HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-01-21, Page 4SIG sALg. AT PEGELOW SHOE AND HARNESS REPAIR 2 0 G/9 OFF ALL Snowmobile Boots and Insulated Boots JANUARY 15th To 29th, 1971 FOUND !— Pair lady's fleece lined brown gloves, on .Brussels main street on Tuesday. Owner may have sonie by applying at the Brussels Post and paying for this ad. PAINTING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR. SPRAY PAINTING Pacer Hanging Free Estimates. RICHARD GILL R.R.3 Walton 887-6596 'Brussels`'Polar 'baize" Snow Shoeing: Scott Wilson 1st Mark Davidson 2nd Rev. Keith Stokes 3rd Parade, SnOwmobile:• David Hastings 1st Maxine Watts 2nd John Cousins 3rd Floats./ Best Overall VlOat: James Armstrong 1st Gordon 'Workman 2nd Brussels Lions Club 3rd Best Group Effort: Joyce van Vliet and Family (Mama and 3, Bears) Best Commercial Float: Gerald ittlxel Clowns: Carla Knight 1st Brenda Knight;2nd Snowmobile Races Obstacle Course' Up to 12 Years: Paul Cockwell John Riehmond Julie. McCall — 1.6 Years: Brace Knight. Rick Somers Ken Dalton 16 Years: Donald Dalton Kelly Dalton Williaatt Emphy 18 Years and Over: Berwin Carter Calvin Matheson: Gordon Glazier Open Race *18 HP and Up Calvin Matheson , Harry Clements Harold Leddy Powder Puff Race: Debbie McCall Donna Bauer Gwen Bernard Five Lap Race 16 and Under: John. Wayne McDonald. Paul' Cookwell David Thomas Grand Prig, 5 Laps: Calvin Matheson Neil McDonald Moditle4 Class, o Laps: Harry Cleinents Cross CoantrY: Mervin and Donna Bauer Oldest Driver: Charles Thomaa' Reeves' Grudge Match: Reeve Charles Thomas Grey Twp, Reeve Jack M.cOutcheon Village of Brussela Curling Bonspiel 9 A.M. Draw 1st; Alvin Matheson, Atwood 3 wins WU. la. 2nd: 'Rob Geninioll, Kippen 2 wins plug 9 - Aggregate 23 3i.(1 Lloyd CaSertittee, Winghain 2 wins phiS. 0 - Aggregate 16 Murray Graham, ilienkton, Co/18(6th% pautsszis knit, Bitustiii.i, °wail "PaclliSbAY, JA kotp Ab71 NIN.I.,••••11.41/1170.1.140.1"•114•11.111.7. ViMUNIOnt".. FOR SALE, 1 Spirit Duplicator; 1 solid milt desk: 1 Captain's..Chair. Grey Central School, Ethel 837-6601 STANDING TIMBER, WANTED Highest cash prices for your tree* or logs: Free estimates, Craig's Sawmill 526-7220, Auburn. WANTED -- To buy a large baby crib and also baby's walker. For Sale, one toy collie, good with ehildren, and one gold and white pup. Phone Lena Elliott at 527-0588 after seven o'clock at night. NOTICE. TO CREDITORS In the estate of MARGARET MARY GRAINGER, deceased ALL Persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Mary 1Grainger, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the, 28th :day of December, 1970, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the Under- signed on or before the 1.2,th day of February. 1971, after Which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims or which the underSigned Shall then have notice. DATED at Brussels this 16th day of January, 1971. CRAWF01.0 & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors WANTED TO RENT — An apartment. in or around Brussels. Ralph Johnston 837-9335 LO ST — Fox Fur 1-Tocei Saturday night in vicinity of Brussels arena. Finder please call 887-0921 REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types. Complete Apliance repairs at. BURKE ELECTRIC Wiughana - 357-2450 4lectrical Contractors-Appliances - Motor Rewind, 24 hour emerged,• cy service. DRIVERS NEEDED Train now to drive semi truck, local and over the road. Dieso, gas; experience helpful but not necessary. 'Von can earn over 114:00 per hour after short. training. For application and interview, call 416,362-4002, or' write. Safety Dep., Transport Training Systems of Canada, Ltd., 2007 Queen's Quay West, Toronto AT, Ontario, Canada. EXTRA INCOME IN YOUR SPARE TIME Flexible hours, pleasant dignified work. Want a better home? New car? Colour television? New ward- robe? You name it and we will help you attain it. Free Details. No obligation. Apply to: Charlie. 22 Alfred Street, Wingham, t.,none 357-1383. KURON DEAD STOCK 'REMOVAL Clinton Due to the decrease in meat prices we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer efficient, courtesy, same day, service 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Phone Collect 482-9811 License No. 237-C-70 TOWNSHIP OF tricicit.t.,oP TENDER FOR % TON TRUCK Sealed Tenders clearly marked will be received by the unoer- gignea until .6 pau,, January 29, for Supplying the Township witli 1971 % tow truck, a 1964 Cher. % ton truck to be taken as trade- in, Specifications may be seen at the Road Supertendant or Clerk Trea- surer's offices at Winthrop. bowewst or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Kenneth W, Stewart, Road Supt. McKillop R. R. 5, Senforth, Oat, W ALTON LLCM.., UNIT MEETINGS 8th and. 16 Unit . The January meeting. of the 8th ana 16th Unit held ,at. the home, er 'Mrs. . Turnbull, BrusSela, on Wednesday after-. noon noon January 13th, Mrs, Ken MeDonald opened the meeting with the "Call to Worhip". A new hymn 378 "Women of God Arise" was sung and :Mrs. K. 