HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-02-04, Page 4YOUR RE.PRESENTATIVE 'For Confederation ,Life in, this area. contact: Stu Belly, Mitelte11, Ontario, Tel. 34S-8616 STANDING TIMBER WANTED Highest eash prices for your trees or logs. Free estimates, Call: Craig's Sawmill $26-7220, Auburn. INTERIOR and EXTERIOR SPRAY PAINTING Peper Hanging Free Estimates RICHARD (iiLL R.R. 3 Walton s87.6596 AVON OFFERS YOU — an excellent earning opportunity and a business or your owij, sell ing the finest gun ranteed quality merchandise. For full Nielson LT .friawRet;bury Ave., details, write or call collect Mrs. London, 151-05-11 EXTRA INCOME IN YOUR SPARE TIME Flexible hours, pleasant dignifies. work. Want a better home? New oar? Colour television? New ward- robe? You name it and we will help you attain it. Free Details, No obligation. Apply to: Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred Street, Wingham, phone 357-1383. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the estate of MARGARET MARY GFtAINGER, deceased pts 10, j, a 0 TEWROA,V, 441 11$11 CRANBROOK GENERAL STORE SPECIALS Maple Leaf H.am 24 oz. Dare Cookies 3 pkgs Van Camp Pork & Beans 19 oz. 2 for 49c Oranges 1 doz. . i $9c Seal Pure Ice Cream. 1/2 Gal. . :9Se $1.39 $1.00 WATCH FOR OPENING SPECIALS NEXT WEEK END Agent: Listowel Dry Cleaners CRANBROOK PHONE BRUSSELS 887.6593 IIIIIIINaeloweleaftemeisseeammameamememeemeedomeemompoulltleamellnli ALL Persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Mary Grainger, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Bunn, widow, Whi died on or about the 28th day of Deceinber, 1970, are 'hereby notified to send particulars of sonic to the under- eigned on or before the 12th day of February, 1971. after Nehich date the estate will he distributed with regard only to the claims, of which the, undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Brussees this 16th day uf :January, 1971. C RA W ORD & M ILL Brussels, Ontario •Selicitors for the Exeetiters , inclement Weather. Sealed Tenders clearly Marked will be ,:eceived by the under- signed'until 6 p.m. February 12, for supplying the Township With, a 1971 34, ton truck, a 1964 Chen. si ton trek to be taken as trade- Specifications May be seen at the Road Sane/le-0MA or Clerk r,Prea serer'S offices at 'Winthrop, Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, I<enncth W. Stewart, Road Supt. MeEillop R. 5, Seaforth„ Ont. The closing date has been'es- tended to February 12 because of DEAD STOCK REMOVAL SERVICES WANTED DEAD AND DISABLEb CATTLE and HORSES TOP PRICES PAID SMALL ANIMAL PICKUP 24 HR. FAST EFFICIENT SERVICES BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Liz: 273-0-70-13 FREE OF CHARGE OVER 160 LB. PHONE commr 887,0334 aiws,sttfi pts 28 18 • 15 13 10 3 6 6 1 2 2 6 1 fi 5 9 MADILL, SUPERINTENDENT OF OPERATIONS, HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, 97, SHIPLEY STREET, CLINTON, ON -r. R. M, ELLIOTT, ChaIrrnan, 0. J. COCHRANE, Director of Educatiot14 0.000.00000..zokatv.trooxiekouOiwoa.0.01-42"Vamt."0411042401 ENTERTAINMENT AT SMILEY'S HAVE.N. QUEEN'S Kowa., BRUSSELS SMOKEY .DIANN'S :HILLBILLIES SHOW FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT Menu:. Barbecued. Ribs and Kraut! Southern Fried Chicken and Chips MtetIziVENKV4VP4Ii:VCeeze.CW.K.VMK405•74g4A-teeTAIMele.:244nKlei WANTED TO pus( Brewnie Uniform, complete, size 7 or 8. Phone 887-9404 Fqs SALE-- Quantity kilm dry corn. Dried down to 12 0,' !ast Tan McDonald Phone 887-6741 FOR SALE 22" Color Eleetroholne T x„, 1 Good Used Blaek and White T. V. Machin HardWare, Bressels,.9nt, FOR SALE _ Ford Diesel Tractor with In- dustrial Loader; Massey Gas Tractor with Industrial Loader: John Deere Crawler with Loader: International T.D. 9 with Loader. Mel jaeklin 887-9493 PAINTING and DECORATING Wall Papering Done At Reasonable Rates Call For Free Estimates BURTON PRIOR Brussels Phone 887-6441 REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types. Complete Apliance repairs at BIIRKE ELECTRIC Wingham - 357-2450 Electrical Contractors -Appliances - Motor Rewind, 2,1 hour emergen- cy service. --,— TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP TENDER FOR 3/4 TON TRUCK ailuasiois MINOR HOCKEY SCORING RECORD Ali-Star Tyke Kenny Cousins. Terry McCutcheoe Kevin Pennington alirhaei Wetson I)ariwn McCutcheon 4 Brian TeuPas 2 Kevin FiergOtt j. Kenny Higgins 0 Gary McWhirter 1 0 • Glary MeCutcheon 1 .0 Steven Hurither 1 0 Terry Nerniedy. 