The Brussels Post, 1971-01-21, Page 6T11.17RSPAN, JAN.. not, 1971 IIRI10111141 POST, BRUSSIBI49, ONTARIO Ai, The Bouquet Invitation NOW TO BEAT A SKID If you're going tea fast when you skid, the car won't always respond to the wheel. When in doubt — slow down! If you start to skid, turn the bent wheels in the direction tyl the skid. Don't brake and don't fettelvoto, Rememboe skiddirtg et more opt to o ccur when the ?, glitire* 0,11 te* 0444 n 7r. r PRES)3YTERIAI- W.M,S,„ ANNUAL MEETING Maitland Presbyterial, of the IVoinen's Missionary Socioty oC the Presbyterial': Church in Gap- , redo, held its Animal meeting on titulary 12 Lb at Se Aetlreevs Churelt, Wingham, The morning session counnenced at 10 am. `,Chet President, Mrs. Alvin Mundell, presided, Mrs, Win. Ford, \\Ingham , WaS pianist. The Pre- sident opened the meeting with the Call to Worship and the in. yocatioe. Devotions were conduce ccl by the • Whitechurch group, The Scriptures were read by Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. The Meditation "A. mace called Heaven" was present- ed by Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. The devotional prayer was offered by 'Mrs. 'Wm. Rintoul, Winghem group president, Mrs Robt. Arm- strong, welcomed the visiting groups. Rev. Robert Armstrong 'brought greetings from the Bruce- Meitland Presbytery. Mrs. Gordon 'Whitton, St. Catharines, President. of Hamilton-London Synodical. addressed the meeting briefly. The recording secretary, Mrs. 'W. 1). Campbell, Molesworth, read the 1970 minutes and gave the. ROB Call. Presentation of score- lary reports continued until lunch flour. Mrs. Robert McAllister, Dun- gannon. announced the Biennial confereece would be held April e0-May 2, in St. Andrews, Wing- ham, sponsored by the Evening Groups: the iheme "A Whole Me." Immediately- following lunch in the Fellowship Hall, a Playet en- titled "Choose to get the Word around" \ens presented by Mrs. Robt, McAllister, Mrs. john Lean, Ripley. Mrs. Robe Bregman, and Mrs. Gordon Wall, Langside, The afternoon program com- menced with al . song session directed by Mrs. Lorne Sparks, south Kinloss. Devotions were conducted by :Killen -lel/4-1e 'Evening Group. Mrs. las Weir read from Proverbs, ch.3. The meditation "The New Calendar" was • given by Mrs. 'Bruce Ghrendyle, Mrs. jean Vegan led in pra -yer. Mrs, Itlwatt. McLean, Ashfield, present- lid the Treasurer's report, Coming events, announced by the presi- dent, were the -Synodical at •Sarnia April 1344, and the annual -May Presbyterial at Brussels. "Why a 11.1 43,4 wee the 'subject. of .12auel discussion led by Mrs, Gordon Whitton. Members partie- ipating wore Mrs. lre South KinloSs, Mrs.. Mergan Hend- erson, 'Lueltno.w, 3Irs. Robt, Campbell and Mrs .1, W, English, WingliaM, The offering was re, eeyed. Mrs. Wm, Smith, MOO- worth led iti tho .dedication pray, er Mrs. W.. D. Campbell Presented the :Nominating committee's re6 port, The Installation of 1911. officers. was conancted by Mre. G.. Whitten,. Courtesies were eXpres- sed by Mrs. Gerald Gibson, Bros- secs. The President addressed the meeting briefly.. Mrs. Harry Elliott Bluevale, led the closing prayer, The 1071 'Executive is as tol, loW$1 • Honorary President, Mrs,. Par, rish :11.offatt, Wingham Past. President, Mrs. George Sutherland, Ripley President, Airs. Alvin Mundell, Belmore 1st Vice-.President, Mrs. J. M. English, I ngh am z 2nd Vice- President, Mrs. Ber- nard Thomas, Bluevale 3rd \rive- President, Mrs. Mel Ritchie, Kincardine 4th Vice-President. Mrs, Doe Robertsen, Kinlough Treasurer. Mrs. Ewan McLeen„ A Fthfield Historian. Miss Iva Carr, :Den- gannon Ass't Historian, Mrs. Morgan Henderson, Lucknow Secretaries • Recording, Mrs, W. D. Camp- hell, .Listowel Corresponding, 1,161)t..