HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-09-02, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 2. 181. AsWield. Both colts appeared to be in good condi• Mr. Wm. J. Treleaven, of 8ili Ave., Aahtield, is erecting a handsome brick residence. Mr. Janie" ?diner, of Luck now, ia doing the weed WOrk. A abate roof will greatly enhance the appearance of the houae. LaoMuir. --- Rumor has it that • quoting match between N'alkinshaw, and W. Trelea- ven, is to come off here about the 3rd of tieptesuber. The champion to give W. T. 10 points out of 61. Hui. PURCHASED. - • Vr. John Wed, formerly of this village, but at present keeping hotel at Benin, has purchased the hotel uu ROSE street, (now occupied by Mr. John Armstrong) from Mr. Owen Jones, of Carlow, Ont. We believe that it is Mr. WINCE intention to ahurtly return t Luckuuw and carry on the feminine ARCHERY Pane. -Chief •liLeoCrim- mon, ut the Luckuuw Caledonian Society received information from W. J. Reid & Co., of the Crystal Hall, London, that they intend donating a handsome China tea set, thistle pattern, value $12, to 'be competed for at archery at the annual games on the 14th uf September. LIIIIAL DONATtow. -Mr. Roderick Mackenzie, formerly of this village, but at present living at Rat Portage, Kee- watin, was visiting friend' ui this sec- tion letely, and just ivefure teatime gave $14 as • present to the Sabbath school in oonnection with the Knox Presbyterian Church, in this village. Mr. Mackenzie was one of the first teachers in the school, and teok an act- ive part in all work *Inflected with it. Futeweta. Penne -On Thursday evening of last week • large crowd as- sembled at the Caledonian Hall, the oe- caaion being a farewell party to Dr. B. Grant Jefferie who is about leaving this village for Karma The party was in every respect most suoceasful and en- joyable, dancing being kept up with much spirit till well on ie the morning. Our leading citizens with their families were present, and a very pleasant time was spent. ---[Sentinel. IlonagsaacaL We regret to learn that some of the members of Mr. Thos. Anderson's lam - Vare prostrated with the acarletina. e hope to soon hear uf their recovery. Rev. Jae Caswell and lady, left on Monday to spend a few diva at the Grimsby Camp Grounds. Mr. Caswell will also attend a Holism" Convention at London. We wish them a pleasant trip. We understand that Rev. R. W. Leitch, the much esteemed pastor of the Presbyterian Church, here, has received a call from his former pastorate, near Kingston. We should be very sorry to tom him here We feel it a painful duty to chronicle the death of Wm. Durnin, son of Wm. Durnin, Esq., Treasurer of the Town- ship of West Wawanoeh, which occurred on Sabbath last,at his father's residence. Inflammation was the immediate cause of death, though deceased had been ail- ing for some time. He was in the vil- lage just three days before hie death, seemingly in his usual health and spirits, and the startling effect with which the news of his death was received may be imagined. He was a youth of temper- ate habits, respected and esteemed by those who knew him, and general sur- rey is expressed et his untimely removal. The friendly sympathies of the commuo- ity extends to tho sorrowing relatives in the sad and aim ••: unexpected bereave- ment that has fallen upon them. Thefune- ral took place frem the family residence on Monday afternoon, to the Dungannon cemetery. An imnienee concourse of friends turned out to do respect to the remains ef clemaaell, nearly eighty ve- hicles being counted in the procession. - [Sentinel. Sestorth ane seemed to be evenly suetehed, and an exciting race was anticipated. At the immense.' hour, 2.30 °Chuck, the jeep', Dr. Celenme, of Seefortle and Mr. Polley, of (iodench, pe the word 'to 'tart, and both horses went uff at a guod pace, but at was nut long before Clear Grit omelet be sem to be forcing his way ahead, which ',gelation he kept until the clues, thus winning I/sheet by about two length.. The mound and third heats were aotnewhee similar to the first, Clear Grit %veining berth with great ease. The official time, taken by Mr. C. R. Cooper, of Brume's, for the winning horse, was as follows: First beat, 3.181; second, 3.16; third, 3.17. Thus the much talk- ed of race ia • thing of the past now, and Clear Grit stock has gone up a peg. During the oourse of the race the great- est excitement prevailed, each side urg- ing its favorite to the utmost. During the interval' of the heats Little Billy, of Brantford, the winner of the free -to -all - trot, and the property of Mr. Hodgina, of that city, gave exhibitions of hi. aimed, which delighted the onlookers immensely. He