HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-01-28, Page 1ISM A Year in Advance -- ;3,50 TO U.S.A.
'1'H/31 Istt()SwiliA. •Ttsilliettel-)A.Y, JAN. eSth, 1971 POST Pings1S-EflAv 1401.70,
.r.17 • .
puff's United Cherish
Unit Meelenge.
Walton Unit.
The Waitsm -Quit, of the .1.1,0N,
held their etimearY meeting, Wed-
nesditY evening in the church
basleent with 16 members preS-
one ivlrs. W; Cl. Hackwell opened
the Meeting with the Call to
Worship. Hymn 403 was sung with
Mrs. WI C. Haekwell acting as
pianist for the hymns. This was
i7olloWed by the scriptere'reading
from Romans. Mrs. Howard. Hah
well led in prayer and Psalm 703
was read in unison. Mrs. W, C.
Red.tkWelI gave the meditation.
Mrs. Mac Sholdiee received the
offering which was dedicated by
Mrs. W. C. Rackwell. Hymn 405
was sung. Mrs. Gerald, Watson
gave the topic on "Human Being
Rumati", It was stressed the
portance of becoming as persons,
they emphasized that the real
point of our existence as we see it,
is the creating and those others
whom. we intluenmce in theirs;
we might reflect on the affir-
mation In ;Genesis I that Gott
brought. his creature prograsn to
itg climax With the making. of
persons. It Is a mistake however
to regard God's person-making as
completed in the dawn of cre-
ations. the words of the new
creed "God has created and is
Cresting" persons, We also parti-
einate In the creation of persons
lintti'hiteingerrelited i'm more 'Piny,.
ourselves and by building ottters
up in belpfal. ways until we all
attain inarth.00d to the measure of
the stature of the fullness of
Christ. It scarcely needs to he
added that the main spring We
need, ieSto be participants in the
creative work of love. When we
regard 3-nati as a. creator we are
thinking of us. as organizing and
utilizing. in creative ways what
hes been provided bY God. God re-
eteives praise for making it pee-
Ale when we speak of a garden-
err and his -garden but the garden
er crakes actual what is possible
and completes the creation of the
garden. Whether or not this
should be called creation you
must. judge. The meeting was
turned over to the President, Mrs:
ti\nierson 'Mitchell. who was in
charge of the business. Mrs, W. (7,
Fraol.Well -read the minutes of the
November and December meet,
Ings, 'The roll call was answered
with "Your New Year's Resolu
Hon". Mrs. James Clark and Mrs.
Ron. 'Bennett are the 1971 Copper
Contest leaders. Mrs. Mac Std-
(Bee gave the treaenyeres report.
Announcements for future events
were given out. The Pregbyterial
Annal meeting Is to held at. Mitdie
ell United Church on Wedne8d.ay,
Febrnary 17, The amend meeting
a.t the Walton church. on Monday
(contintied on inside page)
At a recent. meeting of the
B)'eseels Mertes and Grey Reeve-
atioe Association the following
committees were formed:
Chairman flax 01(itield
Secretary-Treasurer .Dare
New committeee were appointed
to deal with arena probleme;
Property and Caretaking
Jack. McDonald
Roy Williamson
Hank TenPa;i
Ice Machine
Don Bray, jack. McCutcheen
Don 'Martin
Dave Me(eutcheon
The annual meeting of the
Brussels Agricultural Society was
held in. Brussels United Church,
Friday evening, January 22nd. A
del-ft:ions banquet was served by
the ladies' group of the church.
President .Tan van 'Viet presid-
ed. Reports proved that Brussels
Fall Fair in 11)70 was a decided
success, Many people in this com-
munity still enjoy their fair and
wish to continue with this project.
The dates set for the l`.)7 t. Fall
Pair are Septerober•23rd and 24th.
David Bann was presented with,
the • Can 0.(1i211,. Bank et
Commerce award. for the highest
standing in Club work in. this
The Brussels Society will again.
sponsor the 4-H Calf Club in this
Bruce McCall., guest ,speaker,
spoke on the topic "Our Changing
Don Pullen informed the gath-
ering on courses being conducted
by the Department of Agricul-
ture, Clinton.
