The Brussels Post, 1971-01-14, Page 1le
$$,k) A rear ittt AdVatiee —.$3,50 TO 11.11A; THE BAU1319.11248 0111T, q.11.111i,SPAY, JAN, 14th, 1971
mrs; i-*es Sijortided
filoii to tWir nets izofii.e iii
ed-bY Mrs. 'George Dundas.
Steven eed John. leuether
as their guest Deye Schinn of
Garden City, 'elicit., who was at-
tending the hockey tournament
in BritEisele,
Any giel who ie 12 S'earsi-,ol.d. by
`larch 1st witching ter take the
Ppring 4,41 otoject "Separates for
Anninter" eft to let either Dire Of
4.10 1,400 litioN hOoe the &id
9MiiifirY;. ilici4aitigMfg,
Watson, Mrs. Allan Searle, .1-re,
Harold McCallum, Mrs. W,. C.
Leming and Mrs. Don McDonald,
Miss Nellie Bean returned to
Guelph University last week after
spending a few days with her
prrtents Ath and Mil. 'gririti %an.
UAW: 001,0epi MOOitiO •t! '
met for their- general eneeteng on
wednesday-, afternoon, January
Oth, with 19 ladies present. Mrs.
iIhninerson Mitchell opened the
devteteetto with the singing of a
few of the new hymns with Mrs.
earnPhell WeY at the 'piano. Mrs.
Mitchell read "The Oarth is the
Lord's" 'with tothttimiti4, Mrs.
Wateoll tend the seriptUtt)
ftiorn Matthew chapter 6, VerSeS
1=8 and 19's10 With ineditetione.
eee, ilerVeen iejeicken iiistailed the
leffiberit Of the tI.C.W. e`onir;
likg Year. Otie.
reading on Ste-Warship and 0 dig,
tieSetion folio:seed: The offering was
'received by Mrs. iC McDonald:
iVag given. by Mfg.
itch Are, .Nelson Eteid kPx,0
the tonic oft "Live, to•Vd Projec0i
e iteeielfigi hose hriporiabf, this worit
le le one InMeion work of the
teiiire IS caiitig Mid the
'''SteWaidshiP, Finance and Mis:
Sion 'Service tie to-gether, and if
th'e Mission Fund is to increase in
71 we should help those who are
Weak The account of our inision-
Mies loCations -Mid their Work
in different countries 01' Arriett,
leurope and Brazil were given by
Mrs. Walter Bewley, Mrs. Allan
McCall. Mrs. James Clark and
Mrs. W. C Hackwell ,Mrs. Reid
closing remarks were, this work
is important, all our work that
goes on. in. Canada. our churches
are doing so much. Live, Love can
be the whole chute:111s under-
taking, and the U.C.W. can have
their own project. Mrs;. WTTI. Roe
presided for the business, opening
wish a poem, "'Before you let the
Old Year Go", Mitiutes of the last
meeting were read by the record-
ing secretary, Mrs. Allan McCall.
also Thank you cards from Mrs.
-George Fox; Mrs. Torrance Dun-
des, Mrs. Gordon MeGaVin and
Miss Debbie Wey. Reports were
given by • each secretary for their
years . Work.. Mrs, W, 0, Ylnerk•
it)t the 'tiValtOn ttr.titi Fire
Atirktliqf .
tVard-on City 3
for Brussel*:
Ken Cousins' (3. goal)
M khaki Watson' (.2 'goals)
Darwin Mcentcheon
for Garden City;
Jim Kerr -
'Nee' Joeepie
Brad V(iriniliion
Beuseele 7 (larded City 1.
for •Brueeelti
Michael Watson (2)
Gaff MoWliiiiter
r t))
Kevin Peurreegtor
Een Cousins
for Garden City:
Don Loney
Oardcri City 6 Brussels 1
fel; Otiedeft 04:
,lames, fik4taidi PaVid
Kauineyer, Charles Gaff rl(3`
for Brusselsee, ee,
Bradley 'Knight
Garden City 6
for Garden City:
Charles Savino (2. goals), Jeff
Musser, Dale Cunningham, Andy
Worrell, John. Swarthout
IGetedeil OW, 0 M•ussois 0
ftir daRigti City;
Pill toKriiiff, Mike WiacA, Mike.
