, low, Anna Lee Stevenson,. High Gent, Murray Houston, ,401Y, Jae McClure. farthest ,distance: local- ly, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stevenson, • Mission Band The Mission Band was held in the basement of the church • On Sunday morning, Feb. 21, with Peggy Dennis giving the "'The Call to Worship" Hymn 610wae• slig with Janet Houston fie pion ist. Jane Leeming gave the •See- retary'e report and Dianne Dente' reed th, treasurer's report. fat- lowed by the collection, dedicated by Peggy Dennis. Business was taken care of. Then went to their classes with Mrs. Merton Hack- well. Mre. Mac Sholdice, Mrs. Win. Roe and Mrs. Ross Kennett. After classes hymn 613 was sun'. 'The meeting closed with the Benedict- ion. U.C.W. MEETNGS 17th and Boundary Unit The February meeting of the 17th and Boundary Unit of the [LOW_ was held at the home of Mrs. Martin Bean with 9 members present on Thursday efternove. Mrs. Cliff Hoegy opened the meet- ing with a thought for the, day, 'followed by prayer. A hymn was Sung, Scrinture reading from HeSo- dus 15; 1.19 was given by the leader. Mrs. John Des gate the Topic. on "Miriam the. first Woman Singer", taken from the book of Women of the Bible. Mrs. HoegY then, ,read a poem on "The Old Kitehen Stove". The minutes of the leet meeting was read by the secretary, Mrs. .1. Bos followed by each member answer ing the roll call. A Thank You note wa8 read from Mr., II. Williamson for the basket of fruit seat to hint While in hospital.. Some business and meetings were discussed. The offering was re- ceived and: dedicated by singing "We give Thee bilt Thine OtVn", A quilt top that had' been made by some of the members and donated to the group was quilted at the Jneetitig. and ready to be sold to absmile. Mrs. H. Craig end Mrs. H. Johnson are in charge of the devotions for next month.. Mrs: C. Hoegy closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch. 'was served by Mrs. '0, Hoegy, Mrs.. ;1; Dos and. Mi's. M. Baan. 13th and 16th Unit The Sth and 16th Unit held their February meeting at the home of Mrs. 'Doug .Fraser on Thursday evening, The meeting opened by singing hymn 15. Mrs. Don McDonald read the scripture front the 2nd chapter of Genesis and the: Topic "Pollution" and. Predictions followed by prayer, Mrs, -McDonald also read a peen' "Don't You Quit". A hymn was sung and the Minute% of the last meeting were read by the Secre- tary, The Roll Cell was answered by 11 members. The regular and Copper Collections were received and the Lord's Prayer was re- peated in unison. Business was taken care of. Final plans were made for the Bake Sale which has been changed from March 1.7 to March 3rd at 8:15 p.m. The Women's World Day of Prayer i4 March nth at 2 p.m, and Laity Sunday is set for March 14th With H. pass around lunch after the morning ser9tes. (I-race was Sun and lunch Was' servfld by Mrs, Mon aor.. Mrs, 1'4eoret 9,M1 ItI 111);AO, OF INTEREST TO ALL TRUCKERS TruckerS in this area will gent a .ehettee to discuss the new Prov- incial. axle weight laws and regul- ations of the Ontario Departnient or Transport at a meeting to be held at Central Huron Secondary School 165 Princess Street Bael, Clinton, on Friday evening, Fehr- nary 26, 1971 starting at 8:00 pen, The meeting will be of particuar interest to truck owners, shippers and .others of the trueking in- dustry Operating motor vehicles registered for a gross weighteot 20,0b0 poundS or more. Departs ment of Transport offiCials Will explain 'how changes in the 'miry affect the perruissabie weights of 'various types of vehicles and their loads7 They will also assist own- ers to select the appropriate weight class under a new fee schedule that transfers the regis- tration fee to the power unit. All trailers regardless of weight Will