This year field CtO1) compe-
titions will he coudeeted in (a)
tiMsilage corn, (b) Grain corn. (e)
Barley-. (d) 2-way rnieed grain,
(e) away mixed grain, Also the
Commercial feature will be eon:
Officers and Directors for .1971
are ae follows:
President. Murray Hooter
1st Vice Pres. Harold Bolger
2nd Vice Pres. Gerald Smith
See'y Treas. Edwin. Martin
'Directors Lloyd Wheeler
Harry Coll, Laurie Black,
Emerson Mitchell, W, Hewitt,
Gramm Craig, Bob Higgins,
Peed Uhler, Hugh Pearson,
An executive, trying to impress
a client, flipped the intercom key'
and ordered his. Secretary: "Miss
Primrose. get My broker on the
Came the pert response',
"Which one. stock or pOWn?"
The January 1peeting of the
Brussels norticelturel Society
was held Monday January 18th at
8 tete, in the Brussels Library.
Mrs, \Vin. Miller presided snit
the teeetihg opened. with 0 Can-
ada. Thts, Koveraber Minutes were
read and approved. Correspoed-
once, annual treasurer's report,
and. roll wail followed. We spent
$544.15 on town improvemeute,
The Society maintains, the park,
Legion hods, menicieni beds.
library, Medical 'imilding, fair
gates, as Well as six flower boxes
and six small beds.
The secretary read a letter re.
Begonias, Geed and Dahlia, bias
and it was `decided to order beg-
onia, glad. and dahlia. blithe • if
desired. • Would members and
others, wishing these please, ttee-
tact secretary,
Mrs. G. Mitchell entertained
with toe tapping music on the
violin nceompairied by Mrs, W.
Kerr at the piano. Mrs. C. Hein-
ingwaY reed the news letter.
Mr. Fielding then installed the
officers for 1971, The nominating
committee's report was read and
on a motion from Mrs. Davis, sec-
onded by Mrs. L. eleCutcheou, it
W113 ac cepted.
:Past Pro e. Mrs. Wee _leliller
President Mrs. Wm. Campbell
1st Vice Mrs. C. Herniugweet
2nd Vice ........ .„ Mies L. Luca:;
3rd Vice Mr, A. 'Knight.
Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Cudesore
Asset Mrs. N. MeLarty
Directors for 2 Years:
Mrs. Doug ,,liachan, Mrs, :Jas.
Ma,ir, Mrs.. A. McCall. nee
Plain, 'Airs. Cleo, Wheeler'.
Directors; for 1 Year:
'Mrs. john ICehly, Mrs, N. MC-
'arty. 3ir1,.i. L. McCutelteon
Mrs. :P. Shaw. :MKS N. Skelton.
Auditors 'Mrs, Johe Speir
Mrs. Gee. Davis
Pianists rs. %Vali er Kerr,
Mrs. ffj. Cunningham
Mr. Fielding then showed slides
of flowers, scenes and English and
Scottish eountryside. These were
much enjoyed. Mrs. .Cod.more
thanked Mr. Fielding sad present-
ed a gift. The Queen closed the
meedeg. The door prize was won
by ells Vieldfne.
A delicious: lunch was served
Mrs. le, Mitchell, dirs. A. McCall
and Miss A. Lucas.
LOGAN -- John Logan in Wing:
ham and .Dietriet Hospital on
Monday, January 25th, 1971. in his
95th ;seer, Resting at the M. 1,
'Mitts Eteneeal Honie. Brnesels.
Funeral postponed due to storm,
until Friday. .Jenuary . 29th,- at
2 p.m. Ternporay entombment
1311ISSOth Burial Chapel. Rev, C. A.
McCarroll officiatine_
Maurice:Jenkins of. Goderich,
Zone aN Chairman, paid en
official visit to the :Bruseels Wow;
Club at tb(,:ir regular supper meet-
ing on Monday night,. He was ac-
companied by several members ut
the Goderich Limes Club,
Lion President Jim Armstrong
presided, arid welcomed the
A sing song was led by Lion
Tamer .Gerritt van Veen. with Miss
C. McWhirter at the piano, Lion
Tatil Twister Albert TEmPas
wielded ..the fine box with persis-
tent energy assisted by the Tail
Twisteteof the Codeeich Club.