Kobieles Tom Ztoeceli, Dennie
aaidot d brasg6ls
for Garden Cityf•
leagreft, Mike Aef ittee,k (2
goalal; Mike letibiela. goats);
Dentiie McHugh
for 'Brussels:-
Reedy White (2 60ali)i Brien
le 6+
Brussels 6
Garden City 1.
for Brussels:
Blain McCutcheon, Roger Hum-
phries (4), 13111 Boneschansker,
for Garden City:
Geoege 'Karr
leressele 2 aardEiil City 1
for Brussels:
Lloyd Valiance. Peal Mutter
for Garden City:
Nike Dhnitroff
)-mussels i Garden City 1
for Brussels:
:David Thomate
for Garden City:
Carden City 8 :Brussels 2
for Garden City
;Dm Wisnitwski (3 goals), David
Susewitz, Paul Reed, Steve Orr,
Gary Cunningham, Ron Waecz-
for Brussels:
Philip Blake (2 goals), Chris;
It was reported that over 180
player and spectators from Garden.
City were in Beieseele feed com-
munity for this hockey tonrna•
TAfffitai pitrOM wero (IMO.
a 'f.rinp IVA kg! i4fAtityl
'ft5ti A- 0006 TIME
kleigki tio1 joi!i the
tisSels sfor flee On
1,eofic O1,`, F
Ostj.,,atnrilay died glii-i'da.;`°,
r n14 is. 'denture here,
epstes,ored. .by blew; Club,
Their eosinit deg for .tr0; various
events have spent a el0,i'i de'alote
terse and effort on plans to Maijel-
lt an exciting event for both
participants and spectators. re is
10 be hoped that. the residents of
the 1411age and the surrounding
eoinhitiiiitiee Will join to and show
our approval. fot' their efforts to
provide some winter fun and to
rive our support to their very
vellintopeable work, •
. elf: the things you will be
sorry,. j,f are the crowning
of the Quieeiie concert, ttheeeeteln
a dtince, Thunderg
mug? (a handy receptacle'
era under the bed before the era of
bathrooms). A team of two men,
one riding the thundermug,
mounted on runners, the other
providing the motive power. 'We
101' •tlie Reeves of 'Brussels and
eeeeTe eiefte eeertieipate. If you don't
tee iig this yltll,pYciyoka l-tickling
yon have do' ,r 4 /1 4.of
Don't forget the,•peiewe'...,i‘'oaey,
cross-country skiing ati'd go.**;
Shoeing, snowmobile race:s and 'a,
monster beef barbeque in, heated
Palace, Torchlight parade, bore;
spiel, See ads for details.
Me. and Mrg. tip Becker, form-
(Erly of the Roseville comorunity,
hove ourchaged the CanlefoOlt
geberal ;7:tom. They are busy
re-modelihg and decorating. and
hope to epee for business by
jaheare .
atid llrs. Becker have
Wilily of five adult children.
e Mete' Of the resident of the
ciranbrook area will be pleased to
hale the 'store reespened.
The pupils of Brussels •Publie
schooi were eager to return to
school on January 4th.
On :fritillary 13th students from
Grades 1 to 4 from our school will
get a needle for German measles.
from our School Nurse, Mrs.
Mee,. "`ay nonce wishee to remind
the senior grades of the Public
Speaking Contest January 28th.
Grades 5 and 6 Volleyball are as
Tollowsin let place is Paul Crow-
ing. Three teams are tied for 2nd
place, team 2, 'Bill King, team 3
Laurie Johnston and team 4,
Juainite Smith. 4th place is team
.5, Carol Raymond, In first nlac-e
for' Grade 7 and s Volleyball is
team 1. Paul Cloaky, In 2nd place
is team 4, Sandra Broorner. Tied
for .3rd place are team 2. Glenn
NteLean, team 3, Norma Smith.
team 5, Ken Hinton.
We have soul( new playgrOUnd
equipment for younger students,
Grades 5 • S will now have hot
soaps and 41111,fs for 10110 dmr•
ing winter,
Elf' 4itiket Na l4Pq!fat
There is still time to eifter the
Daize" Queen eompetititree
Regietratien. has been extended
Thursday night Register with
(WOW et letruseels or at the Brits-
sale Post,
Gifts t!o diet QUE4(Cli will include.
le: addition tb the crbeee ;end gash
isy office,, flowers,- Agri its
Mike's :Fariti - Equi.pmeitt,
and n iron ClArgei of...Brus-
She will ride in tile' Saturday
parade in a convertible, addeug
glamour to other activities.
The young ladies will be judged
on talent, 1ii1egii4nnlity. rind appear-
MOM* 'W.M.S. Society
Neir" Year Meeting
The Women's Theisiffrtry See,
iety of Melville Clinic:IV net for
their New Year ineeting .
church parlour on .1enuary Sth di:
;1;30 in the afternoon.
The President, MrR. Gibson,
conVenat MO, meeting opening
with it fAitcinli- followed by hyltin
VeiSetional part 777. In" diee
psalm 90 was read in tifitSOn and
Mrs. King gave the in'ofttatioiL
Mrs, Gibson led in prayer.
