HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-01-21, Page 1,,•••i•ve ,
The inaugnral meeting was held.
on ...January 11.tli, 1911., gill inetnii ,
4)t's lieitih preeent,
The Oaths Offion Were taken
hi4oi.iLthe Cjierk, CliarlOs
ThoWa.§ ikiAkamij.ed. the tWo het
iil'01111.1*5 Roy Wiliihm-
son and Clifford Bray.
The following resolutions were
That the minutes or the last
meeting held December :tin, 1970,
be adopted as read.
'That the following Councillbra
he responsible to report on: ..-
,Planning Roy 'Milian-W: Prop.
orty, George 'Weseriberge ..1].1taitte
age. Donald Martin; • Potide
(Introit(' t3ray,
1.14.4w No,. ,ef .1„111.1 be
pailskid iutltotizinti' the
iieeve and Treasurer to borrow
$180,000. from .the Canadian. Im-
perial Bank of Commerce, Brus-
sels, Ontario. for the year 1971
Until the taxes are collected.
That. By-Law No. 2 of 1971 be
finally passed to authorize the
Reeve and Treasurer to borrow
8100,000. from the Canadian Im-
perial Bank of Commerce, Brus-
sels. Ontario, to defray the cost
of Municipal. Drainage.
That the Reeve and Treasurer
be authorized to apply for the
balance of the 1.970 Road Subsidy
from the Department of Highways
That the salary of the Reeve
be set. at $600.00 and. the Council-
lors' salary be set. at e500.00 an-
nually for the two-year term.
That the salary of the Clerk-
Treasurer, Tax Collector and
Welfare Officer he increased by
-$1,000. tor -the two-year term:
That By-Law No. ft of 1.971 be
finally • passed to pay Township.
- That .1134,a01. N. 4 of 11171 he
finally passed ..to appoint George
Wesenherg Trench Ine,neetoe' for
the .Township, of Grey. ,• •
That, Reeve Charles Thomas he
•••appointed 'representatives to the
:NIA fiend • Valley • Celts ervation
Authority for the years 1941 and
That the resignation of George.
PenrsOn. on the Mount Pleasant
Cemetery Board be accepted.
That. Clifford Dunbar and Alex
Pearson he appointed as members
of the Mount Pleasant Cemetery
Board for a three year term and
Cecil Ra.ynard be appointed as
member of the Mount Pleasant
Cemetery Roard for a. one year
terra to complete George Pear-
son's term.
That Clifford Bray and Roy
Williamson be appointed to the
Cranbrook Community Centre
That Done Id M ar n and 'Roy
Williamson be appointed to the
!Brussels, Morris and Grey Rec-
reational Committee for the years
'1971 and 1972.
That By-Law No. 5 or 1971 be
finally paseed to appoint: fence-
viewers and poundkkeepers to
serve in the Township of Grey as
Fenceviewers: Norman Hoover.
Ross Stephenson. Alex GuluNen,
Nelson SleightholM, Clifford
Dunbar end Murray Bray, Pound-
keepers: Norman Pfeifer, Either
Collis. Russell .Bradsltev, Scott
McLean and Alvin McDonald.
That the Clerk he instructed to
authoriKe Ontario Hydro to proce,
tho Iiiatfiltatimi of R ntlw
• VI Mitt 0100611iT :Capp' t 4.43K
tOgiViNioi kliigido
Attend Achievemen 'Day
The Brussels 4-1:1. Flomema.kiag
Glut) attended Achievement Day
Clintonin on Saturday with their
leaders, Mrs, Clarence. Bishop and
Mrs. Carl Hemingway.
The girls completing this dub
"Pocus on 'Pitiless", were Nancy
Adams, :Prances Blake, Janet
cnrdiff, Prances Exel, Karen Hem.
inetwey, Joyce! Ireland and. Dianne
Nancy Adams and Raren Hem-
ingway .demonstrated "First Aid
in the
Brussels Figure Skaters
Pass Dance Tests
The Listowel Figure Skating
Club played. host for "Dance
Tests" held in the arena. on Sun-
clay, January 17th,
The. Brussele Club participated
•in the prelitninaey dance set and
,1)e,4 reeultig •Wero in; follows;
04mised butch Waltz
McCatcheon, Dorothy Bonesetimhj:
ker, Janet Cardiff and Carol
Wh eel er. . • .
