HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-09-02, Page 1ye. . THI-IITY•FOUBTH YEAR. + WHOLE t')1 l: h l t 1bIlL. + OEV0TE°o coUN�Y NEWS GODERICR, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1881, GENERAL INTELLICEN McOILLICUDDY BROS. Pusauawss 1 $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. New AAverlraewteats. Ap,les-0.11.11tjd}r �v Caution-J•ssob Ukgy, Mortgage Sate --1i Shod'. New Hoods --Miss Stewart. Fancy Oust J. Saut.•ler,. Shawl Found -J. ('. ('urri.. School Books -0. `ahopperd. Salmon Trout -U. Ferguson. Shawl Lost --D. ('. Straehn:+. New Story--Ht:Kos SIOYAL 'Caledunl•n Gants -C. 11 Cooper. Tenders Wanted --Robert Murray. TPwnllitsg Gable. GRAND TRUNK. CAA?- . Pae'.. 1fip's• Mii 1. Mid. 6oierleb.Lv 1.00oun.. ilt06pm 3.13pm.. 9.0dam Seaforth.... Lid " .. 1.10 " .. i.tti .' .. t0.so •• Stratford. Ar8.13wm r.t3pm e.3opm 1.00•• weer. Par. Exp's. .illi d. 3ftx'd. Strstfotd.Ly ,.loam ' 50pn, 7.00aoi .3.13pm i' .Sortb . 3.17 " 8.55 " H.15 " ..Sale ' (iolerich. Ar 3131,01. yy,l�ppppm 11.00am . 7. t5pet GREAT WESTERN. Exp's. Man. Exp.. Clinton g claw north...9.3.sm .1.13pm .8.11pm " gulag',moth3.511.m .8.0ratn..7.y1 '• STAIDE tie itti. l.•tcknow Stage Melly, arr. 10.15am dep ipm Kincardine " 1.00atn '• 7am B•amlllcr " I VMnt'mday and Saturiarlarrives SIwaao.. "9.13'• Dentistry. iur R1CHOi8ON, SURGEON DIN- ., TUT. OMoe and residence. West street, *dews below Beak of Montreal. od171111 e- =' eople's �'.olwaan.- r _ QHAWL FOUND. --A DARK GREY e..e woolen shawl was found neer Ra11ey's wbetelhfi Enquire of J. C. Ct: seta, HighCon- SBAWL LURT-IN TOWN, 014 SA- TURDAY £VENiNO las. a bright Woe Shawl. with a Mack and yellow stripe. A re- ward et 'tee will be siren( W any person re - 'ursine the ,newt no te. C. /tannins • acre. It [IAUTION.-ALL PARTIES ARE k beret)) cautioned against negotiating a note drawn by R. Williams, In fa%orofJoseph Healy, and dated Dec. 1:. 1811). for 1127, as the sate has been lost. and no value Ma een re- ceived. Janet' H.ALy, Colborne. 1801-1t. f%�l) RENT. -THAT UANDSltME 1 concrete house at the corner of Newgate and Albert streets, occupied for over le years by Mrs. J. V. Ellwood. It t. In good repair. NCI hard and soft water and other conveni- ettcss. Apply to Jot BKaCctttrwtboc, builder. 1719. NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A ohlel's yob ye, talon' notes. An' fetttb�hee11-prem tt." 7077a+ TOMS. if you want a tiro -clam cooking stove, call and see 0. N. Davis' variety. Also American And Canadian oil fur family use. Something new -the magic Muting machine. Mr. Walter Brough is in town. New wheat is now being ground et the Big Mill. Mr. C. Crabb is taking his holidays m Chicago. Mir Minnie Adams, of Toronto, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Isaac Osassday hu gone to Brant- ford, to visit her friends there. The therneoneter ranged from 180 to 93 degrees during the last five days of August. The boats of the Beatty Lino have been carrying to their fullest ospecity during the season. • bliss Stewart, milliner, will take in the full styles and replenish her stuck at Toronto this week. Mr. R. Simmons, and his sister, Mrs. M. Young and two children, have re- turned from Manitoba Mr. and Mrs. W. Seymour, have re- turned to Detroit, after a very pleasant visit to their old home. Mies Ulna Treleaven, formerly of Goderich, took passage per atr. Ontario, to reside in Dakota, t1. S. The bills of fere for the Langevia dinner, which were much admired, were printed at Tez Sweet office. The Model School opened en Mon- day last, with twelve pupils. The pub- lic schools resumed on Thursday. The Mires Geraldine and Linda Cres - man have returned froom a visit to their relatives in Guelph, and other cities. Mr. Geo. Old thinks he, this week made the biggest shipment of plums to theStstes ever made by one