HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-02-04, Page 2‘.450.440«.4111b414104ttaikal.roNastArta.40.1400:a4.4 $44.W.00:41,,,a .1VieGavin's Farm Equipment IN A .COMPLETE LINE OF FARM EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE WALTON, ONTARIO' EIRI):5SEt,S 4187:-835 4 SEA FO RTPt • 1.327-024S' teiti.f4.444Yi :14141 .4. pit BELTQN4 4E.A.RING TESTS (No Obligation) EDER'S STORE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5th 1:00 TO 3:00 P.M. Service To Most Makes E. R. TH,EDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 Qtieen St. S., Kitchener, Ont. BACK BY POPULAR THE HOMELITE XL AUTOMAT! The Honielite XL Automatic has a new look but it still delivers the same dependable performance that has made it• a favourite with professionals. It slices through 10" limbs in five seconds for 30% faster cutting in day- after-dcry logging. Its larger, bigger gas tank makes for less down time than ever before. And now the XL Auto- matic with new automatic oiler and manual over-ride is selling at a new reduced price. The XL Automatic is another money-making chain saw from Homelite. And its back because you asked for it. ' om Garniss BRUSSELS, O'NT, NEW BOOKS HURON COUNTY LIBRARY :MOSQUITO, ley Joe Holliday. Doubleday, 1970 : llere is t11e story of the wooden Wonder aircraft of World War 11, how the tiny Toronto 'Branch of the de Haviland Company tnrned into a huge plant turning out hundreds of these aircraft, For years the fastest :tit:plane in the war, the Mosquito had an inored, ible record. it was the fighter that ecto Led the Dam hister bombers: it was the bomber that destroyed the Gestapo prison at Amiens; it was 'lhe reconn s- s a n ce plane I hat located the .German rocker installations art Poenemundo. 1i0SQUIT0 is tribute to a heroic aircraft and the heroic men who flew her. POLITICAL, PARTY FINANDINP IN CANADA, by K. Z, —.McGraw-Hill, 1970, This book is both a description and an appraisal of the practices emploYed by Canadian politica] partit,s to finance their activities; it. is also a study of the legialation enacted to bring order to thiS. aspoa of Canaditm life., This book is one of u. series on Canadian politics published by :11COra-W-Bill Company, CANADIAN ART: VITAL DECAL) S, Clarke, Irwin, 1970 Many noted names in Canadian art, are found in. this handsome volume which. was planned to co- incide with the 501-I1 anniversary of the Group or Seven. It. is more than that. It is the story of the birth .and growth of the McMich- ael. C'oalserVi Collection of Art "Inevitable"' is the a,ttitud9 of a rapidly growing group of en- gineers and industrialists to the adoption of the metric :system of Weights and measures within the next several years, The book dis- cusses how and to what extent metric, measures will he adopted, how much convorsiou. will cost and when It will start, VANCOUVER by Eric Nicol. __Doubleday 1970 ' Eric Nicoi: who, has entertained us with his good natured book of humour here presenta an affect- iOna,te history of the city he ehoSe to make his home,: Vatican:Vet% "the Rh? iera. of Canad" "The 'Gateway. to the Orient," is a scenic :mixture of 71)(mi -talus and, sea which continues to charm visitors. PENNY CANDY, by Jean Kerr, ....Doubleday 1970 The author of .PLICASEI DON'T EAT 'PFIE DAISIES and THE SNAKE': S .:11„.1_, THE S Les put together a new col- lection of fifteen "funny pieces". Der reflections cover such sub- , Reis us: Partying is such sweet sorrow; I saw :Niumuly Kicking Santa. City's: Marriage, unsafe at any speed. NORTHERN REALITIES, by Jim ..,.Lott. New Press, 1970 The two voyages of the 17.S. oil tanker Manhattan have provoked a remarkable outburst of national feeling over .Artic sovereignty. Mr. 14otz has taken nothing for granted in the North and he pre- sents an outspoker, and stimulati- in.2; view of the Canadian North, its -ornblems and its future. 