HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-02-25, Page 1• $3.00. A Year ITS Advance 14,00 to CiePY ltlo TI IOUS a POST,•,rlitIRSDA.T, it 254, liwr POS`T ,PUBIAMILV 300$0 WALTON WORLD DAY Drs, Jean and Cern Westeilaian. PRAYER SERVICE, of Burlington' spent a Sunday reC, ently with Mr. autt Alm Earl The World imy or Prayer Service for Brussels and Aufrelindi Hiss artecon itenge4 - wea, lug cOMMUnity wilt be hold iff St, ern ,IKVeraitSs..LoteiciA; speiat the klieg Anglican Church on Fri- .4a1}44iisi 4 Ok i 41641(30M March 5, at. three 01.•;itt6:Air: 'i wok ijait feregeittatlYes from •PraiSei;: awn P:aint Instructors class in on.Saturday. . Congratulations to. ROY Mrs. Derwyn Docken on. the • women from the Caribbean area arrival of their daughter "Kristen lnciudinl;.Guyana, Jamaica, and Jean" in the Seaforth Community -t116 ITIF4111- 18111114S' Hospital on Monday, February ,.Irtinds --from last year's offeririA 15th, of .$09,000 were distributed to the Xi)*jOesn Om/141dg, taitifig „ Mrs. V, Mitchell. attended a Part the • The theme of the s4tkieii He* people for a. New Age" and it a was developed by a group of ..p.u:x.iicaltat • • tt/491," • ne,.....16DEF.L.•-•.161.0•12,...., LW, .9i. • - • Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nash, Stoney Creek, were week-end visitor4 with Mr. and. Airs. Neil 'MeGttvitt and enmity. Sant Sweeney, 13111 r-leatitt, Howard lackivell said .lim Snlith paeticipated, in. a Curling hoaspiel iu Exeter OI Satittday anct Wail eecolid PAPA. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Townsend. l'irre7Seter, and Mr.- and Mrs.--Rerb lira:vies *ere Sunday dinner guests With Mr. • Atid, . Meseta Boil -Bennett, §teWart. Ilitrnphries, Don McDonald. Stew- 'ort Watson• Reid. kee McDonald and diatme Sholdis:4 Were 'particOants from Walton IA a Surfing holi'spiel hi geafoiill Saturdat Linda tiailsa and i2.0 tlib4rich• at Kitchener rustled On the weekend- with Mt. and Mrlit RalPh Travis. • Mt and Mrs.' ...Gordon tiiiiott. Seatorth and M. and -Mrs. Harvey Craig arrived home. on, Swin:), nfter a raest enagyable trap as fait. W, est, They (did Visited WIth lelativee. ' A snowmobile rendezvous Was. • planned by Mr: and Mrs.. Nett Me- Gavin on Saturday evening with Mn ad Mrs. Mac Sholdice being the 'trail guides. for the eiscarsiOn. Those S011Oysing Were a4r. and Mrs. ISTarrAY'Smith Mr. and Mrs. Brian :Nash, Stoney Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Ian ,Wilbee; Mr. and noward Hackwell; Mr. and Mn. • 'Leslie Campbell; Mr. and ialrs.•Don McDonald: -Mr. and Mrs. Muri,ay Cardiff., Brussels;Mr. and Mes.'Ketr Moore, Seaford': Mr% and Mrs. Joe Stettior; MIS ail Mrs. Everett ttoteY; Mr. and Mrs. Reil Campbell Sand Mr. and Mrs. 1126C.orvili. After a three hour iOurney the snowmobilers paused ter a steak ;Bar-B-Q at. the Familj Paradise Park from thense to the • McGavin residence winding -Up 'the evening outdoors with hot coffee and dessert. The Ladies of •Dtitt's Church are ereparing for _the World Day of Prayer Service to. be held in the basement of the church Oh Prt-- Mareh 5th at 2 pan,, Ref." C. Britton of Seaforth will be the- west speaker: Everyone is wel- some to attend', followed • by a. soeilahalf liens. • The Huron-Perth .Presbyteriai annual .meeting on Monday, Fels. 4.5th In Mitchel] 'United • 'Church' last "Wednesday when Mrs. 'Chit Itos, Mrs. C.tanipbell Wey, Mrs. —Solna Niro, Mrs, Mon McNichol, Mrs. Martin Boon. Mrs. tinnieisott Mit61411 ate Mrs. 'Walter liewleg attended frtirn the, sittretindhig comiuitteeit • rpo0,01101, pageJ. various institutions and organ rations itt C14114(14 and around. the World to be used for purchase of Christian 'literature and: ecurnen-s teal and educational projects. Come and Join with the Christ- lithe in 110 countries around the 'WOW ivito ate 'worshiping to. gether to eiwitt theft; iitity iii 'Christ, • Brussels Archie. 