man from Goderich. We are pleased to see aaggaain the pleas`` ant face of Mies Mande bl000rhotw, who has been visitint; iter sister, Mn. Jennings, at Standish, Mich., U.S. Mr. Edward Henley, who returned a short time ago from Kansas, hae gone to try his fortune in Nevada, U. 8. We ``"'eTRAYED ANIMALS. -SEND fIl hope he'll find elver galore. AJ toTat pStott e.toutvertiseanimal, stray- ing tray- Fred Wren's "Uncle Tram's Cabin" � Wegslon tl del to rat. snlmsliold{ddree. THa Company will appear in Victoria Hall on l�sdxAL (iodectcb. tmr. Monday evening next. The press speaks well of the performance. ML"sIC.-1II$S SKIMNIINGS WILL The Johnston Brea., of which firm G. resmimer Montan to made, on Wed. nasda7. bit sep eflher Leet Terms PS per gr. in advance. toe of piano gives if re- quired. Stanley St. (ioderfch. Sept. 16th leg. 1910-1t. DtR.' WANTED- THE MUNI. Cfi'AI. (")•JECIL of west Wawanodh rM receive ler the reeepenlag and 1 " •t T • Creek. front s point In glipMilla to tie Blind Lao. w cb em t f T SRI an -11 81:th concession, of West Wewano•b. The work will be let in `Lection of *be C•ecessioa to each Section. Ten era. B. is a member had a clip of about 10;- 000 lbs. this year. from their Texas sheep. 22 cents per !b. was realized for it. G. T. R. Bawr*Yaxx Excras1o5.-It is avecb d•that a monster, excursion of G L It. brakemen from Toronto and westward will visit Qederiah un Satur- day. most stee the $rn0 int per cubic yard ter )tR- R=�',nvElr'-Uwitly to the removal of gine. which t•otn.•e..ion the Tender 1. tor. and Riverdale private Iiiol to lest street, give thema:ne• of twogoodand su8clent sure- the reopening of the iastitittion have tie• for the eomptetloa of the work. Plans been until Monday next, the and .peeiAcations may be seen et my Office any Friday or Saturday, up till theIIb dao of 5th inst. +e mso bar, teat T•ibe malt t • lodgedVI•e understand that Mr. Secord, of self and a number of others around her (tut ase net hater thea the lith et September. single scull championship cup will he ROBERT 3xU.P.R AY, egret ce West wawa- Michigan, has commissioned Mr. Hamill, rowed thin (Friday) afternoon, weather wholint unnaturally felt sottiewhat her- e k attenosh 'TownlibI Clerk's OAce, St. her - architect, to get up duplicate plans. of permitting. Mr. W. Gooding, the pres- sen, vous at having • revolver pointed at i the handsome residence of'+dr. A. Dick- y � air hesgla within a few of m son, pof ttnaster. succession If he succeeds this time it requested the,young lunatic to be a lit - Mr. John Hindus intends settling in bootee?* his property under the riles. tle careful how he painted the weapon Mich. having bpught a drug business on Ma G. B. Cox, however, who tiniehed Michigan Avenue. Detroit. He studied within half • length of his last year. with Mr. Jaynes Wilson. Druggist. We hopes to give him a busy time, and a wish him success. lively race may be expected. It is a on Tuesday afternoon the North natter of surprise that out of all the young Mrs. McFarlane is visiting her child- ren in Chicago. St. George's Church S. S. picnic held in Birngham's grove ou Friday last was very successful. Every effort was put forward to make the affair a success. The games, etc., were much enjoyed by the young folk. Chas Rouse, was tried before Judge Toms un Wednesday, charged with steal- ing a horse from a Mr. Kerr, of Hullett. The case was dismissed, owing to insuffi- cient evidence being advanced for con- viction. RUNAWAY. -On Saturday last n run- away horse upset a vehicle contaiging Mrs. A. Ross, her son and grandchild. Mrs Res sustained a severe sprain, but the others were uninjured. The ve- hicle was somewhat wrecked. CtJTr.z RILE ra SULTRY Ammeer,-A farmer residing on the Bayfield road, having a cutter to take home in his wagon, some fun loving damsels thinking it something to beast of took a drive round the square, much, to the obliging The Town Council will gather around the municipal board tis -night. Mies Lucy Harris, of Cleveland, has been visiting friends in Goderich during the past week. Mr. A. M. Polley shipped a car -lead of horses to Michigan, on Thursday of lest week. He is now open to purchase any %;umber of good large hones. Simone Holtos9.