Passed Canasta Tango. •
Jean iitether, Tine. 'Wernham -•
Passed Swing Dance • •
• Wendy' Prior
Preparations are nuderway to
errange for the return -Visit to
Garden City with 001' Minor
Vokey teams. February 27 and
28' seein to tie a long time away
but it is necessary for Us to know
how many people are going ie
order for us to arrange accomm
(lotions far' them. We hi, ve
a. letter home with (ajta
which they are to return along
with the signature of a parent. if
you &wind here received one end
haven't. Yon should get in touch
with your coach right away
because theSe must be returned
by .lanuary 25.
We have placed an order toy
hockey jackets that will be here
in time for us '10 use 011 our trip
to our American neighbors.
Mikes '.-Farnr -Equipment or
Moorefield and i3russels took. top
honors at the annual jameswity
dealer meeting held in Preston
January 1.3th and 14t14 1971,
They were, presented, With a
certificate fOr having done "An
Outstanding job in the sale of silo
unloaders" and a pleene for being
top Jamesway dealer in Ontario,
Attending for Mikes Farm
Xnuipment were: Mike and Ralph
Havemen; Salesmen: Clayton
Gingerieh and Wayne Elision;
Service Maftager:• Jack Nelemans.
Brussels winter carnival "Polar
Dalx..e"', the first event of this kind'
to be h4-Tit here, came to arm find
on Sunday afternoon will
monster beef bartmene when ap-
proximately 700 were served. The
three days of fun drew a good
number of spectatore •as well as
i)artiCipailts to 111054 or the
An all day Curling BonsVel Fri,-
day was the first of the, sports
enjoyed. rriday evening after the
orowolog of the Queen, a Torch-
light Parade was IteTd on the main
street. The frigid weather cur-
tailed the partielpietioet,
Saturday was Minor Hockey Day
;Eit:;17:lefle:ri )tsd(;_!oirsf
at the arena. The most hilarious.
; ell a Alen IN:ve111.1i:13.;11:1111to'f:
their preearious vehicle. There
wee, many a spill, and many a
laugh enjoyed by the amused
speetaator. At one o'clock there
was all interesting parade, led by
the Legion Pipe Band, of Brussels,
of floats feanring everything from
a. train to a Cow as well as clowns,
horse", and riders etc. Saturday
also -was the day of the cros-
ceantry ski and snowshoe events.
In the evening a large crowd
danced in the arena to the music
of a German Polka Band.
Snaday afternoon, the snowmo-
bile events took place while the
hungry spectators and partici-
pants enjoyed the delicious beer
All those reponsible for this
successful new venture deserve
Credit for their efforts.
Linda Wilson Receives
"Pillar Queen" Crown
Thunder Mug
Trophy Winners: Wayne Lowe,
Ross McCall, Max Watts, double
entry tied. Tiine 40 see.
Women: Mai-y TenPos and
Joanne King. Time 61 sec.
Won cornplete dinner for two,
compliments Queen's Hotel.
Kiddies, Girls: Bonnie Richmond
and -loan litiether.
Murray' Wheeler and
Lauri e
Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'Harris and
John of London and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wilhelm and. Jeffrey of
Brantford, were weekend guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Max Watts.
George McCiitcheon of Brussels,
who has beeit a member of the
Midwestern, Regional Library
. System since March of 1967,
became Chairman of that Board
al, a meeting in Kitchener on Sat-
urday, January 16th.