'Tease stion&or your Guide or STrownie: Public Skaters -Weleolned with siioni&NI. CONGRATULATIONS fre$ COLLEEN CARDIFF Colleen Cardiff, delight-Or of Mr, end Mrs. .lack Cardiff, re- ceived Piest Class 'immure, with 93 rintrka, in Grade. II Western Ontario Conaervdore Theory. This completes her Grade VIII eerti- fleete, Colleen is a pupil of, Mrs. M/PS Mofffitt, LIONS HEAR STUDENT SPEAKERS Lion President. Jim Armstrong presided for their regular supper ,meeting, oft Monday night. Lion Kelit Scott lecl,.qte gag song with Miss 0. MeWhirier t1i trials/ Beth Vallanne and BAY winners of the Brussels Soil:id Speaking, gave their speeches. D.D.O.. George Mutter announced that the Region Rally will be. held in Brussels and plans were discus- sed for that occasion, The Polar Baize financial report Will be published when. Ootapletetl, iVitiVtLLt YOUNG LAPiEg' GUILD • lessfe Taltlfa 6iietted the meet.- yo,,, with a po(fqn. iii'enda tinkle gaY0 the topic 'Boca ak,d fidtiCh Everything'' • and. 1 T were sung. .ScriPture teadffig was fro& illsrk .SPeedies were given by Beth and Joan Uether. This Portioii theineciffig crdsed with the Meeting: 'business of the Meeting: Sessfc Little gave the see- rotary's rensirt . ii!id...iseoria. strong gave'. •4,1:1e triaSareris re- port. Piatr &lies ciegair life meet- PEOPLE WE .KNOW And Ms: Howard Bernard tale been -00.eatfoning in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. isOule Ebel and family of Ingersoll' Were weekend* visitors with brussels relatives. Charles Davidson, IsiffighatirS wig a' visitor in 'Brussel% fast Weekend. Thomas Terbueb, (husband of the former Judith Parker) of Oklahoma City. - has smicessfuily passed all hie exams and is 1). candidate 'for hia Phis Among those who have returned from vacationing in sunny lotorida are Mr. ant Mrs. Wilbur Turn- bull. Mr. and Mrs. Augh Pearson ue*eJ Student Runner-op In Pottic Speaking Contest Cohgratulatiti44 ItO Beth Valiance who Was runuer4 iho Annual Huron County public sodking contest sponsored by the OneariscS Association and Ontario Hydro iu Clinton. poll is the daughter of Mr, and James Valiance of Brussels. 'T nbull Herd Wins P‘fetn ium Breeder Award For" Ontario Bill and :Mnrie fdlrffiltdi attend- ed the '-:.tintamic . and atdadfas Switie- conventions Sae the Porn Tot* .Hotel In. Toronto week: 116 Turnhall " herd tlx.e POnrtir -*seder Award for. 13111 was prelelifdd 'with the Past President Pin frosts the Canadian Swine Assoelatiort asTd Was congratulated on the effidenf manner in which the business had been conducted in the past sev- eral years. The Turnbulls also entertained Old birectOrs.and their wiveg from the Western tind MaritimeProv- limes on. the weekend. MEMBERS AN.: ACTIVITIES A. ifeeting. of the B.Y.C. was hesld on. Wednesday.. Feb. 17 at 7:96 .' at. the United.-Clitirch. 22 people -attended, it suggestion to attend the atiOvie "'The Restless tinge. wati given and everyone agreed. There will. be cars going froni: 'BMWs . to the Lyceum theeirejii :Mite:fain on ;Friday. March 5.' Anyohe wishing . to: go Mat call 'Ralph Raveman to make arrangements. We made further plane for out pot-luck dinner and slefgh ride oil, Saturday, Feb., 20. T:Infertuttatery," as it turned out, we had oar dinner, but were uns able, because of weather, to have. the sleighride. We disen‘sed liaising another dance to raise money, but nothing definite was decided. The -0es:tr- ees and secretary's reports were given. The meeting took place coffee heuse setting. The theme was to learn • more of individual identity and worth as a person. Interesting discussions developed during the program. The meeting ended following worship, a . game. and lunch The iitt,d. meeting will he on Wednesday, March 3, at 1:30. Don"t miss it` Who can be cInssitied as a top manageeseet executite?. A man with enough security orthe job to hit Ohio to reRiAt glarielng at the VI hilt its iilttars t1iR 61116t4 WHAT'S DOING .quior,s1 Cltt Surilday. Feb, 'Slots the 'Art Guides an 'Brownies participated In the servfee of the United Church in, Brugaela Coin- navies met in the church base- fiirent and mantled up through the chnisch into -the Choir loft. ....On yak, :12n,d the Guides attic' Brownies Met in the Anglican -Church for 44 Mahler and Daught- er banquet eostotternorating the Annual Thinking -Days Mrs. Saris Watts opened the meeting by welcoming the • mothers and daughters. God Save the Queen' was sung followed with the the Brownies'. Opening Nine BrowsneV Were enrolled: Gloria White, Pateka Revelries', Karen. MoLean. Domilda Stiles, Yield McCall, Susan. -Cardiff,. Jill Me- Cutcheou, Debbie prior, Marlene, Pennington. 