-We are pleased to state that our young townsman, Mr. P. Carroll, took second honing at the legal examinations in Toronto last week. Acctasine-Mrr Samuel Beaver, sr., of th.11sylield Road, sustained a broken rib on Wednesday, by his horse running away •apposite Dr. Shannon's residence. This week's Seism, is a capital num- ber to send to absent friends. 40 cents will send the paper to any address, post- paid, during the balance of 1881. Teta L".•AL PAPER. -Mr. J. B. Trsyes, the President of the Canadian Press Auos.iation, in the course of his annual address, made the follswiter remarks: Strangers form their opinion of a p&Pee; farmer's amusement. be it city or village, mainly from its O: wale -The naay friends of Mr. newspapers. and about the first thing P. li Hyndnan, C. L, will be glad to one asks for is the local paper. He hear that he has arrived u far as Bow glanoes over it, and as it is well got up Fort, ten miles from the Rocky Moun- and its advertising columns well patron - tains, with his survey on the C. P. R iaed, or the reverse, he forms an estimate The men under his command, sixty in of the enterprise and push of the neigh - all, are well, but complain of the scarci- borhood: therefore business men should ty water. liberally patronize their local paper, both The annual Missionary Meeting will for their own good and the benefit of be held (D. V.) in 8t. George's church, the locality, for assuredly, money spent on Wednesday next, the 7th inst. The in newspaper advertising -provided the Rev, J. B. Richardson, M. A„ rector of advertiser fulfils his promises -is better the Cron',n Memorial church, London, laid out than three times the sum in and the Rev. F. W. Campbell, mission- other methods of addressing the public. dry agent, will attend as a deputation. The merchant w'he allots to advertising Chair will be taken at 7:30 p. m. in newspapers a sunt equal to what he pays for reut makes a . wise investuient wliich is sure to relay hug. Those who do not advertise at all -because they think no benefit is derived from• it -are the very parties who advertise most con- spicuously by hanging their goods out- side their stores and growl because they are not permitted to occupy half the street with their wares. This is a small ta,-every community, and they won- er hoar it is their neighibots become in,. dependent and retire while they do not seem to advance at all. John C. Currie, the auctioneer, has re- ceived instruction to sell a quantity of elegant household furniture, the pro- perty of Mrs. James Watson, near the residence of M. C. Cameron, Esq., on Thursday. the 8th Mat. The furniture is all good, and bargains may be expect- ed. For particulars see bills. -rdlt in�wkesseiy reapebsil id for.. D Ars 'Ir • ser- geant belonging to a ,ndstien Mount- ed Police took passage on the steamer "Ontario" on her last trip, on his re- turn to the North west. The evening he came to Goderich he called at all the hotels ip.town to get lodging and they were all fall; no accomodaton. The poor`fellow had to take the soft aide .4 A WARNri<o.-A well-known resident of Colborne was cited before the Mayor on Thursday last by County High Con- stable Currie, charged with carrying a revolver on his person, contrary to Lw. time seats on thb Square for his couch. He was severely admonished by his He.'was not favorable impressed ' with Worship, and bound over to keep the the hospitality of the (iodench people. p( for six months: This •bonld be a The Saginaw Transportation 'company intend leaving C4oderich out of their; route in a short time. and then will all regurlarly at all ports between•Port Hu- ron and Port Austin. This will 'be a warning to persutia who delight in carry- ing pocket "shooting irons. Cesee y.. Ravotvzns.