1\11A, FICTION INCLUDES: DO('TOR ON THE BOIL, by Richard iGOrden (Another in the floctor series) T1114; GRAFTER: by /ohm Cassels. (.z Superintendent Flagg inys- aryl' 'WHEN IN ROME. by Ngani Marsh (Detective ROdericATI AlleYn in Rome-) 110D h I. A FINGLT SWMA.N. R. F. Deerfield, (Saga of Eng- land in the 1860's in idiom of iris A I-TORSEMAN RIDING) T HO'N'OURS 'Ft 0 ARD. by 0;1 I-ftlnslore. .1 011.21$01). Ienucern ed with the teaching statf - small world - sot, in ;,It English Prep. School) WARNING. TO PARENTS The nntarin Safely 1,etigue re- pc,r.)is the ,,vnrning to parents ihat vhildren into:, susceptahle to carbon monoxide poisoning than adults. This is because children broathe 'more deeply. and lake in the gas More pid 1 1.r a child hecoines inexplicably ill in a car, It could be an indication: that deadly CO is present, btit not in siif?ic'iont concentration to have affected the adults unduly, STANDARDIZATION OF THE SECONDARY SCHOOL CREDIT SYSTEM IS ANNOUNCED In a move to integrate the en- tire secondarY school prOgraAll leading to the secondary 'PellO01 honour graduation diploma, and at the- same time uphold the high degree of academic proficiency 'maintained in the 'post, 111114S:ter of ,Iilducation William '0'. Davis haS announced the standarikatien of the secondary school credit syst em. The change to become effect- ive in September, will• make the credit definition as it applies to grade 11 consistent with that now being used for grades 9 to 12.. Stressing that the change by no means constitutes a lowering of grade 13 requirements. Mr. Davis sai'd the plan will completely late- rate the secondary school system. allowing each student to attain the maximum of his potential at the pace best suited to him. Mr. Davis suggested that the new regulations will lead to great- er use of school plant facilities, in that they will encourage students to attend summer conrs- os where credits under the new system will apply toward honour graduation diplomas. Under the new system, a Secon- dary- School -Honour Graduation Diploma will be issued upon the Successful completion Of six credits as definea :under the new credit system, which is equivalent to seven credits under the old sta ndarrds, "f -rider the now arrangement a. credit. in. any subject is earned or the successful completion of a course containing work that norm- ally would be completed after 110 to 120 hours of scheduled • time.: The majority of grade 13 students are now scheduled in class for a :Period of time which is equal to that required for SiN credits under the new systeln. The new system will not conStitat a redaction in their •workload in fact, for., many students, the new system will mean additional work. " Davis Said. Mr, Dols said a memoranduth outlining the, ehunge, has been mailed to school officials, GOLDEN WORDS I KNOW SOMETHING GOOD ABOUT YOU Wouldn't this old. world be better If the folks \We meet would say, "I know something good about . your And then treat us just that •way. :ff each handelasP warm and •Woutl,d' true it be fine and dandy Carried with it this assurance "I know something good about• . you.- krouldn't life he happy, If the gOod that's in us. 111.1... Were the only thing a hout .us That folks bothered to recall? Wouldn't 'life be lots More happy, If we praised the good we see? there such lot of goodness in the worst of you and me, Wouldn't it be nice to practice That fine way of -• thinking, too? You know something good about inc. know something good about you. .1 once ImeW a man who only Opened his mouth to change feet, WNW* eir.)P0W. t.44i,14/444) from its 1;Irtil priVate beginnings by 'Wham and Signe 111ciNlichaei The book abounds with.. fine reproductions, PREPARE NOW FOR Donovan, Weybridgt & Donovan, Weybrigh TaIICY"p 1970 lots more immiemiummims•mmommumpimmie nwsP004111010"4111111111 DEAD STOCK REMOVAL SERVICES WANTED DEAD AND DISABLEI) CATTLE and HORSES TOP PRICES PAID SMALL ANIMAL PICKUP 24 HR. FAST 'EFFICIENT SERVICES BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Lic: 273-c-70-8 FREE OF CHARGE — OVER 150 LB. PHONE COLLECT 887-9334 MIS-SE-1-9