HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-02-04, Page 6BAUER FARM AND GARDEN SERVICE REPAIRS TO. ALL TYPES OF . FARM MACHINERY AGENT FOR: SNOWMOBILES and ACCESSORIES Also REPAIRS TO SNOWMOBILES riga $0111111141 room URUS$ZJ.L °Owed ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL. BRUSSELS, ONT. JIM ADAMS and THE HAMILTON BOYS FRIDAY and SATURDAY IN THE RAINBOW ROOM • WE FEATURE: -Turkey, Sparc Rios and. Sauer .Kraut, . fish and Chips BERG Sales Service histatlatiOn FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling DONALD G. IVES R. R. 2, Blyth Phone Brussels 887.8024 upeatiM6s 00thg farMer are IljiterOft. INy* ggini3M0.01 0,:anis are deslgne4 to. =PO these 'Cli3O,01104, Pant roods. provide wine of ihe information needed for decis- toxi Ipakimg, CAlsrFARM,, puterized monthly farm record•loseping system, and the. Ontario Farm. Record: Rea are two. recortl-keeping.systems able thron0 'the Parma iganage., inent Prograitt of the Ontario 1/0partnieut of AgricUlture Food. ln. 1971, the Ontario 't'arya 'Re- cord Rook Will again fie aVallable free of Charge tO Ontatie twitters. analysis 41011-nation for 1910 and 13171. Ileoorit Zooky he available to sninnit their records ich The Ontario Departnient of Agriatilure and Food, illroligh the 4xtension liranch, will he able able to accoModate most ratifiers who may Want to make use of the CANFARM system. in 19(7). Registration CARFARM is being handled by the Agricultltral ikePreseniative and his staff in each .t-':onuty and District of the Province. Farmers participating in CAN., FARM. receive monthly and year• end income and expense, cash and credit statements for their own farm operation. As with the Ont- oh) i arhi. ikecorci Book, Staff Of the !F,,xtension.Branch aro :Wan- able te asSist, tarniere in. using the inforthation obtained froth the CANPAh111 recOrilS, badgeting, cash flow, financial counselling; transfer agreeinenti, tax manageMent, and estate plan- ning are all important Paris of the OUtario Farm Management Pre- graM, Mr. Bruce McCorquodele, a member of the start of the Exten. sion. Rianeh, coordinates the Farin' 141aitien_eiit Inforniation Systems in Ontario on behalf of the De- partment. His office is located in the Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Guelph. a nther information concern- ing Pam Management Programs including C A.NT Anal t h e Ontario Record Book and other Farm Management topics may he ob- tabed centactiiig 'the C.ottilt :trig Dititrict offies of the Ont ario D'epariiilent of Agriculture and Food Or 16, ;Mceorwodule, NEW SNOWMOBILE FILM AVAILABLE A Win; "Plky Safe., for. ;More; Winter, Fun,7 has been produced iiti Lad., in co-oPer•., ation with the Caliada safety Council. Copied of this excellent colour film outlining the main snowmobiling hazards and what to do about them to be safe are' available from provincial safety councils. The steadily-mounting toll of snowmobile fatalities •this winter is proof enough that More education for snowmobilera, in- cluding exposure to this flint, is an urgent need. FARM MANAGEMENT PROGRAM An increased number of Ontario farmers will have the opportunity to .participate hi the Farm Management Programs or the Ontario Department, of Agricul. tare and Food which aye set OP to assist individual farmers in analyzing and solving their farm business problems, Will it. pay to purchase this, machine? What farm adjustinents are required to reach a specific net farm income? What are the market prospects for this farm product? The challenges and LARRY'S RADIO and TV SALES LARRY BOLGER Phone 523-9640 and SERVICE PROPRIETOR Blyth, Oat. Highlights from our Annual Report Company Funds $ 27,806,008 Guaranteed Funds 415,950,304 Estates, Trusts and Agencies 58,276,428 Total Assets under Administration 502,032,740 $ 27,147,138 365,660,206 52,618,903 445,426.337 Guaranteed Ittvestment Certificates 319,864,709 275,302,084 Trust Deposits 96,085,595 90,358,122 Net profit for the year Earnings per C0111MOT1 share 2,473,400 1,59 2,157,481 L36 VG VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 THE BRUSSELS POST THE ADS. IN SAVE MONEY READ Belleville • Brampton • Cannington • Exeter i Goderich • Hanover • Kingston • Lindsay • Listowel • Meaford • Newmarket • Orangeville • ()riffle • Owen Sound • Peterborough • Port Credit • Renfrew • RichmOnd Hill * St. Marys • Stratford • Toronto (5) • Whitby