Lion. Secretary Cecil .McFadden
called the roll arid read /ninnies
anti correspondence.
Mr, Jenkins in speaking con-
gratulated the Brussels Club on
their .25th anniverary this year.
He said the Goderich Club, one of
the oldest in Ontario, will cele-
brate their 59th. anneeeesary next
year, He complimented the local
club 'else. on the number of new
members and said that each
member gets omit of the club what
hi? himself puts into It. leach one
should get net and get new memb-
retie sped. her was thanked anti
presented with •tseift by District
Deputy .(Tovernur George. Multee
of Brussels.
. Lion Selwyn Belzer. fthairman
of the 25th Anniversary Charter
Members Conimites, reported or,
plans being matte for that
oceesion. Tile said there. 'will be a .
banquet held on Monday. March
29th. at the Royal Canadian Legion
Bali, Brussels, The guest speaker
for that eigibte will be Trite Coffin,
1st Vice President of. Lions Intei,
Mr. and Mrs, Orville :Harrison
aceompanied by Mr, and Mrs.
Allan McTaggart of riederich, telt
this week On a motor trip to
Fred Thnell. Whe had been a
patient: in Win gh m and District
returned home Times-
day of last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Min Tooth of
Toronto speet the weekend with
the latter's parents, Mr. and, Mrs,
Tedwirt Martin.
Among those from this corn-
menity enjoying a winter vacation
In Florida are Mr. and Mrs. R.
Cousins. Mr. and Mrs. George
MeCutcheon and Air. and Mrs.
Rosati "Knight.
Clifford Marks is still a patient
in Winehain and District Hospital
whore he underwent. surgery last
Ste and Mrs, Bruce McCall
moved this week from the lembro
reentnenity to their reeidenee
here, occur pled prey to y by Tom
Pleteh and family.
Our lovely, nouleratt,,
weather is no loeger anything but
4 Memory. As in the the reet of
western Ontario Old Mon Winter
blew up a wintery blast, on Tues-
day with gusting wines from 50 to
tai miles an hoer, and below
zero temperatures, The storm core'
tinued through Wednesday end
shows little' sign of abatement in
the earlier hours of this Thursday
Brueeels has been inote,
kite than minty of the sUir#,%110.11(
communities • in that there:',4'as
been no hydro power interuptiOnts
here, Parts of Grey Towestip- in-
cluding Ether and C.ranbrook were
without. power for several hours
011 Tuesday. Wroxeter and Gorrie
Turnberry Township, were hard-
er hit with power off from 12 to
20 hours. Some people were iso-
lated without power and a mirth-
bad costly food spoilage in freez-
ers, burst water pipes and other
problems arising out of the lack of
Roads were Meeker. or unsafe
for travel heeftese of nil visibility.
School buses were unable to oper-
ate and hundreds of pupils were
stranded and cured for in schools
ur billeted in private homes le
towns and eillagee. Country pupils
of Brussels Public School were
billeted in 1101)1E?ti in tho villfLge•
Motorists in the area were sirend
ed and were taken into pyi V.11 tO
lionics or soughs: ;1(!elMILICiatiOn cm-
rome when 7)tIcalfle iMpLIS-
Sfl 1)1 e
SnOwl3i0bil0 tipOrhtorii liaVO
most helpful throughout: the area.
giving assistanee to stranded
motorists, getting needed supplier:
to people linable to get. about. etc.
There has heen lin mail service
for the past two day e n (1 it 3F„
most 111115:01y ti11•1"-• will It any to-
dey, end schools will remain doe-
1.t will be ,some time before
things tire time& to normul. Reads
tht be cleared. people digging their
evey out through bege erifts that
have lieen swirled around tu iicl
ingp, and vehicles to be relaaaol
from 'their entrapment of snow.
Storey your "Post.' will peach
you so late but we haze Ito cen-
tre], ever the elements. No 0110 os-.
peas men to rise their lives to
deliver mail in conditions such
as those existing this week.
Due to the inclement westher.
nett a number of inquiree received
es- telephone. time to subseriles
the Brussels Post at per
year. and save r-;0e, has been
.4setelided to Saturday, lechrneey 6.