0 • 1. Lele Campbell 0 0. Ricky Guest 0 0 Brian Kellingtoe (goalie) All-Star Squirt 9 a David "Watts 8 Ti))) Prier 1 4 Doug Cousins 4 Bradley' :might 2 Scott Wheeler 1 2 John Richmond 2 0 Robert Demeray 0 2 Brian Scott 1. Nevin Nichol Steven Guest o 1 Mike Pfieffer 1 1 Brian Arnistreng 0 0 NorMan Kennedy 0 0 0 Lyle Bridge 0 0 0 "Keith 7.1.1cLean (goalie) HOUSE LEAGUE SCORING RECORDS Tyke g a Darwin Mt:Cut:he:on 22 2 Kenny Cousins 18 4 Hriau 'renPas 16 6 Terry McCetcheon 7 6 Terry KennedY a. 1 8 1,:',enny Higgins 7 0 Kevin HergOtt 2 4 Michael Watson 5 0 Geary Mcdutcheon 4 1 Kevin Pennington 2 Gary MeWhirter 2 1 T.'aul Xicbol 1). 3 Ricky GueSt 1 1. Brian Kellington 0 Kevin 'Wheeler 1 '0 Jitunly Scott o 1 Joe Adams 0 1 Gary McArter Lyle Campbell 0 1 Squirt g David Watts Doug Cousins Glenn 'McLean Scott Wheeler Scott. Bridge Brian Scott ;John Rich mood Steve Pletet "Murray Bone Tim :Prior e4re,t.,: Cardiff :Irvin Peas Bradley Knight Brian Deitner Bob !luaus Kevin Gillis Ken Pennington Kevin Nichol Larry Scott 2 0 jim Clark 0 '2 Robert Azenetrettg 0 .1 Mike Pfieffer 1 '0 NorMan Kennedy 1 0 Robert Defriaray 0 1 D01111.10 Higi5th.$ n.. ; 2 2 1 24 34 a 0 4 2 9 1 Mrs. Marie Davis 1 would like to express my thanks to everyone who visited me during my stay in the hosPital. also thanks to those who sent gifts and cards, Special thanks to. Dr. Pyper and the nurses of the 3rd floor in Stratford General Don :Fischer On behalf of the Brussels Public School I would like to thank all parents and townfolk who so wil- ling provided a home for the children strauded by the storm last week. We soon had a home for everyone, but the offers of help Which continued to pour ID Were still appreciated. i would also like to thank Mr. and Mrs, Bill MeArter and all those who provided inform a tion concerning' the condition ,of the roads so that we knee'. when it'was safe to bus the children home. Thanks also to the bus drivers who stood by, ready to leave when the weather cleared, Special thanks finally to C.K.N.X. who did such a tremen- dous job informing the parents Of bus departures and school bill- letin.S. • Ken. A. Scott, Principal NOTICE. The Annual 'General Meeting of the Children's Aid Society of Huron. County, which had to be cancelled for February 3rd. 1971. will now he held on Wednesday. February 10th, 1971, at 1:30 p.m. at the Court House, Godeuich. The public is cordially invited to attend. The banquet honoring the Foster Parents of Huron County will be held at as later date, INSURANCE NEEDS AUTO & FARM LIABILITY CALL YOUR COOP Agent LLOYD MONTGOMERY PHC IE 857-3739 53 MAPLE T. WINGHAIA seee„..eiewegeliewseeeet eedeeil THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUIRES AN AUDIO VISUAL TECHNICIAN FOR F, E. MADILL'SECONDARY SCHOOL Wingham, Ontario Duties to commence March 1st or as soon thereafter as possible, The successful applicant will have proven experience in operation and repair of a wide variety of audio visual equipment, including record players, tape recorders, video tape recorders, filni projectors, etc. The applicant will be In charge of the closed circuit television system In the school. CARDS OF THANKS pts My sincere thanks to the Snow- Olub for services provided 5 during the storm. It was greatly 4 appreciated. The ieixeentive of -the Brussels branch of the Canadian Bible Society wishes to thank, the faith- ful'canvassers and those members pts the community and surround- 24 ing area who so generously eon- e2 tribeted to out funds again this year, The treasurer sent to the 12 London office 8560.89. 9 7 7 5 3 . a 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 0 2 • Salary is negotiable, Will be in the $5,500 — Board reserves the applicants will be inter Written applications February 15th by: based on acceptable related experience and $7,500 range. ight to reject any or all applications. Selected viewed the week of February 15th to 19th. Will be received until 4:00 p.m. on Moriday,