-Few people hare any idea of the extent to which the •riiuinal practice.of carrying revolvers is great convenience for the travelling pub- prevalent among boys and young then. lic, as it will bring us on a direct line TO the general public the presence of between Cleveland and Saginaw. Next these death dealing instruments is not season the company' will have two boats known until an socideet or something on the route one of which will run to wurae.reveals the fact. The other day.a Goderich and the other on this shore. stylishly dressed young pan on one of The Saginaw Valley is s new propellor, the excursion lusts was conspicuously which was built expressly for this line, and is officered by a gentlemanly crew - [Bad Axe Tribune. BOAT RAott. -The final race for the handling a revolver and explaining is parts and action to his young lady who est beside him. He handled it se care- lessly that a Sarnia.lady, acting for her - Helens September ls., 8111.t th feet them, ant holder, has already won it twice to Real Estate, FO$ SALE, CHEAP: -WT Sit, Lake Ranga, Aahfeld, Baron Coant3. 181 acres. 119 cleated and nighty Immerse. oahance standing timber. Good orchard. ne frame house. Darn 10:0) and 'ti wesessety realize the extent of his criminal fol stabling, two wells. For particulars address Street Methodist church S. 8. picnic gentlemen of the town who delight in CHAS. lSCL**$. Ambcrty. entaan.was held in Bingham's grove. The lad- aquatics, more can not be found to I The young man inferred to went below afterwards and amused himself firing at the birds which flew aa,ut the beat. To those who are in the habit of taking a walk to the lake, it is not an uncom- PRINCIPAL GRANT. A Chat eolith the emitter •r **Wrens (mesa 1. areas." Rev. 0. M. Brant, D.D., Principal of Queen's College, Kingston, returned this week from a trip to Manitoba, and for a few days was the guest of Rev. Dr. Ure, at his cytufortable residence over- looking Lke Huron. On Wednesday morning a represents- tive of Teta SWNAL paid his respects to the distinguiahed colleeggiat, whom he found in excellent health and spirits, having been much benefitted by his re- cent visit to the North-west. The conversation naturally - turned upon the trip of the Principal to the Prairie Province. "It is nine years since I lot visited Manitoba," said Dr. Grant, "and al- though the Province has not been tilled up at the rate of 50,000 per annum, u wore predicted, yet it has made extra- ordinary prugreaa" "Don't you think the policy of the Government in locking up the lands had much to do with retarding the fuller pro- gress of the country f" was the enquiry. "I du. In the adjoining States the railways had thrown open the land to settlers, while in Canada the Pacific rail - wry was a bone of contention between the two political parties. The Syndicate will open up the country more freely. The feeling in the country was evidently in favor of a company. In so gigantic a work some such scheme was necessary. It would be impossible for use man W control so great a work. A than might be able to manage a canoe alone, but he could not by himself control a steamboat -he couldn't be, fireman, pilot, engineer and purser. And do you think, Doctor, that a com- pany is better than Government control." "I cannot say that. I am not anxious to state personally what I think. How- ever, tie feeling in the country was evi- dently in favor of a company.: "Don't you think the Syndicate has's fat thing Y" "Well, hardly. On some sections they willdo well, but at