The Brussels Post, 1971-02-11, Page 1Tile; BRUSSELS POST, 'PH UR:S.13AV Flea 11th, 1.371 $3.00 A Year in Advance $4.00 to U,S,A. Single Copy 100 POST PPBLISIIING! HOUSE. dir PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr. and Nrs, Hugh Peargen,: Mr. and, 'Mrs. Win. Stephenson and Mr. And Mee. Wilbur 'Turnbull are among thole vacationing in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Cutcheon, who have been hnlie eleying in Florida, :returned home to attend the Progressive Con- eerv•ative Convention in Toronto delegates from this riding. NEWS OF BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL F).06th Talk Well, we finally had Public Speaking after cancelietions. The winners were: Susan Langloir front grade t, speaking about Houdini, Bill Ting from grade 0 about 7.00§, Beth Valiance. grade 7 about the Welders' Liberation Movement .and Susan. Budnark grade 8 about *Blinn/. Shakespeare. The two finalists who will go on to another cempetitiOn are bin King anti Beth Valiance. Bill and Beth will eneak in Kincardine "on March 6, Beth goes to Clinton also, on Wed- nesday, February 1:0th,. Our three iodates were Miss D. Spicer from 1. Madill Secondary School, Mr. T. Xenwell our superintern dent and Rev. Docken from Welton. We would like to thank Mrs. Adamson, and Mrs. Raymond for their help and patience with us. Mr. Scott would like to remind the parents of skating for the children in grades 1 - 4 this Thursday and grades 5 8 next Thursday. A special opinion survey was carried out this 'week by your reporters. We ,asked the burning question • : "What do you think of girls wearing slacks to school?" Our general .result was that most people did not favour slacks for classroom Wear. The reasons were these: "Girls look sloppy in slacks." "Girls should look like girls." ''Slacks get wet from the snow and should he removed for health reasons." . Pant suits look smart but slacks muet be chosen with care.•.TeenS are out." On the other side of the fence: "They are more cornforta.ble." "They allow more freedom of movement," "They ate warmer." We conclude froni this that the rules will not change immediately. Parents what do you think? • 'Grade four will he presenting an assembly program this Friday. Done by Coleen Rayniond and Beth Valiance STORMING AGAIN! With poople Just getting dug out t 1100 enell(le [MAW fit nn, ti61.16 110 prier r4+0404 Fitt 1W1, Bu4ness,People Enjoy Evening "Get Together' A very pleasant evening was spent et the Legion Hall on Fri- day night when the people of the 1;ruseels business ceonnunity gathered for a "get-together'', in spite of the inclement •Notither there was a geed: repre- sentation of people in attendance for the evening arranged for by Meehan 'hardware and Oldfield Hardware. Selwyn Baker with harmonica and Ken Scott. guitar, entertained arid led in a hearty sing soli;;. Euchre was play with prizes f.or high scores going' to Mrs. Carol Hervey and luck A novel dart game proved to he 'fun with Avinners receiving prizes, A sinergashord lunch .brough.t. the enjoyable evening to it •close, DIST. DEP. GOVERNOR PAYS OFFICIAL VISIT' Great plans are being made. BrusselS by an old, yet new group, called the Peuesels Young Christ- ians. Never heard of them? 'Well, it's the same old Young Peoples' group with new ideas and 'plans. They are the ones that presented the special Christmas Church service. sponsored a. dance with the Pshychotics: went carolling, have pot-liick suppers and are planning greater things all the Lillie. Right now they are interest- ed in raising money to adopt a foster child or to help any other needy cause. A snowmobile (lance, and other things will help them do this. Other plans include films, tripe, special meetings along with cleaning the riven eampolit, Swimming Jobogganien and snowleinevniohile patties,. Po you think all this sounds impos- sible? it'e not. We have started already and with the sup- port of all the teens in Brussels there will he 'no stopping us, Our nuteber is growing and everyone 13 or over is invited to join us. On. Saturday, February 20 we are baying a pot-luck dinner fon laded by an afternoon of old fash- ioned sleigh riding. 40 tickets are being sold to cover expenses. Half of these are spoken for already so hurry and get yours soon. The first meeting of the year was held on Wednesday, February 3. 24 people attended and WE! expect more for our next meeting. A new executive was elected as follows; President, Tobn Rutledge. Tice, Ray Hemingway, Secretary Colleen Cardiff, Treasurer, Jetty jutzi. Our counsellors are Mrs, Sandra Cowan anti Mr. and Mrs. Ralph nevem an. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, Febrary 17: at the United Church, it will take place in a coffee-house atmosphere While nveryonq gets ad Mitt IntA ;N'1111 ot11,m.)6 i 00ff inild f.o filitiR ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL On Sunday, February 7th, the children of St, 'John's Sunday School were presented with pins by the Rev. K. Stokes On behalf of the Ladies' Guild. The following children with eins aud first year bar (or per, -feet attendance in 1970: Jill MeOutcheon, Michelle Me- Outcheon, Louise Aleock, Marlene Penningtop, Brenda McCutcheon, elery McCutche.on. Other children receiving pins for near perfect attendance were: Lily Ofortlet, 'Goelet, Paul aowit4c; Jackie. McWhirter, Doris Miller, Gerry neceWhirter, yeller Enloe fleathy Elliott, Donna Elliott, Tont Miller, Kevin:Pen- nineon, Ken, Pennington, Rev. Stokes announced this Will be e yearly event in the chureh and any child with .80% attend- ance will receive a new bar each year