1.qiisse year stara•were presented to: garol Wheeler, Ca.therine Cardiff, 14142s,beth Exel. .-s-Two 'yeai' gears were presented to: Mary Alibi 'Bernard. Midst Doreeh, One year star was presented to: Mary Ireland. Nature Lore badges were given io'S Catherine Cardiff, Carol Wheeler, Sherril 'Bauer.Arida: Dorsch, Mary Ann Bernard, Miss abeh Mary Ireland, Gloria White, Patricia }lawman. Karma ;McLean.. Colleen Boomer, Donelda, Stiles; Vicki' McCall, --Susan Car- diff, Debbie Pieter, Jill MeCtitelt. eon,. Marlene Pennington, . Trine. Watts. Catby Sholdfce, Toymaker and Writer. were pre- sented to: Elisabeth. Finftter.nnii Book Lover to Carol. The !Spawn- le of the year, having perfeer attendance' and full uniforni Were. Elizabeth and Carol. They were: presented with a. gift. • • The 'Carl Guidete ((Snowed the- Brownie exercises with they cere- mony. It consisted of the Guides forming the horseshoe and .eight girls_ being • enrols() . 11.7 Jachiin. These girls were: ..Mziry . Lynne Cardiff, Peggy .• (Alison, ' Joan Me Arter. • Judy AdFiras. Lynne Bridge, Carol Rayne-ma. Lentee Aleock, Gail White. Fired year stars were presented to: Linda. Mecham Joan Onetime. Lynne Bridge, Annette Dorset. June Machais 130anie Rielnnond. Susan TArigIoisb.,.. Third year , stars were present od to: Barbara Elliott ,Linda Muir, Maxine Watts.- Fourth year stars - were present- ed to: Lori aleCateheons-:Stephanla Watts. • . • The following badges were re.; teived by: _Collector's. Serb .. Elliott, • June Mecham ...Maxine Watts, Malts .. Little Rouse; Jane Maelints... Maxine Watts. 'Wee therm : Lori Mcduteheon.. StephanieCitizen: We ts. Gardener: Linda Xaelian Laundress: .A.nnette-. Dorsett Dairymaid: Annette Dorsch Romemniter: Lori ISIeCuteheon, Barbara • . kstranorner: Linda Moir. Milv• Walls. Stephanie. ;Watts, Lori Meruteheon Teatesport: 'tort, Stephanie. Maxine Writer: Lori Toyinaker: Stephanie Ttandyman: Maxine, Linda. Main - C't'af ttnblern : June. T.inda Hair. Stephanie Beekeeper: June Stephfrale on 1110.4 GUIDE AND SKATE MataATS4Ota The Girl •Guides and Voitnien • will hold, it Skate ..:Marathon iSlateh froitt 1 to 9 Pali. at the NEWS OF .BRUSSELS PiiBLit &lib& itecieni Teacher; Arrive • For the next two weeks .Miss Marie Johnston and Mrs. jean Kirkby will be Grade 3 teachers. starting Tuesday 23 until March 5, Miss Johnston is from Clinton and Mrs. Kirkby is froin' 'Walton. ing: They like to teach the primary There was a gaMe condtieted grades by Jessie Little. -A "inveiy lunch' tie.:..Y1O-enjoyed by The pupils' opinion in Grade 3 Class is they like to have; student teachers. Last week Grade (1 tisiienthly was about 'Valentine's Dais „After their assembly Mr. Scott award- ed • the publie speaking trophies to the winners, ..Sports Last Friday, FebruarY 19, Hul- let Public Sacbool. trein.Londes- horn competed with ,.-'.Brtiseeli Public School in severalS ball games, Scores Of• the games Were gullet 1T.11;•ritesele 15s 111tIlett• 15 Srussels 101' 15 Brussels4. Soya' games were Brussels 15 Mullett 4: Brussels 15 Huliett 11. Thank y.Ou Mrs. McLean and Mre. Watts for chaperoning last ,tidtlY 'bight's{ tlanCe,and Mr; and Mrs. Win Stephenson, _t• Our school Is planning a ststicial --Mr. and Mrs. gac Irvine and evening to celebrate TIduantion farailyi Cinelph, were litundnY Week, March T to 14. tinflieY ViSittirS• with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil details will (mbneit atnlytotulle, ed, • • matti01(41-• .4"s Me1P4ad:" 1<tisaias~tii a, vi tie Mt' :WI 3101166 15?Apiti Oen t brill 1:11#