the eastern and weetayt MAI they will have a difficult oovnt rjt to traverse, and will not• blse* so "fat" a thing on that acoount-that is, if they build the line faithfully aed well. I think, however, that the character of the work done by the Government will be superior to that done by a company. And for this reason: The Government is watched by about hall the people, who are interested in finding fault and Rick- ing flaws in any public work. If pour work is dotie, the country hears of it, and often it will be represented to be worse than it really ia. With a oompsny it is different. It is not in the interest of many to find fault with 'its work. Free passes are given to correspondents who write up the routes in the most favorable way. If we were to examine the construction of many railways built by companies we would find the work done on Government railways far ahead of it. The Government built the Inter - colonial railway, and a splendid 'railway it is It will stand fur years a monu- ment of engineering skill." "Another .trawback to emigration to' Manitoba," resumed the Principal, "was' the fact that nearly all of the influx hai to page through American territory. This causes great warty and annoyance. When the -through Canadian mute is completed, I anticipate a greater emi- He thereupon put it away, Samar inti gratton to Manitoba. I remember that, rather sheepishly that "he didn't think( when living in Halifax, we had to pus he waedoing any harm." He will probably through the States before we could reach goonthtnkingso until habitats out some- Upper Canada. It was very annoying body's brains, and then perhaps he will tis be exposed to so much inspection. Sometimes the cutouts officers would be vulgar and rude. Now that the Inter - whittle! is built it is different." And the Doctor shrugged his shoulders as he thought of running the gauntlet of a lot of suspicious officials. "And you think Manitoba will he s populous province t was the next query. "It will grow very fast, although not so fast perhaps as some would have us believe. When people talk of 100.000 a year increase, they expect to. much. When I wrote my book upon the North- west, I was taken to task because 1 said there were homes then for millions of people. I also pointed out itsdrswb.cks. for it has drawbacks. I was somewhat severely handled for advising the people FOR SALE. -LOT 9, LAKE 8HORs ies in connection had prepared a splen- emit ete for the cu T'p. of Colborne, containing Its acres„ 7e did spread, and the children had a fine acres clearel balance ex.-ellent ttmblr HoJ1 of it generally. The day, however, was •good clay 1Otme. Ai 11)11 property .dfotws one of the rmest of the year. the Point Farm ft ft in eoon•egttam,• Most eligibly situated. For particulars apply to J. MARK" Fxcs.-The highest bidder J. Wright. March let IANC. 1T7{-tL failed to come to time. Mr. E. Graham, the next highest, refuses to take them at h:s bid of $200. The next bidder, to follow precedent, would be entitled t., them, but this offer being only *112 the committee have referred the matter back t.. the council. Ht►d-$E AND LOT FOR SALE -AT Dungannon, 12 miles from Qoderteh. ron•Isting oft of an acre of land. well termed: a frame house, a pod wen and pump are atss on the premien. The let hes been well Im- proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars cam be bad from Mr. J. II. ItoMerchant. ______on. er R s Ilaowrr.flhI.Poo now. A Sunday school excursion, under the auspices of the Presbyterian and Metho- HOUSE, AND LATS NOS. 33 AND' dist Churches of Seaforth,rnade Goderich 1e eerier et Vienna and haat •tletS. ha the terminus on Monday last. A num- y q of m province (at that tilde Noes "eeemee, wad a open the kilt, an see the town of (roderich.1or sal• cheap. or wiY be ber of tate •aeunionuts t.."I( advantage y y 1► exchanged for farm property. Forparticulvs o�p�p�ly� to Jas. 14.