belongs to the Clear Grit stock also, and was much admired by those present for hia tretting abili- ties. We understand considerable money changed hands amounting in the aggregate to 64•1111) her:4fmk of dollars. -Expositor. Fall anew. In 11151. Industred, at Toronto, Sept. 5 to 17. Quebec Provincial, at Montreal, Sept. 1 & to 23. North Perth, at Stratford, Sept. 15 and 16. Mitchell horticultural, at Mitchell, Sept. 22 and 23. Northern Fair, Ailaa Craig, Sept. 19 and 20. Hullett Branch, at Clinton, Sept. 20 and 21. Provincial. at London, Sept. 21 to 30. Tuniberry, at Wingham, Sept. 22 and 23. Hay Branch,at Zurich, Sept. 29 & 30. South Huron, Exeter, Oct. 3. Central, at Guelph, Oct. 3 to 3 Central, at Hamilton, Oot. 4 to 7 East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oct. 11. Morrie, Blyth, Oct. 12. West Riding, at Goderich, on Wed- needay. and Thursday, October 5th and 6th. East Riding, at Brussels, on Thursday and Friday, October 6th and 7th. Tuckeremith Branch, at Seaforth, on Thurday and Friday, September 15th and 16th. !New Queen's Counsel. London, Aug. 20. -The appointment ot Queen's Counsel has unavoidably been delayed longer than was intended; but the Royal Gazette of to -day will con- tain the appointment of the following gentlemen: -Richard Martin, Hamilton; Samuel Smith McDonald,Windeor;Hon. Alex. Morris, Toronto; Allan R. Dou- gall, Belleville; John Charles Rykert, St. Catherine', John Creaser, Owen Sound; Thos. Wardlaw Taylor, Toronto; George D'Arey Boulton, Toronto; H'y. Burekett Beard, Woodstock; Byron Moffat Britton, Kington; Wne Lount, Barrie; Wm. H. R. Allison, Picton; It Smith, Stratford; Hon. Win. Macdou- gall, Ottawa; Jamas Kirkpatrick Kerr, Toronto; Thomas Desoon, Pembroko; Alex. Shaw. Walkerton; George Dean Dickson, Belleville: John McIntyre, Kingston; Adam Hudspeth, Lindsay; John E. Rose, Toronto; Chas. Moss, 'Toronto. Mr. J. W. Carrell has become pn•pri• etor of the hotel pniperty on Main Street which he has occupied fur some time. The price was 84,400. pramoNAL.-Rev. A. D. McDonald ar- rived home on •Puesday eveniug last, after an absence of nearly. three months, during which time he visited many places of interest in old Scotia and laid up for himself •good fund of renewed health and energy. A large crowd assembled on the station platform to welcome Mr. McDonald home, and congratulate him en the success of his holiday tour. HEAF(,ETH RIvLEMEN AT ToRONTO. - At the annual meeting of the Ontario Rifle Association held in Totonto, on Monde,. and Tuesday of this week, we observe by the city dailies that the men of the 33rd battalion from this town who attended the meeting and competed for prises have signally distinguished there- seivea In the Affiliated Meech the first prize, *insisted of the Ladies Challenge Cup, valued at $150, and presented by the ladies of Toronto, together with $30. In this match Lieut. J. G. Wilson made 40 points, Color -Sergeant Monroe 38, Private J. A. Wilson 38, Private J. S. Roberts 36, Major Wilson 47, making in all a total of 190 points. Then, in the same match as an individual marks- man, Major Wilson scored 47 marks, winning the let prize of $20. Alen, in the Gilmour match, Major Wil son, among 55 competitors, amore in third, making 35 pointa-only one less than the winner of the first prles--and received the prize of $10. On Wednes- day, in computing for the Ftraseey Cup, Sergeant Monroe gained the 3rd prise, $16, and in the name match Major Wil- lem and Lieut. J G Wilson also dis- tinguished themselves. We congratu- late the feeaferth team en their brilliant retard. TwAr TeoTTIMI RACE. On Saturday thermion last the largest crowd that ever assembled on a Seaforth rsoe course ern - reputed to witness the trial of speed be- tween two four-year-old colts, one being a Clear Grit preelection, reviled by Mr. Glasgow, of Brantford, who was repro - meted by Mr. Oworge Whiteley, of Sea teeth and the other belonging ti' tee gunan stock. •iwneri by Mr Alexan er LaDavidson, of Reaforth Th rare was mile heats, host three in five, and the etakeet ($60, to he *warthog' to the winner l The Lower Clamors. Who are they ? The toiling millions, the labouring man and woman, the far- mer, the mechanic, the artisan, the in- ventor, the producer? Far from it. These are nature's nobility. No matter if they are high or low in station, rich or poor in pelf, conspicuous :or humble in position, they are surely upper circles in the order of nature, whatever the ficti- tious distinctions of society, fashionable or unfashionable, deem. It is not low, it is the highest duty, privilege and pleasure for the great man and high eouled woman to earn what they possess, to work their own way through life, to be the architects of their own fortunes. Some may rank tho classes we have al- luded to as only • relatively low, and, in I fact, the middling classes. We insist they are absolutely the very highest. If there be a clam of human beings on earth who may he properly denominated low, it is that class who spend without earning:who' consume without produc- ing, who dissipate on the earning'. of their fathers or relatives, without being anything in or of themselves. -The Me- chanic. 