HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-26, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL) FRIDAY AUGUST, 26, 1881. AN IMMENSE CLEARING oiiLE ! COLBO ---J .T O TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL & WINTER GOODS Q r CI.1►.1 IBLAELGPIIIVISIx IDIRMIRSt OCICIIDES .00-4111110-040-4. LIGHT PRINTS AT COST. PARASOLS AT COST. O A Lot of Tweeds at a Big Discount. White Cottons at Wholesale Prices ! OTHER GOODS NOT MENTIONED WILL BE SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES SALE TO CON°i'INIIE FOR 30 DAYS COMMENCINGTO-DAYI- - - TERMS CASH! Colborne Brothers, Goderich. DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, and 'every- •-0escription of Intert••r Finish. STAIRS, HANDRAILS, NEWELS and BALUSTERS A Specialty. Send for Price Lists. SHINGLES, L.\T11 A. LUMBER. Estimates n applica- tion. 7.1 -Address FRAN('IS SNIEETH, Goderic h Leeburn. Bush tires were troublesome last week, 1,:a are now pretty well under. \Ir. Henry Horton is enjoying himself a:uongst the lakes of Muskoka, visiting ; 1 Colborne friends there. • There is a rush for Titr. SIGNAL here every Heck, ;111(1a large number of new .uuseribot•s may lee expected this fall. Blnevttlt. . I;ONE:. Rev. N. Leech. who has beeri here for sows time past winding up his late brother's affairs, has gone to the other aide. BILLED ItY A FLASH. ---.1 horse belong. ing to Mr Robert AIcFarinue, of the 3rd concession, Morris, was on Thurs- day evening last, accidentally killed by lightning. THE CENsi v Fox ewer ATIos.. —The census enumerators for North Huron received their cheques last week. The total amount paid to the nineteen en- umerators and one commissioner was $1,833. The department was very care- ful in scrutinizing the accounts sent in. *rungs. The Caledonian gathering to be held here nn Thursday, Sept. 16, promises to be a great success. BAan BALL—The Clipper Baan Ball Club of Brussels will play the Stars of ty cup. FLAX. - Tho twelve large stacks at the flax mill give some idea of the amount ,f work to be done about; 500 tons have been received an far. The mill is work- ed day and night now on account of the pressure of work. The Cornet Band gave an open airCon- wert last Saturday evening, that was highly enjoyed by the inhabitants cif our take.. We are pleased to notice the rapid progress the band is making and feel assured that the 33rd battalion will riot be disappointed when they hear these. Sinuous At. r a"rr. - On Tuesday after- noon Mr. Jacob Tuck, son of James Tee& of the Cranbrnok Hotel, Cran- bareok, was engaged in catching a hone in a field when it commenced to kick, striking Yr. Tuck in the right temple wimpreriirsg the twain. He was at once tikes hams, and 1». Holmes immediate- , v sant fdr. Although the fracture is an -s<•asdingh dangerous •.n. •h. 1» hu -owns hopes 1 reMv.re . Doagoaaoa. 31ra. West has M present relatives from Saginaw as guests. '., Mrs. Lowrie accidentally cut her font severely on Saturday with an axe. Mr. Wm. Fowler, Wawanosh, has sold his farm of 100 acres to Mr. Charles Durnin for $5000. The new gate in front of Mr. Brown Mallough's residence improves the books of things immensely. Mr. Brunswick Pointer, late of this place, has sold his carriage works. in Kintail to Mr. P. Bayne. The correspondent to the tie,ainel de- sires that the girls should have a chance. Remember only last year was leap year. Mr. Alex Stewart left on Saturday for NIanitoba, where he intends remain- ing all winter. We wish him a pleasant and profitable residence in the l'eyt. Mrs. W. Stothera has just added another large load of beautiful new fur- niture to her already am de stock in her handsome ware -rooms. We are pleased to see the business in such a prosperous condition. Mr. W, McKay, son ..f D7. Mel►ay, of this t'1 ;gc, aueceeded inobtaining a Second B. Certificate at the July ex- aminations. He wrote at Cellingwood, the High School at which plsae he had peen attending. Not long since three of Air young men started • on a shooting expedition, but upon reaching the field of sport, one of them found to his dismay that his gun would not go off, consequently very much disheartened. he shouldered his useless weapon, and started for home, where he had no sooner arrived than he discovered that his ram rod was messing, so back he ;•sd to travel in search of the lost article. 