&1 L. Are►Iteet. efroe l'rabb's of the tripe of the Josephine Kidd to ex- How t) RrntL THE PR.•.�PRR(TY 0P A you; if you do not knoek him down I vines. Many took my Advice, and all I did as hu meth me, for known e meek, or J. C. Cu lugs. euctlosese. peneaoe the sentsatlnn . f •short lake o wilt thrash you. Never mind the loaded ' are now doing well. When I say 'ds,ed fiddler. I th `,, II EP Linn ON - FARM FOR voyage. Mr. Neeland. of the Keaforth Uwe. -Horace Greeley of destroying the reef 3 hint to he g• thought the foUsnriall as a ore means of destroyirnR ppuns, they never hurt any one; it is the well. f do not mean that (with w tunes of the old land might cheer kis ►,7 sal. e1, se,•s, se nerve eteered and wens 3r.. was "'nit the part7. tot It isn't the Sit of the mast promising empty ones that do all the mischief." 1 rolling in upon them while they sit with loth. On opening the chest I Wiwi the fenced. Hoick Conine" 33x19• save miler full � necessaryfor us to remark that he wasn't Pr)a"1 fou want • town to keep �- I their hands m their pockets, or 1.,11 spun riddle. and heeded it to my father Sia nI Mese. Ala/• arose rens thro town: -"if the let, no (sack land on One creek A este one oft • b3 $, scholars.He merely from thriving don't put up any more alanae sew•, the grans staring at the stars. I mean He took the vieliu from my hands, ��� a�ad orchard b��rrovnAs �o saes+bare � crosoo fee rei•sation, anal nslated tic- di than qnu tan conveniently • c- that all of them are better n than they and after tta+trutnng the strings, t••uching to R- T nAVIga. w. to Lake flh•rr t�wad L`al- tdir� 7 ropy yourself. If you should accidently taatvAu, would have been at the end of the mine the budge, sad appittl the et.uoduyl Borne Township. er to OAatsow Paocu DIM A local newspaper a tie warner wMetrltev an empty building shwa say one Friday. - New _. __ number of years, stuff atter the same' board, hie face illumined, u he elutes ' Puerto - "gems the intelligence and boletuses ew- shooed wan! Go tent it, ask throe times Saturday. -Tag Niowie IA- htrtr, had they sad- were_ _ - 9ousrluxo Ult'oeuat. - In Ashfield last week the unusual occurrence of three bailiffs seizing and attempting to sell mon sight to see a gang of young lads the same gond. at the one time was wit- p icing shooting with cheap revel - named Mellish, of Lucknow, seised vars. The spot of the evil is undoubt- under a chattel mortgage in favor of edl to a large extent the "toy pistol" Cameron & Campbell: Heean, of Ash- with which boys are flimiliarized almost field, seined under several executions; , as soon as they are able tan walk. Their and J. C. Currie, of Goderich, under al sale should be prohibited.-tilarais Ob- distresti warrant from the landlod. (server. There wa+ a Babel of v.ncus, and great i The late Frederick W. Gunn, princi- differences of opinion in the matter, but 1pal of a famous Connecticut school which the priority of the landlord's claim, and r he abed "The Gunnery," guarded the powerful lungs, sound logic and against the amis. of a free use ..f fire - ultimately triumphed. permit a boy to an an unloaded gun at Scotia to emigrate to the Prairie Pre- if th' feeddle tai ric t "Lake Superior is just like the Sul. For days one u out of sight of land, the wares are large, and the breams are ea onol as on the ooeaim. I expect to see the round trip of the greet lakes become very popular with tourists." The Principal thinks Goderich a de- lightful spot. He left for home yesterday. A WARM WEEK. The Mercury Danelag Around Slued. Since last Friday the heat has been unusually great fur Goderich. On Saturday the stores did not do their usual amount of business, as maty ladies felt unable to do their customary shopping. The evening coilgregstions were