'McDonald read the scripure from Psalm 46 followed by a poem entitled "Praise Him". The Topic Why A, C. W., taken from the Clip. .Sheet was given by Mrs. Alvin. McDonald, who also led in prayer. Another of the new hymns was sung. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secre- tary.. The Roll Call was 'answered. by 11 members and there were four visitors present. Mrs. K. McDenald closed the devotions with prayer. Mrs. Don McDonald. was in charge of the basiness portion. Announcements were Made for the' Presbyterial meet- ing to be held in Mitchell 'United Church, February 17th. The an- nual .Congregational meeting and Pot Huck .Supper to be held'Mon- day,. JannarY. 25 at 7. The Laity Service is set for the '2nd Sunday in February. followed by a pass around lunch. The Sth and 16th Unit are to tidy up after. Our Unit is to clean kitchen cup- boards, dishes, etc, -Wednesday,. afternoon, January 20th, at the church. It was decided to invite the MeKillop 'Unit to our Bake Sale, March 17th in the evening at the home of .Mrs. 'Ken McDonald. The regular collection was receiv- oil.. Come prepared for Copper Col- lection. .next. month, Grace was sung and lunch served by Mrs. Rae Houston, Mrs. Jan van \lief; Jr, and the hostess. 17th and Boundary Unit Mrs Clifford Ritchie was host- ess for the 17th and 'Boundary 1`.rill meeting last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ross Bennett was in charge of the devotions opening with reading the, scripture lesson front Mark 10 and Genesis 1. Mrs. Marlin P,aan gave the Topic. en "Creating—. The collection was rec..elved and dedicated by the leader. Hymn ;171 was sung with, Mrs. Harold Smalldoit at the piano. Minutes of the lest meet- ing were read by the secretary Mrs. ,f. lios, followed by 'the Roll Call with 13 ladies present Re- ports were given and announce- ments made. The February Meet- ing Will be held at the honie of. Mrs, AI, 'Man Wih Mrs. Hn.rveY ctaig Eicie .in charge, There was a quilt clone at this meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Bean and the hostess. Duff's Church Annual Meeting The congregaion of . Duff's United Church, 'Waion are urged to attend the annual meeting on Monday evening, January 25th, begining with a Pot Luck Supper at 7 p,m, Mrs Mae Sholdiee and Mre, Murray Smith will convene the Institute meeting on Wednesday evening, January 27th in the Wal- ton Community Hall. Each anernii. er is to bring a dish for the first course and the lunch convenors will supply the dessert for the Pot Luck Supper at, 7 p.m. A 'social evening will follow. CRANBROOK Rev. Charles A. Winn was hack in the pulpit for the regular ser- vice in Knox Church on. Sunday. Mr. Winn was confined to Vie-' toria Hospital. London, for two Weeks and has been recuperating at his home in Monkton. IZev. Samuel Kerr, Exeter, was supply ininiste.r since November. 'rile Annual. congregational Meeting was announced for Thursday; .Tanuary 28 in the &arch basethent, The, buSiness meeting will follow a pot-luck dinner at 12 'noon. Attending the Annual Preahy, terial meeting in, St. Andrew's Church, Stratford were Mrs. Wilfred Strickler, Mrs. John Perrie, Mrs. Stanley Fischer, Mrs. Gordon Engel a rid Mrs. Mac Engel. We 'welcome Mr. and Mrs. M. Becker to Cranhrook and are 'looking forward to the re-opening of our store. Donald Fischer is a patient in Stratford Hospital where he under- went eye surgery. Mrs. Wm. Ziegler and family moved from their farm in this community, to Goderteh last Thursday. , W. I. Hear Speaker On Pollution The January meeting of the, W, T. was held in the Community Centre. The meeting opened in the usual way with the president, Mrs. Jim Hart, presiding. She read a poem "After Christms". The roll call was "A farm haZard and how to OVercome it." Mr. ,McBride, who, ia a. frill-time work- er with headquarters at 'WroXeter, showed films and spoke 011"P01- lutiOn". Mrs. Bart thanked Mr'. Mr. Mcl3ride on behalf of thOSO present. Progressive euchre 'was played with high score going to Mr, and Mrs. Jack Conley and low to Mrs. GOldWin Knight and Donald Perri?, Lunch was served, 11 A.M. Draw Dotig Rathwell, Brussels 3 Wins plus 12 211d; Mac Inglis, Belinore 3 wins plus 1.11 3rd: D. Rann, Brussels 2' wins plus 7 Williard Aiken, Clinton, Consplatiou OtailwaimaktzilvoizeRadaamonagow,...atialkanotionetamostallatil ENTERTAINMENT AT SMILEY'S HAVEN QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS MIKE HODGERT and the TRI.TONES of Exeter FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT Menu: Barbacued Ribs and Kraut, SoLithern Fried 6hiikeni and Chips tecspatemmtmave,tasg-tweltglagtmelejtm-w4EMIVe.-tiMIC-IMenPRierIlECidliielti DEAD STOCK REMOVAL SERVICEF WANTED — DEAD AND DISABLED — CATTLE and HORSES TOP PRICES PAID SMALL ANIMAL PICKUP 24 HR. FAST EFFICIENT SERVICES BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Lic: 273-c-70-8 FREE OF CHARGE — OVER 150 LB. PHONE COLLECT 887.9334 BRUSSELS