133oros of Illisborn. It it easy to am how another's life aui be free from the distractions and tempt, Ittiuus which interfere with our religiose enjoyment. It i. Dot GO ellay t_3 Is bow we could live nearer to God without some change in our occupation said ser - i d And this is just as true in wen lugs. the care of one ponies all smother. The busintwa Ruin thinks itset be easy for nt a clergyman to have fsitband to rest in it; fur religion is the chi theme of his activities and thoughts. The clergyman ou the contrary fea that he is iu more danger of foruaaliset than the Christian man of business, because religious utter- AMAMI are in the daily line of his pro- fession. And so in every sphere of life: "The heavens touch the earth on the horizon of the vision, but it,alwaya seems! furthest to the sky from the spot where j we stand." We do not labor alone. Hewever feeble our hands, that mighty hand is laid on them, to direct their tuoveruent, and to lend strength to their weakness. It is not our speech which will produce results, but His presenoe with our words which will bring it about, that even through them a great number shall be- Vcir An advertisement appears iu the Mon- treal Witness t" thus effect --"Th. Ancient Order of Forester' deers to avoid luring indentitied with the .o -call - .d Foresters&elegy "leonine FIrrestor with two Rs, mid would MIMEO that Ito connection whatever exist. between thew and the Society calhng itself simp- ly Foresters " The S14 Itadiablo. The remedy that has stood the test of time 1. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Almost infallible too cure dysentery, oh.olera nuorbus, and all man- n er of fluxes, cholic, cramp', cholera infantum, and every foria of summer cum plaints. What's la a Noose I. The virtue of must of the patent me- dicines with which the market is flooded hes in the name, but the virtues of Bur- dock Blood Bitters lie in the fact that they cleanse the blood of impurities, and sure dyspepsia, biliousness and indiges- tion. Price $1. trial bottle 10 ciente lieve and turn to the Lord. There is . S. Hart & Co • our cacouragitnent when wears deepond- PROPRIETORS OF THE ent. There is our rebuke when we are self-confident. There is our stimulus 0.oa when we are indolent. There is our quietness when we are impatient. If we are tempted to think aur task heavy, let us not forget that He who set it helps us to do it, and from Hie throne shares in all our toils, the Lord still, as of old, working with us. If ever we feel that our strength is nothing, and that we stand solitary against teeny foes, let us fall back on the peaoeful thought that one man against the world, with Christ to help him, is always in the majority: and let us leave issues of our work in His hands, whom hands guard the seed sown in weakness, whose smile will bless the springing thereof. -A McLaren, D. D. Fear not to do the work for which your gifts qualify you; but do it as one who must give an amount of both soul and boly. Work, and work hard, whilst it is day; the night coneeth soon OW alill Well880 0 31OC enough, do not hasten it Use your OF faculties, use them to the utmost, but do do the work of not abuse them -make not the mortal the immortaL The body FREsil GROCER/Es has its claims; it ia a good servant; treat it well, and it will do your work; AND it knows ita own business; de not at tempt to teach or to force it; attend to PROVISION' S it. wants, and requirements; listen Which he will eell at the quietly and patiently ti. its hints; oc- TnirEsT POSSIBLE Han cabonally forestall its mice/skies by a LW little indulgence, and your emaideration ' ALSO will be repaid with interest. But task!Fine Flow7 nous it, and pine it, and suffocate it; make it 1 , • slave instead of • servant; it may not PIED. AND cried Mill s (LATE PIPER'S.) Ikg to return their thanks to the public tor the liberal patronage received during the past year, esti to state they ere Prepared to do QRISTIO on the Ms neat notice, or for the convenience of partleallving at & tibiae*.will ezchaage gristle at their town store (Late W. M. Hilli4rd'3,) Masonlo block. Nast St. Goderich. ,sse-Highest price paid for wheat.etbe R. PROUDFOOT Hae Just received a complain much, but, like the weary camel in the desert, it will lie down and die. A weep Plate Cledertire. ;nee Ulu 1111. 