TrzAwss — To Dr, eed Mrs.
l3rian Traviss, In St. .roseples
Hospital, Hamilton, On January
Atli, daughter, elltisntt
Pilfit Roof:, 0,4 'fi.irft 4I1I!i
•Snow Sculpturing
::(--Irge Mutter and `Bill Turn-
bull. Tied. for 1st,
Christmas Display
Honnenberg 1 st
Callender Nursing Home, 2nd
Pegolow Harness Shop. 1rd
nfeCuicheon Grocery; 4th
Hoerr es:
J. Conley, 1st
Freak. Thompsoe, 2nd
V. Hinton. I'ird
Geo. 'Wheeler,
Ross McCall, 5th
Cress Country Skit
Rev, DetWytt Tiocken 1st
Brian 'Work 2nd
Oldest Fri.3d 0144
Wpii(3(1, Agri IM
Friday night ..a concert was
held in. the, auditorium of the
public .'school, with • a capacity
crowd on hand tO witness the
choosing, and. ,Crowning of the
"Polar Daize" Qneeri.
- Miss Linda Wilson, daughter of
Mrs. Melia. Wilson.. of Brussels,
and a. Grade D. student at Wing-
ha m District High School won the
title and received her crown and
eibbon of office. sheaf of red roses.
and other gifts.
Fill! other young ladies, "Gail
'J'raviss, Stephanie 'Watts, 'Barbara
Muilwyk, Sharon Marks and
Nancy Knight vied for the honor.
The Queen was selected by
panel of three judges who based
their decision on talent, person-
ality and appearance. All the girls
received a gift.
Prior to the choosing of the
Queen the ehorne of Perth Central
School presented several delight-
ful numbers in mesterful. style.
Bruce McCall was the capable
Master ot. Ceremonies. Lion 'Ala's.
Watts, welcomed the audience.
LiOlt jag, Arneetrolig
tiP041 41,41'Iti C 1,400Yi.10
bit' Ili:6.D
The meeting On Aeeelutlene,
convened by Mrs. Earl Otia:
more and Mrs. Leona .Connaiy
was held in the Brussels Public
Library on Thursday, afternopn
.January leltb at 2 p.m. After wel-
Coining the members and guests.
the president, Mrs. Alberta Smith
conducted the usual opening .ex-
ereises •assisted by Mrs. Leona.
Armstrong who was taking the
the place of the secretary, Mrs,
Marie McCutcheon. A Get Well
card for .Mrs. Parrish, who is in
the hospital, was sigend by those
present. A letter announcing the
Spring .11•. Homemaking course on
"Separatee ror Suinmer" was read.
If a number or :;iris want • the
conrse, leaders will he sent to
Party at Huronvi.ew. Clinton on
training school. Our .institute
along with Craubrook have been.
asked to have the April- Birthday.
April :.1.1.st.
Cards of thanks from shut-ins
who yeceived boxes and cards, at
•Cheistinas Were read. Greeting
cards from Mrs.• de Vries' sister
Hollatid and our adopted. child
were DAssed ,•areund
A card •party will be held on.
Monday evening, February 1st,
at 8:15 in the'Pablie LibearY.
"eIrs. Cudmore • tuck eherge..of
the meeting. The roll call, "My
resolutions for 1971" •Was answer-
ed by thirty one members and,
guests. An article on ton rese-
lutions for the consumer to re.
Member when making Mirchaees
was read by 'Mrs. Cudinore,
Mrs Clark Matheson in her 'Us-
ual capable manner gave a splen-
did talk •on the motto "Ideals are
like stars — you. can never touch
them with your hands but like the
mariner, you take them as 'YOur
guide and following them, reach
your destination. She urged us to
set On labia and reach for it,
Mrs. Leona Connelly gave a
humorous reading "How to make
a wife angry with a. few words".
Miss Sylvia. Hoover and her
friend: Miss Ann Magwood, who
have recently returned from a trip
to Great Britain and Europe, took
us on an imaginary trip by the use
of slides and narration, to Bug-
land, Scotland, Belgium, Norway.
Germany. Italy. France, Spain,
and other EuropIetin Countries.
This was thoroughly enjoyed by
all and the girls were' thanked by
Mrs. Doug Hemingway:
The February meeting is ors
Citizenship and each member fe
requested. to bring some infer-
illation regarding their ancestors.
/41111011 was served by Mrs. do
.Vd(is; Mvs Nrrio, Mr16 t/q114
Mitfili1 0 0