Martin gave the topic "Prayer,
the lightest Force in the World",
a most inepiripg and thought pro-
voking paper stressing the great-
est need end the greatest weapon
against, the prevailing evils of
our day,
Secretary .-and Teeassieeres re-
parts were given and a letter' was
read from Miss Margaret Kennedy
of the Bhil field, India, by Mrs.
Speir. A prayer list of our mission-
aries on :the Bhil Field in India
eine given to each member to he
Used in ,daily prayer for our mis-
sionaries there. There are lik`V en
this,sionariss in that Field,
The roll call \vas responded to
by the paying'of membership fees.
The offering was received sod
dedicated, 18. calls on the sick
were enumerated. The annual
meeting of Presbyterial was an-
nounced and arranged for, to be
held' at St, Andrews, Winghan)
January 12th. The meeting closed
i-with a missionary hymn sang to
the tune of "How Great Thou
Art.", The Miepah Benediction
closed the meeting.
SAVE 50c
i':0 what, many others have done.
take inlvantage of the opportunity
to subscribe now for the Post at
$2.50 a year, After January 31st
the price will be $3.(10 per yews
Names of subscribers who are
t1111 (ke Menthe O1%inote.! itt 61,,,Dm
(4,111 t116. Peg
.111htli V(1,-.4 firm iii, thti
The inaugural meetidg: wee beltV
he the. Municipal Office on' Jae,'
eeieeee lleie 1971, all members heinge
p re eeeete
The osieese Office were ea.kere
by the Creek after which the'
Reverend. Keltt stokes spoke to'
COilnen. He stressed the import••
once of ear resporothilities, not
only as Council inembsere- but as
citizens as well. Reeve McCutch-
eieti thanked. Rev. Stokes foe at-
teeteeltieg our meeting and also foie -
10 prayer; and advise. Reece.'
mceuteheon: welcomed the Connor?.
back foe another term of Office,..
with a special seelcoene to the new
:member of- Conneeil„ James Mc-
T a effAitet,
The felesswing neoeIone vcr-re, ear--
Iled Moved by H. J. TenVae, second-
ed by R. W. Kertseed-r that Ore
.3itflantes of the meeting of Dec-
geleik`e 15, 1970 he adoptee7a-e,reeefe . .
MoiveRf. by I. G. Campbe t. see-
°pried b),'- A. MeTaggart that
lay-Law No. .14 971 be introd deet?
and read a rirse end second titis'e.
and passed.
Tree being'-a-- uy Tait' Ety.pointirig'.
or confirming the appoifttment of •
in taro Officers to serve the
vilTEw of Brnseis. ;or the Tear
9.:‘71Tovo0 by' Ti'. 7. Tent-as, eeccetde..
ed by It. W..• Kennedy that Bye
Law -11)), 1,4971 lie' read. a •thin if
time and passed ..6.176 e Reeve'
Cleek be enthoefeed to - sign
and sealed with the Cieepeetet
ee •
• By-Law No, 1-1971
Berl-re' . Sy-Law appointing or
coufiirffift the appointment of
certain Officers to serve . the
Municiality sf jhu,s,sels. for the
year 1971.
Whereas it is expedient and neees.
sary that a By-Law be passed,
appointing or confirming the . the
appointmsint or certain Officers to
serve the. Municipality. of Brussels
for the year 1971.
New therefore the Municipal
Ceuncii of the Village of Brussels
enacts as follows se.e.
eVrn, TT. King ee appoiuted
Clerk-Treasurer and Tax "flolleet-
or of the 'Village of Brussels and
Manager and Secretary-Treasurer
of the Brussels Public
r.ommissiop at a salary of $65011.00
per annum with three weeks holi-
days, and with the benefits of
hoepitalieation, med-
dioal insurance 'on a (10% P.U.C.
and 404;, Village basis,
2. David Hastings be appointed
By-Law-Enforeement Officer. In-
spector of the Trench Excavation
Protection Act. Weed Inepeeter
and general Utility Man at a
salary of 1.90 per hour for 4.3
hours per week' pins time and
ccir ..overtime as requested.
3. A. M. .Tea.rper be appointed
Municipal Auditor.
e. Crawford and Mill be ap-
pointed Solicitors to conduct- legal
ar is e,
\1•o r k that from time to time Inas
e. R. B. Cousins be. appointed
repreeeni a tiee to the Winghain
tend 'District Hospital Board for
the year 1971, $5.00 car allowance
per month.
ti, George MeCutcheoe be ap-
pointed to the 'Maitland Valley
Comeervetion Authority for the
yrwiart! :7.912 1., 1072 mid uir3,
TfaiA MyWhiphir Appoftlti.
Brussels 0