1n the meantime the others not finding any gam, of note, poured forth their vengeance on two innocent squirrels, and with this "heavy game" they arrived home iMer in the day, weary and foot sore, but let as hope adequately satisfied with shooting as an amusement, for the present at least. ___Pnhlic schwa contained Imre laat Theredahe and I don't think the con • manic MINT* are sorry the vacation is over, for the boys are nbt only out of the way, bat also out of mischief *ten at taboo'. Every one knows it to be a melancholy fact, that juvenile mischief is at its premium from the 7th of July until the pith ..f Aarpist. In the Best week of their holidays, they generally open the first scene in the comedy, by hitching old and worm-eaten tin ware to the farther end of a vagrant canine, sad losing sight of the poor animal for dust as M Mss along the street to the music of his own yells of terror. The above is only one of the many tricks., which are the fruit of the summer hok- days. A writer on the education of youth, aMirms that the well laying sod carrying on of a design t . rob an or- chard, or other wild prank, in general - trains up a youth insensibly to caution, secrecy and circumspection, and fits hint for matters of greater importance. in short,a boy who forms paRtesand makes himself popular in a school or college, makes gt ret htuiness scan. or an .min •nt member of a cuminurtity over -run.. with artifice and oolruptrun. ' Any person going by one .f our stores here last Wednesday night. would hate beheld a direly time going on inside. The place literally swarmed with our.vil- lage youths, and all as busy as bees, re- moving the entire stock from the front shop into other parte of the building -- •I 11 uilding-- ilable 1.Ia e fro•:.. garret down to cellar. The proprietor. getting annoyed at pieces of plaster fali- ing down occasionally, concluded to hare the whole turn down and replaced by a wooden ceiling. Although th„ys w..rk- ed hard, it was somewhere between the late and early beforethey were done, viz: stock all removed, I I: ster and Laths torn down, and the whole shovelled out In the morning the store presented a very forlorn and forea!;rn a;•;.earance. and altogether had a very discouraging look. The active and industrious young member of ,the establis:km.mt thought so at any rate, fur There he stood in titer c:n• ty place, R"hence all but he hood Ited; Desperation written on his fa•e, Anger brewing in his heal, For the, goods, oh where wore they! j do ask him --If you dare' viinrtntr his arms he'll 1er.•ely any -Tumbled in coif+sioa everywhere." 30Qerich Towl;tshii. The Holmesville Railroad bridges are said to have coat $4000 each. Mrs. Gray, of Guelph, and formerly of this plsoe, is visiting her friends near Garfield, Mr. W: J. Armstrong, teacher in S. S. No. 10, has resigned his position and is going to touch in Varna. Mr. E. Katlic, of the 9th con. has given up farming. and intends .going in- to business. Mr. McMurray, of Clin- ton, from whom he bad the farm rented intends [ming back to it. A colt valued at $100, belonging to Mr. Robert Taylor, got scared, by a train ooming along and leaped over a fence into Mr. Robert ogee's field. fell into a well with 27 feet of water in it, and was drowned. Correct Mutrtxoj.—The Council met at Holmsville on Monday, Aug. 22.1, 1881, pursuant to adjournment. Mem- ben all present. Minutes of last meet- ing read and paved. Moved by John Beacom. seconded by J. Whitely, that two mills on the dollar be levied on all the real rateable and personal pro- perty in the township for county purpo- ses, also a further sem of one and a half mills on the dollar fur township purpo- ses, and that the amount required by the several school trustees be also levied and a by-law dratted for same --Carried. Clerk read a letter from trashes of S. R No. ti, refusing to rtteeire Meson. Cox and Edwards into their section. Moved by J. Cox, seooadsd by .1. Whitely, that *21 begranted to No. i volunteer com- lporter's Hill, being fifty cents for each' effective volunteer for returning arms and aceountrements into the armory—Carried. The above motion resulted from a personal application by Capt. McDonald, who takes a lively in- •t.r.sst in the soma Tetter front F K' Johnston, Esq., asking a weekly allow- ance for One John O'Grady, indigent. formerly of Goderich township, as the latter resides in Goderich the Council took no action in the [natter. Letter of shite from Messrs. Davidson & John- ston, barristers, was read relating to the 1 side line 3rd and 4th con. A long dis- cussion as usual ensued. Moved by J. Cox, seconded to