small- er than usual to the churchmen Sunday, and preacher and people suffered front the sultry atmosphere. At the Park the heat appeared W be as intense as it was up town. The very waters of the lake seemed to be toe easy to form a wave. It was very warm. On Monday the heat was unabated. On Tuesday the thervtometer ran over ninety, and the people asked "How long is this going to last f" Wednesday was as hot as any pre- vious day. The sun glared fiercely down from a cloudless sky, and at noon wdted manand beast, and the early vegetables in the grocery windows. The afternoon was the most remark- able, however. The sun grew as red es blood; the sky changed to a murky yellow, then W a dingy pee green, and finally turned to a bluish, leaden -grey tint. At three o clock a photograph could not be taken. A gentleman sat in vain for a picture, and so strange was the color of the tun -light that no shadow could be secured. The spotless white shirt front, when viewed through the in- strument, looked yellow --a color over which photography has no power On Thursday a sprinkling of rain canoe, but although there was leansun- shiae, the atnwsphsre was close and stif- ling all day. The air is filled with smoke from sur-, rounding bush Brea, and citizens report cinders of a light fleecy nature falling at times in town. The wells are going dry all about town. In fact it is sed that cem-tai* skinflints are selling waiter. • A tea at present would likely make a great sweep. The scarcity of water would almost lay the town at the mercy of the flames. If the drought continues, water will become so searoe and expensive that it will be a fashionable drink. It's splendid weather fon elditin, a resdeble paper ! THE AULD FIDDLE. Ialrodecing t$vWawllet• IoM MetIII. Township. Mr. James Dickson, Registrar, the "old num eloquent of Huron," at the Langevin banquet thus alluded to the early settlement of the Coenty�of Huron: It is now forty-eight years sfhce I first came to this country. I was then little more than s boy, fresh from Edinburgh University, and had come with my father to beer the trials and privation. of early pioneer life in the backwoods. illy mother and the ether members of oar family were in the old land, and an ocean and a wilderness lay between them and tis. Our worldly possessions, when • we reached the Huron tract, consisted of two che ts, which had been brought from Ramilt, in an ox cart. My father and l I croaseo :lie Maitland with one o#eet, and landed on its northern bank -the first settlers in McKillop. (Cheers.) after attending to the duties which de- n eviel e-nevie1 upon us for air immediate needs, we set down to ponder on the best course to pursue in our battle• with the mighty forest. After a while, my thoughts went frm our present sur- roundings to the dear ones at home in the old land, and possibly my father's thoughts drifted thitherward also, Finally he said to ane: roov. FARM FOR BALI. -BE1NG LOT n,e. 13. 1'o,born., about seven milesfMes (;annoy-, .-nw,priMnr M sone, w cleared. frame k -.us.•, sad s n.w tram. tarn Viola sad • cable ao4 •ober , tthnlilnas see es the erenesee A yn5 ntelerd. seal pas". res. nn the farm Th. farm Ass • r•sd oat ties• .ldr.s of it emir seem et tear ',Most arose lucent emir 1 MU. Roma a post nese. fi pari sew to Vn o. samn.oe. Shops esd not the std •d that pnw•rfnl auxiliary, every new workman. (1u ahr..vd for t paesengen and freight. . up the aoaatry. Had the (iurswnmsant . W hu) he had hnlshed the drat tuns n. row O. �rrr d• business in l ur&*usltsd •m the line, the lend w"uid like- + printe,rr ink, not only do thems•ivwr, (sows rather than sock to v. -Prop. t,►mnei,r•c, Anopia, y plajm .another, and yet aw.otlw, and as aailirPADM'ON.