to add to their pins. The Sunday School thanks the Ladies'' 'Guild for supplying their COME, JOIN OUR NEW 'IDEA GROUP :Region 3 District Deputy Gover- nor George Mutter made his official visit to his home Club on Mondey night. Lion President .Tim Armstrong presided for the meeting. Lion Cecil WleVadden led. the sing sone with Miss Constance nicWhirter at the piano. Tail Twister Lion Albert. TenPas energetically levied fines from the members present, lass than usual due to a. variety of reasons. .Lion Lioe Hank TenPas intreelaced the D,D,:Ge George Mutter, who thanked the club ter their splendid sepport accorded him at Zurich last fall The speaker gave several thettmees of Lioniem being displayed, It was good La have volunteers accompany him on his visits to the various clubs: He said the Lions should be proud of their diub and the work they do for the good of the community, incledieg their main project the Presernationsigbe rerni ten ed his listeners that Lions should. WY:rays wear their pins.. It estab- lishes easy cm-inlet with other Lions. Lien Hank Exel thanked the speaker and presented him with a gift. Lion secretary Cecil Mereedden called the 1'011 and read mieutes and correspondence, A number of business matters were dealt with. " Looks like a bed storm erne- ihg up." said the htietess, "YOn'd Iletteee ettlY foe (Reeler," Oleg, ItlE) CONGRATULATIONS TO MISS C. ,WWFURTER Constance MOVIiirten of Brus• sale passed with honours, the Grade VIII Royal (leesereatory Plaooforte Examination held et Stratford in January. She is a pupil. ue Mrs. A. :Edwin Martin. LETTER TO THE EDITOR "Those snowmobilers certainly ved the day". or, "If it weren't for that snowmobile club I could have frozen to death". These are just a. few of the kind words that we overheard during the recent ,S119W storm which hit inid-western and southwestern Optario Prior fo the storm I also heard remarks like, "Ban the darn things" or "They are :iust a status symbol", and "A few people are making money at our expense." 1 think you will agree these are a far cry frorn the remarks made during the storm. 'We don't intend to take sides because we are involved in erifore- ing the laws which the people have made. It le not a police officer's right to decide 'whether a law is good or bad. It is hie job to protect the lives and property of the public. to enforce the laws made by the people and to appre- hend the alloged offenders and have them summoned to Court. where the Courts will decide, only after ell the evidence is hehrd, if the alleged offender is guilty or riot. Wee of the Ontario Provincial Police would like to take this opportunity ,to thank all persons who so ably assisted as during the recent storm. On numerous oc- eaeione, without the help of snow- mobilers, what could have been a tragedy tuened out 'to be a case cif harehip Only. I have been told, and Was con- vinced before this emergency. that a police force is only as good ns the co-operation it receives from the public. The co-Operation we received and were offered is ,iust another case\ to back up this belief. Could he that when everything Mick to normal we will hear criticism of something we failed to do or the manner in which -it was handled, but this' letter was originally written with a pencil wliicch ha cl an eraser on the- end of it, because people do snake nlis- tak.es . Granted, the less mistakes •m ade the hotter. but if we learn by our mistakes, progress is being :made. VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of the 'Village Council was held on Febr- uary 1st, 1970, all members being Preset4. The toflowirig motions were carried: Moved by H. TouPas sec- onded by .1. A, McTaggart that the minutes of the meetings of ,Iannury 11 and January 25, 1971, be adopted as reed. Moved by I. G. Campbell second- ed by J. A. MeTaggart that By- 1...aw No. 2-1971 be introdneed, and read a, first and second time and peesed. ThiS beipg a, ley-Liew providing for the 1471 expenditures on roads and streets in the Village of Brits- sels. Moved by J. TenPas, second- ed by R. W. Kennedy that By- Law No. 2-1971 be read a third time and passed and the, Reeve and Clerk authorized to sign tend sealed with the Corporate Seal. Moved by E. G. Campbell second- ed by H. J. Tennis that we apply to the Department of Highways for the balance of the 1970 Road subsidy, • :loved by R. W, Kennedy, sec- onded by 'FT. :1. TenPas that the accounts as approved be paid: Recreational Committee, balance of 1970 grant 726,00 MeGatcheon Grocery, cleaners and, wax ,,,,, Mrs. Noreen Eder, hinder ............ .. , .. 2.00 m. Kill„ regi- stra tious . ...... , . 1,25, Geo. Mutter. oil and sees 68.96 Iloward Bernard, fuel .... e3.53 MaeLeitine Finn Service. gas 0.95 J. M. 'McDonald Lumber Ltd., Material nen:: .... . 18.90 McCluteheon Motors, gas 3,00 Meitlan d Teleer \lees Ltd., rates and tolls ...... ....... 57A1 Bauer Farm and Garden Equipmeet, blowing snore...„. ... , ... „. ..... ... 111.50 Mrs. Joan Exp.!, cieaning „ .... ... .. 9.75 David Hastings treetor W r 4,00 Ontario Assoc, of Mayors and Reeves 1971 membership 10.00 Pro ilk Cowan. Ltd. insurance 38.87 panettni . 07.10 Reeeever Genoyal or CLU19ds Lei, S. ene,.....„ Receiver General of 310 (1 C. P. and TO: eik,cluCtiOns 12e.o2 Moved by R. W. Kennedy, see-. onded H. TenPas that (be Connell make application to ()M- ail° invdro for 81,111'ov-el for set- *UT tihe ;MIA: r;011111i1Vnien 1-51, '011 4.1§104 Vir44) our three Yours trills, Prow. Coast. H. A. Tighe. No. 4lee. Public In forme non Co-Ordine tor, No. 9 Diatrict, 111.. "tt • I :t.m•;:r.1 K. 5,40, tiff ',Nit •