• Arm- srong, \\Ingham Afternoon Groups," mrs, ClOrdon. Wall, Latigside • Evening Groups, Mrs. l'eobt.- Me- Allister. Dungannon • • Girls Groups, Mrs. ,CamersOn, McAuley. Ripley Children's Groups, Mrs. Rohe, Campbell, Wingham 1-Toine itelpers. Mrs. Frank Maulden, Kin:lough Friendship ie Service, Mrs. Mel. Ritchie, Kinca.rdiiie :Glad Tidings, Mrs. Angus Wil- son. Kincardine Press, Miss Leah Currie. Wing- ha tn Life Membership, Mrs. Burns Moffat, Blnevale 'Without Pertfolio Mrs', Rev, T. Meleinney, Tees Water; Mrs. Sam Robinson, Ger- rie; Mrs. "Wm. Beirnes, Moles'- worth! Mrs. Ed. Beard, Wing- ham. Auditors Mrs. Denglas Graham, Mrs. lefor- Aeudereon, Lucknow Nominating Committee. Ripley Afternoon;. South Kin'. loss; Wingliara E.vening; Tees- water; Mrs. 19,1-lenderscm, Execu- Live member, MORRIS TOWNSHIP' INAUGURAL mEETtsiG. The inaugural meeting of MorrisTowilship Council was held on January 11th, 1971, Rev,. Keith Stokps, eoneueteti short devotional period at the opening of the meeting. A vote of thanks tendered Rev. Stokes on motion of James Mail' and Ross Smith. The Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiafiao was administer- ed by the Clerk to Reeve William Elston and Councillors ,Tarries of Thos, Miller and Robe. Grasby, and Ross Smith. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Thos. Miller an Robt. Grasby, The following motions were. carried: '.. 'Moved by Ross Smith seconded by jas. Mair thatit. Robe Grasby' be Morris' representative on Mait- land Valley Conservation Author- ity, • Moved by Thos. Miller second- ad by Robt, Grasby that Jas Mair and Carl Gowing be Morris' repre- sentatives on the Brussels, Morris and Grey Recreation Committee. Moved by Thos. Miller, second- ed_ by Ross Smith that. Robert, Grasby be Morris Council's rep- resentative en Blyth Recreational. . • Committee. Moved by Jos, Mair seconded by Robt, Grasby that Ross SmitI.and. Stan .Hopper he recommended to represent Morris on Belgrave Arena Board. for 1971. • "-• Moved by Robt Grasby second- ed by Jas. Mttir that Wni. Elston and Thos. Miller he Morris Town- ship's representative on the 'Myth. Fire Area Board for 3,971. . • • Moved • by Thos. Miller second- ed by Robt. Grashy that... Ross Smith and Jas. J1 a it be •Motri$, Township's representative on the Winghani and. District Fire Area. Board. - Moved by• Sae. Mair secondete by Robt. (Trashy that Mel Craig be recommended to represent Morris on the 'Wingham and Dist- riot Hospital Board for 1.971. •• Moved by Robt. Grasby second- ed by Thos.. Miller that. Walter Shortreed be recommended as Morris" representative on Seaforth Community, Hospital Board. Moved by Ross. Smith seconded by Jas. Mair that Wm. Elston be Council representative and Stew- art Procter non-Council. member on an] and District Plan- ning Board for 1971, Moved by Ross Smith seconded by Robt. (ii'ashy that Thorne, Gunn, Tielliwell and Christenson he auditors for 1971. Moved by Robt Grasby second- ed by Jam Mair that Will. Elston look after the administration of. 'welfare for Morris for 1971 at at $2.00 per hour and le cents per mile. Moved by Thomas Miller sec- onded by :Robe Grasby that any printi»e tO ripens by the IfIlyth Moved by 711013, 'muter second- ed, by Ross Smith that Reeve and Council receive same riAniuner; ation in 1911 as in 100 IM*0y! MO. for Reeve and. $350, for each Councillor. Moved by 'Ross Smith seconded by Robe Grasby that convention expenses to gee convention be per day pies expenses. Moved by Thos. Miller seeped- ed by Jas. 