HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-01-28, Page 3HOUSE oi MAX" FURNISHINGS — INTERIORS M. L. WATTS FUNERAL HOME PHONE: 887.6336 or 887-6585 BRUSSELS, ONT. 'eRAwFOR.b .and MILL CRAWFOk6, Q.C, A. It M. MILL, B.A., LLB, WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP QUALITY SERVIZ't CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Weekday Your Guarantee For Over 35 Years CEMETERY LETTERING Box 166 WINGHAM JOHN MALLICK WM. ADAMSON. Pigs Every Mon., Tues., 'Thurs. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT Dial 887-6357 PCV CLASS FS and F J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMOTRIST dEAFORTH, GOVENLOCH ST, 527-1240 Tuesday, Tnursday, t-riday, Thursday Evening. - CLINTON OFFICE, 10 ISSAC STREET Monday, and Wednesday 482-701u Either Office Fc- Appointment WINGHAM PHONE 35-3630 Jim Cardiff REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT FOR HOWICK FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INS. FIRE AUTO LIABILITY PHONE: OFFICE 887-6100 RES. 887616.': THURSDAY, :SAN, 28th, 1971 RAUER FARM AND GARDEN SERVICE REPAIRS TO ALL TYPES OF FARM MACHINERY AGENT FOR; SNOWMOBILES and ACCESSORIES Also REPAIRS. TO SNOWMOBILES GOLDEN WORDS WHAT IS A FRIEND? A friend is 0 person ,of great Understanding Who siifig ail Otir hopes and: our. schemes, A companion who listetist with in- finite patience To all our plans and our dreams,' A, A, true friend can make all cares melt away With the touch of a hand or a smile, Anci with calm reassurance make everything brighter. And life always seem more worth bile -- A friend shares so mattY MOments of. laughter At oVet the tiniest thing --- What wonderful hours of light- hearted gladness And pleasure this Sharing can bring. friend is a cherished and preciouS possession Who knows all our hopes and our feat% And s'oineoiie to treasure deep down hi oi.in hearts With a closeness that gl'o'ttis with the years. Your "Someday" home, can be yours now t Why go on planning for the future when it can he yours today? Get that dream home now — with the help of a Victoria and Grey Trust mortgage -- and pay for it as you live id it, Enjoy it today — at Victoria and Grey: GREY TIRWIT COMPANY 0.14Cle 1110611 LISTOWEL BRANCH 291-1450 bright BRUSSELS 887-6365 WALTON, ONTARIO SEAFORTH 527.0245 Bouquet Invitation Line Good taste needn't be expessive. Out beautiful Bouquet invitation line proves this with Ihe MOst exquisite papers. Typo faces and workmanship you could wish for! 11 iWitures Thermo-Engraving—rich ireksed Mitering—elegant es the finest craftsmanship pe lied*" 40 4$60 Cow tas our unusual silseikm as its two 9P40410_, lekv'M rNouiRn AT McGa.vin's Farm Equipment WE SPECIALIZE IN A COMPLETE LINE OF FARM EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE THE McK/LLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main • Street SEAFORTH Insures barliflAttl MOT, O.P.P; Qt/lk$TIONS' AND ANSWER§ QUESTION:, I want to get this question an- swered once and for all. Can I pass on a curve? ANSWER: Passing on. a curve can be dangerous but driving to the left fit. the centre of the roadway :und- er a rtairi !,:toilditions is prohibit- ed. 'Ph ei i Traf fie Act • "No iehicls; siiali f.)1t (Ohio en or operaied of the centre of the roatlwai de*giffned or one or more lines of traffic each direction (a) when Approach. the crest of a grade, or upon a curve in the roadway or within 1,00 feet of a bridge viaduct or tun- nel where the driver's view is ob- structed within such distance us to create a haard in the event , another, vehicle might approach er,oin .te opposite direction; or (b) when approaching Within 1,00 feet de iravOrsing any iiitOr, section M.. level raihvay crcyssing, except where: a left filth is to be made at the interectipti. if El behind me can see My, tail lights, do I require a tail light on lay box trailer? ANSWER: ies, you do require a tail light . on your trailer. The Highway, Traffic Act states. "When on a highway any time from' one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise and at any other time whefL due, to insufficient light or tinfavOurable atmospheric conditions, persons and vehicles on the highway are not clearly discernible at a distance of 500 feet or less, • every trailer and every' object or contrivance drawn by a vehicle shall carry on ,the rear thereof one lighted lamp, which shall display a red , light onlY". QUESTION: After 70 yearS . of age, does the. Department of Transport grant your a new driver's licence With- olit a test? ANSWER:, If you: mean by a new driver's lidence a 'licence that is renewed. it is possible that you could re- ceive a renewal Without being re- examined. Usually a licence is re- newed for 3 years from the expiry date :shown on such. licences, but if the person is 78. it will only be renewed for 2 years from his 78th birthday and only one year if the person has reached his 70th birth- day when the licence Is to be re- newed. Remember driving is a Privilege, not a right and our ;licence can be suspended or revoke ed at any time. BuSISELS, ONTARIO ,••••••,...••••••!..7.1. THE BRUSSELS POST ROY W. KENNEDY, Publisher Box 50, Brussels, Ontario. Publighed at Brussels, Ontaris.i. every Thursday Second Class Mail Registration Number 0562 1916ttiber of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assooiation Middy NeWipapers Association Brussel-Acres APp1es Orchart DIFFERENT GRADES AND VARIETIES SPY, MAC., CORTLAND, DELICIOUS 'OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK :GAINTS: James Keys, ER 1, E; laforth; LT, 3, Lane, RR 5, Seatorth; Wintiejt Clinton; George dotoo, tikubliw Donald 0, /31aton, AsAtnrth pint tislosp Lond000ro: egiwyn 1.1nkst', prilionit! 1141'011 4' Town Dwellings * All Classes of Farm Properyt Summer Cottages * Churches, Schools, Halls objects, etc.) is also available smoke, water damage, falling Extended coverage (wind I-Te Was trying to hold his Own against heavy odds — his Wife and her mother. At last. he burst out: "fi you two don't, stop nagging me, you'll arons the animal hi me!" A nasty, gleam shot into hill Wif(i'M °you rim tats rorgiedi °Mill OAF IlIftti tifftql. YOli Om`' *iii$11 8i iiiie.4.1 c