01:3-2LIBD lafC3EIA.T8 Always In Stock. Goods Delivered to Any Part of the Town. New Yoite, Aug. 23. -Shark cat ohing was begun yesterday in the East River. Capt. Jack Sullivan argued that the Ful- ton Market fishmongers threw away enough dead fish in their dock at Pier 22 to attract EA many sharks as the refuse from Weahington Market on the North River, so he baited • steel hook with porgies, sat and kicked his heels on the edge of the pier next to Fuiton Ferry on the north, and waited. Suddenly he was nearly yanked into the water by • bite. Men ran to the rescue and wound the line around a .pile. The fish churned the water like a propeller as it was haul- ed in little by little. When it was pull- ed nearer to the pier, the likeness to the motion of a propeller was startling. Lift- ed to the pier it was found to be a Kee monster unknown to any fishermen in the nuirket. It has a shert, flat and thick body, and its tail is no tail at all to speak of. It is simply that part of the hody opposite the head, and it haa big scallops, like in form to those on a MOLASSES cookie. There are only two fins, and when they are extended the distance front tip to tip is nearly aa great as that from head to tail. The queerest part of the fish it it, head. The profile resembles that of an old man. The nose it that of a high live, the mouth is that of a little old man, and the eye is that of an oz. The akin is gray, and it feela to the finger like sand paper. The fish is over six feet long, and it weighs nearly 200 pounds. Mr. R. B. Roisevelt aid Mr. E. G. Blackfore saw the tier. and were of the opinion that it resembles the Mediterranean sunfish, and is an entire stranger in these waters. THE TOMATO CROP IMPERILLED. -To matoes have been attacked by • new dis- ease and the crop, it is *Ma, will he a failure. The largest growers say that two-thirds of the crop is entirely unfit for market. In the first stage a slight discoloration appears underneath the bloom asstern. In the next stage • rank- ing in of the surface t. apparent. Then general decay sets in. The tomatoes are affected alike, whether green or ripening. No insects can he deteetei, and some farmers think that the rot is due to climatic changes, such as an ex- cess of heat. John Bright says ▪ t▪ here is far more ability in the British House of Commons j now than there was two generations ago. He belieem that if the present froatj benches were to appear no niers after I this session the trent benches of next seamen would he pretty nearly equal to the proceed met. The lame remark may he made of our nen House of C en - mons, and indeed there is perhaps no sphere in which any yet of men may not fine Men able with a little experience te take their places. Walter DeCew, of the Township ,,f Enienkillern, has a horse ate nothing for six days. A vetermery surgeon made an examination 01 the animal's throat. and dieonvervel and extracted a chip therefeen which memered two inches in width and three ane • half in length DINAtt GODERICK BOILER WORKS. Crystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and SALT PANS manufac- tured on shortest notice. All kinds of Repairing executed under the personal supervision of the Proprietor' who The Coeheerew Brigade Eellpeed. Twelve hundred dollen' worth of liq- uor was specially imported by Lord Lorne for use on his trip to the North• west, and was passed free through the custom -house here. A local dealer got a large order for an additional supply. and thin, too, was taken out of non.l free of duty. owing to the enforcement of • the law 'Against ever in the North wept., it is impoesible to get anything geed in that country, and so his Excellency was compelled to provide a little beforehand. i World. The bargain between the Montreal Telegraph company ani the Great Norte= Western company has Nen ratified by ! the latter. The held ethos for the IM minion will be at Toronto, and Mr. 11. P. Dwight will be the General Mans- ger Orilla* Packet 11,060 ia a high pries' to pay fir third ekes certificates in the third grade, and yet such is the price' tenni& pays for the two successful care dictates whe passed the late examine - twits A marchine in•iuire int. the causes that load to the plucking ef "even- teem out ,•1 nineteen eandidatee iv neces- sary se that the blame may rest on the I peeper parties Until such inveatigivion , 1 takes phos it IA har,U• likely the retie , payees will rest satisfied. Many oetntry schools with teaehere nerving one-half the salary given t,, either of aur high school teachers have done better ARE Practical Workmen. P. 0. Box 103. 