'Muir that. By-law No. 4, 1971. allowing. Reeve and Treasur- er to borrow on the credit of the Municipality up to $125,000. from, the Canadian IImperial Bank of Commerce in Wingbam, be pas- sed. Moved by Robt. Grasby second-, ed by ins, Muir that membership he paid to the Ontario Good Roads Association. Moved by Rose Smith secended by Thos. Miller that a giant of $1.5.00 bp given to Canadian "Mon• tail Health AsSociatien, Moved by Jas. Mair seconded by Ross Smith that:, membership he paid to the Ontario Aseocintion of Rural Municipalities. Moved by Ross Smith seconded j'as. Mair that. Treasurer and Road Superintendent submit the necessary petition for balance of 1970 road subsidy, Authorization , was given for payment of the following ac, counts: Roads: .. $ 4;819.86 General 5,611.69 $10,431.55 ..,. Moved by Jam, Man- that meet- ing, adjourn to meet again Febie. nary 1 at 1 pan, J, Elston Reeve Helen D. Martin Clerk CONSERVATION OFFICERS ELECTED At the regular meetieg of the Illyth and District Conservation Club on Tuesday evening, January 5th new officers for 1971 were Moved by Jas Moir seconded elected, They are as follows; by Robt Grasby that Win. McArter President, George :Flamm, Sr., Road Superintendent, be paid at vice-President, Len TZooney; see- the rate of $2.50 per hour and retary, George Bane; treasurer $1e,00 per month for bookkeeping Gordon Jenkins, and 10 cents per Mile. ,— Myth Standard Good toste needn't be axpaegaa. Our beaufMul Bouquet Invitation tine proves this' with the roost exquisite papers, type faces and workmanship you could wish for! It features Thermo-Engraving—rich raised lettering—elegant as the finest craftsmanship ,.yet =Sts so Nettle! Coma 'me oi„ir unusual selection. re-`'t -••--t.e.,t ?t,ec tec'AD.48 tedfitriere ENQUIRE. AT .•••THE f$RVSSE1.04 ... P. ST • ltleved by Rohe Grasby set:ended lay Jas. Moir that By-law No, 1, 1.971 appointing effieials and set- itog wages be passed as given 1st, :hid and 3re readiegS, This By-loe of pointed the to lo\ving": Martin, $2100.; Treasurer, George Miehte, $760. Poundkeepers, Carl John- ston, Clarence. Doll, Ross 'Purvey, arVey Edgar, john Bowman, Stan. Hopper, Clarence Yuill, George Michie, Win,. McCuteheon, Sam Fear, Robe Bird, Wm, Craig, George Blake, John Nesbitt, Rae Ifuether. Livestock Valuators: Herbert Garniss, and Ken Taylor at $5.00 for first hour and $2.00. for each extra hone plus 10 cents per mile, Fenceviewers; $10. each north west: Harold Procter, Milo Case- more and ..Bert Hastings; North- east: 'Wilfred Warwick, Win. Pea- cock and James Bowman; South- east: Jas, Wilson, Bruce Smith. 'Bruce Richmond; Southeast: Ken- neth McDonald, James Smith, Clarence McCittcheon. Gradermen: James Casemore, $2.50 per hour; John Smith, e2.35 per hour; Labour wages: 52.00 per hour: Tile Drainage In- spector: George Michie, $5.00 the firSt„ hour and $2.00 for each ex tra hour plus' :10 cents' per mile; Trench Inspector: McArter, $5.00 for first hour and $2.00 for each extra. hour and 10 cent;; pet'• mile. Moved. by Jas. Mair seconded by Thos. Miller that fly-law Np. 2, 1.971 repealing By-law No. 3, 1970 be passed as given a Ise 2nd •anti 3rd readings subject to the approv- al of the District Municipal Engineer, . • ... Moved by' Ross Smith second- ed"be Thos. Miller that By-law 3, 1971 appointing Win. McAteer tie Road Superintendent be paseed as given 3rd reading Subject to the approval of the District Munici- pal Engineer.