-$'rods. WITH bait the town and community to which , your midst Fail t•. advertise, or in any pesasnzrrs end freight. j 17 have hewn dtsl.omn "1 in :,I•.cks to the beautiful nreeeltes mese est tabs Sar, 1 R7 port (Mie• tor sale or to rent},, with i ser. they are, great inje tire. The people � other way t.1 sitpp.ert y,ssr newspwl.et.• I tiara err ansa e.olonirtaion rompo•ale. end no in a, er+wld not ►•Ip tlsamkia=, sad. Steckall{rerhanda•+fd. Wllla.uonv=, have come to understand that the m�•at e. that .e..• le ahrw1 maynot know Fnda - Prop.Jnee shins Kidd I greet measure the f43n.iseate will Aav• tel Father, • T tag Weil* • rot a4 terms. ha Ant nthew n+rMn. t a► r' 1 ace. Large saettona .1 lsawt will be dui y Vla. g „e. Per teeth particular* apel t•• R. T littoral advertisers are the hest Arms to whether trainees is tine nn in the,W sllacv rg, salt. rtifr' 4es1 ies ter a e tt.aa ye ever dial in HA rose sun tot amen et IA n.> Wwit half of do horsiness with, and of course act sae town nr nn• Wrap yourself up within %turd*, -Mehr Admiral, Sarnia, � word of t.. unaller a mpantw who will *.,,,tier,., Lot i nn the lard eon.. It. D Ash d. (r.00d (►►- , , , see to its fuller •ettlewtent. Frame Howe.sa s•tahle Ftftyacres ',corlingly Awell conducted paper does iyoursel with a cost ofimp.Pvi.•+uaHlsh• sal. Th. music was finished at tae my end well laced. Apply to ti•aanw more toward headily up a town than nese. There is n•e more eff et mat way o Sunday -Pro. Oatari••, Duluth; I After al1•:drnv to the pis sun of a father rehw.l.tisbed the instrument to r teen any .)cher agency, ernt the liminess man retard the growth of a town than actt..ns prep teagtr.aw t allele Cleveland. pas visit 1.. the N..rth wwat, whet. 01. t say hatt.Ip, to elate .cotee Mot" for mfw- - __ - 2_ -...-...who fkrtm year to year refuses t.� *.Iyer- � like thou wnnmerat.f, and there are l miners and freight. t tnatw.. laden with the 'rents if the , km eine in 0.e cheat, and 1 ossa than tine ies its eolesattee is Opt worth cf a ,Kole who bee pursuing the gime course • MondayPro ( wild lir,wara lila,( lotict acv •s eM what 1 ne•.er saw '.fume .r scare tears y people P g tebee' Warne, pas- I ' 44hat very large petron*ge. and we map nl,. I every day •J their lives. and to whom • owneers and freljht prwtrtss, ilr (irwnt sad that he knew of i trnckhnq down hu oh•w1 � s,TBsP>•t)PLi1Ave. servo, he doesn't get any m,,re than he is II the *hove remarks or.,esne••tf'tty ffer Thmuej.y --Peel. Quebec Duluth, `R0 m Plsrn►nt trip ►ban "'siring th• And thus v -ivilieetien istrdeee.t G•earlek.eet OIL ♦ttitleri to as a rule Exrhengw ed fpr their .rnsedamali»r-assenzwn u,•1 freight routed of the late* int NeKilMr terpeiuof the town in which it is pate +the vales of t. Demand a Shylock cline• light. Province. •'t8ie'a a'risbt, Jeaa)es, she s a richt " belled. If the rnTmmns are well Merl price fpr •vary slut of ground that (3nci Rundsy. - Prot.. t►nterie, flarais, The reporter havo►g tasMusw� its i Se them robbed the tes,n on tate how, with the •doe tmaeuiet• . f those engaged has given yon •rewsrtship over. Turn pa•eenefers and freight: prop- Saginaw fear'. of syndtete 0uoaopxtly. trb boder std drawiwg the latter acres the string.. in mercantile an•t other bis msec par- ; a cold sl ,crier t•. every mechanic and Valley, May Clty, srengen and freight; sold: ' struck up one of the grated l old Scotch stns. you may rest sase►ee that the I heftiness Min who seek* to make a home prop. Jcsephine Kidd, Wal:aoehurg, • (N course there are . Iola, Ertl wk► ail urn. The Brum o' the svwdelta >Cnowee.' town has a live claw of business wen. with yon Look at every new -comer • hoopsthe evils of a `(y n•Lcste I think n the which M had attest 71 751 fico Those who pretend W do hominess with • with a scowl. kin down the work of M,.nday. - Prop. Quebec, Duluth, bolt nn..le .4 nett* imatwdessely ^Penang • meteor sad the teams cs " Auld )gotta." tctto1'Iftt'tTD. •