J. Whitely, that Mr. Bay be instructed to go to the side road between 3rd and 4th con., opposite lots :Wand 31, and take all.the evidence he can get with regard to said side road. Moved in amendment by J. Beacom, s:.:onded by J. Peacock, that Mr. Bay and Mr. •1i'etherald, surveyors, be got • take evidence upon side line between :. is 30 and 31 between :th eon. and lake A..: Ire and to ascertain if the late sur- vey be c ,rtect the Reeve to he present n. se;• evidence taken. The Reeve de- el,re,l the amendment 'ctrrie•i. Moved by J. Cox, see .ruled by J. Whitely, that the a co+utts of Davidson & Johnston, letter of advi,:e, also Reeve going to Nt:•.,lerich tin i ,wnsl:ip business he paid F-; Win. Hart was paid *20 for gravel- ling on mill road near Goderich. The Council adtjourned to meet again on the first Mon.tay t:t Oct -her. —J. PArTl)Na Clerk. Blyth. i)1'I IAL Viol.. —F. Broughton, ,ter'sriil manager of the G. W. Railway i and Mr..Hobaon, chief engineer, paid our t own a Visit of Saturday, 13th inst.; and were stet n7Iriealar& Clegg, Kelly, Mchitinon. Han.iItom. Wilson and Thorn who urged the twceiwty of hav- ing more room in connectieff ,with the station grounds. It was finAlly dev:ded ti extend the switch 1100 fees to the south;, and to widen the grounds tAong the new switch 100 flet. There is to he an entrance on the west side of Emigh e hotel, two lots there having been pur- chased from P. Kelly for that object. The council agree to open Wellington street to the new switch. This will prove a great convenience to parties shipping wood, lumber, tan bark etc. The impmirementa that the Company prowill cost between five and six thousaniTdool t . - SHERIFF'S SALK OF LAND.. COt•NTT or Ht'aoi . 1 Hy virtue of a writ et So wry : I./Uri JwYon Issued onto( Her Majesty's Coitaty court d the roast, of Huron, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of WILLIAM KITC H i R sad 10011 RiT(' HI i . at the suit of JAMES °AN- HUI, I hare seised sad takes la Ratcstlos ell tete RWritt. Title, awl interest, sad Lenity of Redemption, of the shove named i),I.ndants. in. and to. tae north portion of lel snmtter three. enneesm oe eighteen, 1n the Township of Or.y. Is thet•.,unty of Heron. running pallet to concessions 17 sad 111 la raid Township of Obey, containing tnty two acres of land ; which wilands and Tenements i Hall other for Tro4wo ist of [mJ .Moo Insthe eeTII gni . th. FTF- T INTR Any of tit'TthRRR, nest. at the hear of it of the Mork noon. *OBERT GIBBONS SA Ood.rich. ►. divert, of rates. Intltfth. itM1. t UMW [pW oar ogrotowa. mu «t oldie tree Addres, A Urawel t re • 1'nt•tiand Maisie ExrrErTslv"E AUCTION SALE —OF - 1 -=VERY STOCK etc. I have received instructions from MR. STI)TTS to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, at his stables on South street, Goderich, on \VEDNESDAYS i1h SEPTEMBER, 1881, commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. his entire LIVERY STOCK consisting of the following property : 9 Horses, 1 Colt 2 years old, 1 Colt 1 year old, 1 spring Colt, 11 Buggies, top and open, 3 Carriages, 1 Omnibus, 1 Winter Bus, 2 Spring Waggons, 1 Lumber Waggon, 9 Cutters single and double, 1 Bob Sleigh, 1 Straw Cut; ter, 1 Plough, Buggy poles and Whiffietreee, Wolf and Buffalo Robes, Ladies and GIe11ts Saddles and Bridles, 2 dozen setts of single and double Harness, Sleigh Bells and other articles. T=RMS: All sums Qf $90 and under cash, over that amount time *III be given to the let of Feb. 1882, on fltrnishing approved joint totes. Sale potato's and without relefte, as Mr. Stotts is retiring from the livery business J. C. CURRIE, AUOTtO. ALL THE NEVIS FOK Ri CENT. TH] Torolllo Daily Iforkti rHs omi. r ONs-C SWr mo AN NO PIPs* IN CANODI. THREE DOLLARS A TEAR ! TWENTT•FITE CENTS ANONTN!! ONE CENT A COPT!!! 1.101111 WM alit fie awe M any Mbar Weir CA, *,tit 1111011* by e$ars..lag ter The Weqrrt& Asents and Csavasors wasted eveyw'1sre. !fend post -card for torso and SAXILR vorr FRtle WORLD PRINTING CO. , IMs Ne. t Rlse street .sot. Tsmarte DO1fNIOH BAKERY. W tear HT*say, - lfaaa Tian Net Orrice A LAROt A>ltw0RT1IEYT!t► t#Ialst sad mrwJ c w. peRiri qua ascend to owe. All kinds K g7t>aSB B isLrx.re - M esus vaulty. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS ! WhIab i rnarantes lIl viva Satisfaction SeU prsl.s b ne reeanateadatbn, hut try m r PLAIN AND FANCY BREAD, Whish i delirer daiIf to all parts of the te., and judge tar yd.befrea T. It KNIGHT June 111 iMI 'WNW tela the Pleat Lace