The Brussels Post, 1971-02-11, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, FRB. 11th, 1971
McGavin's Farm Equipment
Q. My wife has interest front
-bonds that I parchaeed tn. her
her name Is this interest my
wife's, income or is it my income
because the original payment for
bonds was made by me?
A, The interest is your income
because you purchased the bonds
from your funds. The same rule
would apply to dividends on
shares, interest on savings ac-
counts and so on, It is the person
-who 'had the money to invest who
must report the income earned.
pay into a retirement Savings
plan with an Insurance company.
have no salaried income what-
aoever and understand that I can
c laim for income tax purposes,
a maximum of $2,500 for my re-
tirement savings plan. Is -this
A. If you are not covered by an
employees pension plan you Would
be entitled to claim amounts paid
into a registered retirement
savings plan: up to '$2, 00., or 20%
of your earned income for the
Year, Whichever is legs,
t understand that only
portion of lily union dues is
'allowed as a, deka:Won from my
ineotae taro, ttoW do I know :how
much 1 can. pay for my union.
dueS, and how do know what is,
an allowable *eduCtion.
A. Your union Should inforM you
of the amonnt you can claim for
your union dues, by eying you a
receipt to file with your ineonth
tax return,
Q, )344 Obr first child last
nioiith. Row do I go about having
my tax deductions changed, or
do need to do anything. '
A, A child will affect your
,exemption status and if you would
like this reflected in the amount
of tax deducted from each pay ,
Cheek, yon should notify your
personnel office and they will
have you fill oat a new TM
Corm. Or if you prefer, you
can continue with your deductions
as they are and enjoy the benefits
of the additional exeption when
you file your income tax return
for the year.
Q. I have an adopted son. aged
three. :Gan I claim him as a
dependant for income tax purpos-
A. Yes, 'Generally speaking, you
may claim any child under 21
years of age as a dependeht
vided that he it deolidami oil 'fen
for tufiooki, you actually support
hiiti fib one else claims hrin
dependant and he does ':no-t haVe
ail ineohie oVer 050. A. child over
"?? 1 may be claimed 414, a
dependant if the Sank Conditions
exist he is attending school
or iiiiiyersi`t'v, or ne is phygicallY
Or mentally info rit,
Q, am a Veteran of World War
II and am inreeeipt of a Disability
Pension from the Department of
Veterang Affairs and in addition
am in receipt of salary and wages
from pensionable employment. On
what income do I have to con-
A • . Only On, the salary and wage's,
Q. I am a Student 'a't University
and t have jOb- which
beabineS a hill-time job during the
Sundner months, My income is
over $950 a year and therefore my
father cannot claim Me on his in-
come tax form as a. dependant. I
pay for my own tuition fees out.
of my earnings and understand
that T can deduct these fees from
my income -for taxation purposes.
If I do this my income will he re-
duced to under $950, Does this
mean that my father can then
claim me as a dependant?
A. Yes. If your father supported
you . during the year and your in-
come after deducting your tuition
fees was less than $9.50, he would
be entitled to claim you as a de-
February 1 - 13, 1971
Hundreds of Canadians have a
disease that causes blindness and
do not know it, In a special inter-
view for White Cane Week, ;Tack
Clements, District - Administrator
for The Canadian National Insti-
tute for the Blind, urged everyone
over 35 to take the test for glau-
coma when they are examined by
an eye doctor.
"Glaucoma. is painless," he said,
"and can destroy your side vision
a. little at a time, day in, day out,"
Figures just released for the year
1969 show that 2,033 Canadians
lost their sight. Of that number
2,24 or 11% of the total beCame
blind through glaueenut.
"The sad part of it is that the
majority of them could. still have
good :useful vision if they had dis-
coVered gl an com a in timer" the
OMB man said. Once detected.
the condition Can often he Cheek-
ed by the use of drops preScribed
to Stilt the patient and applied in
an easy way froth a simple Platte
bottle. If allowed to continue rim
checked, blindness eventually
Although the disease is Often
painleSs; here are a few Warning
signals that let a person klioW it's
finis for a check-tip',
Spectacles, 'even iiew ones, do
not seem to help. Yen at dines
see coloured rings Or MAO'S fireittid
sights, and thia May be associate'd
with headaches or eye aches or
blurred vision. You have inCreas,
ing difficulty seeing in the. dark,
Side vision is diminished in one or
troth eyes.
"There is no need to fear," the
CNIB official emphasized. "The
doctor's examination is painless
and the -drops he prescribes .really
preVent the WeaS4 iroM progres-
sing furttiez', $Ince negleet is so
serious and the remedy so, simple.
why not take to heart the slog4i1
of White Cane Week —Make Eye
Care Your Care."
Sponsored annually as a pnlbic
education project by ONID and
The. Canadian Council of- the
Blind„ White Cane Week this year
is dedicated 'to prevention of
blindness and common sense eye
,care among Canada's 2) million
people. As blind people remind us
/so often, one pair or eyes must
last a lifetime.
Too often an accident report
includes a sentence to the effect:
"fhe driver was blinded by the
lights of an oncoming car, and did
not see the children. until it was
too late."
In Ontario each year some. 400
pedestrians are killed, and 7,000
injured. About half of these: occur
at night, even though there are
comparatively few people afoot
after dark.
These numbers, would be redno
ed if night time pedestrians took
more care in making themselves
visible to drivers.
One simple device that makes
drivers aware of a pedestrian
presence from a considerable dist-
ance is the retro-reflective dangle
tag. This small tag pinned inside'
pOcket or puree. During the day it
remains not of sight. After dark it
is pulled out and allowed to
dangle by a. short string as the
wearer walks along. It increases
his or her visibility almost magic-
ally and is far more effective than
light or fluorescent clothing.
The Reflecto-Tag IS coated with
thousands of glass heads too small
to be seen individually without a
microscope. Whichever Way the
tagg turns, it reflects light hack
In a narrow cone, , to the source
of illumination. This a driver sees
a brilliant sparkle reflected from
his headlights hundreds of 'feet
beyond fin; point where the 'pede
Strfail himself ceases to be visible.
In. Sweden, two years after 4
Program was undertaken etiebilt,
Aging persons to wear Renecto,.
tags, pedestrian deaths -and la-
Allies fell by more than go per
cent. The Ontario Safety Leagu
and other Safety Organizatio
across the country urge Canadia
pedestrians to carry Ahem also,
The tags cost 15c each, less
„quantities more than 100. Fs
more, inforMation write or ca
the Ontario Safeiy L.9agliel 2
Kind lost, TorontO
36 28.1516.
an exeellent earning opportual
and a husines.s of your ow
selling the finest guarantee
quality merchandise. For f t
Milison. 17 Hawkesbury Av
details write or call collect Mr
London, 451-0541
Flexible hours, pleasant dignifi
work, Want a better home? Ne
car? Colour television? New war
robe? You name it and we w
help you attain it. Free Octal
No obligation. Apply to:
Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred Siren
Wingham, phone 357.1383,
Toronto-born James Murray,
txedutive producer of CBC-TV's
long-running (nine seasons);
mulit-award-Winning Nature of
Things Series will be at the
helm of The Living Arctic, the
second Of two CBC White
Paper documentaries to be
telecast this season. The two-
hour color production, filmed
throughout Canada's vast nor-
thern regions, will focuson the
virgin arctic and its magnifi-
cent flora and fanna, and the
exploited arctic after the r-
niVal of the white man. It will
be telecast on the CBC net • -
work -of evening of Wednee.
day, Mareh &
• THE. E .• ADSy. • IN