be registered for a nominal fee of $5,06 tinder the new rulings, the ma- jority of trucks will he able to carry increased payloads Without unduly, affecting the maintenanee eost of highWaYs or traffic safety- requirements. In the past, the maximum load a truck coitid carry -wits calculated by gross weight loading. This system will be phased out during the next five years and replaced with a system of axel weight laaditig. The legit,- lation was deSighed to aSSist trucker through this transition. period and 'they may operate under either the new law or the ,Old (part VI H. T. A.) for the riVe year period. COMING EVENTS -•DIRECTORS, t MEETtING Of the Belgrave,. Blyth, Iirus • gels School Board will be held Thursday, 25th Of. February, Mr Delgrave arena at 3:30 p.m. CALLJNG BOYS! All boys 7-8-940 years of age - interested in joining the Brus- sels Club Pack are invited. to do so any Wednesday at 7 :00 p.m. at the Brussels Public School Auditorium. HOWICK LIONS BINGO Howick Lions Bingo will be held on Friday. February 26th, et 8:30 psn, in WrOXOtOr Community Hail. Admission $1. 12 Regular Games for $10; 2 "Share the Wealth"; one $25 Special; Jack- pot. of $75 on 50 calls; Door and (;onsolation Prikes, GOLDEN WORDS' HAPPINESS : "Happiness is not h gerh to be kept in a jewel box to be displayed only on 'special occasions. Nor can it. be stored lit a safe deposit box ie hopes Of sating it for future use. 'Jtappiaess has to be used: and shared :with others. The more we use Our happiness, the more We have available to share, And the happier will be.' Ilappinese always has to include someone else, We are happiest. when we reach out to help another person, in. •our 'World much help is needed. 'We have. ever so many chances to be happy, if we want to. husband_ is a curious mini Mal who buys his feethall. ttek, ets in ,June and his Christmas present on. Dec. 24. Tenders will be received by the tmdersigned until-12 o'clock noon, Monday, March 1stt 19.71S for the ernshing and hauling of approx- imately 20,000 cubic yards of %" gravel for the Township of Grey. Gravel to be supplied ie,r the town- ship. A certified cheque fm $1,000. mast tece,Ontpany tender. Tender fortrie titaY 'be obtained front the Undersigned. All \bidders must use Township Tender ForM. Lowest Or any tender net necessarily accepted. Clerk, ToWtiship of Carey, Mrs. E. M: Gal'diii, tthel, Ontarib, NVertit thing abottt retire., 1)1ent 1:.4 having to 4Pintc Llgt06 013 104,901.Efooe4i*Palg.,11;74.4-0,-.:ro I II I, r$ tit ; Black Diamond. Cheez Pleez. Reg'. 99c Schneider's New Beef Stew 24 oz. 79c 63c Hick's Sauerkraut 32 oz. jar 39c Duncan Hines White Cake Mix. Reg. 55c 2 for .99c FRESH. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES MEN'S RUBBER BOOT'S WORK SHOES. AND WORK CLOTHES Agent: Listowel Dry Cleaners aropm.stimiormieguallw""457Asi"-mllittrw '411110/0a'marMiPmeriaamwommitiammigp NOTICE Let us prepare your Income TdX Papers early this yeas' Farmers, Businessmen, Individuals We guarantee our work and our reasonable rates are annual, not 3 years in advance. Phone early for appointments and avoid the rush RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY INCOME TAX CONSULTANT Open Tuesdays and Fridays Phone 887.66(33 Brusoeis, Ont, .AtWkaird 141,14114.41111121ASOMVANDIM1/424102840314001iItita ENTERTAINMENT AT SMILEY'S HAV,F4s; QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY BI LL IRVING AND, HIS COUNTRY VIOLIN SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY THE ALLEY CATS FROM WINGHAM Menu: BarbacueU Ribs and Kraut, Southern Fried ChlOten• and Chips itts:04441444-'4,==-I-MILq.'tZ1a-1-1,•zil*tzege-gI4.1-tt-tiMetf:VeXtg-kl":MMEACOPPeKlell FOR SALE — WANTED. — Afar-Web Seeds, Baled Straw, Dan Fraser Phone 387-6547 Brussels 'Stockyards 837-6461