1787 ALLAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY, GLAS- GOW. SHORTEST SEA ROUTE. Cabin. Intermediate and Steerage Ticket.; a LOW zwr RATES. Steerage Passengers ar; booked to London, Cardift, Bristol. Queenstown, Derry, Belfast. Galway and Waage*, at same rates as to Liverpeol. RAILINGS FRQA1 QUEBEC: 81,101ATI•1.....• • • • • .• .....• • 3rd Set'r. Oteetnettst ........„........ 10th ...... 17th " P s t" AN .. ........ 24th " SARI•IN IAN 1st Ocebr. 1 MOP.AVIAN SARMATIAN 13th " CIRCAIRSIAN " sirThe last train connecting at Quebec with the Allan Mall steamer will leave Toronto every Friday at 702 a. m. eaeviengore can also leave Toronto by the GA2 p m., train on Fridays, and connect with • he steamer at Minc/ski 'paying the extra fare. hi 45. Quebec to Rimouakl.) For tickets and every Information *peer to H. A RAISTRONG. Agent, Montreal Telegraph 1781-3m. Office Goderich. LIBERAL OFFERS • FOR 1881_ Two Years for the Price of One! THE REPRINTS OF TOE liarrum BEARTUBLE (ivaitgesiosi). NEON or ARTIE/A Wonserestiesl. 111101111 PAM r FrAieA AND WILPIT111140T SO I Liberal / REVIEWS, ilackwoot's idlatruch Maculae, Present the twat torreirt pe,,,lien1 a In &con venlen• form and getout obrutipnrot or caterali011. Teresa of ItaboerIpttoo IlardodtagPessagt.1 Black Awned or any en. vt4aw SIM p.r an 'stork wend nod en y one Review. 7.0 'Lockwood sad two Review, . 0.0 Blackwood awl %brie. Reeimers ISO • • Amy tWO 110.14.1,11 745 The feer Reekswe Ites Mark wood and the four Fteriews 1501 Theme are about hag prtve cheesed by the Idiseish Publishers. ClieWare striae the Content's of tjos Period - Maio for the roar 1111k sad easy after partic- ular*, may be had on apalleatloa. New subscriber, may have the awaken roe IWO and 101 at the arbor of one years soh scrIptine only To any anhoorther. new or old. we will fur Mob taw peelorleyals ter Mee at half Wee All orArre 1., h. sent tOthr pvihtl,etion TO Dornre prom1.11MI apply promptly The Leonard Scott Pablisalat de, el • allt44411 ere envy iregig Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. -- 111011111••• G-_ CARNET 13 A IR, IR, -ar- II AND UNDERTAKER11 . Hamilton Street, Goderich. .7.A good assortment of Kitchen, Bed -room, Dining Koons and Parlor Furniture, sects as 1111 NEW ChElrE thaw, woe and wood seotedi Cupboerde. lied-stascia, Mattresses. wiwailwasdi‘ Lounges, 3oa., erhat-Note, Looking Oleaena. N. B. A complete assortment of Coffins and shrouds always un hand. alio Hearses for hire at reasonable rate*. Picture Framing a soecialty.-A call solicited. . 1751 . . Red, White and Blue ! Acheson GEORGE Acheson New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery JUST ARRIVED, SIE111..1.11sTCX OHELA..10- jar- BOUND TO GIVE BARGAINS; 1751 MEDICAL HALL, GODERICH F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist MARKET SQUARE, GODERICH. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oila Dye Mars. Artist Colors Patent Medicines Horse and Cattle Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles. 8tcs. Physicians' Prescriptions oaretully dIaponsed.‘21 Holiday Presents, At BUTLER'S Photo and Autograph Album' in great variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, very suitable for presents for Teachers and Scholars. PE SETS FOR EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, very complete, and consists of Ladies' and Gents' Purses, China Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Vases in many patterns, Flower Pota, Cups and Flewers, China and Wax Dolls! A Large Assortment. Smokers' Sundries-Merachaum Pipes and Cigar Holders and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons, Wr.sLeeei Hymn Books, Psalm Books, &c., &c. -Subscriptions taken for all the best Emulate SCOTCH, IRISH, AMERICAN and CANADIAN Papers and Magazines at Publishers' lowest rates -now is the time to subscribe. A full stock of School Books, for Teachers and High and Model School Students All will be *old cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a choice and large selection of Christmas and New Year's Cards' A THE,DB,E8,,,TAzvEzA,,stivoziN, EIT_TFI'LMFL'S. Dominion Telegraph and Postage Stamp Office. 1781 "Dominion Carriage Works," Goderich. . MORTON AND CRESSMAN manufacturers of FIRST CLASS CA.RFLIA.C+ES, 13LTGI-CifIS,eto. Opposite Colborne H,,tel. We solicit an examination of our yehicles. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. In Leaving Town wish to return my thanks te the public for their patronage during the past. and solicit the same 1E future. and to remind them that I have left a reliable person in charge ef the busi nem REPAIRING AND PICTURE FRAMING 151 1," WI11 be dime ow SHORTEBT /NTOTICM_ •